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Scala example source code file (GenASM.scala)

This example Scala source code file (GenASM.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, array, boolean, collection, compiler, double, int, list, long, methodnameandtype, nsc, pickling, reflection, string, symbol, typekind

The GenASM.scala Scala example source code

/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
 * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
 * @author  Martin Odersky

package scala
package tools.nsc
package backend.jvm

import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
import scala.reflect.internal.pickling.{ PickleFormat, PickleBuffer }
import asm.Label
import scala.annotation.tailrec

 *  @author  Iulian Dragos (version 1.0, FJBG-based implementation)
 *  @author  Miguel Garcia (version 2.0,  ASM-based implementation)
 * Documentation at
abstract class GenASM extends SubComponent with BytecodeWriters with GenJVMASM { self =>
  import global._
  import icodes._
  import icodes.opcodes._
  import definitions._

  // Strangely I can't find this in the asm code
  // 255, but reserving 1 for "this"
  final val MaximumJvmParameters = 254

  val phaseName = "jvm"

  /** Create a new phase */
  override def newPhase(p: Phase): Phase = new AsmPhase(p)

  /** From the reference documentation of the Android SDK:
   *  The `Parcelable` interface identifies classes whose instances can be written to and restored from a `Parcel`.
   *  Classes implementing the `Parcelable` interface must also have a static field called `CREATOR`,
   *  which is an object implementing the `Parcelable.Creator` interface.
  private val androidFieldName = newTermName("CREATOR")

  private lazy val AndroidParcelableInterface = rootMirror.getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable")
  private lazy val AndroidCreatorClass        = rootMirror.getClassIfDefined("android.os.Parcelable$Creator")

  /** JVM code generation phase
  class AsmPhase(prev: Phase) extends ICodePhase(prev) {
    def name = phaseName
    override def erasedTypes = true
    def apply(cls: IClass) = sys.error("no implementation")

    // An AsmPhase starts and ends within a Run, thus the caches in question will get populated and cleared within a Run, too), SI-7422
    javaNameCache ++= List(
      NothingClass        -> binarynme.RuntimeNothing,
      RuntimeNothingClass -> binarynme.RuntimeNothing,
      NullClass           -> binarynme.RuntimeNull,
      RuntimeNullClass    -> binarynme.RuntimeNull

    // unlike javaNameCache, reverseJavaName contains entries only for class symbols and their internal names.
    reverseJavaName ++= List(
      binarynme.RuntimeNothing.toString() -> RuntimeNothingClass, // RuntimeNothingClass is the bytecode-level return type of Scala methods with Nothing return-type.
      binarynme.RuntimeNull.toString()    -> RuntimeNullClass

    // Lazy val; can't have eager vals in Phase constructors which may
    // cause cycles before Global has finished initialization.
    lazy val BeanInfoAttr = rootMirror.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanInfo")

    private def initBytecodeWriter(entryPoints: List[IClass]): BytecodeWriter = {
      settings.outputDirs.getSingleOutput match {
        case Some(f) if f hasExtension "jar" =>
          // If no main class was specified, see if there's only one
          // entry point among the classes going into the jar.
          if (settings.mainClass.isDefault) {
            entryPoints map (_.symbol fullName '.') match {
              case Nil      =>
                log("No Main-Class designated or discovered.")
              case name :: Nil =>
                log("Unique entry point: setting Main-Class to " + name)
                settings.mainClass.value = name
              case names =>
                log("No Main-Class due to multiple entry points:\n  " + names.mkString("\n  "))
          else log("Main-Class was specified: " + settings.mainClass.value)

          new DirectToJarfileWriter(f.file)

        case _ => factoryNonJarBytecodeWriter()

    override def run() {

      if (settings.debug)
        inform("[running phase " + name + " on icode]")

      if (settings.Xdce)
        for ((sym, cls) <- icodes.classes if inliner.isClosureClass(sym) && !deadCode.liveClosures(sym)) {
          log(s"Optimizer eliminated ${sym.fullNameString}")
          deadCode.elidedClosures += sym
          icodes.classes -= sym

      // For predictably ordered error messages.
      var sortedClasses = classes.values.toList sortBy (_.symbol.fullName)

      // Warn when classes will overwrite one another on case-insensitive systems.
      for ((_, v1 :: v2 :: _) <- sortedClasses groupBy (_.symbol.javaClassName.toString.toLowerCase)) {
          s"Class ${v1.symbol.javaClassName} differs only in case from ${v2.symbol.javaClassName}. " +
          "Such classes will overwrite one another on case-insensitive filesystems.")

      debuglog(s"Created new bytecode generator for ${classes.size} classes.")
      val bytecodeWriter  = initBytecodeWriter(sortedClasses filter isJavaEntryPoint)
      val needsOutfile    = bytecodeWriter.isInstanceOf[ClassBytecodeWriter]
      val plainCodeGen    = new JPlainBuilder(   bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile)
      val mirrorCodeGen   = new JMirrorBuilder(  bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile)
      val beanInfoCodeGen = new JBeanInfoBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile)

      def emitFor(c: IClass) {
        if (isStaticModule(c.symbol) && isTopLevelModule(c.symbol)) {
          if (c.symbol.companionClass == NoSymbol)
            mirrorCodeGen genMirrorClass (c.symbol, c.cunit)
            log(s"No mirror class for module with linked class: ${c.symbol.fullName}")
        plainCodeGen genClass c
        if (c.symbol hasAnnotation BeanInfoAttr) beanInfoCodeGen genBeanInfoClass c

      while (!sortedClasses.isEmpty) {
        val c = sortedClasses.head
        try emitFor(c)
        catch {
          case e: FileConflictException =>
            c.cunit.error(c.symbol.pos, s"error writing ${c.symbol}: ${e.getMessage}")
        sortedClasses = sortedClasses.tail
        classes -= c.symbol // GC opportunity


      /* don't javaNameCache.clear() because that causes the following tests to fail:
       *   test/files/run/macro-repl-dontexpand.scala
       *   test/files/jvm/interpreter.scala
       * TODO but why? what use could javaNameCache possibly see once GenASM is over?

      /* TODO After emitting all class files (e.g., in a separate compiler phase) ASM can perform bytecode verification:
       * (1) call the asm.util.CheckAdapter.verify() overload:
       *     public static void verify(ClassReader cr, ClassLoader loader, boolean dump, PrintWriter pw)
       * (2) passing a custom ClassLoader to verify inter-dependent classes.
       * Alternatively, an offline-bytecode verifier could be used (e.g. Maxine brings one as separate tool).

    } // end of

  } // end of class AsmPhase

  var pickledBytes = 0 // statistics

  val javaNameCache = perRunCaches.newAnyRefMap[Symbol, Name]()

  // unlike javaNameCache, reverseJavaName contains entries only for class symbols and their internal names.
  val reverseJavaName = perRunCaches.newAnyRefMap[String, Symbol]()

  private def mkFlags(args: Int*)         = args.foldLeft(0)(_ | _)
  private def hasPublicBitSet(flags: Int) = (flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC) != 0
  private def isRemote(s: Symbol)         = s hasAnnotation RemoteAttr

   * Return the Java modifiers for the given symbol.
   * Java modifiers for classes:
   *  - public, abstract, final, strictfp (not used)
   * for interfaces:
   *  - the same as for classes, without 'final'
   * for fields:
   *  - public, private (*)
   *  - static, final
   * for methods:
   *  - the same as for fields, plus:
   *  - abstract, synchronized (not used), strictfp (not used), native (not used)
   *  (*) protected cannot be used, since inner classes 'see' protected members,
   *      and they would fail verification after lifted.
  def javaFlags(sym: Symbol): Int = {
    // constructors of module classes should be private
    // PP: why are they only being marked private at this stage and not earlier?
    val privateFlag =
      sym.isPrivate || (sym.isPrimaryConstructor && isTopLevelModule(sym.owner))

    // Final: the only fields which can receive ACC_FINAL are eager vals.
    // Neither vars nor lazy vals can, because:
    // Source:
    // "Another problem is that the specification allows aggressive
    // optimization of final fields. Within a thread, it is permissible to
    // reorder reads of a final field with those modifications of a final
    // field that do not take place in the constructor."
    // A var or lazy val which is marked final still has meaning to the
    // scala compiler. The word final is heavily overloaded unfortunately;
    // for us it means "not overridable". At present you can't override
    // vars regardless; this may change.
    // The logic does not check .isFinal (which checks flags for the FINAL flag,
    // and includes symbols marked lateFINAL) instead inspecting rawflags so
    // we can exclude lateFINAL. Such symbols are eligible for inlining, but to
    // avoid breaking proxy software which depends on subclassing, we do not
    // emit ACC_FINAL.
    // Nested objects won't receive ACC_FINAL in order to allow for their overriding.

    val finalFlag = (
         (((sym.rawflags & Flags.FINAL) != 0) || isTopLevelModule(sym))
      && !sym.enclClass.isInterface
      && !sym.isClassConstructor
      && !sym.isMutable // lazy vals and vars both

    // Primitives are "abstract final" to prohibit instantiation
    // without having to provide any implementations, but that is an
    // illegal combination of modifiers at the bytecode level so
    // suppress final if abstract if present.
    import asm.Opcodes._
      if (privateFlag) ACC_PRIVATE else ACC_PUBLIC,
      if (sym.isDeferred || sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_ABSTRACT else 0,
      if (sym.isInterface) ACC_INTERFACE else 0,
      if (finalFlag && !sym.hasAbstractFlag) ACC_FINAL else 0,
      if (sym.isStaticMember) ACC_STATIC else 0,
      if (sym.isBridge) ACC_BRIDGE | ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0,
      if (sym.isArtifact) ACC_SYNTHETIC else 0,
      if (sym.isClass && !sym.isInterface) ACC_SUPER else 0,
      if (sym.hasEnumFlag) ACC_ENUM else 0,
      if (sym.isVarargsMethod) ACC_VARARGS else 0,
      if (sym.hasFlag(Flags.SYNCHRONIZED)) ACC_SYNCHRONIZED else 0

  def javaFieldFlags(sym: Symbol) = {
    javaFlags(sym) | mkFlags(
      if (sym hasAnnotation TransientAttr) asm.Opcodes.ACC_TRANSIENT else 0,
      if (sym hasAnnotation VolatileAttr)  asm.Opcodes.ACC_VOLATILE  else 0,
      if (sym.isMutable) 0 else asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL

  def isTopLevelModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean =
    exitingPickler { sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isNestedClass }

  def isStaticModule(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
    sym.isModuleClass && !sym.isImplClass && !sym.isLifted

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // finding the least upper bound in agreement with the bytecode verifier (given two internal names handed by ASM)
  // Background:
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Given an internal name (eg "java/lang/Integer") returns the class symbol for it.
   * Better not to need this method (an example where control flow arrives here is welcome).
   * This method is invoked only upon both (1) and (2) below happening:
   *   (1) providing an asm.ClassWriter with an internal name by other means than javaName()
   *   (2) forgetting to track the corresponding class-symbol in reverseJavaName.
   * (The first item is already unlikely because we rely on javaName()
   *  to do the bookkeeping for entries that should go in innerClassBuffer.)
   * (We could do completely without this method at the expense of computing stack-map-frames ourselves and
   *  invoking visitFrame(), but that would require another pass over all instructions.)
   * Right now I can't think of any invocation of visitSomething() on MethodVisitor
   * where we hand an internal name not backed by a reverseJavaName.
   * However, I'm leaving this note just in case any such oversight is discovered.
  def inameToSymbol(iname: String): Symbol = {
    val name = global.newTypeName(iname)
    val res0 =
      if (nme.isModuleName(name)) rootMirror.getModuleByName(name.dropModule)
      else                        rootMirror.getClassByName(name.replace('/', '.')) // TODO fails for inner classes (but this hasn't been tested).
    assert(res0 != NoSymbol)
    val res = jsymbol(res0)

  def jsymbol(sym: Symbol): Symbol = {
    if(sym.isJavaDefined && sym.isModuleClass) sym.linkedClassOfClass
    else if(sym.isModule) sym.moduleClass
    else sym // we track only module-classes and plain-classes

  private def superClasses(s: Symbol): List[Symbol] = {
    s.superClass match {
      case NoSymbol => List(s)
      case sc       => s :: superClasses(sc)

  private def firstCommonSuffix(as: List[Symbol], bs: List[Symbol]): Symbol = {
    assert(!(as contains NoSymbol))
    assert(!(bs contains NoSymbol))
    var chainA = as
    var chainB = bs
    var fcs: Symbol = NoSymbol
    do {
      if      (chainB contains chainA.head) fcs = chainA.head
      else if (chainA contains chainB.head) fcs = chainB.head
      else {
        chainA = chainA.tail
        chainB = chainB.tail
    } while(fcs == NoSymbol)

  private def jvmWiseLUB(a: Symbol, b: Symbol): Symbol = {

    val res = (a.isInterface, b.isInterface) match {
      case (true, true) =>
        global.lub(List(a.tpe, b.tpe)).typeSymbol // TODO assert == firstCommonSuffix of resp. parents
      case (true, false) =>
        if(b isSubClass a) a else ObjectClass
      case (false, true) =>
        if(a isSubClass b) b else ObjectClass
      case _ =>
        firstCommonSuffix(superClasses(a), superClasses(b))
    assert(res != NoSymbol)

  /* The internal name of the least common ancestor of the types given by inameA and inameB.
     It's what ASM needs to know in order to compute stack map frames, */
  def getCommonSuperClass(inameA: String, inameB: String): String = {
    val a = reverseJavaName.getOrElseUpdate(inameA, inameToSymbol(inameA))
    val b = reverseJavaName.getOrElseUpdate(inameB, inameToSymbol(inameB))

    // global.lub(List(a.tpe, b.tpe)).typeSymbol.javaBinaryName.toString()
    // icodes.lub(icodes.toTypeKind(a.tpe), icodes.toTypeKind(b.tpe)).toType
    val lcaSym  = jvmWiseLUB(a, b)
    val lcaName = lcaSym.javaBinaryName.toString // don't call javaName because that side-effects innerClassBuffer.
    val oldsym  = reverseJavaName.put(lcaName, lcaSym)
    assert(oldsym.isEmpty || (oldsym.get == lcaSym), "somehow we're not managing to compute common-super-class for ASM consumption")
    assert(lcaName != "scala/Any")

    lcaName // TODO ASM caches the answer during the lifetime of a ClassWriter. We outlive that. Do some caching.

