Scala example source code file (MatchAnalysis.scala)
The MatchAnalysis.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * * Copyright 2011-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Adriaan Moors */ package scala.tools.nsc.transform.patmat import scala.language.postfixOps import scala.collection.mutable import scala.reflect.internal.util.Statistics import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position trait TreeAndTypeAnalysis extends Debugging { import global._ import definitions._ import analyzer.Typer /** Compute the type T implied for a value `v` matched by a pattern `pat` (with expected type `pt`). * * Usually, this is the pattern's type because pattern matching implies instance-of checks. * * However, Stable Identifier and Literal patterns are matched using `==`, * which does not imply a type for the binder that binds the matched value. * * See SI-1503, SI-5024: don't cast binders to types we're not sure they have * * TODO: update spec as follows (deviation between `**`): * * A pattern binder x@p consists of a pattern variable x and a pattern p. * The type of the variable x is the static type T **IMPLIED BY** the pattern p. * This pattern matches any value v matched by the pattern p * **Deleted: , provided the run-time type of v is also an instance of T, ** * and it binds the variable name to that value. * * Addition: * A pattern `p` _implies_ a type `T` if the pattern matches only values of the type `T`. */ def binderTypeImpliedByPattern(pat: Tree, pt: Type, binder: Symbol): Type = pat match { // because `==` decides whether these patterns match, stable identifier patterns (ident or selection) // do not contribute any type information (beyond the pattern's expected type) // e.g., in case x@Nil => x --> all we know about `x` is that it satisfies Nil == x, which could be anything case Ident(_) | Select(_, _) => if (settings.future) pt else { // TODO: don't warn unless this unsound assumption is actually used in a cast // I tried annotating the type returned here with an internal annotation (`pat.tpe withAnnotation UnsoundAssumptionAnnotation`), // and catching it in the patmat backend when used in a cast (because that would signal the unsound assumption was used), // but the annotation didn't bubble up... // This is a pretty poor approximation. def unsoundAssumptionUsed = binder.name != nme.WILDCARD && !(pt <:< pat.tpe) if (settings.lint && unsoundAssumptionUsed) global.currentUnit.warning(pat.pos, sm"""The value matched by $pat is bound to ${binder.name}, which may be used under the |unsound assumption that it has type ${pat.tpe}, whereas we can only safely |count on it having type $pt, as the pattern is matched using `==` (see SI-1503).""") pat.tpe } // the other patterns imply type tests, so we can safely assume the binder has the pattern's type when the pattern matches // concretely, a literal, type pattern, a case class (the constructor's result type) or extractor (the unapply's argument type) all imply type tests // (and, inductively, an alternative) case _ => pat.tpe } // we use subtyping as a model for implication between instanceof tests // i.e., when S <:< T we assume x.isInstanceOf[S] implies x.isInstanceOf[T] // unfortunately this is not true in general: // SI-6022 expects instanceOfTpImplies(ProductClass.tpe, AnyRefTpe) def instanceOfTpImplies(tp: Type, tpImplied: Type) = { val tpValue = isPrimitiveValueType(tp) // pretend we're comparing to Any when we're actually comparing to AnyVal or AnyRef // (and the subtype is respectively a value type or not a value type) // this allows us to reuse subtyping as a model for implication between instanceOf tests // the latter don't see a difference between AnyRef, Object or Any when comparing non-value types -- SI-6022 val tpImpliedNormalizedToAny = if (tpImplied =:= (if (tpValue) AnyValTpe else AnyRefTpe)) AnyTpe else tpImplied tp <:< tpImpliedNormalizedToAny } // TODO: improve, e.g., for constants def sameValue(a: Tree, b: Tree): Boolean = (a eq b) || ((a, b) match { case (_ : Ident, _ : Ident) => a.symbol eq b.symbol case _ => false }) trait CheckableTreeAndTypeAnalysis { val typer: