Scala example source code file (Taggers.scala)
The Taggers.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.reflect.reify import scala.reflect.macros.{ReificationException, UnexpectedReificationException, TypecheckException} import scala.reflect.macros.contexts.Context abstract class Taggers { val c: Context import c.universe._ import definitions._ private val runDefinitions = currentRun.runDefinitions import runDefinitions._ val coreTags = Map( ByteTpe -> nme.Byte, ShortTpe -> nme.Short, CharTpe -> nme.Char, IntTpe -> nme.Int, LongTpe -> nme.Long, FloatTpe -> nme.Float, DoubleTpe -> nme.Double, BooleanTpe -> nme.Boolean, UnitTpe -> nme.Unit, AnyTpe -> nme.Any, AnyValTpe -> nme.AnyVal, AnyRefTpe -> nme.AnyRef, ObjectTpe -> nme.Object, NothingTpe -> nme.Nothing, NullTpe -> nme.Null) def materializeClassTag(tpe: Type): Tree = { val tagModule = ClassTagModule materializeTag(EmptyTree, tpe, tagModule, { val erasure = c.reifyRuntimeClass(tpe, concrete = true) val factory = TypeApply(Select(Ident(tagModule), nme.apply), List(TypeTree(tpe))) Apply(factory, List(erasure)) }) } def materializeTypeTag(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, tpe: Type, concrete: Boolean): Tree = { val tagType = if (concrete) TypeTagClass else WeakTypeTagClass // what we need here is to compose a type Universe # TypeTag[$tpe] // to look for an implicit that conforms to this type // that's why neither appliedType(tagType, List(tpe)) aka TypeRef(TypeTagsClass.thisType, tagType, List(tpe)) // nor TypeRef(ApiUniverseClass.thisType, tagType, List(tpe)) won't fit here // scala> :type -v def foo: scala.reflect.api.Universe#TypeTag[Int] = ??? // NullaryMethodType(TypeRef(pre = TypeRef(TypeSymbol(Universe)), TypeSymbol(TypeTag), args = List($tpe)))) val unaffiliatedTagTpe = TypeRef(ApiUniverseClass.typeConstructor, tagType, List(tpe)) val unaffiliatedTag = c.inferImplicitValue(unaffiliatedTagTpe, silent = true, withMacrosDisabled = true) unaffiliatedTag match { case success if !success.isEmpty => Apply(Select(success, nme.in), List(mirror orElse mkDefaultMirrorRef(c.universe)(universe, c.callsiteTyper))) case _ => val tagModule = if (concrete) TypeTagModule else WeakTypeTagModule materializeTag(universe, tpe, tagModule, c.reifyType(universe, mirror, tpe, concrete = concrete)) } } private def materializeTag(prefix: Tree, tpe: Type, tagModule: Symbol, materializer: => Tree): Tree = { val result = tpe match { case coreTpe if coreTags contains coreTpe => val ref = if (tagModule.isTopLevel) Ident(tagModule) else Select(prefix, tagModule.name) Select(ref, coreTags(coreTpe)) case _ => translatingReificationErrors(materializer) } try c.typecheck(result) catch { case terr @ TypecheckException(pos, msg) => failTag(result, terr) } } def materializeExpr(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, expr: Tree): Tree = { val result = translatingReificationErrors(c.reifyTree(universe, mirror, expr)) try c.typecheck(result) catch { case terr @ TypecheckException(pos, msg) => failExpr(result, terr) } } private def translatingReificationErrors(materializer: => Tree): Tree = { try materializer catch { case ReificationException(pos, msg) => c.error(pos.asInstanceOf[c.Position], msg) // this cast is a very small price for the sanity of exception handling EmptyTree case UnexpectedReificationException(pos, err, cause) if cause != null => throw cause } } private def failTag(result: Tree, reason: Any): Nothing = { val Apply(TypeApply(fun, List(tpeTree)), _) = c.macroApplication val tpe = tpeTree.tpe val PolyType(_, MethodType(_, tagTpe)) = fun.tpe val tagModule = tagTpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol if (c.compilerSettings.contains("-Xlog-implicits")) c.echo(c.enclosingPosition, s"cannot materialize ${tagModule.name}[$tpe] as $result because:\n$reason") c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "No %s available for %s".format(tagModule.name, tpe)) } private def failExpr(result: Tree, reason: Any): Nothing = { val Apply(_, expr :: Nil) = c.macroApplication c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Cannot materialize $expr as $result because:\n$reason") } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Taggers.scala source code file: |
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