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Scala example source code file (AnyVals.scala)

This example Scala source code file (AnyVals.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

anyvalnum, boolean, cmd, d, f, i, l, list, op, returns, string

The AnyVals.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2007-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Paul Phillips

package gen

/** Code generation of the AnyVal types and their companions. */
trait AnyValReps {
  self: AnyVals =>

  sealed abstract class AnyValNum(name: String, repr: Option[String], javaEquiv: String)
      extends AnyValRep(name,repr,javaEquiv) {

    case class Op(op : String, doc : String)

    private def companionCoercions(tos: AnyValRep*) = {
      tos.toList map (to =>
        s"implicit def @javaequiv@2${to.javaEquiv}(x: @name@): ${} =${}"
    def coercionComment =
"""/** Language mandated coercions from @name@ to "wider" types. */
import scala.language.implicitConversions"""

    def implicitCoercions: List[String] = {
      val coercions = this match {
        case B     => companionCoercions(S, I, L, F, D)
        case S | C => companionCoercions(I, L, F, D)
        case I     => companionCoercions(L, F, D)
        case L     => companionCoercions(F, D)
        case F     => companionCoercions(D)
        case _     => Nil
      if (coercions.isEmpty) Nil
      else coercionComment.lines.toList ++ coercions

    def isCardinal: Boolean = isIntegerType(this)
    def unaryOps = {
      val ops = List(
        Op("+", "/** Returns this value, unmodified. */"),
        Op("-", "/** Returns the negation of this value. */"))

        Op("~", "/**\n" +
                " * Returns the bitwise negation of this value.\n" +
                " * @example {{{\n" +
                " * ~5 == -6\n" +
                " * // in binary: ~00000101 ==\n" +
                " * //             11111010\n" +
                " * }}}\n" +
                " */") :: ops
      else ops

    def bitwiseOps =
      if (isCardinal)
          Op("|", "/**\n" +
                     "  * Returns the bitwise OR of this value and `x`.\n" +
                     "  * @example {{{\n" +
                     "  * (0xf0 | 0xaa) == 0xfa\n" +
                     "  * // in binary:   11110000\n" +
                     "  * //            | 10101010\n" +
                     "  * //              --------\n" +
                     "  * //              11111010\n" +
                     "  * }}}\n" +
                     "  */"),
          Op("&", "/**\n" +
                     "  * Returns the bitwise AND of this value and `x`.\n" +
                     "  * @example {{{\n" +
                     "  * (0xf0 & 0xaa) == 0xa0\n" +
                     "  * // in binary:   11110000\n" +
                     "  * //            & 10101010\n" +
                     "  * //              --------\n" +
                     "  * //              10100000\n" +
                     "  * }}}\n" +
                     "  */"),
          Op("^", "/**\n" +
                     "  * Returns the bitwise XOR of this value and `x`.\n" +
                     "  * @example {{{\n" +
                     "  * (0xf0 ^ 0xaa) == 0x5a\n" +
                     "  * // in binary:   11110000\n" +
                     "  * //            ^ 10101010\n" +
                     "  * //              --------\n" +
                     "  * //              01011010\n" +
                     "  * }}}\n" +
                     "  */"))
      else Nil

    def shiftOps =
      if (isCardinal)
          Op("<<",  "/**\n" +
                       "  * Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,\n" +
                       "  *         filling in the new right bits with zeroes.\n" +
                       "  * @example {{{ 6 << 3 == 48 // in binary: 0110 << 3 == 0110000 }}}\n" +
                       "  */"),

          Op(">>>", "/**\n" +
                       "  * Returns this value bit-shifted right by the specified number of bits,\n" +
                       "  *         filling the new left bits with zeroes.\n" +
                       "  * @example {{{ 21 >>> 3 == 2 // in binary: 010101 >>> 3 == 010 }}}\n" +
                       "  * @example {{{\n" +
                       "  * -21 >>> 3 == 536870909\n" +
                       "  * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >>> 3 ==\n" +
                       "  * //            00011111 11111111 11111111 11111101\n" +
                       "  * }}}\n" +
                       "  */"),

