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Scala example source code file (package.scala)

This example Scala source code file (package.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, classdef, compiler, emptytree, global, javauniverseclass, list, macro, nil, nsc, reflection, reificationexception, reifier, select

The package.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package reflect

import scala.reflect.macros.ReificationException

package object reify {
  private def mkReifier(global1: Global)(typer: global1.analyzer.Typer, universe: global1.Tree, mirror: global1.Tree, reifee: Any, concrete: Boolean): Reifier { val global: global1.type } = {
    val typer1: typer.type = typer
    val universe1: universe.type = universe
    val mirror1: mirror.type = mirror
    val reifee1 = reifee
    val concrete1 = concrete

    new {
      val global: global1.type = global1
      val typer = typer1
      val universe = universe1
      val mirror = mirror1
      val reifee = reifee1
      val concrete = concrete1
    } with Reifier

  private[reify] def mkDefaultMirrorRef(global: Global)(universe: global.Tree, typer0: global.analyzer.Typer): global.Tree = {
    import global._
    import definitions.JavaUniverseClass

    val enclosingErasure = {
      val rClassTree = reifyEnclosingRuntimeClass(global)(typer0)
      // HACK around SI-6259
      // If we're in the constructor of an object or others don't have easy access to `this`, we have no good way to grab
      // the class of that object.  Instead, we construct an anonymous class and grab his class file, assuming
      // this is enough to get the correct class loadeer for the class we *want* a mirror for, the object itself.
      rClassTree orElse Apply(Select(gen.mkAnonymousNew(Nil), sn.GetClass), Nil)
    // JavaUniverse is defined in scala-reflect.jar, so we must be very careful in case someone reifies stuff having only scala-library.jar on the classpath
    val isJavaUniverse = JavaUniverseClass != NoSymbol && universe.tpe <:< JavaUniverseClass.toTypeConstructor
    if (isJavaUniverse && !enclosingErasure.isEmpty) Apply(Select(universe, nme.runtimeMirror), List(Select(enclosingErasure, sn.GetClassLoader)))
    else Select(universe, nme.rootMirror)

  def reifyTree(global: Global)(typer: global.analyzer.Typer, universe: global.Tree, mirror: global.Tree, tree: global.Tree): global.Tree =
    mkReifier(global)(typer, universe, mirror, tree, concrete = false).reification.asInstanceOf[global.Tree]

  def reifyType(global: Global)(typer: global.analyzer.Typer,universe: global.Tree, mirror: global.Tree, tpe: global.Type, concrete: Boolean = false): global.Tree =
    mkReifier(global)(typer, universe, mirror, tpe, concrete = concrete).reification.asInstanceOf[global.Tree]

  def reifyRuntimeClass(global: Global)(typer0: global.analyzer.Typer, tpe0: global.Type, concrete: Boolean = true): global.Tree = {
    import global._
    import definitions._
    import analyzer.enclosingMacroPosition

    // SI-7375
    val tpe = tpe0.dealiasWiden

    if (tpe.isSpliceable) {
      val classTagInScope = typer0.resolveClassTag(enclosingMacroPosition, tpe, allowMaterialization = false)
      if (!classTagInScope.isEmpty) return Select(classTagInScope, nme.runtimeClass)
      if (concrete) throw new ReificationException(enclosingMacroPosition, "tpe %s is an unresolved spliceable type".format(tpe))

    tpe.dealiasWiden match {
      case TypeRef(_, ArrayClass, componentTpe :: Nil) =>
        val componentErasure = reifyRuntimeClass(global)(typer0, componentTpe, concrete)
        gen.mkMethodCall(currentRun.runDefinitions.arrayClassMethod, List(componentErasure))
      case _ =>
        var erasure = tpe.erasure
        if (tpe.typeSymbol.isDerivedValueClass && < erasure = tpe
        gen.mkNullaryCall(currentRun.runDefinitions.Predef_classOf, List(erasure))

  // Note: If  current context is inside the constructor of an object or otherwise not inside
  // a class/object body, this will return an EmptyTree.
  def reifyEnclosingRuntimeClass(global: Global)(typer0: global.analyzer.Typer): global.Tree = {
    import global._
    def isThisInScope = typer0.context.enclosingContextChain exists (_.tree.isInstanceOf[ImplDef])
    if (isThisInScope) {
      val enclosingClasses = typer0.context.enclosingContextChain map (_.tree) collect { case classDef: ClassDef => classDef }
      val classInScope = enclosingClasses.headOption getOrElse EmptyTree
      def isUnsafeToUseThis = {
        val isInsideConstructorSuper = typer0.context.enclosingContextChain exists (_.inSelfSuperCall)
        // Note: It's ok to check for any object here, because if we were in an enclosing class, we'd already have returned its classOf
        val isInsideObject = typer0.context.enclosingContextChain map (_.tree) exists {	case _: ModuleDef => true; case _ => false }
        isInsideConstructorSuper && isInsideObject
      if (!classInScope.isEmpty) reifyRuntimeClass(global)(typer0, classInScope.symbol.toTypeConstructor, concrete = true)
      else if(!isUnsafeToUseThis) Select(This(tpnme.EMPTY), sn.GetClass)
      else EmptyTree
    } else EmptyTree

Other Scala source code examples

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