Typer // TODO: domain of other feasibly enumerable built-in types (char?) def enumerateSubtypes(tp: Type): Option[List[Type]] = tp.typeSymbol match { // TODO case _ if tp.isTupleType => // recurse into component types? case UnitClass => Some(List(UnitTpe)) case BooleanClass => Some(ConstantTrue :: ConstantFalse :: Nil) // TODO case _ if tp.isTupleType => // recurse into component types case modSym: ModuleClassSymbol => Some(List(tp)) // make sure it's not a primitive, else (5: Byte) match { case 5 => ... } sees no Byte case sym if !sym.isSealed || isPrimitiveValueClass(sym) => debug.patmat("enum unsealed "+ ((tp, sym, sym.isSealed, isPrimitiveValueClass(sym)))) None case sym => val subclasses = debug.patmatResult(s"enum $sym sealed, subclasses")( // symbols which are both sealed and abstract need not be covered themselves, because // all of their children must be and they cannot otherwise be created. sym.sealedDescendants.toList sortBy (_.sealedSortName) filterNot (x => x.isSealed && x.isAbstractClass && !isPrimitiveValueClass(x)) ) val tpApprox = typer.infer.approximateAbstracts(tp) val pre = tpApprox.prefix Some(debug.patmatResult(s"enum sealed tp=$tp, tpApprox=$tpApprox as") { // valid subtypes are turned into checkable types, as we are entering the realm of the dynamic subclasses flatMap { sym => // have to filter out children which cannot match: see ticket #3683 for an example // compare to the fully known type `tp` (modulo abstract types), // so that we can rule out stuff like: sealed trait X[T]; class XInt extends X[Int] --> XInt not valid when enumerating X[String] // however, must approximate abstract types in val memberType = nestedMemberType(sym, pre, tpApprox.typeSymbol.owner) val subTp = appliedType(memberType, sym.typeParams.map(_ => WildcardType)) val subTpApprox = typer.infer.approximateAbstracts(subTp) // TODO: needed? // debug.patmat("subtp"+(subTpApprox <:< tpApprox, subTpApprox, tpApprox)) if (subTpApprox <:< tpApprox) Some(checkableType(subTp)) else None } }) } // approximate a type to the static type that is fully checkable at run time, // hiding statically known but dynamically uncheckable information using existential quantification // TODO: this is subject to the availability of TypeTags (since an abstract type with a type tag is checkable at run time) def checkableType(tp: Type): Type = { // TODO: this is extremely rough... // replace type args by wildcards, since they can't be checked (don't use existentials: overkill) // TODO: when type tags are available, we will check -- when this is implemented, can we take that into account here? // similar to typer.infer.approximateAbstracts object typeArgsToWildcardsExceptArray extends TypeMap { // SI-6771 dealias would be enough today, but future proofing with the dealiasWiden. // See neg/t6771b.scala for elaboration def apply(tp: Type): Type = tp.dealias match { case TypeRef(pre, sym, args) if args.nonEmpty && (sym ne ArrayClass) => TypeRef(pre, sym, args map (_ => WildcardType)) case _ => mapOver(tp) } } val result = typeArgsToWildcardsExceptArray(tp) debug.patmatResult(s"checkableType($tp)")(result) } // a type is "uncheckable" (for exhaustivity) if we don't statically know its subtypes (i.e., it's unsealed) // we consider tuple types with at least one component of a checkable type as a checkable type def uncheckableType(tp: Type): Boolean = { def tupleComponents(tp: Type) = tp.normalize.typeArgs val checkable = ( (isTupleType(tp) && tupleComponents(tp).exists(tp => !uncheckableType(tp))) || enumerateSubtypes(tp).nonEmpty) // if (!checkable) debug.patmat("deemed uncheckable: "+ tp) !checkable } } } trait MatchApproximation extends TreeAndTypeAnalysis with ScalaLogic with MatchTreeMaking { import global._ import global.definitions._ /** * Represent a match as a formula in propositional logic that encodes whether the match matches (abstractly: we only consider types) * */ trait MatchApproximator extends TreeMakers with TreesAndTypesDomain { object Test { var currId = 0 } case class Test(prop: Prop, treeMaker: TreeMaker) { // private val reusedBy = new mutable.HashSet[Test] var reuses: Option[Test] = None