  class CClassWriter(flags: Int) extends asm.ClassWriter(flags) {
    override def getCommonSuperClass(iname1: String, iname2: String): String = {
      GenASM.this.getCommonSuperClass(iname1, iname2)

  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // constants
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  private val classfileVersion: Int = match {
    case "jvm-1.5"     => asm.Opcodes.V1_5
    case "jvm-1.6"     => asm.Opcodes.V1_6
    case "jvm-1.7"     => asm.Opcodes.V1_7

  private val majorVersion: Int = (classfileVersion & 0xFF)
  private val emitStackMapFrame = (majorVersion >= 50)

  private val extraProc: Int = mkFlags(
    if(emitStackMapFrame) asm.ClassWriter.COMPUTE_FRAMES else 0

  val JAVA_LANG_OBJECT = asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Object")
  val JAVA_LANG_STRING = asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/String")

   *  We call many Java varargs methods from ASM library that expect Arra[asm.Type] as argument so
   *  we override default (compiler-generated) ClassTag so we can provide specialized newArray implementation.
   *  Examples of methods that should pick our definition are: JBuilder.javaType and JPlainBuilder.genMethod.
  private implicit val asmTypeTag: scala.reflect.ClassTag[asm.Type] = new scala.reflect.ClassTag[asm.Type] {
    def runtimeClass: java.lang.Class[asm.Type] = classOf[asm.Type]
    final override def newArray(len: Int): Array[asm.Type] = new Array[asm.Type](len)

  /** basic functionality for class file building */
  abstract class JBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) {

    val EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY = Array.empty[String]

    val mdesc_arglessvoid = "()V"

    val CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME    = "<clinit>"

      (asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC    | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PRIVATE | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PROTECTED |
       asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC    | asm.Opcodes.ACC_INTERFACE | asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // factory methods
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Returns a new ClassWriter for the class given by arguments.
     * @param access the class's access flags. This parameter also indicates if the class is deprecated.
     * @param name the internal name of the class.
     * @param signature the signature of this class. May be <tt>null</tt> if
     *        the class is not a generic one, and does not extend or implement
     *        generic classes or interfaces.
     * @param superName the internal of name of the super class. For interfaces,
     *        the super class is {@link Object}. May be <tt>null</tt>, but
     *        only for the {@link Object} class.
     * @param interfaces the internal names of the class's interfaces (see
     *        {@link Type#getInternalName() getInternalName}). May be
     *        <tt>null</tt>.
    def createJClass(access: Int, name: String, signature: String, superName: String, interfaces: Array[String]): asm.ClassWriter = {
      val cw = new CClassWriter(extraProc)
               access, name, signature,
               superName, interfaces)


    def createJAttribute(name: String, b: Array[Byte], offset: Int, len: Int): asm.Attribute = {
      val dest = new Array[Byte](len)
      System.arraycopy(b, offset, dest, 0, len)
      new asm.CustomAttr(name, dest)

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // utilities useful when emitting plain, mirror, and beaninfo classes.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    def writeIfNotTooBig(label: String, jclassName: String, jclass: asm.ClassWriter, sym: Symbol) {
      try {
        val arr = jclass.toByteArray()
        val outF: = {
          if(needsOutfile) getFile(sym, jclassName, ".class") else null
        bytecodeWriter.writeClass(label, jclassName, arr, outF)
      } catch {
        case e: java.lang.RuntimeException if e != null && (e.getMessage contains "too large!") =>
            s"Could not write class $jclassName because it exceeds JVM code size limits. ${e.getMessage}")

    /** Specialized array conversion to prevent calling
     *  java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance via TraversableOnce.toArray
    def mkArray(xs: Traversable[String]):    Array[String]    = { val a = new Array[String](xs.size);   xs.copyToArray(a); a }

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Getters for (JVMS 4.2) internal and unqualified names (represented as JType instances).
    // These getters track behind the scenes the inner classes referred to in the class being emitted,
    // so as to build the InnerClasses attribute (JVMS 4.7.6) via `addInnerClasses()`
    // (which also adds as member classes those inner classes that have been declared,
    // thus also covering the case of inner classes declared but otherwise not referred).
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    val innerClassBuffer = mutable.LinkedHashSet[Symbol]()

    /** For given symbol return a symbol corresponding to a class that should be declared as inner class.
     *  For example:
     *  class A {
     *    class B
     *    object C
     *  }
     *  then method will return:
     *    NoSymbol for A,
     *    the same symbol for A.B (corresponding to A$B class), and
     *    A$C$ symbol for A.C.
    def innerClassSymbolFor(s: Symbol): Symbol =
      if (s.isClass) s else if (s.isModule) s.moduleClass else NoSymbol

    /** Return the name of this symbol that can be used on the Java platform.  It removes spaces from names.
     *  Special handling:
     *    scala.Nothing erases to scala.runtime.Nothing$
     *       scala.Null erases to scala.runtime.Null$
     *  This is needed because they are not real classes, and they mean
     *  'abrupt termination upon evaluation of that expression' or null respectively.
     *  This handling is done already in GenICode, but here we need to remove
     *  references from method signatures to these types, because such classes
     *  cannot exist in the classpath: the type checker will be very confused.
    def javaName(sym: Symbol): String = {

         * Checks if given symbol corresponds to inner class/object and add it to innerClassBuffer
         * Note: This method is called recursively thus making sure that we add complete chain
         * of inner class all until root class.
        def collectInnerClass(s: Symbol): Unit = {
          // TODO: some enteringFlatten { ... } which accounts for
          // being nested in parameterized classes (if we're going to selectively flatten.)
          val x = innerClassSymbolFor(s)
          if(x ne NoSymbol) {
            assert(x.isClass, "not an inner-class symbol")
            val isInner = !x.rawowner.isPackageClass
            if (isInner) {
              innerClassBuffer += x


      val hasInternalName = sym.isClass || sym.isModuleNotMethod
      val cachedJN = javaNameCache.getOrElseUpdate(sym, {
        if (hasInternalName) { sym.javaBinaryName }
        else                 { sym.javaSimpleName }

      if(emitStackMapFrame && hasInternalName) {
        val internalName = cachedJN.toString()
        val trackedSym = jsymbol(sym)
        reverseJavaName.get(internalName) match {
          case Some(oldsym) if oldsym.exists && trackedSym.exists =>
              // In contrast, neither NothingClass nor NullClass show up bytecode-level.
              (oldsym == trackedSym) || (oldsym == RuntimeNothingClass) || (oldsym == RuntimeNullClass) || (oldsym.isModuleClass && (oldsym.sourceModule == trackedSym.sourceModule)),
              s"""|Different class symbols have the same bytecode-level internal name:
                  |     name: $internalName
                  |   oldsym: ${oldsym.fullNameString}
                  |  tracked: ${trackedSym.fullNameString}
          case _ =>
            reverseJavaName.put(internalName, trackedSym)


    def descriptor(t: Type):     String = { javaType(t).getDescriptor }
    def descriptor(k: TypeKind): String = { javaType(k).getDescriptor }
    def descriptor(s: Symbol):   String = { javaType(s).getDescriptor }

    def javaType(tk: TypeKind): asm.Type = {
      if(tk.isValueType) {
        if(tk.isIntSizedType) {
          (tk: @unchecked) match {
            case BOOL   => asm.Type.BOOLEAN_TYPE
            case BYTE   => asm.Type.BYTE_TYPE
            case SHORT  => asm.Type.SHORT_TYPE
            case CHAR   => asm.Type.CHAR_TYPE
            case INT    => asm.Type.INT_TYPE
        } else {
          (tk: @unchecked) match {
            case UNIT   => asm.Type.VOID_TYPE
            case LONG   => asm.Type.LONG_TYPE
            case FLOAT  => asm.Type.FLOAT_TYPE
            case DOUBLE => asm.Type.DOUBLE_TYPE
      } else {
        assert(!tk.isBoxedType, tk) // documentation (BOXED matches none below anyway)
        (tk: @unchecked) match {
          case REFERENCE(cls)  => asm.Type.getObjectType(javaName(cls))
          case ARRAY(elem)     => javaArrayType(javaType(elem))

    def javaType(t: Type): asm.Type = javaType(toTypeKind(t))

    def javaType(s: Symbol): asm.Type = {
      if (s.isMethod) {
        val resT: asm.Type = if (s.isClassConstructor) asm.Type.VOID_TYPE else javaType(s.tpe.resultType)
        asm.Type.getMethodType( resT, (s.tpe.paramTypes map javaType): _*)
      } else { javaType(s.tpe) }

    def javaArrayType(elem: asm.Type): asm.Type = { asm.Type.getObjectType("[" + elem.getDescriptor) }

    def isDeprecated(sym: Symbol): Boolean = { sym.annotations exists (_ matches definitions.DeprecatedAttr) }

    def addInnerClasses(csym: Symbol, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor) {
      /* The outer name for this inner class. Note that it returns null
       * when the inner class should not get an index in the constant pool.
       * That means non-member classes (anonymous). See Section 4.7.5 in the JVMS.
      def outerName(innerSym: Symbol): String = {
        if (innerSym.originalEnclosingMethod != NoSymbol)
        else {
          val outerName = javaName(innerSym.rawowner)
          if (isTopLevelModule(innerSym.rawowner)) "" + nme.stripModuleSuffix(newTermName(outerName))
          else outerName

      def innerName(innerSym: Symbol): String =
        if (innerSym.isAnonymousClass || innerSym.isAnonymousFunction)
          innerSym.rawname + innerSym.moduleSuffix

      // add inner classes which might not have been referenced yet
      exitingErasure {
        for (sym <- List(csym, csym.linkedClassOfClass); m <- if m.isClass)
          innerClassBuffer += m

      val allInners: List[Symbol] = innerClassBuffer.toList filterNot deadCode.elidedClosures

      if (allInners.nonEmpty) {
        debuglog(csym.fullName('.') + " contains " + allInners.size + " inner classes.")

        // entries ready to be serialized into the classfile, used to detect duplicates.
        val entries = mutable.Map.empty[String, String]

        // sort them so inner classes succeed their enclosing class to satisfy the Eclipse Java compiler
        for (innerSym <- allInners sortBy ( { // TODO why not sortBy ( ??
          val flagsWithFinal: Int = mkFlags(
            if (innerSym.rawowner.hasModuleFlag) asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC else 0,
            if(isDeprecated(innerSym)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo-access flag
          ) & (INNER_CLASSES_FLAGS | asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED)
          val flags = if (innerSym.isModuleClass) flagsWithFinal & ~asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL else flagsWithFinal // For SI-5676, object overriding.
          val jname = javaName(innerSym)  // never null
          val oname = outerName(innerSym) // null when method-enclosed
          val iname = innerName(innerSym) // null for anonymous inner class

          // Mimicking javap inner class output
            if (oname == null || iname == null) "//class " + jname
            else "//%s=class %s of class %s".format(iname, jname, oname)

          assert(jname != null, "javaName is broken.") // documentation
          val doAdd = entries.get(jname) match {
            // TODO is it ok for prevOName to be null? (Someone should really document the invariants of the InnerClasses bytecode attribute)
            case Some(prevOName) =>
              // this occurs e.g. when innerClassBuffer contains both class Thread$State, object Thread$State,
              // i.e. for them it must be the case that oname == java/lang/Thread
              assert(prevOName == oname, "duplicate")
            case None => true

          if(doAdd) {
            entries += (jname -> oname)
            jclass.visitInnerClass(jname, oname, iname, flags)

           * TODO assert (JVMS 4.7.6 The InnerClasses attribute)
           * If a class file has a version number that is greater than or equal to 51.0, and
           * has an InnerClasses attribute in its attributes table, then for all entries in the
           * classes array of the InnerClasses attribute, the value of the
           * outer_class_info_index item must be zero if the value of the
           * inner_name_index item is zero.


  } // end of class JBuilder

  /** functionality for building plain and mirror classes */
  abstract class JCommonBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) extends JBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) {

    def debugLevel = settings.debuginfo.indexOfChoice

    val emitSource = debugLevel >= 1
    val emitLines  = debugLevel >= 2
    val emitVars   = debugLevel >= 3

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // more constants
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    val PublicStatic      = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC
    val PublicStaticFinal = asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Custom attribute (JVMS 4.7.1) "ScalaSig" used as marker only
    // i.e., the pickle is contained in a custom annotation, see:
    //   (1) `addAnnotations()`,
    //   (2) SID # 10 (draft) - Storage of pickled Scala signatures in class files,
    //   (3) SID # 5 - Internals of Scala Annotations,
    // That annotation in turn is not related to the "java-generic-signature" (JVMS 4.7.9)
    // other than both ending up encoded as attributes (JVMS 4.7)
    // (with the caveat that the "ScalaSig" attribute is associated to some classes,
    // while the "Signature" attribute can be associated to classes, methods, and fields.)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    val versionPickle = {
      val vp = new PickleBuffer(new Array[Byte](16), -1, 0)
      assert(vp.writeIndex == 0, vp)
      vp writeNat PickleFormat.MajorVersion
      vp writeNat PickleFormat.MinorVersion
      vp writeNat 0

    def pickleMarkerLocal = {
      createJAttribute(tpnme.ScalaSignatureATTR.toString, versionPickle.bytes, 0, versionPickle.writeIndex)

    def pickleMarkerForeign = {
      createJAttribute(tpnme.ScalaATTR.toString, new Array[Byte](0), 0, 0)

    /** Returns a ScalaSignature annotation if it must be added to this class, none otherwise.
     *  This annotation must be added to the class' annotations list when generating them.
     *  Depending on whether the returned option is defined, it adds to `jclass` one of:
     *    (a) the ScalaSig marker attribute
     *        (indicating that a scala-signature-annotation aka pickle is present in this class); or
     *    (b) the Scala marker attribute
     *        (indicating that a scala-signature-annotation aka pickle is to be found in another file).
     *  @param jclassName The class file that is being readied.
     *  @param sym    The symbol for which the signature has been entered in the symData map.
     *                This is different than the symbol
     *                that is being generated in the case of a mirror class.
     *  @return       An option that is:
     *                - defined and contains an AnnotationInfo of the ScalaSignature type,
     *                  instantiated with the pickle signature for sym.
     *                - empty if the jclass/sym pair must not contain a pickle.
    def getAnnotPickle(jclassName: String, sym: Symbol): Option[AnnotationInfo] = {
      currentRun.symData get sym match {
        case Some(pickle) if !nme.isModuleName(newTermName(jclassName)) =>
          val scalaAnnot = {
            val sigBytes = ScalaSigBytes(pickle.bytes.take(pickle.writeIndex))
            AnnotationInfo(sigBytes.sigAnnot, Nil, List((nme.bytes, sigBytes)))
          pickledBytes += pickle.writeIndex
          currentRun.symData -= sym
          currentRun.symData -= sym.companionSymbol
        case _ =>