          Op(">>",  "/**\n" +
                       "  * Returns this value bit-shifted left by the specified number of bits,\n" +
                       "  *         filling in the right bits with the same value as the left-most bit of this.\n" +
                       "  *         The effect of this is to retain the sign of the value.\n" +
                       "  * @example {{{\n" +
                       "  * -21 >> 3 == -3\n" +
                       "  * // in binary: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11101011 >> 3 ==\n" +
                       "  * //            11111111 11111111 11111111 11111101\n" +
                       "  * }}}\n" +
                       "  */"))
      else Nil

    def comparisonOps = List(
      Op("==", "/** Returns `true` if this value is equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"),
      Op("!=", "/** Returns `true` if this value is not equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"),
      Op("<",  "/** Returns `true` if this value is less than x, `false` otherwise. */"),
      Op("<=", "/** Returns `true` if this value is less than or equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"),
      Op(">",  "/** Returns `true` if this value is greater than x, `false` otherwise. */"),
      Op(">=", "/** Returns `true` if this value is greater than or equal to x, `false` otherwise. */"))

    def otherOps = List(
      Op("+", "/** Returns the sum of this value and `x`. */"),
      Op("-", "/** Returns the difference of this value and `x`. */"),
      Op("*", "/** Returns the product of this value and `x`. */"),
      Op("/", "/** Returns the quotient of this value and `x`. */"),
      Op("%", "/** Returns the remainder of the division of this value by `x`. */"))

    // Given two numeric value types S and T , the operation type of S and T is defined as follows:
    // If both S and T are subrange types then the operation type of S and T is Int.
    // Otherwise the operation type of S and T is the larger of the two types wrt ranking.
    // Given two numeric values v and w the operation type of v and w is the operation type
    // of their run-time types.
    def opType(that: AnyValNum): AnyValNum = {
      val rank = IndexedSeq(I, L, F, D)
      (rank indexOf this, rank indexOf that) match {
        case (-1, -1)   => I
        case (r1, r2)   => rank apply (r1 max r2)

    def mkCoercions = numeric map (x => "def to%s: %s".format(x, x))
    def mkUnaryOps  = unaryOps map (x => "%s\n  def unary_%s : %s".format(x.doc, x.op, this opType I))
    def mkStringOps = List("def +(x: String): String")
    def mkShiftOps  = (
      for (op <- shiftOps ; arg <- List(I, L)) yield
        "%s\n  def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op.doc, op.op, arg, this opType I)

    def clumps: List[List[String]] = {
      val xs1 = List(mkCoercions, mkUnaryOps, mkStringOps, mkShiftOps) map (xs => if (xs.isEmpty) xs else xs :+ "")
      val xs2 = List(
        mkBinOpsGroup(comparisonOps, numeric, _ => Z),
        mkBinOpsGroup(bitwiseOps, cardinal, this opType _),
        mkBinOpsGroup(otherOps, numeric, this opType _)
      xs1 ++ xs2
    def classLines = (clumps :+ commonClassLines).foldLeft(List[String]()) {
      case (res, Nil)   => res
      case (res, lines) =>
        val xs = lines map {
          case ""   => ""
          case s    => interpolate(s)
        res ++ xs
    def objectLines = {
      val comp = if (isCardinal) cardinalCompanion else floatingCompanion
      interpolate(comp + allCompanions + "\n" + nonUnitCompanions).trim.lines.toList ++ (implicitCoercions map interpolate)

    /** Makes a set of binary operations based on the given set of ops, args, and resultFn.
     *  @param    ops       list of function names e.g. List(">>", "%")
     *  @param    args      list of types which should appear as arguments
     *  @param    resultFn  function which calculates return type based on arg type
     *  @return             list of function definitions
    def mkBinOpsGroup(ops: List[Op], args: List[AnyValNum], resultFn: AnyValNum => AnyValRep): List[String] = (
      ops flatMap (op => =>
          "%s\n  def %s(x: %s): %s".format(op.doc, op.op, arg, resultFn(arg))) :+ ""

  sealed abstract class AnyValRep(val name: String, val repr: Option[String], val javaEquiv: String) {
    def classLines: List[String]
    def objectLines: List[String]
    def commonClassLines = List(
      "override def getClass(): Class[@name@] = null"

    def lcname = name.toLowerCase
    def boxedSimpleName = this match {
      case C => "Character"
      case I => "Integer"
      case _ => name
    def boxedName = this match {
      case U => "scala.runtime.BoxedUnit"
      case _ => "java.lang." + boxedSimpleName
    def zeroRep = this match {
      case L => "0L"
      case F => "0.0f"
      case D => "0.0d"
      case _ => "0"

    def representation =", a " + _).getOrElse("")

