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Java example source code file (java_props_md.c)

This example Java source code file (java_props_md.c) is included in the "Java Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you "Learn Java by Example" TM.

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Java - Java tags/keywords

getlocaleinfo, getsysteminfo, getusernamew, lcid, null, pgnsi, processor_architecture_amd64, propsize, server, setupi18nprops, ver_platform_win32_windows, wchar, windows

The java_props_md.c Java example source code

 * Copyright (c) 1998, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
 * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
 * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
 * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
 * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 * accompanied this code).
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
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 * questions.

/* Access APIs for Windows Vista and above */
#ifndef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0601

#include <windows.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <objidl.h>
#include <locale.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/timeb.h>
#include <tchar.h>

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <Wincon.h>

#include "locale_str.h"
#include "java_props.h"



static void SetupI18nProps(LCID lcid, char** language, char** script, char** country,
               char** variant, char** encoding);

#define PROPSIZE 9      // eight-letter + null terminator
#define SNAMESIZE 86    // max number of chars for LOCALE_SNAME is 85

static char *
getEncodingInternal(LCID lcid)
    char * ret = malloc(16);
    int codepage;

    if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid,
                      ret+2, 14) == 0) {
        codepage = 1252;
    } else {
        codepage = atoi(ret+2);

    switch (codepage) {
    case 0:
        strcpy(ret, "UTF-8");
    case 874:     /*  9:Thai     */
    case 932:     /* 10:Japanese */
    case 949:     /* 12:Korean Extended Wansung */
    case 950:     /* 13:Chinese (Taiwan, Hongkong, Macau) */
    case 1361:    /* 15:Korean Johab */
        ret[0] = 'M';
        ret[1] = 'S';
    case 936:
        strcpy(ret, "GBK");
    case 54936:
        strcpy(ret, "GB18030");
        ret[0] = 'C';
        ret[1] = 'p';

    //Traditional Chinese Windows should use MS950_HKSCS_XP as the
    //default encoding, if HKSCS patch has been installed.
    // "old" MS950 0xfa41 -> u+e001
    // "new" MS950 0xfa41 -> u+92db
    if (strcmp(ret, "MS950") == 0) {
        TCHAR  mbChar[2] = {(char)0xfa, (char)0x41};
        WCHAR  unicodeChar;
        MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, mbChar, 2, &unicodeChar, 1);
        if (unicodeChar == 0x92db) {
            strcpy(ret, "MS950_HKSCS_XP");
    } else {
        //SimpChinese Windows should use GB18030 as the default
        //encoding, if gb18030 patch has been installed (on windows
        //2000/XP, (1)Codepage 54936 will be available
        //(2)simsun18030.ttc will exist under system fonts dir )
        if (strcmp(ret, "GBK") == 0 && IsValidCodePage(54936)) {
            char systemPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
            char* gb18030Font = "\\FONTS\\SimSun18030.ttc";
            FILE *f = NULL;
            if (GetWindowsDirectory(systemPath, MAX_PATH + 1) != 0 &&
                strlen(systemPath) + strlen(gb18030Font) < MAX_PATH + 1) {
                strcat(systemPath, "\\FONTS\\SimSun18030.ttc");
                if ((f = fopen(systemPath, "r")) != NULL) {
                    strcpy(ret, "GB18030");

    return ret;

static char* getConsoleEncoding()
    char* buf = malloc(16);
    int cp = GetConsoleCP();
    if (cp >= 874 && cp <= 950)
        sprintf(buf, "ms%d", cp);
        sprintf(buf, "cp%d", cp);
    return buf;

// Exported entries for AWT
DllExport const char *
getEncodingFromLangID(LANGID langID)
    return getEncodingInternal(MAKELCID(langID, SORT_DEFAULT));

// Returns BCP47 Language Tag
DllExport const char *
getJavaIDFromLangID(LANGID langID)
    char * elems[5]; // lang, script, ctry, variant, encoding
    char * ret = malloc(SNAMESIZE);
    int index;

    SetupI18nProps(MAKELCID(langID, SORT_DEFAULT),
                   &(elems[0]), &(elems[1]), &(elems[2]), &(elems[3]), &(elems[4]));

    // there always is the "language" tag
    strcpy(ret, elems[0]);

    // append other elements, if any
    for (index = 1; index < 4; index++) {
        if ((elems[index])[0] != '\0') {
            strcat(ret, "-");
            strcat(ret, elems[index]);

    for (index = 0; index < 5; index++) {

    return ret;

