Scala example source code file (FastScalac.scala)
The FastScalac.scala Scala example source code/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala Ant Tasks ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2005-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala.tools.ant import org.apache.tools.ant.{AntClassLoader, Project} import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Java import org.apache.tools.ant.types.Path import scala.tools.nsc.Settings import scala.tools.nsc.io.File import scala.tools.nsc.settings.FscSettings import scala.tools.nsc.util.ScalaClassLoader /** An Ant task to compile with the fast Scala compiler (`fsc`). * * In addition to the attributes shared with the `Scalac` task, this task * also accepts the following attributes: * - `reset` * - `server` * - `shutdown` * - `ipv4` * - `maxIdle` * * @author Stephane Micheloud */ class FastScalac extends Scalac { private var resetCaches: Boolean = false private var serverAddr: Option[String] = None private var shutdownServer: Boolean = false private var useIPv4: Boolean = false private var idleMinutes: Option[Int] = None /*============================================================================*\ ** Properties setters ** \*============================================================================*/ /** Sets the `reset` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * * @param input The value for `reset`. */ def setReset(input: Boolean) { resetCaches = input } /** Sets the `server` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * * @param input The value for `server`. */ def setServer(input: String) { serverAddr = Some(input) } /** Sets the `shutdown` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * * @param input The value for `shutdown`. */ def setShutdown(input: Boolean) { shutdownServer = input } /** Sets the `ipv4` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * * @param input The value for `ipv4`. */ def setIPv4(input: Boolean) { useIPv4 = input } /** Sets the `maxIdle` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * * @param input The value for `maxIdle`. */ def setMaxIdle(input: Int) { if (0 <= input) idleMinutes = Some(input) } /*============================================================================*\ ** The execute method ** \*============================================================================*/ override protected def newSettings(error: String=>Unit): Settings = new FscSettings(error) /** Performs the compilation. */ override def execute() { val (settings, sourceFiles, javaOnly) = initialize if (sourceFiles.isEmpty || javaOnly) return // initialize fsc specific settings val s = settings.asInstanceOf[FscSettings] // safe (newSettings) s.reset.value = resetCaches if (!serverAddr.isEmpty) s.server.value = serverAddr.get s.shutdown.value = shutdownServer s.preferIPv4.value = useIPv4 if (!idleMinutes.isEmpty) s.idleMins.value = idleMinutes.get val stringSettings = List( /*scalac*/ s.bootclasspath, s.classpath, s.extdirs, s.dependencyfile, s.encoding, s.outdir, s.sourcepath, /*fsc*/ s.server ) filter (_.value != "") flatMap (x => List(x.name, x.value)) val choiceSettings = List( /*scalac*/ s.debuginfo, s.target ) filter (x => x.value != x.default) map (x => "%s:%s".format(x.name, x.value)) val booleanSettings = List( /*scalac*/ s.debug, s.deprecation, s.explaintypes, s.nospecialization, s.nowarn, s.optimise, s.unchecked, s.usejavacp, s.verbose, /*fsc*/ s.preferIPv4, s.reset, s.shutdown ) filter (_.value) map (_.name) val intSettings = List( /*fsc*/ s.idleMins ) filter (x => x.value != x.default) flatMap (x => List(x.name, x.value.toString)) val phaseSetting = { val s = settings.log if (s.value.isEmpty) Nil else List("%s:%s".format(s.name, s.value.mkString(","))) } val fscOptions = stringSettings ::: choiceSettings ::: booleanSettings ::: intSettings ::: phaseSetting val java = new Java(this) java setFork true // use same default memory options as in fsc script java.createJvmarg() setValue "-Xmx256M" java.createJvmarg() setValue "-Xms32M" val scalacPath: Path = { val path = new Path(getProject) if (compilerPath.isDefined) path add compilerPath.get else getClass.getClassLoader match { case cl: AntClassLoader => path add new Path(getProject, cl.getClasspath) case _ => buildError("Compilation failed because of an internal compiler error;"+ " see the error output for details.") } path } java.createJvmarg() setValue ("-Xbootclasspath/a:"+scalacPath) s.jvmargs.value foreach (java.createJvmarg() setValue _) val scalaHome: String = try { val url = ScalaClassLoader.originOfClass(classOf[FastScalac]).get File(url.getFile).jfile.getParentFile.getParentFile.getAbsolutePath } catch { case _: Throwable => buildError("Compilation failed because of an internal compiler error;"+ " couldn't determine value for -Dscala.home=<value>") } java.createJvmarg() setValue "-Dscala.usejavacp=true" java.createJvmarg() setValue ("-Dscala.home="+scalaHome) s.defines.value foreach (java.createJvmarg() setValue _) java setClassname "scala.tools.nsc.MainGenericRunner" java.createArg() setValue "scala.tools.nsc.CompileClient" // Encode scalac/javac args for use in a file to be read back via "@file.txt" def encodeScalacArgsFile(t: Traversable[String]) = t map { s => if(s.find(c => c <= ' ' || "\"'\\".contains(c)).isDefined) "\"" + s.flatMap(c => (if(c == '"' || c == '\\') "\\" else "") + c ) + "\"" else s } mkString "\n" // dump the arguments to a file and do "java @file" val tempArgFile = File.makeTemp("fastscalac") val tokens = fscOptions ++ (sourceFiles map (_.getPath)) tempArgFile writeAll encodeScalacArgsFile(tokens) val paths = List(Some(tempArgFile.toAbsolute.path), argfile).flatten map (_.toString) val res = execWithArgFiles(java, paths) if (failonerror && res != 0) buildError("Compilation failed because of an internal compiler error;"+ " see the error output for details.") } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala FastScalac.scala source code file: |
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