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Scala example source code file (Reifiers.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Reifiers.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, exprsplice, freetermdef, freetypedef, macro, nosymbol, position, reflection, reifiedtype, tree, type, unit

The Reifiers.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author Gilles Dubochet

package scala.reflect.macros
package contexts

trait Reifiers {
  self: Context =>

  val global: universe.type = universe
  import universe._
  import definitions._

  def reifyTree(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, tree: Tree): Tree = {
    assert(ExprClass != NoSymbol)
    val result = scala.reflect.reify.`package`.reifyTree(self.universe)(callsiteTyper, universe, mirror, tree)
    logFreeVars(enclosingPosition, result)

  def reifyType(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, tpe: Type, concrete: Boolean = false): Tree = {
    assert(TypeTagsClass != NoSymbol)
    val result = scala.reflect.reify.`package`.reifyType(self.universe)(callsiteTyper, universe, mirror, tpe, concrete)
    logFreeVars(enclosingPosition, result)

  def reifyRuntimeClass(tpe: Type, concrete: Boolean = true): Tree =
    scala.reflect.reify.`package`.reifyRuntimeClass(universe)(callsiteTyper, tpe, concrete = concrete)

  def reifyEnclosingRuntimeClass: Tree =

  def unreifyTree(tree: Tree): Tree = {
    assert(ExprSplice != NoSymbol)
    Select(tree, ExprSplice)

  // fixme: if I put utils here, then "global" from utils' early initialization syntax
  // and "global" that comes from here conflict with each other when incrementally compiling
  // the problem is that both are pickled with the same owner - trait Reifiers
  // and this upsets the compiler, so that oftentimes it throws assertion failures
  // Martin knows the details
  // object utils extends {
  //   val global: =
  //   val typer: global.analyzer.Typer = self.callsiteTyper
  // } with scala.reflect.reify.utils.Utils
  // import utils._

  private def logFreeVars(position: Position, reification: Tree): Unit = {
    object utils extends {
      val global: =
      val typer: global.analyzer.Typer = self.callsiteTyper
    } with scala.reflect.reify.utils.Utils
    import utils._

    def logFreeVars(symtab: SymbolTable): Unit =
      // logging free vars only when they are untyped prevents avalanches of duplicate messages
      symtab.syms map (sym => symtab.symDef(sym)) foreach {
        case FreeTermDef(_, _, binding, _, origin) if universe.settings.logFreeTerms && binding.tpe == null =>
          reporter.echo(position, "free term: %s %s".format(showRaw(binding), origin))
        case FreeTypeDef(_, _, binding, _, origin) if universe.settings.logFreeTypes && binding.tpe == null =>
          reporter.echo(position, "free type: %s %s".format(showRaw(binding), origin))
        case _ =>
          // do nothing

    if (universe.settings.logFreeTerms || universe.settings.logFreeTypes)
      reification match {
        case ReifiedTree(_, _, symtab, _, _, _, _) => logFreeVars(symtab)
        case ReifiedType(_, _, symtab, _, _, _) => logFreeVars(symtab)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Reifiers.scala source code file:

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