     * Quoting from JVMS 4.7.5 The Exceptions Attribute
     *   "The Exceptions attribute indicates which checked exceptions a method may throw.
     *    There may be at most one Exceptions attribute in each method_info structure."
     * The contents of that attribute are determined by the `String[] exceptions` argument to ASM's ClassVisitor.visitMethod()
     * This method returns such list of internal names.
    def getExceptions(excs: List[AnnotationInfo]): List[String] =
      for (ThrownException(exc) <- excs.distinct)
      yield javaName(exc)

    /** Whether an annotation should be emitted as a Java annotation
     *   .initialize: if 'annot' is read from pickle, atp might be un-initialized
    private def shouldEmitAnnotation(annot: AnnotationInfo) =
      annot.symbol.initialize.isJavaDefined &&
      annot.matches(ClassfileAnnotationClass) &&
      annot.args.isEmpty &&

    def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit

    def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol) = self.getGenericSignature(sym, owner, getCurrentCUnit())

    def emitArgument(av:   asm.AnnotationVisitor,
                     name: String,
                     arg:  ClassfileAnnotArg) {
      (arg: @unchecked) match {

        case LiteralAnnotArg(const) =>
          if(const.isNonUnitAnyVal) { av.visit(name, const.value) }
          else {
            const.tag match {
              case StringTag  =>
                assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant`
                av.visit(name, const.stringValue)  // `stringValue` special-cases null, but that execution path isn't exercised for a const with StringTag
              case ClazzTag   => av.visit(name, javaType(const.typeValue))
              case EnumTag =>
                val edesc  = descriptor(const.tpe) // the class descriptor of the enumeration class.
                val evalue = // value the actual enumeration value.
                av.visitEnum(name, edesc, evalue)

        case sb@ScalaSigBytes(bytes) =>
          // see (Storage of pickled Scala signatures in class files)
          // also JVMS Sec. The element_value structure and JVMS Sec. 4.4.7 The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure.
          if (sb.fitsInOneString)
            av.visit(name, strEncode(sb))
          else {
            val arrAnnotV: asm.AnnotationVisitor = av.visitArray(name)
            for(arg <- arrEncode(sb)) { arrAnnotV.visit(name, arg) }
          // for the lazy val in ScalaSigBytes to be GC'ed, the invoker of emitAnnotations() should hold the ScalaSigBytes in a method-local var that doesn't escape.

        case ArrayAnnotArg(args) =>
          val arrAnnotV: asm.AnnotationVisitor = av.visitArray(name)
          for(arg <- args) { emitArgument(arrAnnotV, null, arg) }

        case NestedAnnotArg(annInfo) =>
          val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annInfo
          assert(args.isEmpty, args)
          val desc = descriptor(typ) // the class descriptor of the nested annotation class
          val nestedVisitor = av.visitAnnotation(name, desc)
          emitAssocs(nestedVisitor, assocs)

    def emitAssocs(av: asm.AnnotationVisitor, assocs: List[(Name, ClassfileAnnotArg)]) {
      for ((name, value) <- assocs) {
        emitArgument(av, name.toString(), value)

    def emitAnnotations(cw: asm.ClassVisitor, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) {
      for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) {
        val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot
        assert(args.isEmpty, args)
        val av = cw.visitAnnotation(descriptor(typ), true)
        emitAssocs(av, assocs)

    def emitAnnotations(mw: asm.MethodVisitor, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) {
      for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) {
        val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot
        assert(args.isEmpty, args)
        val av = mw.visitAnnotation(descriptor(typ), true)
        emitAssocs(av, assocs)

    def emitAnnotations(fw: asm.FieldVisitor, annotations: List[AnnotationInfo]) {
      for(annot <- annotations; if shouldEmitAnnotation(annot)) {
        val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot
        assert(args.isEmpty, args)
        val av = fw.visitAnnotation(descriptor(typ), true)
        emitAssocs(av, assocs)

    def emitParamAnnotations(jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor, pannotss: List[List[AnnotationInfo]]) {
      val annotationss = pannotss map (_ filter shouldEmitAnnotation)
      if (annotationss forall (_.isEmpty)) return
      for ((annots, idx) <- annotationss.zipWithIndex;
           annot <- annots) {
        val AnnotationInfo(typ, args, assocs) = annot
        assert(args.isEmpty, args)
        val pannVisitor: asm.AnnotationVisitor = jmethod.visitParameterAnnotation(idx, descriptor(typ), true)
        emitAssocs(pannVisitor, assocs)

    /** Adds a @remote annotation, actual use unknown.
     * Invoked from genMethod() and addForwarder().
    def addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemoteClass: Boolean, isJMethodPublic: Boolean, meth: Symbol) {
      val needsAnnotation = (
        (  isRemoteClass ||
           isRemote(meth) && isJMethodPublic
        ) && !(meth.throwsAnnotations contains RemoteExceptionClass)
      if (needsAnnotation) {
        val c   = Constant(RemoteExceptionClass.tpe)
        val arg = Literal(c) setType c.tpe
        meth.addAnnotation(appliedType(ThrowsClass, c.tpe), arg)

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Static forwarders (related to mirror classes but also present in
    // a plain class lacking companion module, for details see `isCandidateForForwarders`).
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    /** Add a forwarder for method m. Used only from addForwarders(). */
    private def addForwarder(isRemoteClass: Boolean, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, module: Symbol, m: Symbol) {
      val moduleName     = javaName(module)
      val methodInfo     = module.thisType.memberInfo(m)
      val paramJavaTypes: List[asm.Type] = methodInfo.paramTypes map javaType
      // val paramNames     = 0 until paramJavaTypes.length map ("x_" + _)

      /* Forwarders must not be marked final,
       * as the JVM will not allow redefinition of a final static method,
       * and we don't know what classes might be subclassing the companion class.  See SI-4827.
      // TODO: evaluate the other flags we might be dropping on the floor here.
      val flags = PublicStatic | (
        if (m.isVarargsMethod) asm.Opcodes.ACC_VARARGS else 0

      // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize }
      val jgensig = staticForwarderGenericSignature(m, module, getCurrentCUnit())
      addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemoteClass, hasPublicBitSet(flags), m)
      val (throws, others) = m.annotations partition (_.symbol == ThrowsClass)
      val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(throws)

      val jReturnType = javaType(methodInfo.resultType)
      val mdesc = asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(jReturnType, paramJavaTypes: _*)
      val mirrorMethodName = javaName(m)
      val mirrorMethod: asm.MethodVisitor = jclass.visitMethod(

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitAnnotationDefault ] ( visitAnnotation | visitParameterAnnotation | visitAttribute )*

      emitAnnotations(mirrorMethod, others)

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   visitCode ( visitFrame | visitXInsn | visitLabel | visitTryCatchBlock | visitLocalVariable | visitLineNumber )* visitMaxs ] visitEnd


      mirrorMethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.GETSTATIC, moduleName, strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, descriptor(module))

      var index = 0
      for(jparamType <- paramJavaTypes) {
        mirrorMethod.visitVarInsn(jparamType.getOpcode(asm.Opcodes.ILOAD), index)
        assert(jparamType.getSort() != asm.Type.METHOD, jparamType)
        index += jparamType.getSize()

      mirrorMethod.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, moduleName, mirrorMethodName, javaType(m).getDescriptor)

      mirrorMethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments


    /** Add forwarders for all methods defined in `module` that don't conflict
     *  with methods in the companion class of `module`. A conflict arises when
     *  a method with the same name is defined both in a class and its companion object:
     *  method signature is not taken into account.
    def addForwarders(isRemoteClass: Boolean, jclass: asm.ClassVisitor, jclassName: String, moduleClass: Symbol) {
      assert(moduleClass.isModuleClass, moduleClass)
      debuglog("Dumping mirror class for object: " + moduleClass)

      val linkedClass  = moduleClass.companionClass
      lazy val conflictingNames: Set[Name] = {
        ( collect { case sym if => }).toSet
      debuglog("Potentially conflicting names for forwarders: " + conflictingNames)

      for (m <-, Flags.METHOD)) {
        if (m.isType || m.isDeferred || (m.owner eq ObjectClass) || m.isConstructor)
          debuglog(s"No forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'")
        else if (conflictingNames(
          log(s"No forwarder for $m due to conflict with " +
        else if (m.hasAccessBoundary)
          log(s"No forwarder for non-public member $m")
        else {
          debuglog(s"Adding static forwarder for '$m' from $jclassName to '$moduleClass'")
          addForwarder(isRemoteClass, jclass, moduleClass, m)

  } // end of class JCommonBuilder

  trait JAndroidBuilder {
    self: JPlainBuilder =>

    def isAndroidParcelableClass(sym: Symbol) =
      (AndroidParcelableInterface != NoSymbol) &&
      (sym.parentSymbols contains AndroidParcelableInterface)

    /* Typestate: should be called before emitting fields (because it adds an IField to the current IClass). */
    def addCreatorCode(block: BasicBlock) {
      val fieldSymbol = (
        clasz.symbol.newValue(androidFieldName, NoPosition, Flags.STATIC | Flags.FINAL)
          setInfo AndroidCreatorClass.tpe
      val methodSymbol = definitions.getMember(clasz.symbol.companionModule, androidFieldName)
      clasz addField new IField(fieldSymbol)
      block emit CALL_METHOD(methodSymbol, Static(onInstance = false))
      block emit STORE_FIELD(fieldSymbol, isStatic = true)

    def legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit: asm.MethodVisitor) {
      val creatorType: asm.Type = javaType(AndroidCreatorClass)
      val tdesc_creator = creatorType.getDescriptor

        null, // no java-generic-signature
        null  // no initial value

      val moduleName = javaName(clasz.symbol)+"$"

      // GETSTATIC `moduleName`.MODULE$ : `moduleName`;

      // INVOKEVIRTUAL `moduleName`.CREATOR() : android.os.Parcelable$Creator;
        asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(creatorType, Array.empty[asm.Type]: _*)

      // PUTSTATIC `thisName`.CREATOR;

  } // end of trait JAndroidBuilder

  /** Map from type kinds to the Java reference types.
   *  It is used to push class literals onto the operand stack.
   *  @see Predef.classOf
   *  @see genConstant()
  private val classLiteral = immutable.Map[TypeKind, asm.Type](
    UNIT   -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Void"),
    BOOL   -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Boolean"),
    BYTE   -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Byte"),
    SHORT  -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Short"),
    CHAR   -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Character"),
    INT    -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Integer"),
    LONG   -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Long"),
    FLOAT  -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Float"),
    DOUBLE -> asm.Type.getObjectType("java/lang/Double")

  def isNonUnitValueTK(tk: TypeKind): Boolean = { tk.isValueType && tk != UNIT }

  case class MethodNameAndType(mname: String, mdesc: String)

  private val jBoxTo: Map[TypeKind, MethodNameAndType] = {
      BOOL   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToBoolean",   "(Z)Ljava/lang/Boolean;"  ) ,
      BYTE   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToByte",      "(B)Ljava/lang/Byte;"     ) ,
      CHAR   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToCharacter", "(C)Ljava/lang/Character;") ,
      SHORT  -> MethodNameAndType("boxToShort",     "(S)Ljava/lang/Short;"    ) ,
      INT    -> MethodNameAndType("boxToInteger",   "(I)Ljava/lang/Integer;"  ) ,
      LONG   -> MethodNameAndType("boxToLong",      "(J)Ljava/lang/Long;"     ) ,
      FLOAT  -> MethodNameAndType("boxToFloat",     "(F)Ljava/lang/Float;"    ) ,
      DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("boxToDouble",    "(D)Ljava/lang/Double;"   )

  private val jUnboxTo: Map[TypeKind, MethodNameAndType] = {
      BOOL   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToBoolean", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z") ,
      BYTE   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToByte",    "(Ljava/lang/Object;)B") ,
      CHAR   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToChar",    "(Ljava/lang/Object;)C") ,
      SHORT  -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToShort",   "(Ljava/lang/Object;)S") ,
      INT    -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToInt",     "(Ljava/lang/Object;)I") ,
      LONG   -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToLong",    "(Ljava/lang/Object;)J") ,
      FLOAT  -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToFloat",   "(Ljava/lang/Object;)F") ,
      DOUBLE -> MethodNameAndType("unboxToDouble",  "(Ljava/lang/Object;)D")

  case class BlockInteval(start: BasicBlock, end: BasicBlock)

  /** builder of plain classes */
  class JPlainBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean)
    extends JCommonBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile)
    with    JAndroidBuilder {

    val MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY = 0.7

    val StringBuilderClassName = javaName(definitions.StringBuilderClass)
    val BoxesRunTime = "scala/runtime/BoxesRunTime"

    val StringBuilderType = asm.Type.getObjectType(StringBuilderClassName)
    val mdesc_toString    = "()Ljava/lang/String;"
    val mdesc_arrayClone  = "()Ljava/lang/Object;"

    val tdesc_long        = asm.Type.LONG_TYPE.getDescriptor // ie. "J"

    def isParcelableClass = isAndroidParcelableClass(clasz.symbol)

    def serialVUID: Option[Long] = genBCode.serialVUID(clasz.symbol)

    private def getSuperInterfaces(c: IClass): Array[String] = {

        // Additional interface parents based on annotations and other cues
        def newParentForAttr(ann: AnnotationInfo): Symbol = ann.symbol match {
          case RemoteAttr       => RemoteInterfaceClass
          case _                => NoSymbol

