Scala example source code file (TreeBuilder.scala)
The TreeBuilder.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Martin Odersky */ package scala.tools.nsc package ast.parser import symtab.Flags._ import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer import scala.reflect.internal.util.{Position, SourceFile, FreshNameCreator} /** Methods for building trees, used in the parser. All the trees * returned by this class must be untyped. */ abstract class TreeBuilder { val global: Global import global._ def unit: CompilationUnit def source: SourceFile implicit def fresh: FreshNameCreator = unit.fresh def o2p(offset: Int): Position = Position.offset(source, offset) def r2p(start: Int, mid: Int, end: Int): Position = rangePos(source, start, mid, end) def rootScalaDot(name: Name) = gen.rootScalaDot(name) def scalaDot(name: Name) = gen.scalaDot(name) def scalaAnyRefConstr = scalaDot(tpnme.AnyRef) def scalaUnitConstr = scalaDot(tpnme.Unit) def convertToTypeName(t: Tree) = gen.convertToTypeName(t) def byNameApplication(tpe: Tree): Tree = AppliedTypeTree(rootScalaDot(tpnme.BYNAME_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), List(tpe)) def repeatedApplication(tpe: Tree): Tree = AppliedTypeTree(rootScalaDot(tpnme.REPEATED_PARAM_CLASS_NAME), List(tpe)) def makeImportSelector(name: Name, nameOffset: Int): ImportSelector = ImportSelector(name, nameOffset, name, nameOffset) def makeTupleTerm(elems: List[Tree]) = gen.mkTuple(elems) def makeTupleType(elems: List[Tree]) = gen.mkTupleType(elems) def stripParens(t: Tree) = t match { case Parens(ts) => atPos(t.pos) { makeTupleTerm(ts) } case _ => t } def makeAnnotated(t: Tree, annot: Tree): Tree = atPos(annot.pos union t.pos)(Annotated(annot, t)) def makeSelfDef(name: TermName, tpt: Tree): ValDef = ValDef(Modifiers(PRIVATE), name, tpt, EmptyTree) /** Create tree representing (unencoded) binary operation expression or pattern. */ def makeBinop(isExpr: Boolean, left: Tree, op: TermName, right: Tree, opPos: Position, targs: List[Tree] = Nil): Tree = { require(isExpr || targs.isEmpty || targs.exists(_.isErroneous), s"Incompatible args to makeBinop: !isExpr but targs=$targs") def mkSelection(t: Tree) = { def sel = atPos(opPos union t.pos)(Select(stripParens(t), op.encode)) if (targs.isEmpty) sel else atPos(left.pos)(TypeApply(sel, targs)) } def mkNamed(args: List[Tree]) = if (isExpr) args map treeInfo.assignmentToMaybeNamedArg else args val arguments = right match { case Parens(args) => mkNamed(args) case _ => List(right) } if (isExpr) { if (treeInfo.isLeftAssoc(op)) { Apply(mkSelection(left), arguments) } else { val x = freshTermName() Block( List(ValDef(Modifiers(SYNTHETIC | ARTIFACT), x, TypeTree(), stripParens(left))), Apply(mkSelection(right), List(Ident(x)))) } } else { Apply(Ident(op.encode), stripParens(left) :: arguments) } } /** Tree for `od op`, start is start0 if od.pos is borked. */ def makePostfixSelect(start0: Int, end: Int, od: Tree, op: Name): Tree = { val start = if (od.pos.isDefined) od.pos.start else start0 atPos(r2p(start, end, end + op.length)) { new PostfixSelect(od, op.encode) } } /** Create tree representing a while loop */ def makeWhile(startPos: Int, cond: Tree, body: Tree): Tree = { val lname = freshTermName(nme.WHILE_PREFIX) def default = wrappingPos(List(cond, body)) match { case p if p.isDefined => p.end case _ => startPos } val continu = atPos(o2p(body.pos pointOrElse default)) { Apply(Ident(lname), Nil) } val rhs = If(cond, Block(List(body), continu), Literal(Constant(()))) LabelDef(lname, Nil, rhs) } /** Create tree representing a do-while loop */ def makeDoWhile(lname: TermName, body: Tree, cond: Tree): Tree = { val continu = Apply(Ident(lname), Nil) val rhs = Block(List(body), If(cond, continu, Literal(Constant(())))) LabelDef(lname, Nil, rhs) } /** Create block of statements `stats` */ def makeBlock(stats: List[Tree]): Tree = gen.mkBlock(stats) def makeParam(pname: TermName, tpe: Tree) = ValDef(Modifiers(PARAM), pname, tpe, EmptyTree) def makeSyntheticTypeParam(pname: TypeName, bounds: Tree) = TypeDef(Modifiers(DEFERRED | SYNTHETIC), pname, Nil, bounds) /** Create tree for a pattern alternative */ def makeAlternative(ts: List[Tree]): Tree = { def alternatives(t: Tree): List[Tree] = t match { case Alternative(ts) => ts case _ => List(t) } Alternative(ts flatMap alternatives) } /** Create tree for case definition <case pat if guard => rhs> */ def makeCaseDef(pat: Tree, guard: Tree, rhs: Tree): CaseDef = CaseDef(gen.patvarTransformer.transform(pat), guard, rhs) /** Creates tree representing: * { case x: Throwable => * val catchFn = catchExpr * if (catchFn isDefinedAt x) catchFn(x) else throw x * } */ def makeCatchFromExpr(catchExpr: Tree): CaseDef = { val binder = freshTermName() val pat = Bind(binder, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), Ident(tpnme.Throwable))) val catchDef = ValDef(Modifiers(ARTIFACT), freshTermName("catchExpr"), TypeTree(), catchExpr) val catchFn = Ident(catchDef.name) val body = atPos(catchExpr.pos.makeTransparent)(Block( List(catchDef), If( Apply(Select(catchFn, nme.isDefinedAt), List(Ident(binder))), Apply(Select(catchFn, nme.apply), List(Ident(binder))), Throw(Ident(binder)) ) )) makeCaseDef(pat, EmptyTree, body) } /** Create a tree representing the function type (argtpes) => restpe */ def makeFunctionTypeTree(argtpes: List[Tree], restpe: Tree): Tree = gen.mkFunctionTypeTree(argtpes, restpe) /** Append implicit parameter section if `contextBounds` nonempty */ def addEvidenceParams(owner: Name, vparamss: List[List[ValDef]], contextBounds: List[Tree]): List[List[ValDef]] = { if (contextBounds.isEmpty) vparamss else { val mods = Modifiers(if (owner.isTypeName) PARAMACCESSOR | LOCAL | PRIVATE else PARAM) def makeEvidenceParam(tpt: Tree) = ValDef(mods | IMPLICIT | SYNTHETIC, freshTermName(nme.EVIDENCE_PARAM_PREFIX), tpt, EmptyTree) val evidenceParams = contextBounds map makeEvidenceParam val vparamssLast = if(vparamss.nonEmpty) vparamss.last else Nil if(vparamssLast.nonEmpty && vparamssLast.head.mods.hasFlag(IMPLICIT)) vparamss.init ::: List(evidenceParams ::: vparamssLast) else vparamss ::: List(evidenceParams) } } def makePatDef(mods: Modifiers, pat: Tree, rhs: Tree) = gen.mkPatDef(mods, pat, rhs) } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala TreeBuilder.scala source code file: |
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