PicoContainer example source code file (CollectionComponentParameter.java)
The PicoContainer CollectionComponentParameter.java source code/***************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) PicoContainer Organization. All rights reserved. * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * The software in this package is published under the terms of the BSD * * style license a copy of which has been included with this distribution in * * the LICENSE.txt file. * * * * Original code by * *****************************************************************************/ package org.picocontainer.parameters; import org.picocontainer.ComponentAdapter; import org.picocontainer.Parameter; import org.picocontainer.ParameterName; import org.picocontainer.PicoContainer; import org.picocontainer.PicoCompositionException; import org.picocontainer.PicoVisitor; import java.io.Serializable; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; /** * A CollectionComponentParameter should be used to support inject an {@link Array}, a * {@link Collection}or {@link Map}of components automatically. The collection will contain * all components of a special type and additionally the type of the key may be specified. In * case of a map, the map's keys are the one of the component adapter. * * @author Aslak Hellesøy * @author Jörg Schaible */ public class CollectionComponentParameter implements Parameter, Serializable { /** Use <code>ARRAY as {@link Parameter}for an Array that must have elements. */ public static final CollectionComponentParameter ARRAY = new CollectionComponentParameter(); /** * Use <code>ARRAY_ALLOW_EMPTY as {@link Parameter}for an Array that may have no * elements. */ public static final CollectionComponentParameter ARRAY_ALLOW_EMPTY = new CollectionComponentParameter(true); private final boolean emptyCollection; private final Class componentKeyType; private final Class componentValueType; /** * Expect an {@link Array}of an appropriate type as parameter. At least one component of * the array's component type must exist. */ public CollectionComponentParameter() { this(false); } /** * Expect an {@link Array}of an appropriate type as parameter. * * @param emptyCollection <code>true if an empty array also is a valid dependency * resolution. */ public CollectionComponentParameter(boolean emptyCollection) { this(Void.TYPE, emptyCollection); } /** * Expect any of the collection types {@link Array},{@link Collection}or {@link Map}as * parameter. * * @param componentValueType the type of the components (ignored in case of an Array) * @param emptyCollection <code>true if an empty collection resolves the * dependency. */ public CollectionComponentParameter(Class componentValueType, boolean emptyCollection) { this(Object.class, componentValueType, emptyCollection); } /** * Expect any of the collection types {@link Array},{@link Collection}or {@link Map}as * parameter. * * @param componentKeyType the type of the component's key * @param componentValueType the type of the components (ignored in case of an Array) * @param emptyCollection <code>true if an empty collection resolves the * dependency. */ public CollectionComponentParameter(Class componentKeyType, Class componentValueType, boolean emptyCollection) { this.emptyCollection = emptyCollection; this.componentKeyType = componentKeyType; this.componentValueType = componentValueType; } /** * Resolve the parameter for the expected type. The method will return <code>null * If the expected type is not one of the collection types {@link Array}, * {@link Collection}or {@link Map}. An empty collection is only a valid resolution, if * the <code>emptyCollection flag was set. * * @param container {@inheritDoc} * @param adapter {@inheritDoc} * @param expectedType {@inheritDoc} * @param expectedParameterName {@inheritDoc} * * @return the instance of the collection type or <code>null * * @throws PicoCompositionException {@inheritDoc} */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) public Object resolveInstance(PicoContainer container, ComponentAdapter adapter, Class expectedType, ParameterName expectedParameterName) { // type check is done in isResolvable Object result = null; final Class collectionType = getCollectionType(expectedType); if (collectionType != null) { final Map<Object, ComponentAdapter>> adapterMap = getMatchingComponentAdapters(container, adapter, componentKeyType, getValueType(expectedType)); if (Array.class.isAssignableFrom(collectionType)) { result = getArrayInstance(container, expectedType, adapterMap); } else if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(collectionType)) { result = getMapInstance(container, expectedType, adapterMap); } else if (Collection.class.isAssignableFrom(collectionType)) { result = getCollectionInstance(container, (Class<? extends Collection>)expectedType, adapterMap); } else { throw new PicoCompositionException(expectedType.getName() + " is not a collective type"); } } return result; } /** * Check for a successful dependency resolution of the parameter for the expected type. The * dependency can only be satisfied if the expected type is one of the collection types * {@link Array},{@link Collection}or {@link Map}. An empty collection is only a valid * resolution, if the <code>emptyCollection flag was set. * * @param container {@inheritDoc} * @param adapter {@inheritDoc} * @param expectedType {@inheritDoc} * @param expectedParameterName {@inheritDoc} * * @return <code>true if matching components were found or an empty collective type * is allowed */ public boolean isResolvable(PicoContainer container, ComponentAdapter adapter, Class expectedType, ParameterName expectedParameterName) { final Class collectionType = getCollectionType(expectedType); final Class valueType = getValueType(expectedType); return collectionType != null && (emptyCollection || getMatchingComponentAdapters(container, adapter, componentKeyType, valueType).size() > 0); } /** * Verify a successful dependency resolution of the parameter for the expected type. The * method will only return if the expected type is one of the collection types {@link Array}, * {@link Collection}or {@link Map}. An empty collection is only a valid resolution, if * the <code>emptyCollection flag was set. * * @param container {@inheritDoc} * @param adapter {@inheritDoc} * @param expectedType {@inheritDoc} * @param expectedParameterName {@inheritDoc} * * @throws PicoCompositionException {@inheritDoc} */ public void verify(PicoContainer container, ComponentAdapter adapter, Class expectedType, ParameterName expectedParameterName) { final Class collectionType = getCollectionType(expectedType); if (collectionType != null) { final Class valueType = getValueType(expectedType); final Collection componentAdapters = getMatchingComponentAdapters(container, adapter, componentKeyType, valueType).values(); if (componentAdapters.isEmpty()) { if (!emptyCollection) { throw new PicoCompositionException(expectedType.getName() + " not resolvable, no components of type " + getValueType(expectedType).getName() + " available"); } } else { for (Object componentAdapter1 : componentAdapters) { final ComponentAdapter componentAdapter = (ComponentAdapter)componentAdapter1; componentAdapter.verify(container); } } } else { throw new PicoCompositionException(expectedType.getName() + " is not a collective type"); } } /** * Visit the current {@link Parameter}. * * @see org.picocontainer.Parameter#accept(org.picocontainer.PicoVisitor) */ public void accept(final PicoVisitor visitor) { visitor.visitParameter(this); } /** * Evaluate whether the given component adapter will be part of the collective type. * * @param adapter a <code>ComponentAdapter value * * @return <code>true if the adapter takes part */ protected boolean evaluate(final ComponentAdapter adapter) { return adapter != null; // use parameter, prevent compiler warning } /** * Collect the matching ComponentAdapter instances. * * @param container container to use for dependency resolution * @param adapter {@link ComponentAdapter} to exclude * @param keyType the compatible type of the key * @param valueType the compatible type of the addComponent * * @return a {@link Map} with the ComponentAdapter instances and their component keys as map key. */ @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked" }) protected Map<Object, ComponentAdapter>> getMatchingComponentAdapters(PicoContainer container, ComponentAdapter adapter, Class keyType, Class valueType) { final Map<Object, ComponentAdapter>> adapterMap = new LinkedHashMap Other PicoContainer examples (source code examples)Here is a short list of links related to this PicoContainer CollectionComponentParameter.java source code file: |
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