def registerReuseBy(later: Test): Unit = { assert(later.reuses.isEmpty, later.reuses) // reusedBy += later later.reuses = Some(this) } val id = { Test.currId += 1; Test.currId} override def toString = s"T${id}C($prop)" } class TreeMakersToPropsIgnoreNullChecks(root: Symbol) extends TreeMakersToProps(root) { override def uniqueNonNullProp(p: Tree): Prop = True } // returns (tree, tests), where `tree` will be used to refer to `root` in `tests` class TreeMakersToProps(val root: Symbol) { prepareNewAnalysis() // reset hash consing for Var and Const private[this] val uniqueEqualityProps = new mutable.HashMap[(Tree, Tree), Eq] private[this] val uniqueNonNullProps = new mutable.HashMap[Tree, Not] private[this] val uniqueTypeProps = new mutable.HashMap[(Tree, Type), Eq] def uniqueEqualityProp(testedPath: Tree, rhs: Tree): Prop = uniqueEqualityProps getOrElseUpdate((testedPath, rhs), Eq(Var(testedPath), ValueConst(rhs))) // overridden in TreeMakersToPropsIgnoreNullChecks def uniqueNonNullProp (testedPath: Tree): Prop = uniqueNonNullProps getOrElseUpdate(testedPath, Not(Eq(Var(testedPath), NullConst))) def uniqueTypeProp(testedPath: Tree, pt: Type): Prop = uniqueTypeProps getOrElseUpdate((testedPath, pt), Eq(Var(testedPath), TypeConst(checkableType(pt)))) // a variable in this set should never be replaced by a tree that "does not consist of a selection on a variable in this set" (intuitively) private val pointsToBound = mutable.HashSet(root) private val trees = mutable.HashSet.empty[Tree] // the substitution that renames variables to variables in pointsToBound private var normalize: Substitution = EmptySubstitution private var substitutionComputed = false // replaces a variable (in pointsToBound) by a selection on another variable in pointsToBound // in the end, instead of having x1, x1.hd, x2, x2.hd, ... flying around, // we want something like x1, x1.hd, x1.hd.tl, x1.hd.tl.hd, so that we can easily recognize when // we're testing the same variable // TODO check: // pointsToBound -- accumSubst.from == Set(root) && (accumSubst.from.toSet -- pointsToBound) isEmpty private var accumSubst: Substitution = EmptySubstitution // hashconsing trees (modulo value-equality) def unique(t: Tree, tpOverride: Type = NoType): Tree = trees find (a => a.correspondsStructure(t)(sameValue)) match { case Some(orig) => // debug.patmat("unique: "+ (t eq orig, orig)) orig case _ => trees += t if (tpOverride != NoType) t setType tpOverride else t } def uniqueTp(tp: Type): Type = tp match { // typerefs etc are already hashconsed case _ : UniqueType => tp case tp@RefinedType(parents, EmptyScope) => tp.memo(tp: Type)(identity) // TODO: does this help? case _ => tp } // produce the unique tree used to refer to this binder // the type of the binder passed to the first invocation // determines the type of the tree that'll be returned for that binder as of then final def binderToUniqueTree(b: Symbol) = unique(accumSubst(normalize(CODE.REF(b))), b.tpe) // note that the sequencing of operations is important: must visit in same order as match execution // binderToUniqueTree uses the type of the first symbol that was encountered as the type for all future binders abstract class TreeMakerToProp extends (TreeMaker => Prop) { // requires(if (!substitutionComputed)) def updateSubstitution(subst: Substitution): Unit = { // find part of substitution that replaces bound symbols by new symbols, and reverse that part // so that we don't introduce new aliases for existing symbols, thus keeping the set of bound symbols minimal val (boundSubst, unboundSubst) = (subst.from zip subst.to) partition { case (f, t) => t.isInstanceOf[Ident] && t.symbol.exists && pointsToBound(f) } val (boundFrom, boundTo) = boundSubst.unzip val (unboundFrom, unboundTo) = unboundSubst.unzip // reverse substitution that would otherwise replace a variable we already encountered by a new variable // NOTE: this forgets the more precise type we have for these later variables, but that's probably okay normalize >>= Substitution(boundTo map (_.symbol), boundFrom map (CODE.REF(_))) // debug.patmat ("normalize subst: "+ normalize) val okSubst = Substitution(unboundFrom, unboundTo