Scala example source code file (Property.scala)
The Property.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools package cmd import nsc.io._ import java.util.Properties import java.io.FileInputStream /** Contains logic for translating a property key/value pair into * equivalent command line arguments. The default settings will * translate, given programInfo.runner == "foo" : * * foo.bar=true to --bar // if --bar is unary * foo.bar=quux to --bar quux // if --bar is binary */ class PropertyMapper(reference: Reference) extends (((String, String)) => List[String]) { import reference._ lazy val RunnerName = programInfo.runner // e.g. "partest.shootout" -> "--shootout" def propNameToOptionName(key: String): Option[String] = (key split '.').toList match { case List(RunnerName, name) => Some(name) case _ => None } def isPassThrough(key: String): Boolean = false // e.g. "partest.options" def onError(key: String, value: String): Unit = () // called when translate fails def translate(key: String, value: String): List[String] = { val opt = toOpt(key) if (isUnaryOption(key) && isTrue(value)) List(opt) else if (isBinaryOption(key)) List(opt, value) else returning(Nil)(_ => onError(key, value)) } def isTrue(value: String) = List("yes", "on", "true") contains value.toLowerCase def apply(kv: (String, String)): List[String] = { val (k, v) = kv if (isPassThrough(k)) toArgs(v) else propNameToOptionName(k) match { case Some(optName) => translate(optName, v) case _ => Nil } } } trait Property extends Reference { def propMapper: PropertyMapper override def propertyArgs: List[String] = systemPropertiesToOptions def loadProperties(file: File): Properties = returning(new Properties)(_ load new FileInputStream(file.path)) def systemPropertiesToOptions: List[String] = propertiesToOptions(System.getProperties) def propertiesToOptions(file: File): List[String] = propertiesToOptions(loadProperties(file)) def propertiesToOptions(props: java.util.Properties): List[String] = { import scala.collection.JavaConversions._ propertiesToOptions(props.toList) } def propertiesToOptions(props: List[(String, String)]) = props flatMap propMapper } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala Property.scala source code file: |
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