Scala example source code file (Reify.scala)
The Reify.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.reflect.reify package phases import scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime.isAnyVal import scala.reflect.reify.codegen._ trait Reify extends GenSymbols with GenTypes with GenNames with GenTrees with GenAnnotationInfos with GenPositions with GenUtils { self: Reifier => import global._ private object reifyStack { def currents: List[Any] = state.reifyStack def currents_=(value: List[Any]): Unit = state.reifyStack = value @inline final def push[T](reifee: Any)(body: => T): T = { currents ::= reifee try body finally currents = currents.tail } } def boundSymbolsInCallstack = flatCollect(reifyStack.currents) { case ExistentialType(quantified, _) => quantified case PolyType(typeParams, _) => typeParams } def current = reifyStack.currents.head def currents = reifyStack.currents /** * Reifies any supported value. * For internal use only, use `reified` instead. */ def reify(reifee: Any): Tree = reifyStack.push(reifee)(reifee match { // before adding some case here, in global scope, please, consider // whether it can be localized like reifyAnnotationInfo or reifyScope // this will help reification stay as sane as possible case sym: Symbol => reifySymRef(sym) case tpe: Type => reifyType(tpe) case name: Name => reifyName(name) case tree: Tree => reifyTree(tree) // disabled because this is a very special case that I plan to remove later // why do I dislike annotations? see comments to `reifyAnnotationInfo` // case ann: AnnotationInfo => reifyAnnotationInfo(ann) case pos: Position => reifyPosition(pos) case mods: global.Modifiers => reifyModifiers(mods) case xs: List[_] => reifyList(xs) case s: String => Literal(Constant(s)) case v if isAnyVal(v) => Literal(Constant(v)) case null => Literal(Constant(null)) case _ => throw new Error("reifee %s of type %s is not supported".format(reifee, reifee.getClass)) }) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Reify.scala source code file: |
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