        /* Drop redundant interfaces (ones which are implemented by some other parent) from the immediate parents.
         * This is important on Android because there is otherwise an interface explosion.
        def minimizeInterfaces(lstIfaces: List[Symbol]): List[Symbol] = {
          var rest   = lstIfaces
          var leaves = List.empty[Symbol]
          while(!rest.isEmpty) {
            val candidate = rest.head
            val nonLeaf = leaves exists { lsym => lsym isSubClass candidate }
            if(!nonLeaf) {
              leaves = candidate :: (leaves filterNot { lsym => candidate isSubClass lsym })
            rest = rest.tail


      val ps =
      val superInterfaces0: List[Symbol] = if(ps.isEmpty) Nil else c.symbol.mixinClasses
      val superInterfaces = existingSymbols(superInterfaces0 ++

      if(superInterfaces.isEmpty) EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY
      else mkArray(minimizeInterfaces(superInterfaces) map javaName)

    var clasz:    IClass = _           // this var must be assigned only by genClass()
    var jclass:   asm.ClassWriter = _  // the classfile being emitted
    var thisName: String = _           // the internal name of jclass

    def thisDescr: String = {
      assert(thisName != null, "thisDescr invoked too soon.")

    def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = { clasz.cunit }

    def genClass(c: IClass) {
      clasz = c

      thisName = javaName(c.symbol) // the internal name of the class being emitted

      val ps =
      val superClass: String = if(ps.isEmpty) JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.getInternalName else javaName(ps.head.typeSymbol)

      val ifaces = getSuperInterfaces(c)

      val thisSignature = getGenericSignature(c.symbol, c.symbol.owner)
      val flags = mkFlags(
        if(isDeprecated(c.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag
      jclass  = createJClass(flags,
                             thisName, thisSignature,
                             superClass, ifaces)

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitSource ] [ visitOuterClass ] ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )*

      if(emitSource) {
                           null /* SourceDebugExtension */)

      val enclM = getEnclosingMethodAttribute()
      if(enclM != null) {
        val EnclMethodEntry(className, methodName, methodType) = enclM
        jclass.visitOuterClass(className, methodName, methodType.getDescriptor)

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )*

      val ssa = getAnnotPickle(thisName, c.symbol)
      jclass.visitAttribute(if(ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign)
      emitAnnotations(jclass, c.symbol.annotations ++ ssa)

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   ( visitInnerClass | visitField | visitMethod )* visitEnd

      if (isStaticModule(c.symbol) || isParcelableClass) {

        if (isStaticModule(c.symbol)) { addModuleInstanceField() }

      } else {

        for (constructor <- c.lookupStaticCtor) {
        val skipStaticForwarders = (c.symbol.isInterface || settings.noForwarders)
        if (!skipStaticForwarders) {
          val lmoc = c.symbol.companionModule
          // add static forwarders if there are no name conflicts; see bugs #363 and #1735
          if (lmoc != NoSymbol) {
            // it must be a top level class (name contains no $s)
            val isCandidateForForwarders = {
              exitingPickler { !( contains '$') && lmoc.hasModuleFlag && !lmoc.isImplClass && !lmoc.isNestedClass }
            if (isCandidateForForwarders) {
              log("Adding static forwarders from '%s' to implementations in '%s'".format(c.symbol, lmoc))
              addForwarders(isRemote(clasz.symbol), jclass, thisName, lmoc.moduleClass)


      // add static serialVersionUID field if `clasz` annotated with `@SerialVersionUID(uid: Long)`
      serialVUID foreach { value =>
        val fieldName = "serialVersionUID"
          null, // no java-generic-signature

      clasz.fields  foreach genField
      clasz.methods foreach { im => genMethod(im, c.symbol.isInterface) }

      addInnerClasses(clasz.symbol, jclass)
      writeIfNotTooBig("" +, thisName, jclass, c.symbol)

     * @param owner internal name of the enclosing class of the class.
     * @param name the name of the method that contains the class.

     * @param methodType the method that contains the class.
    case class EnclMethodEntry(owner: String, name: String, methodType: asm.Type)

     * @return null if the current class is not internal to a method
     * Quoting from JVMS 4.7.7 The EnclosingMethod Attribute
     *   A class must have an EnclosingMethod attribute if and only if it is a local class or an anonymous class.
     *   A class may have no more than one EnclosingMethod attribute.
    private def getEnclosingMethodAttribute(): EnclMethodEntry = { // JVMS 4.7.7
      var res: EnclMethodEntry = null
      val clazz = clasz.symbol
      val sym = clazz.originalEnclosingMethod
      if (sym.isMethod) {
        debuglog("enclosing method for %s is %s (in %s)".format(clazz, sym, sym.enclClass))
        res = EnclMethodEntry(javaName(sym.enclClass), javaName(sym), javaType(sym))
      } else if (clazz.isAnonymousClass) {
        val enclClass = clazz.rawowner
        assert(enclClass.isClass, enclClass)
        val sym = enclClass.primaryConstructor
        if (sym == NoSymbol) {
          log("Ran out of room looking for an enclosing method for %s: no constructor here.".format(enclClass))
        } else {
          debuglog("enclosing method for %s is %s (in %s)".format(clazz, sym, enclClass))
          res = EnclMethodEntry(javaName(enclClass), javaName(sym), javaType(sym))


    def genField(f: IField) {
      debuglog("Adding field: " + f.symbol.fullName)

      val javagensig = getGenericSignature(f.symbol, clasz.symbol)

      val flags = mkFlags(
        if(isDeprecated(f.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag

      val jfield: asm.FieldVisitor = jclass.visitField(
        null // no initial value

      emitAnnotations(jfield, f.symbol.annotations)

    var method:  IMethod = _
    var jmethod: asm.MethodVisitor = _
    var jMethodName: String = _

    final def emit(opc: Int) { jmethod.visitInsn(opc) }

    def genMethod(m: IMethod, isJInterface: Boolean) {

        def isClosureApply(sym: Symbol): Boolean = {
          ( == nme.apply) &&
          sym.owner.isSynthetic &&
          sym.owner.tpe.parents.exists { t =>
            val TypeRef(_, sym, _) = t
            FunctionClass.seq contains sym

      if (m.symbol.isStaticConstructor || definitions.isGetClass(m.symbol)) return

      if (m.params.size > MaximumJvmParameters) {
        getCurrentCUnit().error(m.symbol.pos, s"Platform restriction: a parameter list's length cannot exceed $MaximumJvmParameters.")

      debuglog("Generating method " + m.symbol.fullName)
      method = m

      var resTpe: asm.Type = javaType(m.symbol.tpe.resultType)
      if (m.symbol.isClassConstructor)
        resTpe = asm.Type.VOID_TYPE

      val flags = mkFlags(
        if (isJInterface)          asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT   else 0,
        if (m.symbol.isStrictFP)   asm.Opcodes.ACC_STRICT     else 0,
        if (method.native)         asm.Opcodes.ACC_NATIVE     else 0, // native methods of objects are generated in mirror classes
        if(isDeprecated(m.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0  // ASM pseudo access flag

      // TODO needed? for(ann <- m.symbol.annotations) { ann.symbol.initialize }
      val jgensig = getGenericSignature(m.symbol, clasz.symbol)
      addRemoteExceptionAnnot(isRemote(clasz.symbol), hasPublicBitSet(flags), m.symbol)
      val (excs, others) = m.symbol.annotations partition (_.symbol == ThrowsClass)
      val thrownExceptions: List[String] = getExceptions(excs)

      jMethodName = javaName(m.symbol)
      val mdesc = asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(resTpe, (m.params map (p => javaType(p.kind))): _*)
      jmethod = jclass.visitMethod(

      // TODO param names: (m.params map (p => javaName(p.sym)))

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitAnnotationDefault ] ( visitAnnotation | visitParameterAnnotation | visitAttribute )*

      emitAnnotations(jmethod, others)

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitCode ( visitFrame | visitXInsn | visitLabel | visitTryCatchBlock | visitLocalVariable | visitLineNumber )* visitMaxs ] visitEnd
      // In addition, the visitXInsn and visitLabel methods must be called in the sequential order of the bytecode instructions of the visited code,
      // visitTryCatchBlock must be called before the labels passed as arguments have been visited, and
      // the visitLocalVariable and visitLineNumber methods must be called after the labels passed as arguments have been visited.

      val hasAbstractBitSet = ((flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_ABSTRACT) != 0)
      val hasCodeAttribute  = (!hasAbstractBitSet && !method.native)
      if (hasCodeAttribute) {


        if (emitVars && isClosureApply(method.symbol)) {
          // add a fake local for debugging purposes
          val outerField =
          if (outerField != NoSymbol) {
            log("Adding fake local to represent outer 'this' for closure " + clasz)
            val _this =
              new Local(method.symbol.newVariable(nme.FAKE_LOCAL_THIS),
            m.locals = m.locals ::: List(_this)
            computeLocalVarsIndex(m) // since we added a new local, we need to recompute indexes
            jmethod.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
                                   javaName(clasz.symbol), // field owner
                                   javaName(outerField),   // field name
                                   descriptor(outerField)  // field descriptor
            assert(_this.kind.isReferenceType, _this.kind)
            jmethod.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ASTORE, indexOf(_this))

        assert( m.locals forall { local => (m.params contains local) == local.arg }, m.locals )

        val hasStaticBitSet = ((flags & asm.Opcodes.ACC_STATIC) != 0)
        genCode(m, emitVars, hasStaticBitSet)

        jmethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments



    def addModuleInstanceField() {
      val fv =
        jclass.visitField(PublicStaticFinal, // TODO confirm whether we really don't want ACC_SYNTHETIC nor ACC_DEPRECATED
                          null, // no java-generic-signature
                          null  // no initial value

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )* visitEnd.


    /* Typestate: should be called before being done with emitting fields (because it invokes addCreatorCode() which adds an IField to the current IClass). */
    def addStaticInit(mopt: Option[IMethod]) {

      val clinitMethod: asm.MethodVisitor = jclass.visitMethod(
        PublicStatic, // TODO confirm whether we really don't want ACC_SYNTHETIC nor ACC_DEPRECATED
        null, // no java-generic-signature
        null  // no throwable exceptions

      mopt match {

       	case Some(m) =>

          val oldLastBlock = m.lastBlock
          val lastBlock = m.newBlock()
          oldLastBlock.replaceInstruction(oldLastBlock.length - 1, JUMP(lastBlock))

          if (isStaticModule(clasz.symbol)) {
            // call object's private ctor from static ctor
            lastBlock emit NEW(REFERENCE(m.symbol.enclClass))
            lastBlock emit CALL_METHOD(m.symbol.enclClass.primaryConstructor, Static(onInstance = true))

          if (isParcelableClass) { addCreatorCode(lastBlock) }

          lastBlock emit RETURN(UNIT)

          method = m
       	  jmethod = clinitMethod
          jMethodName = CLASS_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME
          genCode(m, emitVars = false, isStatic = true)
          jmethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments

       	case None =>
          clinitMethod.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments


    /* used only from addStaticInit() */
    private def legacyStaticInitializer(clinit: asm.MethodVisitor) {
      if (isStaticModule(clasz.symbol)) {
        clinit.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.NEW, thisName)
                               thisName, INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, mdesc_arglessvoid)

      if (isParcelableClass) { legacyAddCreatorCode(clinit) }


    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Emitting bytecode instructions.
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    private def genConstant(mv: asm.MethodVisitor, const: Constant) {
      const.tag match {

        case BooleanTag => jcode.boolconst(const.booleanValue)

        case ByteTag    => jcode.iconst(const.byteValue.toInt)
        case ShortTag   => jcode.iconst(const.shortValue.toInt)
        case CharTag    => jcode.iconst(const.charValue)
        case IntTag     => jcode.iconst(const.intValue)

        case LongTag    => jcode.lconst(const.longValue)
        case FloatTag   => jcode.fconst(const.floatValue)
        case DoubleTag  => jcode.dconst(const.doubleValue)

        case UnitTag    => ()

        case StringTag  =>
          assert(const.value != null, const) // TODO this invariant isn't documented in `case class Constant`
          mv.visitLdcInsn(const.stringValue) // `stringValue` special-cases null, but not for a const with StringTag

        case NullTag    => mv.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL)

        case ClazzTag   =>
          val kind = toTypeKind(const.typeValue)
          val toPush: asm.Type =
            if (kind.isValueType) classLiteral(kind)
            else javaType(kind)

        case EnumTag   =>
          val sym = const.symbolValue

        case _ => abort("Unknown constant value: " + const)

