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Scala example source code file (BytecodeWriters.scala)

This example Scala source code file (BytecodeWriters.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

abstractfile, array, asmpbytecodewriter, bytecodewriter, classbytecodewriter, compiler, dumpbytecodewriter, nsc, path, string, symbol, unit

The BytecodeWriters.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package backend.jvm

import{ DataOutputStream, FileOutputStream, IOException, OutputStream, File => JFile }
import java.util.jar.Attributes.Name
import scala.language.postfixOps

/** Can't output a file due to the state of the file system. */
class FileConflictException(msg: String, val file: AbstractFile) extends IOException(msg)

/** For the last mile: turning generated bytecode in memory into
 *  something you can use.  Has implementations for writing to class
 *  files, jars, and disassembled/javap output.
trait BytecodeWriters {
  val global: Global
  import global._

  def outputDirectory(sym: Symbol): AbstractFile =
    settings.outputDirs outputDirFor enteringFlatten(sym.sourceFile)

   * @param clsName cls.getName
  def getFile(base: AbstractFile, clsName: String, suffix: String): AbstractFile = {
    def ensureDirectory(dir: AbstractFile): AbstractFile =
      if (dir.isDirectory) dir
      else throw new FileConflictException(s"${base.path}/$clsName$suffix: ${dir.path} is not a directory", dir)
    var dir = base
    val pathParts = clsName.split("[./]").toList
    for (part <- pathParts.init) dir = ensureDirectory(dir) subdirectoryNamed part
    ensureDirectory(dir) fileNamed pathParts.last + suffix
  def getFile(sym: Symbol, clsName: String, suffix: String): AbstractFile =
    getFile(outputDirectory(sym), clsName, suffix)

  def factoryNonJarBytecodeWriter(): BytecodeWriter = {
    val emitAsmp  = settings.Ygenasmp.isSetByUser
    val doDump    = settings.Ydumpclasses.isSetByUser
    (emitAsmp, doDump) match {
      case (false, false) => new ClassBytecodeWriter { }
      case (false, true ) => new ClassBytecodeWriter with DumpBytecodeWriter { }
      case (true,  false) => new ClassBytecodeWriter with AsmpBytecodeWriter
      case (true,  true ) => new ClassBytecodeWriter with AsmpBytecodeWriter with DumpBytecodeWriter { }

  trait BytecodeWriter {
    def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile): Unit
    def close(): Unit = ()

  class DirectToJarfileWriter(jfile: JFile) extends BytecodeWriter {
    val jarMainAttrs = (
      if (settings.mainClass.isDefault) Nil
      else List(Name.MAIN_CLASS -> settings.mainClass.value)
    val writer = new Jar(jfile).jarWriter(jarMainAttrs: _*)

    def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile) {
      assert(outfile == null,
             "The outfile formal param is there just because ClassBytecodeWriter overrides this method and uses it.")
      val path = jclassName + ".class"
      val out  = writer.newOutputStream(path)

      try out.write(jclassBytes, 0, jclassBytes.length)
      finally out.flush()

      informProgress("added " + label + path + " to jar")
    override def close() = writer.close()

   * The ASM textual representation for bytecode overcomes disadvantages of javap ouput in three areas:
   *    (a) pickle dingbats undecipherable to the naked eye;
   *    (b) two constant pools, while having identical contents, are displayed differently due to physical layout.
   *    (c) stack maps (classfile version 50 and up) are displayed in encoded form by javap,
   *        their expansion by ASM is more readable.
   * */
  trait AsmpBytecodeWriter extends BytecodeWriter {

    private val baseDir = Directory(settings.Ygenasmp.value).createDirectory()

    private def emitAsmp(jclassBytes: Array[Byte], asmpFile: io.File) {
      val pw = asmpFile.printWriter()
      try {
        val cnode = new asm.tree.ClassNode()
        val cr    = new asm.ClassReader(jclassBytes)
        cr.accept(cnode, 0)
        val trace = new
      finally pw.close()

    abstract override def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile) {
      super.writeClass(label, jclassName, jclassBytes, outfile)

      val segments = jclassName.split("[./]")
      val asmpFile = segments.foldLeft(baseDir: Path)(_ / _) changeExtension "asmp" toFile;

      emitAsmp(jclassBytes, asmpFile)

  trait ClassBytecodeWriter extends BytecodeWriter {
    def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile) {
      assert(outfile != null,
             "Precisely this override requires its invoker to hand out a non-null AbstractFile.")
      val outstream = new DataOutputStream(outfile.bufferedOutput)

      try outstream.write(jclassBytes, 0, jclassBytes.length)
      finally outstream.close()
      informProgress("wrote '" + label + "' to " + outfile)

  trait DumpBytecodeWriter extends BytecodeWriter {
    val baseDir = Directory(settings.Ydumpclasses.value).createDirectory()

    abstract override def writeClass(label: String, jclassName: String, jclassBytes: Array[Byte], outfile: AbstractFile) {
      super.writeClass(label, jclassName, jclassBytes, outfile)

      val pathName = jclassName
      val dumpFile = pathName.split("[./]").foldLeft(baseDir: Path) (_ / _) changeExtension "class" toFile;
      val outstream = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(dumpFile.path))

      try outstream.write(jclassBytes, 0, jclassBytes.length)
      finally outstream.close()

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala BytecodeWriters.scala source code file:

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