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Scala example source code file (States.scala)

This example Scala source code file (States.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, cannotreifyweaktype, int, map, nil, reflection, reifier, reify, state, symbol, type, unit

The States.scala Scala example source code

package scala.reflect.reify

trait States {
  self: Reifier =>

  import global._

  /** Encapsulates reifier state
   *  When untangling reifier symbol tables from the reifier itself,
   *  I discovered that encoding of a symbol table (e.g. producing corresponding reificode)
   *  might cause subsequent reification (e.g. when filling in signatures and annotations for syms).
   *  This is a mess in the face of nested reifications, splices and inlining of thereof,
   *  so I made `SymbolTable` immutable, which brought a significant amount of sanity.
   *  However that wasn't enough. Sure, symbol table became immutable, but the reifier still needed
   *  to mutate its `symtab` field during reification. This caused nasty desyncs between the table being encoded
   *  and the table of the underlying reifier, so I decided to encapsulate the entire state here,
   *  so that encoding can backup the state before it starts and restore it after it completes.
  val state = new State

  // todo. rewrite the reifier so that we don't need mutable state anymore
  // to aid you with that I've already removed all the setters from the reifier
  // so all the places that involve mutations are forced to do that by explicitly mentioning `state`
  class State {
    var symtab = SymbolTable()
    var reifyTreeSymbols = false
    var reifyTreeTypes = false
    private var _reificationIsConcrete = true
    def reificationIsConcrete: Boolean = _reificationIsConcrete
    def reificationIsConcrete_=(value: Boolean): Unit = {
      _reificationIsConcrete = value
      if (!value && concrete) {
        current match {
          case tpe: Type => CannotReifyWeakType(s" having unresolved type parameter $tpe")
          case sym: Symbol => CannotReifyWeakType(s" referring to ${sym.kindString} ${sym.fullName} local to the reifee")
          case _ => CannotReifyWeakType("")
    var reifyStack = reifee :: Nil
    var localSymbols = Map[Symbol, Int]()

    def backup: State = {
      val backup = new State
      backup.symtab = this.symtab
      backup.reifyTreeSymbols = this.reifyTreeSymbols
      backup.reifyTreeTypes = this.reifyTreeTypes
      backup._reificationIsConcrete = this._reificationIsConcrete
      backup.reifyStack = this.reifyStack
      backup.localSymbols = this.localSymbols

    def restore(backup: State): Unit = {
      this.symtab = backup.symtab
      this.reifyTreeSymbols = backup.reifyTreeSymbols
      this.reifyTreeTypes = backup.reifyTreeTypes
      this._reificationIsConcrete = backup._reificationIsConcrete
      this.reifyStack = backup.reifyStack
      this.localSymbols = backup.localSymbols

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala States.scala source code file:

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