    /** Just a namespace for utilities that encapsulate MethodVisitor idioms.
     *  In the ASM world, org.objectweb.asm.commons.InstructionAdapter plays a similar role,
     *  but the methods here allow choosing when to transition from ICode to ASM types
     *  (including not at all, e.g. for performance).
    object jcode {

      import asm.Opcodes

      final def boolconst(b: Boolean) { iconst(if(b) 1 else 0) }

      def iconst(cst: Char) { iconst(cst.toInt) }
      def iconst(cst: Int) {
        if (cst >= -1 && cst <= 5) {
          jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.ICONST_0 + cst)
        } else if (cst >= java.lang.Byte.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Byte.MAX_VALUE) {
          jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.BIPUSH, cst)
        } else if (cst >= java.lang.Short.MIN_VALUE && cst <= java.lang.Short.MAX_VALUE) {
          jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.SIPUSH, cst)
        } else {
          jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new Integer(cst))

      def lconst(cst: Long) {
        if (cst == 0L || cst == 1L) {
          jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.LCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int])
        } else {
          jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Long(cst))

      def fconst(cst: Float) {
        val bits: Int = java.lang.Float.floatToIntBits(cst)
        if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3f800000 || bits == 0x40000000) { // 0..2
          jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.FCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int])
        } else {
          jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Float(cst))

      def dconst(cst: Double) {
        val bits: Long = java.lang.Double.doubleToLongBits(cst)
        if (bits == 0L || bits == 0x3ff0000000000000L) { // +0.0d and 1.0d
          jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.DCONST_0 + cst.asInstanceOf[Int])
        } else {
          jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Double(cst))

      def newarray(elem: TypeKind) {
        if(elem.isRefOrArrayType) {
          jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, javaType(elem).getInternalName)
        } else {
          val rand = {
            if(elem.isIntSizedType) {
              (elem: @unchecked) match {
                case BOOL   => Opcodes.T_BOOLEAN
                case BYTE   => Opcodes.T_BYTE
                case SHORT  => Opcodes.T_SHORT
                case CHAR   => Opcodes.T_CHAR
                case INT    => Opcodes.T_INT
            } else {
              (elem: @unchecked) match {
                case LONG   => Opcodes.T_LONG
                case FLOAT  => Opcodes.T_FLOAT
                case DOUBLE => Opcodes.T_DOUBLE
          jmethod.visitIntInsn(Opcodes.NEWARRAY, rand)

      def load( idx: Int, tk: TypeKind) { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ILOAD,  idx, tk) }
      def store(idx: Int, tk: TypeKind) { emitVarInsn(Opcodes.ISTORE, idx, tk) }

      def aload( tk: TypeKind) { emitTypeBased(aloadOpcodes,  tk) }
      def astore(tk: TypeKind) { emitTypeBased(astoreOpcodes, tk) }

      def neg(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(negOpcodes, tk) }
      def add(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(addOpcodes, tk) }
      def sub(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(subOpcodes, tk) }
      def mul(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(mulOpcodes, tk) }
      def div(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(divOpcodes, tk) }
      def rem(tk: TypeKind) { emitPrimitive(remOpcodes, tk) }

      def invokespecial(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
        jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, owner, name, desc)
      def invokestatic(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
        jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKESTATIC, owner, name, desc)
      def invokeinterface(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
        jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEINTERFACE, owner, name, desc)
      def invokevirtual(owner: String, name: String, desc: String) {
        jmethod.visitMethodInsn(Opcodes.INVOKEVIRTUAL, owner, name, desc)

      def goTo(label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.GOTO, label) }
      def emitIF(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label)      { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIF(),     label) }
      def emitIF_ICMP(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(cond.opcodeIFICMP(), label) }
      def emitIF_ACMP(cond: TestOp, label: asm.Label) {
        assert((cond == EQ) || (cond == NE), cond)
        val opc = (if(cond == EQ) Opcodes.IF_ACMPEQ else Opcodes.IF_ACMPNE)
        jmethod.visitJumpInsn(opc, label)
      def emitIFNONNULL(label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNONNULL, label) }
      def emitIFNULL   (label: asm.Label) { jmethod.visitJumpInsn(Opcodes.IFNULL,    label) }

      def emitRETURN(tk: TypeKind) {
        if(tk == UNIT) { jmethod.visitInsn(Opcodes.RETURN) }
        else           { emitTypeBased(returnOpcodes, tk)      }

      /** Emits one of tableswitch or lookoupswitch. */
      def emitSWITCH(keys: Array[Int], branches: Array[asm.Label], defaultBranch: asm.Label, minDensity: Double) {
        assert(keys.length == branches.length)

        // For empty keys, it makes sense emitting LOOKUPSWITCH with defaultBranch only.
        // Similar to what javac emits for a switch statement consisting only of a default case.
        if (keys.length == 0) {
          jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches)

        // sort `keys` by increasing key, keeping `branches` in sync. TODO FIXME use quicksort
        var i = 1
        while (i < keys.length) {
          var j = 1
          while (j <= keys.length - i) {
            if (keys(j) < keys(j - 1)) {
              val tmp     = keys(j)
              keys(j)     = keys(j - 1)
              keys(j - 1) = tmp
              val tmpL        = branches(j)
              branches(j)     = branches(j - 1)
              branches(j - 1) = tmpL
            j += 1
          i += 1

        // check for duplicate keys to avoid "VerifyError: unsorted lookupswitch" (SI-6011)
        i = 1
        while (i < keys.length) {
          if(keys(i-1) == keys(i)) {
            abort("duplicate keys in SWITCH, can't pick arbitrarily one of them to evict, see SI-6011.")
          i += 1

        val keyMin = keys(0)
        val keyMax = keys(keys.length - 1)

        val isDenseEnough: Boolean = {
          /* Calculate in long to guard against overflow. TODO what overflow??? */
          val keyRangeD: Double = (keyMax.asInstanceOf[Long] - keyMin + 1).asInstanceOf[Double]
          val klenD:     Double = keys.length.toDouble
          val kdensity:  Double = (klenD / keyRangeD)

          kdensity >= minDensity

        if (isDenseEnough) {
          // use a table in which holes are filled with defaultBranch.
          val keyRange    = (keyMax - keyMin + 1)
          val newBranches = new Array[asm.Label](keyRange)
          var oldPos = 0
          var i = 0
          while(i < keyRange) {
            val key = keyMin + i
            if (keys(oldPos) == key) {
              newBranches(i) = branches(oldPos)
              oldPos += 1
            } else {
              newBranches(i) = defaultBranch
            i += 1
          assert(oldPos == keys.length, "emitSWITCH")
          jmethod.visitTableSwitchInsn(keyMin, keyMax, defaultBranch, newBranches: _*)
        } else {
          jmethod.visitLookupSwitchInsn(defaultBranch, keys, branches)

      // internal helpers -- not part of the public API of `jcode`
      // don't make private otherwise inlining will suffer

      def emitVarInsn(opc: Int, idx: Int, tk: TypeKind) {
        assert((opc == Opcodes.ILOAD) || (opc == Opcodes.ISTORE), opc)
        jmethod.visitVarInsn(javaType(tk).getOpcode(opc), idx)

      // ---------------- array load and store ----------------

      val aloadOpcodes  = { import Opcodes._; Array(AALOAD,  BALOAD,  SALOAD,  CALOAD,  IALOAD,  LALOAD,  FALOAD,  DALOAD)  }
      val astoreOpcodes = { import Opcodes._; Array(AASTORE, BASTORE, SASTORE, CASTORE, IASTORE, LASTORE, FASTORE, DASTORE) }

      val returnOpcodes = { import Opcodes._; Array(ARETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, IRETURN, LRETURN, FRETURN, DRETURN) }

      def emitTypeBased(opcs: Array[Int], tk: TypeKind) {
        assert(tk != UNIT, tk)
        val opc = {
          if(tk.isRefOrArrayType) {   opcs(0) }
          else if(tk.isIntSizedType) {
            (tk: @unchecked) match {
              case BOOL | BYTE     => opcs(1)
              case SHORT           => opcs(2)
              case CHAR            => opcs(3)
              case INT             => opcs(4)
          } else {
            (tk: @unchecked) match {
              case LONG            => opcs(5)
              case FLOAT           => opcs(6)
              case DOUBLE          => opcs(7)

      // ---------------- primitive operations ----------------

      val negOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(INEG, LNEG, FNEG, DNEG) }
      val addOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IADD, LADD, FADD, DADD) }
      val subOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(ISUB, LSUB, FSUB, DSUB) }
      val mulOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IMUL, LMUL, FMUL, DMUL) }
      val divOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IDIV, LDIV, FDIV, DDIV) }
      val remOpcodes: Array[Int] = { import Opcodes._; Array(IREM, LREM, FREM, DREM) }

      def emitPrimitive(opcs: Array[Int], tk: TypeKind) {
        val opc = {
          if(tk.isIntSizedType) { opcs(0) }
          else {
            (tk: @unchecked) match {
              case LONG   => opcs(1)
              case FLOAT  => opcs(2)
              case DOUBLE => opcs(3)


    /** Invoked from genMethod() and addStaticInit() */
    def genCode(m: IMethod,
                emitVars: Boolean, // this param name hides the instance-level var
                isStatic: Boolean) {


      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Part 1 of genCode(): setting up one-to-one correspondence between ASM Labels and BasicBlocks `linearization`
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      val linearization: List[BasicBlock] = linearizer.linearize(m)
      if(linearization.isEmpty) { return }

      var isModuleInitialized = false

      val labels: scala.collection.Map[BasicBlock, asm.Label] = mutable.HashMap(linearization map (_ -> new asm.Label()) : _*)

      val onePastLast = new asm.Label // token for the mythical instruction past the last instruction in the method being emitted

      // maps a BasicBlock b to the Label that corresponds to b's successor in the linearization. The last BasicBlock is mapped to the onePastLast label.
      val linNext: scala.collection.Map[BasicBlock, asm.Label] = {
        val result = mutable.HashMap.empty[BasicBlock, asm.Label]
        var rest = linearization
        var prev = rest.head
        rest = rest.tail
        while(!rest.isEmpty) {
          result += (prev -> labels(rest.head))
          prev = rest.head
          rest = rest.tail
        result += (prev -> onePastLast)


      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Part 2 of genCode(): demarcating exception handler boundaries (visitTryCatchBlock() must be invoked before visitLabel() in genBlock())
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        /* Generate exception handlers for the current method.
         * Quoting from the JVMS 4.7.3 The Code Attribute
         * The items of the Code_attribute structure are as follows:
         *   . . .
         *   exception_table[]
         *     Each entry in the exception_table array describes one
         *     exception handler in the code array. The order of the handlers in
         *     the exception_table array is significant.
         *     Each exception_table entry contains the following four items:
         *       start_pc, end_pc:
         *         ... The value of end_pc either must be a valid index into
         *         the code array of the opcode of an instruction or must be equal to code_length,
         *         the length of the code array.
         *       handler_pc:
         *         The value of the handler_pc item indicates the start of the exception handler
         *       catch_type:
         *         ... If the value of the catch_type item is zero,
         *         this exception handler is called for all exceptions.
         *         This is used to implement finally
        def genExceptionHandlers() {

          /* Return a list of pairs of intervals where the handler is active.
           * Each interval is closed on both ends, ie. inclusive both in the left and right endpoints: [start, end].
           * Preconditions:
           *   - e.covered non-empty
           * Postconditions for the result:
           *   - always non-empty
           *   - intervals are sorted as per `linearization`
           *   - the argument's `covered` blocks have been grouped into maximally contiguous intervals,
           *     ie. between any two intervals in the result there is a non-empty gap.
           *   - each of the `covered` blocks in the argument is contained in some interval in the result
          def intervals(e: ExceptionHandler): List[BlockInteval] = {
            assert(e.covered.nonEmpty, e)
            var result: List[BlockInteval] = Nil
            var rest = linearization

            // find intervals
            while(!rest.isEmpty) {
              // find interval start
              var start: BasicBlock = null
              while(!rest.isEmpty && (start eq null)) {
                if(e.covered(rest.head)) { start = rest.head }
                rest = rest.tail
              if(start ne null) {
                // find interval end
                var end = start // for the time being
                while(!rest.isEmpty && (e.covered(rest.head))) {
                  end  = rest.head
                  rest = rest.tail
                result = BlockInteval(start, end) :: result

            assert(result.nonEmpty, e)


          /* TODO test/files/run/exceptions-2.scala displays an ExceptionHandler.covered that contains
           * blocks not in the linearization (dead-code?). Is that well-formed or not?
           * For now, we ignore those blocks (after all, that's what `genBlocks(linearization)` in effect does).
          for (e <- this.method.exh) {
            val ignore: Set[BasicBlock] = (e.covered filterNot { b => linearization contains b } )
            // TODO someday assert(ignore.isEmpty, "an ExceptionHandler.covered contains blocks not in the linearization (dead-code?)")
            if(ignore.nonEmpty) {
              e.covered  = e.covered filterNot ignore

          // an ExceptionHandler lacking covered blocks doesn't get an entry in the Exceptions table.
          // TODO in that case, ExceptionHandler.cls doesn't go through javaName(). What if cls is an inner class?
          for (e <- this.method.exh ; if e.covered.nonEmpty ; p <- intervals(e)) {
            debuglog("Adding exception handler " + e + "at block: " + e.startBlock + " for " + method +
                     " from: " + p.start + " to: " + p.end + " catching: " + e.cls)
            val cls: String = if (e.cls == NoSymbol || e.cls == ThrowableClass) null
                              else javaName(e.cls)
            jmethod.visitTryCatchBlock(labels(p.start), linNext(p.end), labels(e.startBlock), cls)
        } // end of genCode()'s genExceptionHandlers()

      if (m.exh.nonEmpty) { genExceptionHandlers() }

      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Part 3 of genCode(): "Infrastructure" to later emit debug info for local variables and method params (LocalVariablesTable bytecode attribute).
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

        case class LocVarEntry(local: Local, start: asm.Label, end: asm.Label) // start is inclusive while end exclusive.

        case class Interval(lstart: asm.Label, lend: asm.Label) {
          final def start = lstart.getOffset
          final def end   = lend.getOffset

          def precedes(that: Interval): Boolean = { this.end < that.start }

          def overlaps(that: Interval): Boolean = { !(this.precedes(that) || that.precedes(this)) }

          def mergeWith(that: Interval): Interval = {
            val newStart = if(this.start <= that.start) this.lstart else that.lstart
            val newEnd   = if(this.end   <= that.end)   that.lend   else this.lend
            Interval(newStart, newEnd)

          def repOK: Boolean = { start <= end }


        /** Track those instruction ranges where certain locals are in scope. Used to later emit the LocalVariableTable attribute (JVMS 4.7.13) */
        object scoping {

          private val pending = mutable.Map.empty[Local, mutable.Stack[Label]]
          private var seen: List[LocVarEntry] = Nil

          private def fuse(ranges: List[Interval], added: Interval): List[Interval] = {
            assert(added.repOK, added)
            if(ranges.isEmpty) { return List(added) }
            // precond: ranges is sorted by increasing start
            var fused: List[Interval] = Nil
            var done = false
            var rest = ranges
            while(!done && rest.nonEmpty) {
              val current = rest.head
              assert(current.repOK, current)
              rest = rest.tail
              if(added precedes current) {
                fused = fused ::: ( added :: current :: rest )
                done = true
              } else if(current overlaps added) {
                fused = fused ::: ( added.mergeWith(current) :: rest )
                done = true
            if(!done) { fused = fused ::: List(added) }
            assert(repOK(fused), fused)


          def pushScope(lv: Local, start: Label) {
            val st = pending.getOrElseUpdate(lv, mutable.Stack.empty[Label])
          def popScope(lv: Local, end: Label, iPos: Position) {
            pending.get(lv) match {
              case Some(st) if st.nonEmpty =>
                val start = st.pop()
                seen ::= LocVarEntry(lv, start, end)
              case _ =>
                // TODO SI-6049 track down the cause for these.
                debugwarn(s"$iPos: Visited SCOPE_EXIT before visiting corresponding SCOPE_ENTER. SI-6191")

          def getMerged(): scala.collection.Map[Local, List[Interval]] = {
            // TODO should but isn't: unbalanced start(s) of scope(s)
            val shouldBeEmpty = pending filter { p => val (_, st) = p; st.nonEmpty }
            val merged = mutable.Map[Local, List[Interval]]()
            def addToMerged(lv: Local, start: Label, end: Label) {
              val intv   = Interval(start, end)
              merged(lv) = if (merged contains lv) fuse(merged(lv), intv) else intv :: Nil
            for(LocVarEntry(lv, start, end) <- seen) { addToMerged(lv, start, end) }