 * Code to figure out the user's home directory using shell32.dll
     * Note that we don't free the memory allocated
     * by getHomeFromShell32.
    static WCHAR *u_path = NULL;
    if (u_path == NULL) {
        HRESULT hr;

         * SHELL32 DLL is delay load DLL and we can use the trick with
         * __try/__except block.
        __try {
             * For Windows Vista and later (or patched MS OS) we need to use
             * [SHGetKnownFolderPath] call to avoid MAX_PATH length limitation.
             * Shell32.dll (version 6.0.6000 or later)
            hr = SHGetKnownFolderPath(&FOLDERID_Profile, KF_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY, NULL, &u_path);
        } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) {
            /* Exception: no [SHGetKnownFolderPath] entry */
            hr = E_FAIL;

        if (FAILED(hr)) {
            WCHAR path[MAX_PATH+1];

            /* fallback solution for WinXP and Windows 2000 */
            if (FAILED(hr)) {
                /* we can't find the shell folder. */
                u_path = NULL;
            } else {
                /* Just to be sure about the path length until Windows Vista approach.
                 * [S_FALSE] could not be returned due to [CSIDL_FLAG_DONT_VERIFY] flag and UNICODE version.
                path[MAX_PATH] = 0;
                u_path = _wcsdup(path);
    return u_path;

static boolean
    return IsProcessorFeaturePresent(PF_MMX_INSTRUCTIONS_AVAILABLE);

static const char *
    SYSTEM_INFO info;
    switch (info.wProcessorArchitecture) {
    case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64: return "ia64";
    case PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: return "amd64";
        switch (info.wProcessorLevel) {
        case 6: return haveMMX()
            ? "pentium_pro+mmx pentium_pro pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86"
            : "pentium_pro pentium i486 i386 i86";
        case 5: return haveMMX()
            ? "pentium+mmx pentium i486 i386 i86"
            : "pentium i486 i386 i86";
        case 4: return "i486 i386 i86";
        case 3: return "i386 i86";
    return NULL;

static void
SetupI18nProps(LCID lcid, char** language, char** script, char** country,
               char** variant, char** encoding) {
    /* script */
    char tmp[SNAMESIZE];
    *script = malloc(PROPSIZE);
    if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid,
                      LOCALE_SNAME, tmp, SNAMESIZE) == 0 ||
        sscanf(tmp, "%*[a-z\\-]%1[A-Z]%[a-z]", *script, &((*script)[1])) == 0 ||
        strlen(*script) != 4) {
        (*script)[0] = '\0';

    /* country */
    *country = malloc(PROPSIZE);
    if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid,
                      LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME, *country, PROPSIZE) == 0 &&
                      LOCALE_SISO3166CTRYNAME2, *country, PROPSIZE) == 0) {
        (*country)[0] = '\0';

    /* language */
    *language = malloc(PROPSIZE);
    if (GetLocaleInfo(lcid,
                      LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME, *language, PROPSIZE) == 0 &&
                      LOCALE_SISO639LANGNAME2, *language, PROPSIZE) == 0) {
            /* defaults to en_US */
            strcpy(*language, "en");
            strcpy(*country, "US");

    /* variant */
    *variant = malloc(PROPSIZE);
    (*variant)[0] = '\0';

    /* handling for Norwegian */
    if (strcmp(*language, "nb") == 0) {
        strcpy(*language, "no");
        strcpy(*country , "NO");
    } else if (strcmp(*language, "nn") == 0) {
        strcpy(*language, "no");
        strcpy(*country , "NO");
        strcpy(*variant, "NY");

    /* encoding */
    *encoding = getEncodingInternal(lcid);

java_props_t *
GetJavaProperties(JNIEnv* env)
    static java_props_t sprops = {0};


    if (sprops.line_separator) {
        return &sprops;

    /* AWT properties */
    sprops.awt_toolkit = "";

    /* tmp dir */
        WCHAR tmpdir[MAX_PATH + 1];
        /* we might want to check that this succeed */
        GetTempPathW(MAX_PATH + 1, tmpdir);
        sprops.tmp_dir = _wcsdup(tmpdir);

    /* Printing properties */
    sprops.printerJob = "";

    /* Java2D properties */
    sprops.graphics_env = "sun.awt.Win32GraphicsEnvironment";

    {    /* This is used only for debugging of font problems. */
        WCHAR *path = _wgetenv(L"JAVA2D_FONTPATH");
        sprops.font_dir = (path != NULL) ? _wcsdup(path) : NULL;

    /* OS properties */
        char buf[100];
        SYSTEM_INFO si;
        PGNSI pGNSI;

        ver.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(ver);
        GetVersionEx((OSVERSIONINFO *) &ver);

        ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO));
        // Call GetNativeSystemInfo if supported or GetSystemInfo otherwise.
        pGNSI = (PGNSI) GetProcAddress(
        if(NULL != pGNSI)

         * From msdn page on OSVERSIONINFOEX, current as of this
         * writing, decoding of dwMajorVersion and dwMinorVersion.
         *  Operating system            dwMajorVersion  dwMinorVersion
         * ==================           ==============  ==============
         * Windows 95                   4               0
         * Windows 98                   4               10
         * Windows ME                   4               90
         * Windows 3.51                 3               51
         * Windows NT 4.0               4               0
         * Windows 2000                 5               0
         * Windows XP 32 bit            5               1
         * Windows Server 2003 family   5               2
         * Windows XP 64 bit            5               2
         *       where ((&ver.wServicePackMinor) + 2) = 1
         *       and  si.wProcessorArchitecture = 9
         * Windows Vista family         6               0  (VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
         * Windows Server 2008          6               0  (!VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
         * Windows 7                    6               1  (VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
         * Windows Server 2008 R2       6               1  (!VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
         * Windows 8                    6               2  (VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
         * Windows Server 2012          6               2  (!VER_NT_WORKSTATION)
         * This mapping will presumably be augmented as new Windows
         * versions are released.
        switch (ver.dwPlatformId) {
        case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32s:
            sprops.os_name = "Windows 3.1";
           if (ver.dwMajorVersion == 4) {
                switch (ver.dwMinorVersion) {
                case  0: sprops.os_name = "Windows 95";           break;
                case 10: sprops.os_name = "Windows 98";           break;
                case 90: sprops.os_name = "Windows Me";           break;
                default: sprops.os_name = "Windows 9X (unknown)"; break;
            } else {
                sprops.os_name = "Windows 9X (unknown)";
        case VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT:
            if (ver.dwMajorVersion <= 4) {
                sprops.os_name = "Windows NT";
            } else if (ver.dwMajorVersion == 5) {
                switch (ver.dwMinorVersion) {
                case  0: sprops.os_name = "Windows 2000";         break;
                case  1: sprops.os_name = "Windows XP";           break;
                case  2:
                    * From MSDN OSVERSIONINFOEX and SYSTEM_INFO documentation:
                    * "Because the version numbers for Windows Server 2003
                    * and Windows XP 6u4 bit are identical, you must also test
                    * whether the wProductType member is VER_NT_WORKSTATION.
                    * and si.wProcessorArchitecture is
                    * PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 (which is 9)
                    * If it is, the operating system is Windows XP 64 bit;
                    * otherwise, it is Windows Server 2003."
                    if(ver.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION &&
                       si.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64) {
                        sprops.os_name = "Windows XP"; /* 64 bit */
                    } else {
                        sprops.os_name = "Windows 2003";
                default: sprops.os_name = "Windows NT (unknown)"; break;
            } else if (ver.dwMajorVersion == 6) {
                 * See table in MSDN OSVERSIONINFOEX documentation.
                if (ver.wProductType == VER_NT_WORKSTATION) {
                    switch (ver.dwMinorVersion) {
                    case  0: sprops.os_name = "Windows Vista";        break;
                    case  1: sprops.os_name = "Windows 7";            break;
                    case  2: sprops.os_name = "Windows 8";            break;
                    case  3: sprops.os_name = "Windows 8.1";          break;
                    default: sprops.os_name = "Windows NT (unknown)";
                } else {
                    switch (ver.dwMinorVersion) {
                    case  0: sprops.os_name = "Windows Server 2008";    break;
                    case  1: sprops.os_name = "Windows Server 2008 R2"; break;
                    case  2: sprops.os_name = "Windows Server 2012";    break;
                    case  3: sprops.os_name = "Windows Server 2012 R2"; break;
                    default: sprops.os_name = "Windows NT (unknown)";
            } else {
                sprops.os_name = "Windows NT (unknown)";
            sprops.os_name = "Windows (unknown)";
        sprintf(buf, "%d.%d", ver.dwMajorVersion, ver.dwMinorVersion);
        sprops.os_version = _strdup(buf);
#if _M_IA64
        sprops.os_arch = "ia64";
#elif _M_AMD64
        sprops.os_arch = "amd64";
#elif _X86_
        sprops.os_arch = "x86";
        sprops.os_arch = "unknown";

        sprops.patch_level = _strdup(ver.szCSDVersion);

        sprops.desktop = "windows";

