Scala example source code file (Errors.scala)
The Errors.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.reflect.reify import scala.reflect.macros.ReificationException import scala.reflect.macros.UnexpectedReificationException trait Errors { self: Reifier => import global._ def defaultErrorPosition = { val stack = currents collect { case t: Tree if t.pos != NoPosition => t.pos } stack.headOption getOrElse analyzer.enclosingMacroPosition } // expected errors: these can happen if the user casually writes whatever.reify(...) // hence we don't crash here, but nicely report a typechecking error and bail out asap def CannotReifyType(tpe: Type) = { val msg = "implementation restriction: cannot reify type %s (%s)".format(tpe, tpe.kind) throw new ReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg) } def CannotReifyCompoundTypeTreeWithNonEmptyBody(ctt: CompoundTypeTree) = { val msg = "implementation restriction: cannot reify refinement type trees with non-empty bodies" throw new ReificationException(ctt.pos, msg) } def CannotReifyWeakType(details: Any) = { val msg = "cannot create a TypeTag" + details + ": use WeakTypeTag instead" throw new ReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg) } def CannotConvertManifestToTagWithoutScalaReflect(tpe: Type, manifestInScope: Tree) = { val msg = sm"""to create a type tag here, it is necessary to interoperate with the manifest `$manifestInScope` in scope. |however manifest -> typetag conversion requires Scala reflection, which is not present on the classpath. |to proceed put scala-reflect.jar on your compilation classpath and recompile.""" throw new ReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg) } def CannotReifyRuntimeSplice(tree: Tree) = { val msg = """ |the splice cannot be resolved statically, which means there is a cross-stage evaluation involved. |cross-stage evaluations need to be invoked explicitly, so we're showing you this error. |if you're sure this is not an oversight, add scala-compiler.jar to the classpath, |import `scala.tools.reflect.Eval` and call `<your expr>.eval` instead.""".trim.stripMargin throw new ReificationException(tree.pos, msg) } // unexpected errors: these can never happen under normal conditions unless there's a bug in the compiler (or in a compiler plugin or in a macro) // hence, we fail fast and loudly and don't care about being nice - in this situation noone will appreciate our quiet nicety def CannotReifyUntypedPrefix(prefix: Tree) = { val msg = "internal error: untyped prefixes are not supported, consider typechecking the prefix before passing it to the reifier" throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg) } def CannotReifyUntypedReifee(reifee: Any) = { val msg = "internal error: untyped trees are not supported, consider typechecking the reifee before passing it to the reifier" throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg) } def CannotReifyErroneousPrefix(prefix: Tree) = { val msg = "internal error: erroneous prefixes are not supported, make sure that your prefix has typechecked successfully before passing it to the reifier" throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg) } def CannotReifyErroneousReifee(reifee: Any) = { val msg = "internal error: erroneous reifees are not supported, make sure that your reifee has typechecked successfully before passing it to the reifier" throw new UnexpectedReificationException(defaultErrorPosition, msg) } def CannotReifyInvalidLazyVal(tree: ValDef) = { val msg = "internal error: could not reconstruct original lazy val due to missing accessor" throw new UnexpectedReificationException(tree.pos, msg) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Errors.scala source code file: |
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