            /* for each var with unbalanced start(s) of scope(s):
                 (a) take the earliest start (among unbalanced and balanced starts)
                 (b) take the latest end (onePastLast if none available)
                 (c) merge the thus made-up interval
            for((k, st) <- shouldBeEmpty) {
              var start = st.toList.sortBy(_.getOffset).head
              if(merged.isDefinedAt(k)) {
                val balancedStart = merged(k).head.lstart
                if(balancedStart.getOffset < start.getOffset) {
                  start = balancedStart
              val endOpt: Option[Label] = for(ranges <- merged.get(k)) yield ranges.last.lend
              val end = endOpt.getOrElse(onePastLast)
              addToMerged(k, start, end)


          private def repOK(fused: List[Interval]): Boolean = {
            fused match {
              case Nil      => true
              case h :: Nil => h.repOK
              case h :: n :: rest =>
                h.repOK && h.precedes(n) && !h.overlaps(n) && repOK(n :: rest)


      def genLocalVariableTable() {
        // adding `this` and method params.
        if (!isStatic) {
          jmethod.visitLocalVariable("this", thisDescr, null, labels(m.startBlock), onePastLast, 0)
        for(lv <- m.params) {
          jmethod.visitLocalVariable(javaName(lv.sym), descriptor(lv.kind), null, labels(m.startBlock), onePastLast, indexOf(lv))
        // adding non-param locals
        var anonCounter = 0
        var fltnd: List[Tuple3[String, Local, Interval]] = Nil
        for((local, ranges) <- scoping.getMerged()) {
          var name = javaName(local.sym)
          if (name == null) {
            anonCounter += 1
            name = "<anon" + anonCounter + ">"
          for(intrvl <- ranges) {
            fltnd ::= (name, local, intrvl)
        // quest for deterministic output that Map.toList doesn't provide (so that ant test.stability doesn't complain).
        val srtd = fltnd.sortBy { kr =>
          val (name: String, _, intrvl: Interval) = kr

          (intrvl.start, intrvl.end - intrvl.start, name)  // ie sort by (start, length, name)

        for((name, local, Interval(start, end)) <- srtd) {
          jmethod.visitLocalVariable(name, descriptor(local.kind), null, start, end, indexOf(local))
        // "There may be no more than one LocalVariableTable attribute per local variable in the Code attribute"

      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Part 4 of genCode(): Bookkeeping (to later emit debug info) of association between line-number and instruction position.
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      case class LineNumberEntry(line: Int, start: asm.Label)
      var lastLineNr: Int = -1
      var lnEntries: List[LineNumberEntry] = Nil

      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Part 5 of genCode(): "Utilities" to emit code proper (most prominently: genBlock()).
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      var nextBlock: BasicBlock = linearization.head

      def genBlocks(l: List[BasicBlock]): Unit = l match {
        case Nil => ()
        case x :: Nil => nextBlock = null; genBlock(x)
        case x :: y :: ys => nextBlock = y; genBlock(x); genBlocks(y :: ys)

      def genCallMethod(call: CALL_METHOD) {
        val CALL_METHOD(method, style) = call
        val siteSymbol  = clasz.symbol
        val hostSymbol  = call.hostClass
        val methodOwner = method.owner
        // info calls so that types are up to date; erasure may add lateINTERFACE to traits ;

        def needsInterfaceCall(sym: Symbol) = (
          || sym.isJavaDefined && sym.isNonBottomSubClass(ClassfileAnnotationClass)
        // whether to reference the type of the receiver or
        // the type of the method owner
        val useMethodOwner = (
             style != Dynamic
          || hostSymbol.isBottomClass
          || methodOwner == ObjectClass
        val receiver = if (useMethodOwner) methodOwner else hostSymbol
        val jowner   = javaName(receiver)
        val jname    = javaName(method)
        val jtype    = javaType(method).getDescriptor()

        def dbg(invoke: String) {
          debuglog("%s %s %s.%s:%s".format(invoke, receiver.accessString, jowner, jname, jtype))

        def initModule() {
          // we initialize the MODULE$ field immediately after the super ctor
          if (isStaticModule(siteSymbol) && !isModuleInitialized &&
              jMethodName == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME &&
              jname == INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME) {
            isModuleInitialized = true
            jmethod.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
            jmethod.visitFieldInsn(asm.Opcodes.PUTSTATIC, thisName, strMODULE_INSTANCE_FIELD, thisDescr)

        style match {
          case Static(true)                            => dbg("invokespecial");  jcode.invokespecial  (jowner, jname, jtype)
          case Static(false)                           => dbg("invokestatic");   jcode.invokestatic   (jowner, jname, jtype)
          case Dynamic if needsInterfaceCall(receiver) => dbg("invokinterface"); jcode.invokeinterface(jowner, jname, jtype)
          case Dynamic                                 => dbg("invokevirtual");  jcode.invokevirtual  (jowner, jname, jtype)
          case SuperCall(_)                            =>
            jcode.invokespecial(jowner, jname, jtype)
      } // end of genCode()'s genCallMethod()

      def genBlock(b: BasicBlock) {

        debuglog("Generating code for block: " + b)

        // val lastInstr = b.lastInstruction

        for (instr <- b) {

          if(instr.pos.isDefined) {
            val iPos = instr.pos
            val currentLineNr = iPos.line
            val skip = (currentLineNr == lastLineNr) // if(iPos.isRange) iPos.sameRange(lastPos) else
            if(!skip) {
              lastLineNr = currentLineNr
              val lineLab = new asm.Label
              lnEntries ::= LineNumberEntry(iPos.finalPosition.line, lineLab)

          genInstr(instr, b)



      def genInstr(instr: Instruction, b: BasicBlock) {
        import asm.Opcodes
        (instr.category: @scala.annotation.switch) match {

          case icodes.localsCat =>
          def genLocalInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {
            case THIS(_) => jmethod.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
            case LOAD_LOCAL(local) => jcode.load(indexOf(local), local.kind)
            case STORE_LOCAL(local) =>, local.kind)
            case STORE_THIS(_) =>
              // this only works for impl classes because the self parameter comes first
              // in the method signature. If that changes, this code has to be revisited.
              jmethod.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ASTORE, 0)

            case SCOPE_ENTER(lv) =>
              // locals removed by closelim (via CopyPropagation) may have left behind SCOPE_ENTER, SCOPE_EXIT that are to be ignored
              val relevant = (!lv.sym.isSynthetic && m.locals.contains(lv))
              if (relevant) { // TODO check: does GenICode emit SCOPE_ENTER, SCOPE_EXIT for synthetic vars?
                // this label will have DEBUG bit set in its flags (ie ASM ignores it for dataflow purposes)
                // similarly, these labels aren't tracked in the `labels` map.
                val start = new asm.Label
                scoping.pushScope(lv, start)

            case SCOPE_EXIT(lv) =>
              val relevant = (!lv.sym.isSynthetic && m.locals.contains(lv))
              if (relevant) {
                // this label will have DEBUG bit set in its flags (ie ASM ignores it for dataflow purposes)
                // similarly, these labels aren't tracked in the `labels` map.
                val end = new asm.Label
                scoping.popScope(lv, end, instr.pos)

          case icodes.stackCat =>
          def genStackInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {

            case LOAD_MODULE(module) =>
              // assert(module.isModule, "Expected module: " + module)
              debuglog("generating LOAD_MODULE for: " + module + " flags: " + module.flagString)
              def inStaticMethod = this.method != null && this.method.symbol.isStaticMember
              if (clasz.symbol == module.moduleClass && jMethodName != nme.readResolve.toString && !inStaticMethod) {
                jmethod.visitVarInsn(Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
              } else {
                  javaName(module) /* + "$" */ ,

            case DROP(kind) => emit(if (kind.isWideType) Opcodes.POP2 else Opcodes.POP)

            case DUP(kind) => emit(if (kind.isWideType) Opcodes.DUP2 else Opcodes.DUP)

            case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) => ()

          case icodes.constCat => genConstant(jmethod, instr.asInstanceOf[CONSTANT].constant)

          case icodes.arilogCat => genPrimitive(instr.asInstanceOf[CALL_PRIMITIVE].primitive, instr.pos)

          case icodes.castsCat =>
          def genCastInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {

            case IS_INSTANCE(tpe) =>
              val jtyp: asm.Type =
                tpe match {
                  case REFERENCE(cls) => asm.Type.getObjectType(javaName(cls))
                  case ARRAY(elem) => javaArrayType(javaType(elem))
                  case _ => abort("Unknown reference type in IS_INSTANCE: " + tpe)
              jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.INSTANCEOF, jtyp.getInternalName)

            case CHECK_CAST(tpe) =>
              tpe match {

                case REFERENCE(cls) =>
                  if (cls != ObjectClass) { // No need to checkcast for Objects
                    jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, javaName(cls))

                case ARRAY(elem) =>
                  val iname = javaArrayType(javaType(elem)).getInternalName
                  jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.CHECKCAST, iname)

                case _ => abort("Unknown reference type in IS_INSTANCE: " + tpe)


          case icodes.objsCat =>
          def genObjsInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {
            case BOX(kind) =>
              val MethodNameAndType(mname, mdesc) = jBoxTo(kind)
              jcode.invokestatic(BoxesRunTime, mname, mdesc)

            case UNBOX(kind) =>
              val MethodNameAndType(mname, mdesc) = jUnboxTo(kind)
              jcode.invokestatic(BoxesRunTime, mname, mdesc)

            case NEW(REFERENCE(cls)) =>
              val className = javaName(cls)
              jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, className)

            case MONITOR_ENTER() => emit(Opcodes.MONITORENTER)
            case MONITOR_EXIT() => emit(Opcodes.MONITOREXIT)

          case icodes.fldsCat =>
          def genFldsInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {

            case lf @ LOAD_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
              val owner = javaName(lf.hostClass)
              debuglog("LOAD_FIELD with owner: " + owner + " flags: " + field.owner.flagString)
              val fieldJName = javaName(field)
              val fieldDescr = descriptor(field)
              val opc = if (isStatic) Opcodes.GETSTATIC else Opcodes.GETFIELD
              jmethod.visitFieldInsn(opc, owner, fieldJName, fieldDescr)

            case STORE_FIELD(field, isStatic) =>
              val owner = javaName(field.owner)
              val fieldJName = javaName(field)
              val fieldDescr = descriptor(field)
              val opc = if (isStatic) Opcodes.PUTSTATIC else Opcodes.PUTFIELD
              jmethod.visitFieldInsn(opc, owner, fieldJName, fieldDescr)


          case icodes.mthdsCat =>
          def genMethodsInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {

            /* Special handling to access native Array.clone() */
            case call @ CALL_METHOD(definitions.Array_clone, Dynamic) =>
              val target: String = javaType(call.targetTypeKind).getInternalName
              jcode.invokevirtual(target, "clone", mdesc_arrayClone)

            case call @ CALL_METHOD(method, style) => genCallMethod(call)


          case icodes.arraysCat =>
          def genArraysInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {
            case LOAD_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => jcode.aload(kind)
            case STORE_ARRAY_ITEM(kind) => jcode.astore(kind)
            case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, 1) => jcode newarray elem
            case CREATE_ARRAY(elem, dims) => jmethod.visitMultiANewArrayInsn(descriptor(ArrayN(elem, dims)), dims)

          case icodes.jumpsCat =>
          def genJumpInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {

            case sw @ SWITCH(tagss, branches) =>
              assert(branches.length == tagss.length + 1, sw)
              val flatSize = sw.flatTagsCount
              val flatKeys = new Array[Int](flatSize)
              val flatBranches = new Array[asm.Label](flatSize)

              var restTagss = tagss
              var restBranches = branches
              var k = 0 // ranges over flatKeys and flatBranches
              while (restTagss.nonEmpty) {
                val currLabel = labels(restBranches.head)
                for (cTag <- restTagss.head) {
                  flatKeys(k) = cTag
                  flatBranches(k) = currLabel
                  k += 1
                restTagss = restTagss.tail
                restBranches = restBranches.tail
              val defaultLabel = labels(restBranches.head)
              debuglog("Emitting SWITCH:\ntags: " + tagss + "\nbranches: " + branches)
              jcode.emitSWITCH(flatKeys, flatBranches, defaultLabel, MIN_SWITCH_DENSITY)

            case JUMP(whereto) =>
              if (nextBlock != whereto)
                jcode goTo labels(whereto)
                // SI-6102: Determine whether eliding this JUMP results in an empty range being covered by some EH.
                // If so, emit a NOP in place of the elided JUMP, to avoid "java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range"
              else if (newNormal.isJumpOnly(b) && m.exh.exists(eh => eh.covers(b))) {
                debugwarn("Had a jump only block that wasn't collapsed")

            case CJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
              if (kind.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
                if (nextBlock == success) {
                  jcode.emitIF_ICMP(cond.negate(), labels(failure))
                  // .. and fall through to success label
                } else {
                  jcode.emitIF_ICMP(cond, labels(success))
                  if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) }
              } else if (kind.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
                if (nextBlock == success) {
                  jcode.emitIF_ACMP(cond.negate(), labels(failure))
                  // .. and fall through to success label
                } else {
                  jcode.emitIF_ACMP(cond, labels(success))
                  if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) }
              } else {
                (kind: @unchecked) match {
                  case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LCMP)
                  case FLOAT =>
                    if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.FCMPG)
                    else emit(Opcodes.FCMPL)
                  case DOUBLE =>
                    if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.DCMPG)
                    else emit(Opcodes.DCMPL)
                if (nextBlock == success) {
                  jcode.emitIF(cond.negate(), labels(failure))
                  // .. and fall through to success label
                } else {
                  jcode.emitIF(cond, labels(success))
                  if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) }

            case CZJUMP(success, failure, cond, kind) =>
              if (kind.isIntSizedType) { // BOOL, BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, or INT
                if (nextBlock == success) {
                  jcode.emitIF(cond.negate(), labels(failure))
                } else {
                  jcode.emitIF(cond, labels(success))
                  if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) }
              } else if (kind.isRefOrArrayType) { // REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_)
                val Success = success
                val Failure = failure
                // @unchecked because references aren't compared with GT, GE, LT, LE.
                ((cond, nextBlock): @unchecked) match {
                  case (EQ, Success) => jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(failure)
                  case (NE, Failure) => jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(success)
                  case (EQ, Failure) => jcode emitIFNULL labels(success)
                  case (NE, Success) => jcode emitIFNULL labels(failure)
                  case (EQ, _) =>
                    jcode emitIFNULL labels(success)
                    jcode goTo labels(failure)
                  case (NE, _) =>
                    jcode emitIFNONNULL labels(success)
                    jcode goTo labels(failure)
              } else {
                (kind: @unchecked) match {
                  case LONG =>
                  case FLOAT =>
                    if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.FCMPG)
                    else emit(Opcodes.FCMPL)
                  case DOUBLE =>
                    if (cond == LT || cond == LE) emit(Opcodes.DCMPG)
                    else emit(Opcodes.DCMPL)
                if (nextBlock == success) {
                  jcode.emitIF(cond.negate(), labels(failure))
                } else {
                  jcode.emitIF(cond, labels(success))
                  if (nextBlock != failure) { jcode goTo labels(failure) }


          case icodes.retCat =>
          def genRetInstr() = (instr: @unchecked) match {
            case RETURN(kind) => jcode emitRETURN kind
            case THROW(_) => emit(Opcodes.ATHROW)

