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Scala example source code file (SymbolTables.scala)

This example Scala source code file (SymbolTables.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, emptytree, ident, list, none, nosymbol, reflection, reify, some, symbol, symboltable, termname, tree

The SymbolTables.scala Scala example source code

package scala.reflect.reify
package utils

import scala.collection._
import scala.compat.Platform.EOL

trait SymbolTables {
  self: Utils =>

  import global._

  class SymbolTable private[SymbolTable] (
    private[SymbolTable] val symtab: immutable.ListMap[Symbol, Tree] = immutable.ListMap[Symbol, Tree](),
    private[SymbolTable] val aliases: List[(Symbol, TermName)] = List[(Symbol, TermName)](),
    private[SymbolTable] val original: Option[List[Tree]] = None) {

    def syms: List[Symbol] = symtab.keys.toList

    def symDef(sym: Symbol): Tree =
      symtab.getOrElse(sym, EmptyTree)

    def symName(sym: Symbol): TermName =
      symtab.get(sym) match {
        case Some(FreeDef(_, name, _, _, _)) => name
        case Some(SymDef(_, name, _, _)) => name
        case None => nme.EMPTY

    def symAliases(sym: Symbol): List[TermName] =
      symName(sym) match {
        case name if name.isEmpty => Nil
        case _ => (aliases.distinct groupBy (_._1) mapValues (_ map (_._2)))(sym)

    def symBinding(sym: Symbol): Tree =
      symtab.get(sym) match {
        case Some(FreeDef(_, _, binding, _, _)) => binding
        case Some(SymDef(_, _, _, _)) => throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"${symtab(sym)} is a symdef, hence it doesn't have a binding")
        case None => EmptyTree

    def symRef(sym: Symbol): Tree =
      symtab.get(sym) match {
        case Some(FreeDef(_, name, binding, _, _)) => Ident(name) updateAttachment binding
        case Some(SymDef(_, name, _, _)) => Ident(name) updateAttachment ReifyBindingAttachment(Ident(sym))
        case None => EmptyTree

    def +(sym: Symbol, name: TermName, reification: Tree): SymbolTable = add(sym, name, reification)
    def +(symDef: Tree): SymbolTable = add(symDef)
    def ++(symDefs: TraversableOnce[Tree]): SymbolTable = (this /: symDefs)((symtab, symDef) => symtab.add(symDef))
    def ++(symtab: SymbolTable): SymbolTable = { val updated = this ++ symtab.symtab.values; new SymbolTable(updated.symtab, updated.aliases ++ symtab.aliases) }
    def -(sym: Symbol): SymbolTable = remove(sym)
    def -(name: TermName): SymbolTable = remove(name)
    def -(symDef: Tree): SymbolTable = remove(reifyBinding(symDef).symbol)
    def --(syms: GenTraversableOnce[Symbol]): SymbolTable = (this /: syms)((symtab, sym) => symtab.remove(sym))
    def --(names: Iterable[TermName]): SymbolTable = (this /: names)((symtab, name) => symtab.remove(name))
    def --(symDefs: TraversableOnce[Tree]): SymbolTable = this -- (symDefs map (reifyBinding(_)))
    def --(symtab: SymbolTable): SymbolTable = { val updated = this -- symtab.symtab.values; new SymbolTable(updated.symtab, updated.aliases diff symtab.aliases) }
    def filterSyms(p: Symbol => Boolean): SymbolTable = this -- (syms filterNot p)
    def filterAliases(p: (Symbol, TermName) => Boolean): SymbolTable = this -- (aliases filterNot (tuple => p(tuple._1, tuple._2)) map (_._2))

    private def add(symDef: Tree): SymbolTable = {
      val sym = reifyBinding(symDef).symbol
      assert(sym != NoSymbol, showRaw(symDef))
      val name = symDef match {
        case FreeDef(_, name, _, _, _) => name
        case SymDef(_, name, _, _) => name
      val newSymtab = if (!(symtab contains sym)) symtab + (sym -> symDef) else symtab
      val newAliases = aliases :+ (sym -> name)
      new SymbolTable(newSymtab, newAliases)

    private def add(sym: Symbol, name0: TermName, reification: Tree): SymbolTable = {
      def freshName(name0: TermName): TermName = {
        var name = name0.toString
        name = name.replace(".type", "$type")
        name = name.replace(" ", "$")
        val fresh = typer.context.unit.fresh
      val bindingAttachment = reification.attachments.get[ReifyBindingAttachment].get
      add(ValDef(NoMods, freshName(name0), TypeTree(), reification) updateAttachment bindingAttachment)

    private def remove(sym: Symbol): SymbolTable = {
      val newSymtab = symtab - sym
      val newAliases = aliases filter (_._1 != sym)
      new SymbolTable(newSymtab, newAliases)

