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Scala example source code file (CommonTokens.scala)

This example Scala source code file (CommonTokens.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, compiler, equals, extends, false, floatlit, if, int, intlit, new, nsc, semi

The CommonTokens.scala Scala example source code

package ast.parser

/** Common code between Scala's Tokens and JavaTokens. */
abstract class CommonTokens {

  def isIdentifier(code: Int): Boolean
  def isLiteral(code: Int): Boolean

  /** special tokens */
  final val EMPTY = -3
  final val UNDEF = -2
  final val ERROR = -1
  final val EOF = 0

  /** literals */
  final val CHARLIT = 1
  final val INTLIT = 2
  final val LONGLIT = 3
  final val FLOATLIT = 4
  final val DOUBLELIT = 5
  final val STRINGLIT = 6

  /** keywords */
  final val NEW = 20
  final val THIS = 21
  final val SUPER = 23

  final val NULL = 24
  final val TRUE = 25
  final val FALSE = 26

  // J: INSTANCEOF = 27
  // J: CONST = 28

  /** modifiers */
  // S: IMPLICIT = 40
  // S: OVERRIDE = 41
  // J: PUBLIC = 42
  final val PROTECTED = 43
  final val PRIVATE = 44
  // S: SEALED = 45
  final val ABSTRACT = 46
  // J: DEFAULT = 47
  // J: STATIC = 48
  final val FINAL = 49
  // J: TRANSIENT = 50
  // J: VOLATILE = 51
  // J: NATIVE = 53
  // J: STRICTFP = 54
  // S: LAZY = 55
  // J: THROWS = 56
  // S: MACRO = 57

  /** templates */
  final val PACKAGE = 60
  final val IMPORT = 61
  final val CLASS = 62
  // S: CASECLASS = 63
  // S: OBJECT = 64
  // S: CASEOBJECT = 65
  // S: TRAIT, J: INTERFACE = 66
  // J: ENUM = 67
  final val EXTENDS = 68
  // S: WITH, J: IMPLEMENTS = 69
  // S: TYPE = 70
  // S: FORSOME = 71
  // S: DEF = 72
  // S: VAL = 73
  // S: VAR = 74

  /** control structures */
  final val IF = 80
  // S: THEN = 81
  final val ELSE = 82
  final val WHILE = 83
  final val DO = 84
  final val FOR = 85
  // S: YIELD = 86
  // J: BREAK = 87
  // J: CONTINUE = 88
  // J: GOTO = 89
  final val THROW = 90
  final val TRY = 91
  final val CATCH = 92
  final val FINALLY = 93
  // J: SWITCH = 94
  // S: MATCH = 95
  final val CASE = 96
  final val RETURN = 97
  // J: ASSERT = 98

  /** parenthesis */
  final val LPAREN = 100
  final val RPAREN = 101
  final val LBRACKET = 102
  final val RBRACKET = 103
  final val LBRACE = 104
  final val RBRACE = 105

  /** special symbols */
  final val COMMA = 120
  final val SEMI = 121
  final val DOT = 122
  final val COLON = 123
  final val EQUALS = 124
  final val AT = 125
  // S: <special symbols> = 130 - 139
  // J: <special symbols> = 140 - 179
  // J: <primitive types> = 180 - 189

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala CommonTokens.scala source code file:

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