       * Emits one or more conversion instructions based on the types given as arguments.
       * @param from The type of the value to be converted into another type.
       * @param to   The type the value will be converted into.
      def emitT2T(from: TypeKind, to: TypeKind) {
        assert(isNonUnitValueTK(from) && isNonUnitValueTK(to), s"Cannot emit primitive conversion from $from to $to")

            def pickOne(opcs: Array[Int]) {
              val chosen = (to: @unchecked) match {
                case BYTE   => opcs(0)
                case SHORT  => opcs(1)
                case CHAR   => opcs(2)
                case INT    => opcs(3)
                case LONG   => opcs(4)
                case FLOAT  => opcs(5)
                case DOUBLE => opcs(6)
              if(chosen != -1) { emit(chosen) }

        if(from == to) { return }
        // the only conversion involving BOOL that is allowed is (BOOL -> BOOL)
        assert(from != BOOL && to != BOOL, s"inconvertible types : $from -> $to")

        if(from.isIntSizedType) { // BYTE, CHAR, SHORT, and INT. (we're done with BOOL already)

          val fromByte  = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array( -1,  -1, I2C,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // do nothing for (BYTE -> SHORT) and for (BYTE -> INT)
          val fromChar  = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array(I2B, I2S,  -1,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (CHAR  -> INT) do nothing
          val fromShort = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array(I2B,  -1, I2C,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) } // for (SHORT -> INT) do nothing
          val fromInt   = { import asm.Opcodes._; Array(I2B, I2S, I2C,  -1, I2L, I2F, I2D) }

          (from: @unchecked) match {
            case BYTE  => pickOne(fromByte)
            case SHORT => pickOne(fromShort)
            case CHAR  => pickOne(fromChar)
            case INT   => pickOne(fromInt)

        } else { // FLOAT, LONG, DOUBLE

          (from: @unchecked) match {
            case FLOAT           =>
              import asm.Opcodes.{ F2L, F2D, F2I }
              (to: @unchecked) match {
                case LONG    => emit(F2L)
                case DOUBLE  => emit(F2D)
                case _       => emit(F2I); emitT2T(INT, to)

            case LONG            =>
              import asm.Opcodes.{ L2F, L2D, L2I }
              (to: @unchecked) match {
                case FLOAT   => emit(L2F)
                case DOUBLE  => emit(L2D)
                case _       => emit(L2I); emitT2T(INT, to)

            case DOUBLE          =>
              import asm.Opcodes.{ D2L, D2F, D2I }
              (to: @unchecked) match {
                case FLOAT   => emit(D2F)
                case LONG    => emit(D2L)
                case _       => emit(D2I); emitT2T(INT, to)
      } // end of genCode()'s emitT2T()

      def genPrimitive(primitive: Primitive, pos: Position) {

        import asm.Opcodes

        primitive match {

          case Negation(kind) => jcode.neg(kind)

          case Arithmetic(op, kind) =>
            def genArith() = {
            op match {

              case ADD => jcode.add(kind)
              case SUB => jcode.sub(kind)
              case MUL => jcode.mul(kind)
              case DIV => jcode.div(kind)
              case REM => jcode.rem(kind)

              case NOT =>
                if(kind.isIntSizedType) {
                } else if(kind == LONG) {
                  jmethod.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Long(-1))
                } else {
                  abort("Impossible to negate an " + kind)

              case _ =>
                abort("Unknown arithmetic primitive " + primitive)

          // TODO Logical's 2nd elem should be declared ValueTypeKind, to better approximate its allowed values (isIntSized, its comments appears to convey)
          // TODO GenICode uses `toTypeKind` to define that elem, `toValueTypeKind` would be needed instead.
          // TODO How about adding some asserts to Logical and similar ones to capture the remaining constraint (UNIT not allowed).
          case Logical(op, kind) =>
            def genLogical() = op match {
              case AND =>
                kind match {
                  case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LAND)
                  case INT  => emit(Opcodes.IAND)
                  case _    =>
                    if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) }
              case OR =>
                kind match {
                  case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LOR)
                  case INT  => emit(Opcodes.IOR)
                  case _ =>
                    if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) }
              case XOR =>
                kind match {
                  case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LXOR)
                  case INT  => emit(Opcodes.IXOR)
                  case _ =>
                    if (kind != BOOL) { emitT2T(INT, kind) }

          case Shift(op, kind) =>
            def genShift() = op match {
              case LSL =>
                kind match {
                  case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LSHL)
                  case INT  => emit(Opcodes.ISHL)
                  case _ =>
                    emitT2T(INT, kind)
              case ASR =>
                kind match {
                  case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LSHR)
                  case INT  => emit(Opcodes.ISHR)
                  case _ =>
                    emitT2T(INT, kind)
              case LSR =>
                kind match {
                  case LONG => emit(Opcodes.LUSHR)
                  case INT  => emit(Opcodes.IUSHR)
                  case  _ =>
                    emitT2T(INT, kind)

          case Comparison(op, kind) =>
            def genCompare() = op match {
              case CMP =>
                (kind: @unchecked) match {
                  case LONG =>  emit(Opcodes.LCMP)
              case CMPL =>
                (kind: @unchecked) match {
                  case FLOAT  => emit(Opcodes.FCMPL)
                  case DOUBLE => emit(Opcodes.DCMPL)
              case CMPG =>
                (kind: @unchecked) match {
                  case FLOAT  => emit(Opcodes.FCMPG)
                  case DOUBLE => emit(Opcodes.DCMPL) // TODO bug? why not DCMPG?


          case Conversion(src, dst) =>
            debuglog("Converting from: " + src + " to: " + dst)
            emitT2T(src, dst)

          case ArrayLength(_) => emit(Opcodes.ARRAYLENGTH)

          case StartConcat =>
            jmethod.visitTypeInsn(Opcodes.NEW, StringBuilderClassName)

          case StringConcat(el) =>
            val jtype = el match {
              case REFERENCE(_) | ARRAY(_) => JAVA_LANG_OBJECT
              case _ => javaType(el)
              asm.Type.getMethodDescriptor(StringBuilderType, Array(jtype): _*)

          case EndConcat =>
            jcode.invokevirtual(StringBuilderClassName, "toString", mdesc_toString)

          case _ => abort("Unimplemented primitive " + primitive)
      } // end of genCode()'s genPrimitive()

      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      // Part 6 of genCode(): the executable part of genCode() starts here.
      // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



      if(emitLines) {
        for(LineNumberEntry(line, start) <- lnEntries.sortBy(_.start.getOffset)) { jmethod.visitLineNumber(line, start) }
      if(emitVars)  { genLocalVariableTable() }

    } // end of BytecodeGenerator.genCode()

    ////////////////////// local vars ///////////////////////

    def sizeOf(k: TypeKind): Int = if(k.isWideType) 2 else 1

    final def indexOf(local: Local): Int = {
      assert(local.index >= 0, "Invalid index for: " + local + "{" + local.## + "}: ")

     * Compute the indexes of each local variable of the given method.
     * *Does not assume the parameters come first!*
    def computeLocalVarsIndex(m: IMethod) {
      var idx = if (m.symbol.isStaticMember) 0 else 1

      for (l <- m.params) {
        debuglog("Index value for " + l + "{" + l.## + "}: " + idx)
        l.index = idx
        idx += sizeOf(l.kind)

      for (l <- m.locals if !l.arg) {
        debuglog("Index value for " + l + "{" + l.## + "}: " + idx)
        l.index = idx
        idx += sizeOf(l.kind)

  } // end of class JPlainBuilder

  /** builder of mirror classes */
  class JMirrorBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) extends JCommonBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) {

    private var cunit: CompilationUnit = _
    def getCurrentCUnit(): CompilationUnit = cunit

    /** Generate a mirror class for a top-level module. A mirror class is a class
     *  containing only static methods that forward to the corresponding method
     *  on the MODULE instance of the given Scala object.  It will only be
     *  generated if there is no companion class: if there is, an attempt will
     *  instead be made to add the forwarder methods to the companion class.
    def genMirrorClass(modsym: Symbol, cunit: CompilationUnit) {
      assert(modsym.companionClass == NoSymbol, modsym)
      this.cunit = cunit
      val moduleName = javaName(modsym) // + "$"
      val mirrorName = moduleName.substring(0, moduleName.length() - 1)

      val flags = (asm.Opcodes.ACC_SUPER | asm.Opcodes.ACC_PUBLIC | asm.Opcodes.ACC_FINAL)
      val mirrorClass = createJClass(flags,
                                     null /* no java-generic-signature */,

      log(s"Dumping mirror class for '$mirrorName'")

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitSource ] [ visitOuterClass ] ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )*

      if(emitSource) {
        mirrorClass.visitSource("" + cunit.source,
                                null /* SourceDebugExtension */)

      val ssa = getAnnotPickle(mirrorName, modsym.companionSymbol)
      mirrorClass.visitAttribute(if(ssa.isDefined) pickleMarkerLocal else pickleMarkerForeign)
      emitAnnotations(mirrorClass, modsym.annotations ++ ssa)

      // typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   ( visitInnerClass | visitField | visitMethod )* visitEnd

      addForwarders(isRemote(modsym), mirrorClass, mirrorName, modsym)

      addInnerClasses(modsym, mirrorClass)
      writeIfNotTooBig("" +, mirrorName, mirrorClass, modsym)
  } // end of class JMirrorBuilder

  /** builder of bean info classes */
  class JBeanInfoBuilder(bytecodeWriter: BytecodeWriter, needsOutfile: Boolean) extends JBuilder(bytecodeWriter, needsOutfile) {

     * Generate a bean info class that describes the given class.
     * @author Ross Judson (
    def genBeanInfoClass(clasz: IClass) {

      // val BeanInfoSkipAttr    = definitions.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanInfoSkip")
      // val BeanDisplayNameAttr = definitions.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanDisplayName")
      // val BeanDescriptionAttr = definitions.getRequiredClass("scala.beans.BeanDescription")
      // val description = c.symbol getAnnotation BeanDescriptionAttr
      // informProgress(description.toString)

      val flags = mkFlags(
        if(isDeprecated(clasz.symbol)) asm.Opcodes.ACC_DEPRECATED else 0 // ASM pseudo access flag

      val beanInfoName = (javaName(clasz.symbol) + "BeanInfo")
      val beanInfoClass = createJClass(
            null, // no java-generic-signature

      // beanInfoClass typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitSource ] [ visitOuterClass ] ( visitAnnotation | visitAttribute )*

        null /* SourceDebugExtension */

      var fieldList = List[String]()

      for (f <- clasz.fields if f.symbol.hasGetter;
	         g = f.symbol.getter(clasz.symbol);
	         s = f.symbol.setter(clasz.symbol)
           if g.isPublic && !( startsWith "$")
          ) {
             // inserting $outer breaks the bean
             fieldList = javaName(f.symbol) :: javaName(g) :: (if (s != NoSymbol) javaName(s) else null) :: fieldList

      val methodList: List[String] =
	     for (m <- clasz.methods
	          if !m.symbol.isConstructor &&
	          m.symbol.isPublic &&
	          !( startsWith "$") &&
	          !m.symbol.isGetter &&
       yield javaName(m.symbol)

      // beanInfoClass typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   ( visitInnerClass | visitField | visitMethod )* visitEnd

      val constructor = beanInfoClass.visitMethod(
        null, // no java-generic-signature
        EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY // no throwable exceptions

      // constructor typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitAnnotationDefault ] ( visitAnnotation | visitParameterAnnotation | visitAttribute )*

      val stringArrayJType: asm.Type = javaArrayType(JAVA_LANG_STRING)
      val conJType: asm.Type =
          Array(javaType(ClassClass), stringArrayJType, stringArrayJType): _*

      def push(lst: List[String]) {
        var fi = 0
        for (f <- lst) {
          constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(fi))
          if (f == null) { constructor.visitInsn(asm.Opcodes.ACONST_NULL) }
          else           { constructor.visitLdcInsn(f) }
          fi += 1

      // constructor typestate: entering mode with valid call sequences:
      //   [ visitCode ( visitFrame | visitXInsn | visitLabel | visitTryCatchBlock | visitLocalVariable | visitLineNumber )* visitMaxs ] visitEnd


      constructor.visitVarInsn(asm.Opcodes.ALOAD, 0)
      // push the class

      // push the string array of field information
      constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(fieldList.length))
      constructor.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, JAVA_LANG_STRING.getInternalName)

      // push the string array of method information
      constructor.visitLdcInsn(new java.lang.Integer(methodList.length))
      constructor.visitTypeInsn(asm.Opcodes.ANEWARRAY, JAVA_LANG_STRING.getInternalName)

