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Scala example source code file (Errors.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Errors.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

any, cannotreifyerroneousprefix, cannotreifyerroneousreifee, cannotreifyuntypedreifee, macro, noposition, reflection, reificationexception, reifier, reify, tree, type, unexpectedreificationexception

The Errors.scala Scala example source code

package scala.reflect.reify

import scala.reflect.macros.ReificationException
import scala.reflect.macros.UnexpectedReificationException

trait Errors {
  self: Reifier =>

  import global._

  def defaultErrorPosition = {
    val stack = currents collect { case t: Tree if t.pos != NoPosition => t.pos }
    stack.headOption getOrElse analyzer.enclosingMacroPosition

  // expected errors: these can happen if the user casually writes whatever.reify(...)
  // hence we don't crash here, but nicely report a typechecking error and bail out asap

  def CannotReifyType(tpe: Type) = {
    val msg = "implementation restriction: cannot reify type %s (%s)".format(tpe, tpe.kind)
    throw new ReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg)

  def CannotReifyCompoundTypeTreeWithNonEmptyBody(ctt: CompoundTypeTree) = {
    val msg = "implementation restriction: cannot reify refinement type trees with non-empty bodies"
    throw new ReificationException(ctt.pos, msg)

  def CannotReifyWeakType(details: Any) = {
    val msg = "cannot create a TypeTag" + details + ": use WeakTypeTag instead"
    throw new ReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg)

  def CannotConvertManifestToTagWithoutScalaReflect(tpe: Type, manifestInScope: Tree) = {
    val msg =
      sm"""to create a type tag here, it is necessary to interoperate with the manifest `$manifestInScope` in scope.
          |however manifest -> typetag conversion requires Scala reflection, which is not present on the classpath.
          |to proceed put scala-reflect.jar on your compilation classpath and recompile."""
    throw new ReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg)

  def CannotReifyRuntimeSplice(tree: Tree) = {
    val msg = """
      |the splice cannot be resolved statically, which means there is a cross-stage evaluation involved.
      |cross-stage evaluations need to be invoked explicitly, so we're showing you this error.
      |if you're sure this is not an oversight, add scala-compiler.jar to the classpath,
      |import `` and call `<your expr>.eval` instead.""".trim.stripMargin
    throw new ReificationException(tree.pos, msg)

  // unexpected errors: these can never happen under normal conditions unless there's a bug in the compiler (or in a compiler plugin or in a macro)
  // hence, we fail fast and loudly and don't care about being nice - in this situation noone will appreciate our quiet nicety

  def CannotReifyUntypedPrefix(prefix: Tree) = {
    val msg = "internal error: untyped prefixes are not supported, consider typechecking the prefix before passing it to the reifier"
    throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg)

  def CannotReifyUntypedReifee(reifee: Any) = {
    val msg = "internal error: untyped trees are not supported, consider typechecking the reifee before passing it to the reifier"
    throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg)

  def CannotReifyErroneousPrefix(prefix: Tree) = {
    val msg = "internal error: erroneous prefixes are not supported, make sure that your prefix has typechecked successfully before passing it to the reifier"
    throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg)

  def CannotReifyErroneousReifee(reifee: Any) = {
    val msg = "internal error: erroneous reifees are not supported, make sure that your reifee has typechecked successfully before passing it to the reifier"
    throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg)

  def CannotReifyInvalidLazyVal(tree: ValDef) = {
    val msg = "internal error: could not reconstruct original lazy val due to missing accessor"
    throw new UnexpectedReificationException(tree.pos, msg)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Errors.scala source code file:

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