    def indent(s: String)  = if (s == "") "" else "  " + s
    def indentN(s: String) = s.lines map indent mkString "\n"

    def boxUnboxImpls = Map(
      "@boxRunTimeDoc@" -> """
 *  Runtime implementation determined by `scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.boxTo%s`. See [[ src/library/scala/runtime/]].
      "@boxImpl@"   -> "%s.valueOf(x)".format(boxedName),
      "@unboxRunTimeDoc@" -> """
 *  Runtime implementation determined by `scala.runtime.BoxesRunTime.unboxTo%s`. See [[ src/library/scala/runtime/]].
      "@unboxImpl@" -> "x.asInstanceOf[%s].%sValue()".format(boxedName, lcname),
      "@unboxDoc@"  -> "the %s resulting from calling %sValue() on `x`".format(name, lcname)
    def interpolations = Map(
      "@name@"      -> name,
      "@representation@" -> representation,
      "@javaequiv@" -> javaEquiv,
      "@boxed@"     -> boxedName,
      "@lcname@"    -> lcname,
      "@zero@"      -> zeroRep
    ) ++ boxUnboxImpls

    def interpolate(s: String): String = interpolations.foldLeft(s) {
      case (str, (key, value)) => str.replaceAll(key, value)
    def classDoc  = interpolate(classDocTemplate)
    def objectDoc = ""
    def mkImports = ""

    def mkClass       = assemble("final abstract class " + name + " private extends AnyVal", classLines)
    def mkObject      = assemble("object " + name + " extends AnyValCompanion", objectLines)
    def make()    = List[String](
    ) mkString ""

    def assemble(decl: String, lines: List[String]): String = {
      val body = if (lines.isEmpty) " { }\n\n" else lines map indent mkString (" {\n", "\n", "\n}\n")

      decl + body + "\n"
    override def toString = name

trait AnyValTemplates {
  def headerTemplate = """/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

// This auto-generated code can be modified in
// Afterwards, running tools/codegen-anyvals regenerates this source file.

package scala


  def classDocTemplate = ("""
/** `@name@`@representation@ (equivalent to Java's `@javaequiv@` primitive type) is a
 *  subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]]. Instances of `@name@` are not
 *  represented by an object in the underlying runtime system.
 *  There is an implicit conversion from [[scala.@name@]] => [[scala.runtime.Rich@name@]]
 *  which provides useful non-primitive operations.
""".trim + "\n")

  def allCompanions = """
/** Transform a value type into a boxed reference type.
 *  @param  x   the @name@ to be boxed
 *  @return     a @boxed@ offering `x` as its underlying value.
def box(x: @name@): @boxed@ = @boxImpl@

/** Transform a boxed type into a value type.  Note that this
 *  method is not typesafe: it accepts any Object, but will throw
 *  an exception if the argument is not a @boxed@.
 *  @param  x   the @boxed@ to be unboxed.
 *  @throws     ClassCastException  if the argument is not a @boxed@
 *  @return     @unboxDoc@
def unbox(x: java.lang.Object): @name@ = @unboxImpl@

/** The String representation of the scala.@name@ companion object. */
override def toString = "object scala.@name@"

  def nonUnitCompanions = ""  // todo

  def cardinalCompanion = """
/** The smallest value representable as a @name@. */
final val MinValue = @boxed@.MIN_VALUE

/** The largest value representable as a @name@. */
final val MaxValue = @boxed@.MAX_VALUE

  def floatingCompanion = """
/** The smallest positive value greater than @zero@ which is
 *  representable as a @name@.
final val MinPositiveValue = @boxed@.MIN_VALUE
final val NaN              = @boxed@.NaN
final val PositiveInfinity = @boxed@.POSITIVE_INFINITY
final val NegativeInfinity = @boxed@.NEGATIVE_INFINITY

/** The negative number with the greatest (finite) absolute value which is representable
 *  by a @name@.  Note that it differs from [[java.lang.@name@.MIN_VALUE]], which
 *  is the smallest positive value representable by a @name@.  In Scala that number
 *  is called @name@.MinPositiveValue.
final val MinValue = -@boxed@.MAX_VALUE