    /* Endianness of platform */
        unsigned int endianTest = 0xff000000;
        if (((char*)(&endianTest))[0] != 0) {
            sprops.cpu_endian = "big";
        } else {
            sprops.cpu_endian = "little";

    /* CPU ISA list */
    sprops.cpu_isalist = cpu_isalist();

     * User name
     * We try to avoid calling GetUserName as it turns out to
     * be surprisingly expensive on NT.  It pulls in an extra
     * 100 K of footprint.
        WCHAR *uname = _wgetenv(L"USERNAME");
        if (uname != NULL && wcslen(uname) > 0) {
            sprops.user_name = _wcsdup(uname);
        } else {
            DWORD buflen = 0;
            if (GetUserNameW(NULL, &buflen) == 0 &&
                GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER)
                uname = (WCHAR*)malloc(buflen * sizeof(WCHAR));
                if (uname != NULL && GetUserNameW(uname, &buflen) == 0) {
                    uname = NULL;
            } else {
                uname = NULL;
            sprops.user_name = (uname != NULL) ? uname : L"unknown";

     * Home directory
     * The normal result is that for a given user name XXX:
     *     On multi-user NT, user.home gets set to c:\winnt\profiles\XXX.
     *     On multi-user Win95, user.home gets set to c:\windows\profiles\XXX.
     *     On single-user Win95, user.home gets set to c:\windows.
        WCHAR *homep = getHomeFromShell32();
        if (homep == NULL) {
            homep = L"C:\\";
        sprops.user_home = homep;

     *  user.language
     *  user.script,, user.variant (if user's environment specifies them)
     *  file.encoding
     *  file.encoding.pkg
         * query the system for the current system default locale
         * (which is a Windows LCID value),
        LCID userDefaultLCID = GetUserDefaultLCID();
        LCID systemDefaultLCID = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
        LCID userDefaultUILang = GetUserDefaultUILanguage();

            char * display_encoding;
            HANDLE hStdOutErr;

            // Windows UI Language selection list only cares "language"
            // information of the UI Language. For example, the list
            // just lists "English" but it actually means "en_US", and
            // the user cannot select "en_GB" (if exists) in the list.
            // So, this hack is to use the user LCID region information
            // for the UI Language, if the "language" portion of those
            // two locales are the same.
            if (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(userDefaultLCID)) ==
                PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(userDefaultUILang))) {
                userDefaultUILang = userDefaultLCID;


            sprops.sun_jnu_encoding = getEncodingInternal(systemDefaultLCID);
            if (LANGIDFROMLCID(userDefaultLCID) == 0x0c04 && ver.dwMajorVersion == 6) {
                // MS claims "Vista has built-in support for HKSCS-2004.
                // All of the HKSCS-2004 characters have Unicode 4.1.
                // PUA code point assignments". But what it really means
                // is that the HKSCS-2004 is ONLY supported in Unicode.
                // Test indicates the MS950 in its zh_HK locale is a
                // "regular" MS950 which does not handle HKSCS-2004 at
                // all. Set encoding to MS950_HKSCS.
                sprops.encoding = "MS950_HKSCS";
                sprops.sun_jnu_encoding = "MS950_HKSCS";

            hStdOutErr = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
            if (hStdOutErr != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE &&
                GetFileType(hStdOutErr) == FILE_TYPE_CHAR) {
                sprops.sun_stdout_encoding = getConsoleEncoding();
            hStdOutErr = GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE);
            if (hStdOutErr != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE &&
                GetFileType(hStdOutErr) == FILE_TYPE_CHAR) {
                if (sprops.sun_stdout_encoding != NULL)
                    sprops.sun_stderr_encoding = sprops.sun_stdout_encoding;
                    sprops.sun_stderr_encoding = getConsoleEncoding();

    sprops.unicode_encoding = "UnicodeLittle";
    /* User TIMEZONE */
         * We defer setting up timezone until it's actually necessary.
         * Refer to TimeZone.getDefault(). However, the system
         * property is necessary to be able to be set by the command
         * line interface -D. Here temporarily set a null string to
         * timezone.
        sprops.timezone = "";

    /* Current directory */
        WCHAR buf[MAX_PATH];
        if (GetCurrentDirectoryW(sizeof(buf)/sizeof(WCHAR), buf) != 0)
            sprops.user_dir = _wcsdup(buf);

    sprops.file_separator = "\\";
    sprops.path_separator = ";";
    sprops.line_separator = "\r\n";

    return &sprops;

GetStringPlatform(JNIEnv *env, nchar* wcstr)
    return (*env)->NewString(env, wcstr, wcslen(wcstr));

Other Java examples (source code examples)

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