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Play Framework/Scala example source code file (WebSocket.scala)

This example Play Framework source code file (WebSocket.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Play Framework (and Scala) source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to Play Framework; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Play Framework tags/keywords

a, api, classtag, concurrent, enumerator, frameformatter, future, handlerprops, iteratee, lib, library, out, play, play framework, requestheader, websocket

The WebSocket.scala Play Framework example source code

 * Copyright (C) 2009-2013 Typesafe Inc. <>
package play.api.mvc

import play.api.libs.json._
import play.api.libs.iteratee._
import play.api.libs.concurrent._

import scala.concurrent.Future

import play.core.Execution.Implicits.internalContext
import{ Props, ActorRef }
import play.api.Application
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import play.core.actors.WebSocketActor._
import play.core.websocket.BasicFrameFormatter

 * A WebSocket handler.
 * @tparam In the type of messages coming in
 * @tparam Out the type of messages going out
 * @param f the socket messages generator
case class WebSocket[In, Out](f: RequestHeader => Future[Either[Result, (Enumerator[In], Iteratee[Out, Unit]) => Unit]])(implicit val inFormatter: WebSocket.FrameFormatter[In], val outFormatter: WebSocket.FrameFormatter[Out]) extends Handler {

  type FramesIn = In
  type FramesOut = Out

   * Returns itself, for better support in the routes file.
   * @return itself
  def apply() = this


 * Helper utilities to generate WebSocket results.
object WebSocket {

   * Typeclass to handle WebSocket frames format.
  trait FrameFormatter[A] {

     * Transform a FrameFormatter[A] to a FrameFormatter[B]
    def transform[B](fba: B => A, fab: A => B): FrameFormatter[B]


   * Defaults frame formatters.
  object FrameFormatter {

     * String WebSocket frames.
    implicit val stringFrame: FrameFormatter[String] = BasicFrameFormatter.textFrame

     * Array[Byte] WebSocket frames.
    implicit val byteArrayFrame: FrameFormatter[Array[Byte]] = BasicFrameFormatter.binaryFrame

     * Either String or Array[Byte] WebSocket frames.
    implicit val mixedFrame: FrameFormatter[Either[String, Array[Byte]]] = BasicFrameFormatter.mixedFrame

     * Json WebSocket frames.
    implicit val jsonFrame: FrameFormatter[JsValue] = stringFrame.transform(Json.stringify, Json.parse)

     * Json WebSocket frames, parsed into/formatted from objects of type A.
    def jsonFrame[A: Format]: FrameFormatter[A] = jsonFrame.transform[A](
      out => Json.toJson(out),
      in => Json.fromJson[A](in).fold(
        error => throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing JSON: " + error),
        a => a

   * Accepts a WebSocket using the given inbound/outbound channels.
  def using[A](f: RequestHeader => (Iteratee[A, _], Enumerator[A]))(implicit frameFormatter: FrameFormatter[A]): WebSocket[A, A] = {
    tryAccept[A](f.andThen(handler => Future.successful(Right(handler))))

   * Creates a WebSocket that will adapt the incoming stream and send it back out.
  def adapter[A](f: RequestHeader => Enumeratee[A, A])(implicit frameFormatter: FrameFormatter[A]): WebSocket[A, A] = {
    WebSocket[A, A](h => Future.successful(Right((in, out) => { in &> f(h) |>> out })))

   * Creates an action that will either reject the websocket with the given result, or will be handled by the given
   * inbound and outbound channels, asynchronously
  def tryAccept[A](f: RequestHeader => Future[Either[Result, (Iteratee[A, _], Enumerator[A])]])(implicit frameFormatter: FrameFormatter[A]): WebSocket[A, A] = {
    WebSocket[A, A](f.andThen( { resultOrSocket => {
        case (readIn, writeOut) => (e, i) => { e |>> readIn; writeOut |>> i }

   * A function that, given an actor to send upstream messages to, returns actor props to create an actor to handle
   * the WebSocket
  type HandlerProps = ActorRef => Props

   * Create a WebSocket that will pass messages to/from the actor created by the given props.
   * Given a request and an actor ref to send messages to, the function passed should return the props for an actor
   * to create to handle this WebSocket.
   * For example:
   * {{{
   *   def webSocket = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[JsValue, JsValue] { req => out =>
   *     MyWebSocketActor.props(out)
   *   }
   * }}}
  def acceptWithActor[In, Out](f: RequestHeader => HandlerProps)(implicit in: FrameFormatter[In],
    out: FrameFormatter[Out], app: Application, outMessageType: ClassTag[Out]): WebSocket[In, Out] = {
    tryAcceptWithActor { req =>
      Future.successful(Right((actorRef) => f(req)(actorRef)))

   * Create a WebSocket that will pass messages to/from the actor created by the given props asynchronously.
   * Given a request, this method should return a future of either:
   * - A result to reject the WebSocket with, or
   * - A function that will take the sending actor, and create the props that describe the actor to handle this
   * WebSocket
   * For example:
   * {{{
   *   def subscribe = WebSocket.acceptWithActor[JsValue, JsValue] { req =>
   *     val isAuthenticated: Future[Boolean] = authenticate(req)
   *     val {
   *       case false => Left(Forbidden)
   *       case true => Right(MyWebSocketActor.props)
   *     }
   *   }
   * }}}
  def tryAcceptWithActor[In, Out](f: RequestHeader => Future[Either[Result, HandlerProps]])(implicit in: FrameFormatter[In],
    out: FrameFormatter[Out], app: Application, outMessageType: ClassTag[Out]): WebSocket[In, Out] = {
    WebSocket[In, Out] { request =>
      f(request).map { resultOrProps => { props =>
          (enumerator, iteratee) =>
            WebSocketsExtension(Akka.system).actor !
              WebSocketsActor.Connect(, enumerator, iteratee, props)


Other Play Framework source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Play Framework WebSocket.scala source code file:

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