Scala example source code file (ScalacFork.scala)
The ScalacFork.scala Scala example source code/* __ *\ ** ________ ___ / / ___ Scala Ant Tasks ** ** / __/ __// _ | / / / _ | (c) 2005-2013, LAMP/EPFL ** ** __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ | http://scala-lang.org/ ** ** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | | ** ** |/ ** \* */ package scala package tools.ant package sabbus import java.io.{ File, FileWriter } import org.apache.tools.ant.Project import org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.Java import org.apache.tools.ant.util.{ GlobPatternMapper, SourceFileScanner } import org.apache.tools.ant.BuildException import scala.tools.nsc.io import scala.tools.nsc.util.ScalaClassLoader /** An Ant task to compile with the new Scala compiler (NSC). * * This task can take the following parameters as attributes: * - `srcdir` (mandatory), * - `failonerror`, * - `timeout`, * - `jvmargs`, * - `argfile`, * - `params`. * * It also takes the following parameters as nested elements: * - `src` (for `srcdir`), * - `classpath`, * - `sourcepath`, * - `bootclasspath`, * - `extdirs`, * - `compilerarg`. * * @author Gilles Dubochet */ class ScalacFork extends ScalaMatchingTask with ScalacShared with TaskArgs { private def originOfThis: String = ScalaClassLoader.originOfClass(classOf[ScalacFork]) map (_.toString) getOrElse "<unknown>" /** Sets the `srcdir` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * @param input The value of `sourceDir`. */ def setSrcdir(input: File) { sourceDir = Some(input) } /** Sets the `failonerror` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * @param input The value of `failOnError`. */ def setFailOnError(input: Boolean) { failOnError = input } /** Sets the `timeout` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * @param input The value of `timeout`. */ def setTimeout(input: Long) { timeout = Some(input) } /** Sets the `jvmargs` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * @param input The value of `jvmArgs`. */ def setJvmArgs(input: String) { jvmArgs = Some(input) } /** Sets the `argfile` attribute. Used by [[http://ant.apache.org Ant]]. * @param input The value of `argfile`. */ def setArgfile(input: File) { argfile = Some(input) } private var sourceDir: Option[File] = None private var failOnError: Boolean = true private var timeout: Option[Long] = None private var jvmArgs: Option[String] = None private var argfile: Option[File] = None private def createMapper() = { val mapper = new GlobPatternMapper() val extension = "*.class" mapper setTo extension mapper setFrom "*.scala" mapper } override def execute() { def plural(x: Int) = if (x > 1) "s" else "" log("Executing ant task scalacfork, origin: %s".format(originOfThis), Project.MSG_VERBOSE) val compilerPath = this.compilerPath getOrElse sys.error("Mandatory attribute 'compilerpath' is not set.") val sourceDir = this.sourceDir getOrElse sys.error("Mandatory attribute 'srcdir' is not set.") val destinationDir = this.destinationDir getOrElse sys.error("Mandatory attribute 'destdir' is not set.") val settings = new Settings settings.d = destinationDir compTarget foreach (settings.target = _) compilationPath foreach (settings.classpath = _) sourcePath foreach (settings.sourcepath = _) settings.extraParams = extraArgsFlat val mapper = createMapper() val includedFiles: Array[File] = new SourceFileScanner(this).restrict( getDirectoryScanner(sourceDir).getIncludedFiles, sourceDir, destinationDir, mapper ) map (x => new File(sourceDir, x)) /* Nothing to do. */ if (includedFiles.isEmpty && argfile.isEmpty) return if (includedFiles.nonEmpty) log("Compiling %d file%s to %s".format(includedFiles.length, plural(includedFiles.length), destinationDir)) argfile foreach (x => log("Using argfile file: @" + x)) val java = new Java(this) // set this as owner java setFork true // using 'setLine' creates multiple arguments out of a space-separated string jvmArgs foreach (java.createJvmarg() setLine _) timeout foreach (java setTimeout _) java setClasspath compilerPath java setClassname MainClass // Encode scalac/javac args for use in a file to be read back via "@file.txt" def encodeScalacArgsFile(t: Traversable[String]) = t map { s => if(s.find(c => c <= ' ' || "\"'\\".contains(c)).isDefined) "\"" + s.flatMap(c => (if(c == '"' || c == '\\') "\\" else "") + c ) + "\"" else s } mkString "\n" // dump the arguments to a file and do "java @file" val tempArgFile = io.File.makeTemp("scalacfork") val tokens = settings.toArgs ++ (includedFiles map (_.getPath)) tempArgFile writeAll encodeScalacArgsFile(tokens) val paths = List(Some(tempArgFile.toAbsolute.path), argfile).flatten map (_.toString) val res = execWithArgFiles(java, paths) if (failOnError && res != 0) throw new BuildException("Compilation failed because of an internal compiler error;"+ " see the error output for details.") } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala ScalacFork.scala source code file: |
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