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Scala example source code file (Taggers.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Taggers.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

any, apply, floattpe, list, macro, nothing, objecttpe, reflection, reify, select, tree, type, typecheckexception

The Taggers.scala Scala example source code

package scala.reflect.reify

import scala.reflect.macros.{ReificationException, UnexpectedReificationException, TypecheckException}
import scala.reflect.macros.contexts.Context

abstract class Taggers {
  val c: Context

  import c.universe._
  import definitions._
  private val runDefinitions = currentRun.runDefinitions
  import runDefinitions._

  val coreTags = Map(
    ByteTpe -> nme.Byte,
    ShortTpe -> nme.Short,
    CharTpe -> nme.Char,
    IntTpe -> nme.Int,
    LongTpe -> nme.Long,
    FloatTpe -> nme.Float,
    DoubleTpe -> nme.Double,
    BooleanTpe -> nme.Boolean,
    UnitTpe -> nme.Unit,
    AnyTpe -> nme.Any,
    AnyValTpe -> nme.AnyVal,
    AnyRefTpe -> nme.AnyRef,
    ObjectTpe -> nme.Object,
    NothingTpe -> nme.Nothing,
    NullTpe -> nme.Null)

  def materializeClassTag(tpe: Type): Tree = {
    val tagModule = ClassTagModule
    materializeTag(EmptyTree, tpe, tagModule, {
      val erasure = c.reifyRuntimeClass(tpe, concrete = true)
      val factory = TypeApply(Select(Ident(tagModule), nme.apply), List(TypeTree(tpe)))
      Apply(factory, List(erasure))

  def materializeTypeTag(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, tpe: Type, concrete: Boolean): Tree = {
    val tagType = if (concrete) TypeTagClass else WeakTypeTagClass
    // what we need here is to compose a type Universe # TypeTag[$tpe]
    // to look for an implicit that conforms to this type
    // that's why neither appliedType(tagType, List(tpe)) aka TypeRef(TypeTagsClass.thisType, tagType, List(tpe))
    // nor TypeRef(ApiUniverseClass.thisType, tagType, List(tpe)) won't fit here
    // scala> :type -v def foo: scala.reflect.api.Universe#TypeTag[Int] = ???
    // NullaryMethodType(TypeRef(pre = TypeRef(TypeSymbol(Universe)), TypeSymbol(TypeTag), args = List($tpe))))
    val unaffiliatedTagTpe = TypeRef(ApiUniverseClass.typeConstructor, tagType, List(tpe))
    val unaffiliatedTag = c.inferImplicitValue(unaffiliatedTagTpe, silent = true, withMacrosDisabled = true)
    unaffiliatedTag match {
      case success if !success.isEmpty =>
        Apply(Select(success,, List(mirror orElse mkDefaultMirrorRef(c.universe)(universe, c.callsiteTyper)))
      case _ =>
        val tagModule = if (concrete) TypeTagModule else WeakTypeTagModule
        materializeTag(universe, tpe, tagModule, c.reifyType(universe, mirror, tpe, concrete = concrete))

  private def materializeTag(prefix: Tree, tpe: Type, tagModule: Symbol, materializer: => Tree): Tree = {
    val result =
      tpe match {
        case coreTpe if coreTags contains coreTpe =>
          val ref = if (tagModule.isTopLevel) Ident(tagModule) else Select(prefix,
          Select(ref, coreTags(coreTpe))
        case _ =>
    try c.typecheck(result)
    catch { case terr @ TypecheckException(pos, msg) => failTag(result, terr) }

  def materializeExpr(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, expr: Tree): Tree = {
    val result = translatingReificationErrors(c.reifyTree(universe, mirror, expr))
    try c.typecheck(result)
    catch { case terr @ TypecheckException(pos, msg) => failExpr(result, terr) }

  private def translatingReificationErrors(materializer: => Tree): Tree = {
    try materializer
    catch {
      case ReificationException(pos, msg) =>
        c.error(pos.asInstanceOf[c.Position], msg) // this cast is a very small price for the sanity of exception handling
      case UnexpectedReificationException(pos, err, cause) if cause != null =>
        throw cause

  private def failTag(result: Tree, reason: Any): Nothing = {
    val Apply(TypeApply(fun, List(tpeTree)), _) = c.macroApplication
    val tpe = tpeTree.tpe
    val PolyType(_, MethodType(_, tagTpe)) = fun.tpe
    val tagModule = tagTpe.typeSymbol.companionSymbol
    if (c.compilerSettings.contains("-Xlog-implicits"))
      c.echo(c.enclosingPosition, s"cannot materialize ${}[$tpe] as $result because:\n$reason")
    c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, "No %s available for %s".format(, tpe))

  private def failExpr(result: Tree, reason: Any): Nothing = {
    val Apply(_, expr :: Nil) = c.macroApplication
    c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, s"Cannot materialize $expr as $result because:\n$reason")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Taggers.scala source code file:

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