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Scala example source code file (Liveness.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Liveness.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

basicblock, boolean, collection, compiler, elem, imethod, listset, liveness, load_local, nsc, referenceequality, set, store_local

The Liveness.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package backend.icode
package analysis

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import immutable.ListSet

 * Compute liveness information for local variables.
 * @author Iulian Dragos
abstract class Liveness {
  val global: Global
  import global._
  import icodes._

  /** The lattice for this analysis.   */
  object livenessLattice extends SemiLattice {
    type Elem = Set[Local]

    object top extends ListSet[Local] with ReferenceEquality
    object bottom extends ListSet[Local] with ReferenceEquality

    def lub2(exceptional: Boolean)(a: Elem, b: Elem): Elem = a ++ b

  final class LivenessAnalysis extends DataFlowAnalysis[livenessLattice.type] {
    type P = BasicBlock
    val lattice                                   = livenessLattice
    var method: IMethod                           = _
    val gen: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Set[Local]]  = perRunCaches.newMap()
    val kill: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, Set[Local]] = perRunCaches.newMap()

    def init(m: IMethod) {
      this.method = m

      m foreachBlock { b =>
        val (g, k) = genAndKill(b)
        gen  += (b -> g)
        kill += (b -> k)

      init {
        m foreachBlock { b =>
          worklist += b
          in(b)  = lattice.bottom
          out(b) = lattice.bottom

    import opcodes._

    /** Return the gen and kill sets for this block. */
    def genAndKill(b: BasicBlock): (Set[Local], Set[Local]) = {
      var genSet = new ListSet[Local]
      var killSet = new ListSet[Local]
      for (i <- b) i match {
        case LOAD_LOCAL(local)  if (!killSet(local)) => genSet = genSet + local
        case STORE_LOCAL(local) if (!genSet(local))  => killSet = killSet + local
        case _ => ()
      (genSet, killSet)

    override def run() {
      if (settings.debug) {
        linearizer.linearize(method).foreach(b => if (b != method.startBlock)
          assert(lattice.bottom != in(b),
            "Block " + b + " in " + this.method + " has input equal to bottom -- not visited?"))

    def blockTransfer(b: BasicBlock, out: lattice.Elem): lattice.Elem =
      gen(b) ++ (out -- kill(b))

    /** Abstract interpretation for one instruction. Very important:
     *  liveness is a backward DFA, so this method should be used to compute
     *  liveness *before* the given instruction `i`.
    def interpret(out: lattice.Elem, i: Instruction): lattice.Elem = {
      debuglog("- " + i + "\nout: " + out + "\n")
      i match {
        case LOAD_LOCAL(l)  => out + l
        case STORE_LOCAL(l) => out - l
        case _              => out
    override def toString() =
      (method.blocks map (b => "\nlive-in(%s)=%s\nlive-out(%s)=%s".format(b, in(b), b, out(b)))).mkString
  } /* Liveness analysis */

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Liveness.scala source code file:

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