Scala example source code file (Extractors.scala)
The Extractors.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.reflect.reify package utils trait Extractors { self: Utils => import global._ import definitions._ import Flag._ // Example of a reified tree for `reify(List(1, 2))`: // (also contains an example of a reified type as a third argument to the constructor of Expr) // { // val $u: scala.reflect.runtime.universe.type = scala.reflect.runtime.`package`.universe; // val $m: $u.Mirror = $u.runtimeMirror(Test.this.getClass().getClassLoader()); // $u.Expr[List[Int]]($m, { // final class $treecreator1 extends scala.reflect.api.TreeCreator { // def <init>(): $treecreator1 = { // $treecreator1.super.<init>(); // () // }; // def apply[U >: Nothing <: scala.reflect.api.Universe with Singleton]($m$untyped: scala.reflect.api.Mirror[U]): U#Tree = { // val $u: U = $m$untyped.universe; // val $m: $u.Mirror = $m$untyped.asInstanceOf[$u.Mirror]; // $u.Apply($u.Select($u.Select($u.build.This($m.staticPackage("scala.collection.immutable").moduleClass), $u.newTermName("List")), $u.newTermName("apply")), List($u.Literal($u.Constant(1)), $u.Literal($u.Constant(2)))) // } // }; // new $treecreator1() // })($u.TypeTag[List[Int]]($m, { // final class $typecreator1 extends scala.reflect.api.TypeCreator { // def <init>(): $typecreator1 = { // $typecreator1.super.<init>(); // () // }; // def apply[U >: Nothing <: scala.reflect.api.Universe with Singleton]($m$untyped: scala.reflect.api.Mirror[U]): U#Type = { // val $u: U = $m$untyped.universe; // val $m: $u.Mirror = $m$untyped.asInstanceOf[$u.Mirror]; // $u.TypeRef($u.ThisType($m.staticPackage("scala.collection.immutable").moduleClass), $m.staticClass("scala.collection.immutable.List"), List($m.staticClass("scala.Int").toTypeConstructor)) // } // }; // new $typecreator1() // })) // } private def mkCreator(flavor: TypeName, symtab: SymbolTable, rtree: Tree): Tree = { val tparamu = newTypeName("U") val (reifierBase, reifierName, reifierTpt, reifierUniverse) = flavor match { case tpnme.REIFY_TYPECREATOR_PREFIX => (TypeCreatorClass, nme.apply, SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(tparamu), tpnme.Type), ApiUniverseClass) case tpnme.REIFY_TREECREATOR_PREFIX => (TreeCreatorClass, nme.apply, SelectFromTypeTree(Ident(tparamu), tpnme.Tree), ApiUniverseClass) case _ => throw new Error(s"unexpected flavor $flavor") } val reifierBody = { def gc(symtab: SymbolTable): SymbolTable = { def loop(symtab: SymbolTable): SymbolTable = { def extractNames(tree: Tree) = tree.collect{ case ref: RefTree => ref.name }.toSet val usedNames = extractNames(rtree) ++ symtab.syms.flatMap(sym => extractNames(symtab.symDef(sym))) symtab filterAliases { case (_, name) => usedNames(name) } } var prev = symtab var next = loop(symtab) while (next.syms.length < prev.syms.length) { prev = next next = loop(prev) } next } val universeAlias = ValDef(NoMods, nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT, Ident(tparamu), Select(Ident(nme.MIRROR_UNTYPED), nme.universe)) val mirrorAlias = ValDef(NoMods, nme.MIRROR_SHORT, Select(Ident(nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT), tpnme.Mirror), TypeApply(Select(Ident(nme.MIRROR_UNTYPED), nme.asInstanceOf_), List(Select(Ident(nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT), tpnme.Mirror)))) val trimmedSymtab = if (hasReifier) gc(symtab) else symtab Block(universeAlias :: mirrorAlias :: trimmedSymtab.encode, rtree) } val tpec = ClassDef( Modifiers(FINAL), newTypeName(global.currentUnit.fresh.newName(flavor.toString)), List(), Template(List(Ident(reifierBase)), noSelfType, List( DefDef(NoMods, nme.CONSTRUCTOR, List(), List(List()), TypeTree(), Block(List(Apply(Select(Super(This(tpnme.EMPTY), tpnme.EMPTY), nme.CONSTRUCTOR), List())), Literal(Constant(())))), DefDef(NoMods, reifierName, List(TypeDef(Modifiers(PARAM), tparamu, List(), TypeBoundsTree(Ident(NothingClass), CompoundTypeTree(Template(List(Ident(reifierUniverse), Ident(SingletonClass)), noSelfType, List()))))), List(List(ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), nme.MIRROR_UNTYPED, AppliedTypeTree(Ident(MirrorClass), List(Ident(tparamu))), EmptyTree))), reifierTpt, reifierBody)))) Block(tpec, ApplyConstructor(Ident(tpec.name), List())) } private