map (normalize(_))) // it's important substitution does not duplicate trees here -- it helps to keep hash consing simple, anyway pointsToBound ++= ((okSubst.from, okSubst.to).zipped filter { (f, t) => pointsToBound exists (sym => t.exists(_.symbol == sym)) })._1 // debug.patmat("pointsToBound: "+ pointsToBound) accumSubst >>= okSubst // debug.patmat("accumSubst: "+ accumSubst) } def handleUnknown(tm: TreeMaker): Prop /** apply itself must render a faithful representation of the TreeMaker * * Concretely, True must only be used to represent a TreeMaker that is sure to match and that does not do any computation at all * e.g., doCSE relies on apply itself being sound in this sense (since it drops TreeMakers that are approximated to True -- SI-6077) * * handleUnknown may be customized by the caller to approximate further * * TODO: don't ignore outer-checks */ def apply(tm: TreeMaker): Prop = { if (!substitutionComputed) updateSubstitution(tm.subPatternsAsSubstitution) tm match { case ttm@TypeTestTreeMaker(prevBinder, testedBinder, pt, _) => object condStrategy extends TypeTestTreeMaker.TypeTestCondStrategy { type Result = Prop def and(a: Result, b: Result) = And(a, b) def outerTest(testedBinder: Symbol, expectedTp: Type) = True // TODO OuterEqProp(testedBinder, expectedType) def typeTest(b: Symbol, pt: Type) = { // a type test implies the tested path is non-null (null.isInstanceOf[T] is false for all T) val p = binderToUniqueTree(b); And(uniqueNonNullProp(p), uniqueTypeProp(p, uniqueTp(pt))) } def nonNullTest(testedBinder: Symbol) = uniqueNonNullProp(binderToUniqueTree(testedBinder)) def equalsTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = uniqueEqualityProp(binderToUniqueTree(testedBinder), unique(pat)) // rewrite eq test to type test against the singleton type `pat.tpe`; unrelated to == (uniqueEqualityProp), could be null def eqTest(pat: Tree, testedBinder: Symbol) = uniqueTypeProp(binderToUniqueTree(testedBinder), uniqueTp(pat.tpe)) def tru = True } ttm.renderCondition(condStrategy) case EqualityTestTreeMaker(prevBinder, patTree, _) => uniqueEqualityProp(binderToUniqueTree(prevBinder), unique(patTree)) case AlternativesTreeMaker(_, altss, _) => \/(altss map (alts => /\(alts map this))) case ProductExtractorTreeMaker(testedBinder, None) => uniqueNonNullProp(binderToUniqueTree(testedBinder)) case SubstOnlyTreeMaker(_, _) => True case GuardTreeMaker(guard) => guard.tpe match { case ConstantTrue => True case ConstantFalse => False case _ => handleUnknown(tm) } case ExtractorTreeMaker(_, _, _) | ProductExtractorTreeMaker(_, _) | BodyTreeMaker(_, _) => handleUnknown(tm) } } } private val irrefutableExtractor: PartialFunction[TreeMaker, Prop] = { // the extra condition is None, the extractor's result indicates it always succeeds, // (the potential type-test for the argument is represented by a separate TypeTestTreeMaker) case IrrefutableExtractorTreeMaker(_, _) => True } // special-case: interpret pattern `List()` as `Nil` // TODO: make it more general List(1, 2) => 1 :: 2 :: Nil -- not sure this is a good idea... private val rewriteListPattern: PartialFunction[TreeMaker, Prop] = { case p @ ExtractorTreeMaker(_, _, testedBinder) if testedBinder.tpe.typeSymbol == ListClass && p.checkedLength == Some(0) => uniqueEqualityProp(binderToUniqueTree(p.prevBinder), unique(Ident(NilModule) setType NilModule.tpe)) } val fullRewrite = (irrefutableExtractor orElse rewriteListPattern) val refutableRewrite = irrefutableExtractor @inline def onUnknown(handler: TreeMaker => Prop) = new TreeMakerToProp { def handleUnknown(tm: TreeMaker) = handler(tm) } // used for CSE -- rewrite all unknowns to False (the most conserative option) object conservative extends TreeMakerToProp { def handleUnknown(tm: TreeMaker) = False } final def approximateMatch(cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], treeMakerToProp: TreeMakerToProp = conservative) ={ val testss = cases.map { _ map (tm => Test(treeMakerToProp(tm), tm)) } substitutionComputed = true // a second call to approximateMatch should not re-compute the substitution (would be wrong) testss } } def