      // invoke the superclass constructor, which will do the
      // necessary java reflection and create Method objects.
      constructor.visitMethodInsn(asm.Opcodes.INVOKESPECIAL, "scala/beans/ScalaBeanInfo", INSTANCE_CONSTRUCTOR_NAME, conJType.getDescriptor)

      constructor.visitMaxs(0, 0) // just to follow protocol, dummy arguments

      addInnerClasses(clasz.symbol, beanInfoClass)

      writeIfNotTooBig("BeanInfo ", beanInfoName, beanInfoClass, clasz.symbol)

  } // end of class JBeanInfoBuilder

  /** A namespace for utilities to normalize the code of an IMethod, over and beyond what IMethod.normalize() strives for.
   * In particualr, IMethod.normalize() doesn't collapseJumpChains().
   * TODO Eventually, these utilities should be moved to IMethod and reused from normalize() (there's nothing JVM-specific about them).
  object newNormal {
     * True if a block is "jump only" which is defined
     * as being a block that consists only of 0 or more instructions that
     * won't make it to the JVM followed by a JUMP.
    def isJumpOnly(b: BasicBlock): Boolean = {
      val nonICode = firstNonIcodeOnlyInstructions(b)
      // by definition a block has to have a jump, conditional jump, return, or throw
      assert(nonICode.hasNext, "empty block")[JUMP]

     * Returns the list of instructions in a block that follow all ICode only instructions,
     * where an ICode only instruction is one that won't make it to the JVM
    private def firstNonIcodeOnlyInstructions(b: BasicBlock): Iterator[Instruction] = {
	  def isICodeOnlyInstruction(i: Instruction) = i match {
	    case LOAD_EXCEPTION(_) | SCOPE_ENTER(_) | SCOPE_EXIT(_) => true
	    case _ => false
	  b.iterator dropWhile isICodeOnlyInstruction

     * Returns the target of a block that is "jump only" which is defined
     * as being a block that consists only of 0 or more instructions that
     * won't make it to the JVM followed by a JUMP.
     * @param b The basic block to examine
     * @return Some(target) if b is a "jump only" block or None if it's not
    private def getJumpOnlyTarget(b: BasicBlock): Option[BasicBlock] = {
      val nonICode = firstNonIcodeOnlyInstructions(b)
              // by definition a block has to have a jump, conditional jump, return, or throw
      assert(nonICode.nonEmpty, "empty block") match {
        case JUMP(whereto) =>
          assert(!nonICode.hasNext, "A block contains instructions after JUMP (looks like enterIgnoreMode() was itself ignored.)")
        case _ => None

     * Collapse a chain of "jump-only" blocks such as:
     *      JUMP b1;
     *  b1: JUMP b2;
     *  b2: JUMP ... etc.
     *  by re-wiring predecessors to target directly the "final destination".
     *  Even if covered by an exception handler, a "non-self-loop jump-only block" can always be removed.

     *  Returns true if any replacement was made, false otherwise.
     *  In more detail:
     *    Starting at each of the entry points (m.startBlock, the start block of each exception handler)
     *    rephrase those control-flow instructions targeting a jump-only block (which jumps to a final destination D) to target D.
     *    The blocks thus skipped become eligible to removed by the reachability analyzer
     *  Rationale for this normalization:
     *    test/files/run/private-inline.scala after -optimize is chock full of
     *    BasicBlocks containing just JUMP(whereTo), where no exception handler straddles them.
     *    They should be collapsed by IMethod.normalize() but aren't.
     *    That was fine in FJBG times when by the time the exception table was emitted,
     *    it already contained "anchored" labels (ie instruction offsets were known)
     *    and thus ranges with identical (start, end) (i.e, identical after GenJVM omitted the JUMPs in question)
     *    could be weeded out to avoid "java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal exception table range"
     *    Now that visitTryCatchBlock() must be called before Labels are resolved,
     *    renders the BasicBlocks described above (to recap, consisting of just a JUMP) unreachable.
    private def collapseJumpOnlyBlocks(m: IMethod) {
      assert(m.hasCode, "code-less method")

      def rephraseGotos(detour: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock]) {
        def lookup(b: BasicBlock) = detour.getOrElse(b, b)

        m.code.startBlock = lookup(m.code.startBlock)

        for(eh <- m.exh)

        for (b <- m.blocks) {
          def replaceLastInstruction(i: Instruction) = {
            if (b.lastInstruction != i) {
              val idxLast = b.size - 1
	          debuglog(s"In block $b, replacing last instruction ${b.lastInstruction} with ${i}")
	          b.replaceInstruction(idxLast, i)

          b.lastInstruction match {
            case JUMP(whereto) =>
            case CJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind) =>
              replaceLastInstruction(CJUMP(lookup(succ), lookup(fail), cond, kind))
            case CZJUMP(succ, fail, cond, kind)  =>
              replaceLastInstruction(CZJUMP(lookup(succ), lookup(fail), cond, kind))
            case SWITCH(tags, labels) =>
              val newLabels = (labels map lookup)
              replaceLastInstruction(SWITCH(tags, newLabels))
            case _ => ()

       * Computes a mapping from jump only block to its
       * final destination which is either a non-jump-only
       * block or, if it's in a jump-only block cycle, is
       * itself
      def computeDetour: mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock] = {
        // fetch the jump only blocks and their immediate destinations
        val pairs = for {
          block <- m.blocks.toIterator
          target <- getJumpOnlyTarget(block)
        } yield(block, target)

        // mapping from a jump-only block to our current knowledge of its
        // final destination. Initially it's just jump block to immediate jump
        // target
        val detour = mutable.Map[BasicBlock, BasicBlock](pairs.toSeq:_*)

        // for each jump-only block find its final destination
        // taking advantage of the destinations we found for previous
        // blocks
        for (key <- detour.keySet) {
          // we use the Robert Floyd's classic Tortoise and Hare algorithm
          def findDestination(tortoise: BasicBlock, hare: BasicBlock): BasicBlock = {
            if (tortoise == hare)
              // cycle detected, map key to key
            else if (detour contains hare) {
              // advance hare once
              val hare1 = detour(hare)
              // make sure we can advance hare a second time
              if (detour contains hare1)
                // advance tortoise once and hare a second time
                findDestination(detour(tortoise), detour(hare1))
                // hare1 is not in the map so it's not a jump-only block, it's the destination
            } else
              // hare is not in the map so it's not a jump-only block, it's the destination
          // update the mapping for key based on its final destination
          detour(key) = findDestination(key, detour(key))

      val detour = computeDetour

      if (settings.debug) {
        val (remappings, cycles) = detour partition {case (source, target) => source != target}
        for ((source, target) <- remappings) {
		   debuglog(s"Will elide jump only block $source because it can be jumped around to get to $target.")
		   if (m.startBlock == source) debugwarn("startBlock should have been re-wired by now")
        val sources = remappings.keySet
        val targets = remappings.values.toSet
        val intersection = sources intersect targets

        if (intersection.nonEmpty) debugwarn(s"contradiction: we seem to have some source and target overlap in blocks ${intersection.mkString}. Map was ${detour.mkString}")

        for ((source, _) <- cycles) {
          debuglog(s"Block $source is in a do-nothing infinite loop. Did the user write 'while(true){}'?")

     * Removes all blocks that are unreachable in a method using a standard reachability analysis.
    def elimUnreachableBlocks(m: IMethod) {
      assert(m.hasCode, "code-less method")

      // assume nothing is reachable until we prove it can be reached
      val reachable = mutable.Set[BasicBlock]()

      // the set of blocks that we know are reachable but have
      // yet to be  marked reachable, initially only the start block
      val worklist = mutable.Set(m.startBlock)

      while (worklist.nonEmpty) {
        val block = worklist.head
        worklist remove block
        // we know that one is reachable
        reachable add block
        // so are its successors, so go back around and add the ones we still
        // think are unreachable
        worklist ++= (block.successors filterNot reachable)

      // exception handlers need to be told not to cover unreachable blocks
      // and exception handlers that no longer cover any blocks need to be
      // removed entirely
      val unusedExceptionHandlers = mutable.Set[ExceptionHandler]()
      for (exh <- m.exh) {
        exh.covered = exh.covered filter reachable
        if (exh.covered.isEmpty) {
          unusedExceptionHandlers += exh

      // remove the unusued exception handler references
      if (settings.debug)
        for (exh <- unusedExceptionHandlers) debuglog(s"eliding exception handler $exh because it does not cover any reachable blocks")
      m.exh = m.exh filterNot unusedExceptionHandlers

      // everything not in the reachable set is unreachable, unused, and unloved. buh bye
      for (b <- m.blocks filterNot reachable) {
    	  debuglog(s"eliding block $b because it is unreachable")
    	  m.code removeBlock b

    def normalize(m: IMethod) {
      if(!m.hasCode) { return }
      if (settings.optimise)
      icodes checkValid m


  // @M don't generate java generics sigs for (members of) implementation
  // classes, as they are monomorphic (TODO: ok?)
  private def needsGenericSignature(sym: Symbol) = !(
    // PP: This condition used to include sym.hasExpandedName, but this leads
    // to the total loss of generic information if a private member is
    // accessed from a closure: both the field and the accessor were generated
    // without it.  This is particularly bad because the availability of
    // generic information could disappear as a consequence of a seemingly
    // unrelated change.
    || sym.isArtifact
    || sym.isLiftedMethod
    || sym.isBridge
    || (sym.ownerChain exists (_.isImplClass))

  final def staticForwarderGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, moduleClass: Symbol, unit: CompilationUnit): String = {
    if (sym.isDeferred) null // only add generic signature if method concrete; bug #1745
    else {
      // SI-3452 Static forwarder generation uses the same erased signature as the method if forwards to.
      // By rights, it should use the signature as-seen-from the module class, and add suitable
      // primitive and value-class boxing/unboxing.
      // But for now, just like we did in mixin, we just avoid writing a wrong generic signature
      // (one that doesn't erase to the actual signature). See run/t3452b for a test case.
      val memberTpe = enteringErasure(moduleClass.thisType.memberInfo(sym))
      val erasedMemberType = erasure.erasure(sym)(memberTpe)
      if (erasedMemberType =:=
        getGenericSignature(sym, moduleClass, memberTpe, unit)
      else null

  /** @return
   *   - `null` if no Java signature is to be added (`null` is what ASM expects in these cases).
   *   - otherwise the signature in question
  def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol, unit: CompilationUnit): String = {
    val memberTpe = enteringErasure(owner.thisType.memberInfo(sym))
    getGenericSignature(sym, owner, memberTpe, unit)
  def getGenericSignature(sym: Symbol, owner: Symbol, memberTpe: Type, unit: CompilationUnit): String = {
    if (!needsGenericSignature(sym)) { return null }

    val jsOpt: Option[String] = erasure.javaSig(sym, memberTpe)
    if (jsOpt.isEmpty) { return null }

    val sig = jsOpt.get
    log(sig) // This seems useful enough in the general case.

        def wrap(op: => Unit) = {
          try   { op; true }
          catch { case _: Throwable => false }

    if (settings.Xverify) {
      // Run the signature parser to catch bogus signatures.
      val isValidSignature = wrap {
        // Alternative: (frontend to sun.reflect.generics.parser.SignatureParser)
        if (sym.isMethod)    { CheckClassAdapter checkMethodSignature sig } // requires asm-util.jar
        else if (sym.isTerm) { CheckClassAdapter checkFieldSignature  sig }
        else                 { CheckClassAdapter checkClassSignature  sig }

      if(!isValidSignature) {
            """|compiler bug: created invalid generic signature for %s in %s
               |signature: %s
               |if this is reproducible, please report bug at
            """.trim.stripMargin.format(sym, sym.owner.skipPackageObject.fullName, sig))
        return null

    if ((settings.check containsName phaseName)) {
      val normalizedTpe = enteringErasure(erasure.prepareSigMap(memberTpe))
      val bytecodeTpe = owner.thisType.memberInfo(sym)
      if (!sym.isType && !sym.isConstructor && !(erasure.erasure(sym)(normalizedTpe) =:= bytecodeTpe)) {
            """|compiler bug: created generic signature for %s in %s that does not conform to its erasure
               |signature: %s
               |original type: %s
               |normalized type: %s
               |erasure type: %s
               |if this is reproducible, please report bug at
            """.trim.stripMargin.format(sym, sym.owner.skipPackageObject.fullName, sig, memberTpe, normalizedTpe, bytecodeTpe))
         return null


  def ubytesToCharArray(bytes: Array[Byte]): Array[Char] = {
    val ca = new Array[Char](bytes.length)
    var idx = 0
    while(idx < bytes.length) {
      val b: Byte = bytes(idx)
      assert((b & ~0x7f) == 0)
      ca(idx) = b.asInstanceOf[Char]
      idx += 1


  final def arrEncode(sb: ScalaSigBytes): Array[String] = {
    var strs: List[String]  = Nil
    val bSeven: Array[Byte] = sb.sevenBitsMayBeZero
    // chop into slices of at most 65535 bytes, counting 0x00 as taking two bytes (as per JVMS 4.4.7 The CONSTANT_Utf8_info Structure)
    var prevOffset = 0
    var offset     = 0
    var encLength  = 0
    while(offset < bSeven.length) {
      val deltaEncLength = (if(bSeven(offset) == 0) 2 else 1)
      val newEncLength = encLength.toLong + deltaEncLength
      if(newEncLength >= 65535) {
        val ba     = bSeven.slice(prevOffset, offset)
        strs     ::= new java.lang.String(ubytesToCharArray(ba))
        encLength  = 0
        prevOffset = offset
      } else {
        encLength += deltaEncLength
        offset    += 1
    if(prevOffset < offset) {
      assert(offset == bSeven.length)
      val ba = bSeven.slice(prevOffset, offset)
      strs ::= new java.lang.String(ubytesToCharArray(ba))
    assert(strs.size > 1, "encode instead as one String via strEncode()") // TODO too strict?

  private def strEncode(sb: ScalaSigBytes): String = {
    val ca = ubytesToCharArray(sb.sevenBitsMayBeZero)
    new java.lang.String(ca)
    // debug val bvA = new asm.ByteVector; bvA.putUTF8(s)
    // debug val enc: Array[Byte] = scala.reflect.internal.pickling.ByteCodecs.encode(bytes)
    // debug assert(enc(idx) == bvA.getByte(idx + 2))
    // debug assert(bvA.getLength == enc.size + 2)

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