/** The largest finite positive number representable as a @name@. */
final val MaxValue = @boxed@.MAX_VALUE

class AnyVals extends AnyValReps with AnyValTemplates {
  object B extends AnyValNum("Byte",    Some("8-bit signed integer"),                  "byte")
  object S extends AnyValNum("Short",   Some("16-bit signed integer"),                 "short")
  object C extends AnyValNum("Char",    Some("16-bit unsigned integer"),               "char")
  object I extends AnyValNum("Int",     Some("32-bit signed integer"),                 "int")
  object L extends AnyValNum("Long",    Some("64-bit signed integer"),                 "long")
  object F extends AnyValNum("Float",   Some("32-bit IEEE-754 floating point number"), "float")
  object D extends AnyValNum("Double",  Some("64-bit IEEE-754 floating point number"), "double")
  object Z extends AnyValRep("Boolean", None,                                          "boolean") {
    def classLines = """
/** Negates a Boolean expression.
  * - `!a` results in `false` if and only if `a` evaluates to `true` and
  * - `!a` results in `true` if and only if `a` evaluates to `false`.
  * @return the negated expression
def unary_! : Boolean

/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to the same value.
  * `a == b` returns `true` if and only if
  *  - `a` and `b` are `true` or
  *  - `a` and `b` are `false`.
def ==(x: Boolean): Boolean

  * Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to a different value.
  * `a != b` returns `true` if and only if
  *  - `a` is `true` and `b` is `false` or
  *  - `a` is `false` and `b` is `true`.
def !=(x: Boolean): Boolean

/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if one or both of them evaluate to true.
  * `a || b` returns `true` if and only if
  *  - `a` is `true` or
  *  - `b` is `true` or
  *  - `a` and `b` are `true`.
  * @note This method uses 'short-circuit' evaluation and
  *       behaves as if it was declared as `def ||(x: => Boolean): Boolean`.
  *       If `a` evaluates to `true`, `true` is returned without evaluating `b`.
def ||(x: Boolean): Boolean

/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if both of them evaluate to true.
  * `a && b` returns `true` if and only if
  *  - `a` and `b` are `true`.
  * @note This method uses 'short-circuit' evaluation and
  *       behaves as if it was declared as `def &&(x: => Boolean): Boolean`.
  *       If `a` evaluates to `false`, `false` is returned without evaluating `b`.
def &&(x: Boolean): Boolean

// Compiler won't build with these seemingly more accurate signatures
// def ||(x: => Boolean): Boolean
// def &&(x: => Boolean): Boolean

/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if one or both of them evaluate to true.
  * `a | b` returns `true` if and only if
  *  - `a` is `true` or
  *  - `b` is `true` or
  *  - `a` and `b` are `true`.
  * @note This method evaluates both `a` and `b`, even if the result is already determined after evaluating `a`.
def |(x: Boolean): Boolean

/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if both of them evaluate to true.
  * `a & b` returns `true` if and only if
  *  - `a` and `b` are `true`.
  * @note This method evaluates both `a` and `b`, even if the result is already determined after evaluating `a`.
def &(x: Boolean): Boolean

/** Compares two Boolean expressions and returns `true` if they evaluate to a different value.
  * `a ^ b` returns `true` if and only if
  *  - `a` is `true` and `b` is `false` or
  *  - `a` is `false` and `b` is `true`.
def ^(x: Boolean): Boolean

override def getClass(): Class[Boolean] = null

    def objectLines = interpolate(allCompanions + "\n" + nonUnitCompanions).lines.toList
  object U extends AnyValRep("Unit", None, "void") {
    override def classDoc = """
/** `Unit` is a subtype of [[scala.AnyVal]]. There is only one value of type
 *  `Unit`, `()`, and it is not represented by any object in the underlying
 *  runtime system. A method with return type `Unit` is analogous to a Java
 *  method which is declared `void`.
    def classLines  = List(
      """override def getClass(): Class[Unit] = null"""
    def objectLines = interpolate(allCompanions).lines.toList

    override def boxUnboxImpls = Map(
      "@boxRunTimeDoc@" -> "",
      "@boxImpl@"   -> "scala.runtime.BoxedUnit.UNIT",
      "@unboxRunTimeDoc@" -> "",
      "@unboxImpl@" -> "()",
      "@unboxDoc@"  -> "the Unit value ()"

  def isSubrangeType = Set(B, S, C)
  def isIntegerType  = Set(B, S, C, I, L)
  def isFloatingType = Set(F, D)
  def isWideType     = Set(L, D)

  def cardinal = numeric filter isIntegerType
  def numeric  = List(B, S, C, I, L, F, D)
  def values   = List(U, Z) ++ numeric

  def make() = values map (x => (, x.make()))

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala AnyVals.scala source code file:

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