def mkWrapper(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, wrappee: Tree): Tree = { val universeAlias = ValDef(NoMods, nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT, SingletonTypeTree(universe), universe) val mirrorAlias = ValDef(NoMods, nme.MIRROR_SHORT, Select(Ident(nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT), tpnme.Mirror), mirror orElse mkDefaultMirrorRef(global)(universe, typer)) Block(List(universeAlias, mirrorAlias), wrappee) } // if we're reifying a MethodType, we can't use it as a type argument for TypeTag ctor // http://groups.google.com/group/scala-internals/browse_thread/thread/2d7bb85bfcdb2e2 private def mkTarg(tpe: Type): Tree = ( if ((tpe eq null) || !isUseableAsTypeArg(tpe)) TypeTree(AnyTpe) else TypeTree(tpe) ) object ReifiedTree { def apply(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, symtab: SymbolTable, rtree: Tree, tpe: Type, rtpe: Tree, concrete: Boolean): Tree = { val tagFactory = if (concrete) nme.TypeTag else nme.WeakTypeTag val tagCtor = TypeApply(Select(Select(Ident(nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT), tagFactory), nme.apply), List(mkTarg(tpe))) val exprCtor = TypeApply(Select(Select(Ident(nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT), nme.Expr), nme.apply), List(mkTarg(tpe))) val tagArgs = List(Ident(nme.MIRROR_SHORT), mkCreator(tpnme.REIFY_TYPECREATOR_PREFIX, symtab, rtpe)) val unwrapped = Apply(Apply(exprCtor, List(Ident(nme.MIRROR_SHORT), mkCreator(tpnme.REIFY_TREECREATOR_PREFIX, symtab, rtree))), List(Apply(tagCtor, tagArgs))) mkWrapper(universe, mirror, unwrapped) } def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree, SymbolTable, Tree, Type, Tree, Boolean)] = tree match { case Block( List(udef @ ValDef(_, _, _, universe), mdef @ ValDef(_, _, _, mirror)), Apply( Apply(TypeApply(_, List(ttpe @ TypeTree())), List(_, Block(List(ClassDef(_, _, _, Template(_, _, List(_, DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Block(_ :: _ :: symbolTable1, rtree)))))), _))), // todo. doesn't take into account optimizations such as $u.TypeTag.Int or the upcoming closure optimization List(Apply(TypeApply(tagFactory @ Select(_, _), _), List(_, Block(List(ClassDef(_, _, _, Template(_, _, List(_, DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Block(_ :: _ :: symbolTable2, rtpe)))))), _)))))) if udef.name == nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT && mdef.name == nme.MIRROR_SHORT => val tagFlavor = tagFactory match { case Select(Select(_, tagFlavor), _) => tagFlavor case Select(_, tagFlavor) => tagFlavor } Some((universe, mirror, SymbolTable(symbolTable1 ++ symbolTable2), rtree, ttpe.tpe, rtpe, tagFlavor == nme.TypeTag)) case _ => None } } object ReifiedType { def apply(universe: Tree, mirror: Tree, symtab: SymbolTable, tpe: Type, rtpe: Tree, concrete: Boolean) = { val tagFactory = if (concrete) nme.TypeTag else nme.WeakTypeTag val ctor = TypeApply(Select(Select(Ident(nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT), tagFactory), nme.apply), List(mkTarg(tpe))) val args = List(Ident(nme.MIRROR_SHORT), mkCreator(tpnme.REIFY_TYPECREATOR_PREFIX, symtab, rtpe)) val unwrapped = Apply(ctor, args) mkWrapper(universe, mirror, unwrapped) } def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, Tree, SymbolTable, Type, Tree, Boolean)] = tree match { case Block( List(udef @ ValDef(_, _, _, universe), mdef @ ValDef(_, _, _, mirror)), // todo. doesn't take into account optimizations such as $u.TypeTag.Int or the upcoming closure optimization Apply(TypeApply(tagFactory @ Select(_, _), List(ttpe @ TypeTree())), List(_, Block(List(ClassDef(_, _, _, Template(_, _, List(_, DefDef(_, _, _, _, _, Block(_ :: _ :: symtab, rtpe)))))), _)))) if udef.name == nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT && mdef.name == nme.MIRROR_SHORT => val tagFlavor = tagFactory match { case Select(Select(_, tagFlavor), _) => tagFlavor case Select(_, tagFlavor) => tagFlavor } Some((universe, mirror, SymbolTable(symtab), ttpe.tpe, rtpe, tagFlavor == nme.TypeTag)) case _ => None } } object TreeSplice { def apply(splicee: Tree): Tree = Select(splicee, ExprSplice) def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match { case Select(splicee, _) if tree.symbol != NoSymbol && tree.symbol == ExprSplice => Some(splicee) case _ => None } } // abstract over possible additional .apply select // which is sometimes inserted after desugaring of calls object ApplyCall { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, List[Tree])] = tree match { case Apply(Select(id, nme.apply), args) => Some((id, args)) case Apply(id, args) => Some((id, args)) case _ => None } } sealed abstract class FreeDefExtractor(acceptTerms: Boolean, acceptTypes: Boolean) { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TermName, Tree, Long, String)] = { def acceptFreeTermFactory(name: Name) = { (acceptTerms && name == nme.newFreeTerm) || (acceptTypes && name == nme.newFreeType) } tree match { case ValDef(_, name, _, Apply( Select(Select(Select(uref1 @ Ident(_), internal1), rs1), freeTermFactory), _ :+ ApplyCall(Select(Select(Select(uref2 @ Ident(_), internal2), rs2), flagsRepr), List(Literal(Constant(flags: Long)))) :+ Literal(Constant(origin: String)))) if uref1.name == nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT && internal1 == nme.internal && rs1 == nme.reificationSupport && acceptFreeTermFactory(freeTermFactory) && uref2.name == nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT && internal2 == nme.internal && rs2 == nme.reificationSupport && flagsRepr == nme.FlagsRepr => Some((uref1, name, reifyBinding(tree), flags, origin)) case _ => None } } } object FreeDef extends FreeDefExtractor(acceptTerms = true, acceptTypes = true) object FreeTermDef extends FreeDefExtractor(acceptTerms = true, acceptTypes = false) object FreeTypeDef extends FreeDefExtractor(acceptTerms = false, acceptTypes = true) object FreeRef { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TermName)] = tree match { case Apply(Select(Select(Select(uref @ Ident(_), internal), rs), mkIdent), List(Ident(name: TermName))) if internal == nme.internal && rs == nme.reificationSupport && mkIdent == nme.mkIdent && name.startsWith(nme.REIFY_FREE_PREFIX) => Some((uref, name)) case _ => None } } object SymDef { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[(Tree, TermName, Long, Boolean)] = tree match { case ValDef(_, name, _, Apply( Select(Select(Select(uref1 @ Ident(_), internal1), rs1), newNestedSymbol), List( _, _, _, ApplyCall(Select(Select(Select(uref2 @ Ident(_), internal2), rs2), flagsRepr), List(Literal(Constant(flags: Long)))), Literal(Constant(isClass: Boolean))))) if uref1.name == nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT && internal1 == nme.internal && rs1 == nme.reificationSupport && newNestedSymbol == nme.newNestedSymbol && uref2.name == nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT && internal2 == nme.internal && rs2 == nme.reificationSupport && flagsRepr == nme.FlagsRepr => Some((uref1, name, flags, isClass)) case _ => None } } object TypeRefToFreeType { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[TermName] = tree match { case Apply(Select(Select(uref @ Ident(_), typeRef), apply), List(Select(_, noSymbol), Ident(freeType: TermName), nil)) if (uref.name == nme.UNIVERSE_SHORT && typeRef == nme.TypeRef && noSymbol == nme.NoSymbol && freeType.startsWith(nme.REIFY_FREE_PREFIX)) => Some(freeType) case _ => None } } object BoundTerm { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[Tree] = tree match { case Select(_, name) if name.isTermName => Some(tree) case Ident(name) if name.isTermName => Some(tree) case This(_) => Some(tree) case _ => None } } object BoundType { def unapply(tree: Tree): Option[RefTree] = tree match { case tree @ Select(_, name) if name.isTypeName => Some(tree) case tree @ SelectFromTypeTree(_, _) => Some(tree) case tree @ Ident(name) if name.isTypeName => Some(tree) case _ => None } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Extractors.scala source code file: |
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