    private def remove(name: TermName): SymbolTable = {
      var newSymtab = symtab
      val newAliases = aliases filter (_._2 != name)
      newSymtab = newSymtab filter { case ((sym, _)) => newAliases exists (_._1 == sym) }
      newSymtab = newSymtab map { case ((sym, tree)) =>
        val ValDef(mods, primaryName, tpt, rhs) = tree
        val tree1 =
          if (!(newAliases contains ((sym, primaryName)))) {
            val primaryName1 = newAliases.find(_._1 == sym).get._2
            ValDef(mods, primaryName1, tpt, rhs).copyAttrs(tree)
          } else tree
        (sym, tree1)
      new SymbolTable(newSymtab, newAliases)

    private val cache = mutable.Map[SymbolTable, List[Tree]]()
    def encode: List[Tree] = cache.getOrElseUpdate(this, SymbolTable.encode(this)) map (_.duplicate)

    override def toString = {
      val symtabString =", ")
      val trueAliases = aliases.distinct.filter(entry => symName(entry._1) != entry._2)
      val aliasesString = => s"${symName(entry._1)} -> ${entry._2}").mkString(", ")
      s"""symtab = [$symtabString], aliases = [$aliasesString]${if (original.isDefined) ", has original" else ""}"""

    def debugString: String = {
      val buf = new StringBuilder
      buf.append("symbol table = " + (if (syms.length == 0) "<empty>" else "")).append(EOL)
      syms foreach (sym => buf.append(symDef(sym)).append(EOL))
      buf.delete(buf.length - EOL.length, buf.length)

  object SymbolTable {
    def apply(): SymbolTable =
      new SymbolTable()

    def apply(encoded: List[Tree]): SymbolTable = {
      var result = new SymbolTable(original = Some(encoded))
      encoded foreach (entry => (entry.attachments.get[ReifyBindingAttachment], entry.attachments.get[ReifyAliasAttachment]) match {
        case (Some(ReifyBindingAttachment(_)), _) => result += entry
        case (_, Some(ReifyAliasAttachment(sym, alias))) => result = new SymbolTable(result.symtab, result.aliases :+ ((sym, alias)))
        case _ => // do nothing, this is boilerplate that can easily be recreated by subsequent `result.encode`

    private[SymbolTable] def encode(symtab0: SymbolTable): List[Tree] = {
      if (symtab0.original.isDefined) return
      else assert(hasReifier, "encoding a symbol table requires a reifier")
      // during `encode` we might need to do some reifications
      // these reifications might lead to changes in `reifier.symtab`
      // reifier is mutable, symtab is immutable. this is a tough friendship
      val backup = reifier.state.backup
      reifier.state.symtab = symtab0.asInstanceOf[reifier.SymbolTable]
      def currtab = reifier.symtab.asInstanceOf[SymbolTable]
      try {
        val cumulativeSymtab = mutable.ArrayBuffer[Tree](symtab0.symtab.values.toList: _*)
        val cumulativeAliases = mutable.ArrayBuffer[(Symbol, TermName)](symtab0.aliases: _*)

        def fillInSymbol(sym: Symbol): Tree = {
          if (reifyDebug) println("Filling in: %s (%s)".format(sym, sym.accurateKindString))
          val isFreeTerm = FreeTermDef.unapply(currtab.symDef(sym)).isDefined
          // SI-6204 don't reify signatures for incomplete symbols, because this might lead to cyclic reference errors
          val signature =
            if (sym.isInitialized) {
              if (sym.isCapturedVariable) capturedVariableType(sym)
              else if (isFreeTerm) sym.tpe
            } else NoType
          val rset = reifier.mirrorBuildCall(nme.setInfo, currtab.symRef(sym), reifier.reify(signature))
          // `Symbol.annotations` doesn't initialize the symbol, so we don't need to do anything special here
          // also since we call `` a few lines above, by now the symbol will be initialized (if possible)
          // so the annotations will be filled in and will be waiting to be reified (unless symbol initialization is prohibited as described above)
          if (sym.annotations.isEmpty) rset
          else reifier.mirrorBuildCall(nme.setAnnotations, rset, reifier.mkList(sym.annotations map reifier.reifyAnnotationInfo))

        // `fillInSymbol` might add symbols to `symtab`, that's why this is done iteratively
        var progress = 0
        while (progress < cumulativeSymtab.length) {
          val sym = reifyBinding(cumulativeSymtab(progress)).symbol
          if (sym != NoSymbol) {
            val symtabProgress = currtab.symtab.size
            val aliasesProgress = currtab.aliases.length
            val fillIn = fillInSymbol(sym)
            cumulativeSymtab ++= currtab.symtab.values drop symtabProgress
            cumulativeAliases ++= currtab.aliases drop aliasesProgress
            cumulativeSymtab += fillIn
          progress += 1

        val withAliases = cumulativeSymtab flatMap (entry => {
          val result = mutable.ListBuffer[Tree]()
          result += entry
          val sym = reifyBinding(entry).symbol
          if (sym != NoSymbol)
            result ++= cumulativeAliases.distinct filter (alias => alias._1 == sym && alias._2 != currtab.symName(sym)) map (alias => {
              val canonicalName = currtab.symName(sym)
              val aliasName = alias._2
              ValDef(NoMods, aliasName, TypeTree(), Ident(canonicalName)) updateAttachment ReifyAliasAttachment(sym, aliasName)

      } finally {

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala SymbolTables.scala source code file:

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