approximateMatchConservative(root: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]]): List[List[Test]] = (new TreeMakersToProps(root)).approximateMatch(cases) // turns a case (represented as a list of abstract tests) // into a proposition that is satisfiable if the case may match protected final def caseWithoutBodyToProp(tests: List[Test]): Prop = /\(tests.takeWhile(t => !t.treeMaker.isInstanceOf[BodyTreeMaker]).map(t => t.prop)) def showTreeMakers(cases: List[List[TreeMaker]]) = { debug.patmat("treeMakers:") debug.patmat(alignAcrossRows(cases, ">>")) } } } trait MatchAnalysis extends MatchApproximation { import PatternMatchingStats._ import global._ import global.definitions._ trait MatchAnalyzer extends MatchApproximator { def uncheckedWarning(pos: Position, msg: String) = global.currentUnit.uncheckedWarning(pos, msg) def warn(pos: Position, ex: AnalysisBudget.Exception, kind: String) = uncheckedWarning(pos, s"Cannot check match for $kind.\n${ex.advice}") // TODO: model dependencies between variables: if V1 corresponds to (x: List[_]) and V2 is (x.hd), V2 cannot be assigned when V1 = null or V1 = Nil // right now hackily implement this by pruning counter-examples // unreachability would also benefit from a more faithful representation // reachability (dead code) // computes the first 0-based case index that is unreachable (if any) // a case is unreachable if it implies its preceding cases // call C the formula that is satisfiable if the considered case matches // call P the formula that is satisfiable if the cases preceding it match // the case is reachable if there is a model for -P /\ C, // thus, the case is unreachable if there is no model for -(-P /\ C), // or, equivalently, P \/ -C, or C => P def unreachableCase(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): Option[Int] = { val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatAnaReach) else null // use the same approximator so we share variables, // but need different conditions depending on whether we're conservatively looking for failure or success // don't rewrite List-like patterns, as List() and Nil need to distinguished for unreachability val approx = new TreeMakersToProps(prevBinder) def approximate(default: Prop) = approx.approximateMatch(cases, approx.onUnknown { tm => approx.refutableRewrite.applyOrElse(tm, (_: TreeMaker) => default ) }) val propsCasesOk = approximate(True) map caseWithoutBodyToProp val propsCasesFail = approximate(False) map (t => Not(caseWithoutBodyToProp(t))) try { val (eqAxiomsFail, symbolicCasesFail) = removeVarEq(propsCasesFail, modelNull = true) val (eqAxiomsOk, symbolicCasesOk) = removeVarEq(propsCasesOk, modelNull = true) val eqAxioms = simplifyFormula(andFormula(eqAxiomsOk, eqAxiomsFail)) // I'm pretty sure eqAxiomsOk == eqAxiomsFail, but not 100% sure. val prefix = formulaBuilder addFormula(prefix, eqAxioms) var prefixRest = symbolicCasesFail var current = symbolicCasesOk var reachable = true var caseIndex = 0 debug.patmat("reachability, vars:\n"+ ((propsCasesFail flatMap gatherVariables).distinct map (_.describe) mkString ("\n"))) debug.patmat("equality axioms:\n"+ cnfString(eqAxiomsOk)) // invariant (prefixRest.length == current.length) && (prefix.reverse ++ prefixRest == symbolicCasesFail) // termination: prefixRest.length decreases by 1 while (prefixRest.nonEmpty && reachable) { val prefHead = prefixRest.head caseIndex += 1 prefixRest = prefixRest.tail if (prefixRest.isEmpty) reachable = true else { addFormula(prefix, prefHead) current = current.tail val model = findModelFor(andFormula(current.head, toFormula(prefix))) // debug.patmat("trying to reach:\n"+ cnfString(current.head) +"\nunder prefix:\n"+ cnfString(prefix)) // if (NoModel ne model) debug.patmat("reached: "+ modelString(model)) reachable = NoModel ne model } } if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaReach, start) if (reachable) None else Some(caseIndex) } catch { case ex: AnalysisBudget.Exception => warn(prevBinder.pos, ex, "unreachability") None // CNF budget exceeded } } // exhaustivity def exhaustive(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type): List[String] = if (uncheckableType(prevBinder.info)) Nil else { // customize TreeMakersToProps (which turns a tree of tree makers into a more abstract DAG of tests) // - approximate the pattern `List()` (unapplySeq on List with empty length) as `Nil`, // otherwise the common (xs: List[Any]) match { case List() => case x :: xs => } is deemed unexhaustive // - back off (to avoid crying exhaustive too often) when: // - there are guards --> // - there are extractor calls (that we can't secretly/soundly) rewrite val start = if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.startTimer(patmatAnaExhaust) else null var backoff = false val approx = new TreeMakersToPropsIgnoreNullChecks(prevBinder) val symbolicCases = approx.approximateMatch(cases, approx.onUnknown { tm => approx.fullRewrite.applyOrElse[TreeMaker, Prop](tm, { case BodyTreeMaker(_, _) => True // irrelevant -- will be discarded by symbolCase later case _ => // debug.patmat("backing off due to "+ tm) backoff = true False }) }) map caseWithoutBodyToProp if (backoff) Nil else { val prevBinderTree = approx.binderToUniqueTree(prevBinder) // TODO: null tests generate too much noise, so disabled them -- is there any way to bring them back? // assuming we're matching on a non-null scrutinee (prevBinder), when does the match fail? // val nonNullScrutineeCond = // assume non-null for all the components of the tuple we're matching on (if we're matching on a tuple) // if (isTupleType(prevBinder.tpe)) // prevBinder.tpe.typeArgs.mapWithIndex{case (_, i) => NonNullProp(codegen.tupleSel(prevBinderTree)(i))}.reduceLeft(And) // else // NonNullProp(prevBinderTree) // val matchFails = And(symbolic(nonNullScrutineeCond), Not(symbolicCases reduceLeft (Or(_, _)))) // when does the match fail? val matchFails = Not(\/(symbolicCases)) // debug output: debug.patmat("analysing:") showTreeMakers(cases) // debug.patmat("\nvars:\n"+ (vars map (_.describe) mkString ("\n"))) // debug.patmat("\nmatchFails as CNF:\n"+ cnfString(propToSolvable(matchFails))) try { // find the models (under which the match fails) val matchFailModels = findAllModelsFor(propToSolvable(matchFails)) val scrutVar = Var(prevBinderTree) val counterExamples = matchFailModels.map(modelToCounterExample(scrutVar)) val pruned = CounterExample.prune(counterExamples).map(_.toString).sorted if (Statistics.canEnable) Statistics.stopTimer(patmatAnaExhaust, start) pruned } catch { case ex : AnalysisBudget.Exception => warn(prevBinder.pos, ex, "exhaustivity") Nil // CNF budget exceeded } } } object CounterExample { def prune(examples: List[CounterExample]): List[CounterExample] = { // SI-7669 Warning: we don't used examples.distinct here any more as // we can have A != B && A.coveredBy(B) && B.coveredBy(A) // with Nil and List(). val result = mutable.Buffer[CounterExample]() for (example <- examples if (!result.exists(example coveredBy _))) result += example result.toList } } // a way to construct a value that will make the match fail: a constructor invocation, a constant, an object of some type) class CounterExample { protected[MatchAnalyzer] def flattenConsArgs: List[CounterExample] = Nil def coveredBy(other: CounterExample): Boolean = this == other || other == WildcardExample } case class ValueExample(c: ValueConst) extends CounterExample { override def toString = c.toString } case class TypeExample(c: Const) extends CounterExample { override def toString = "(_ : "+ c +")" } case class NegativeExample(eqTo: Const, nonTrivialNonEqualTo: List[Const]) extends CounterExample { // require(nonTrivialNonEqualTo.nonEmpty, nonTrivialNonEqualTo) override def toString = { val negation = if (nonTrivialNonEqualTo.tail.isEmpty) nonTrivialNonEqualTo.head.toString else nonTrivialNonEqualTo.map(_.toString).sorted.mkString("(", ", ", ")") "(x: "+ eqTo +" forSome x not in "+ negation +")" } } case class ListExample(ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample { protected[MatchAnalyzer] override def flattenConsArgs: List[CounterExample] = ctorArgs match { case hd :: tl :: Nil => hd :: tl.flattenConsArgs case _ => Nil } protected[MatchAnalyzer] lazy val elems = flattenConsArgs override def coveredBy(other: CounterExample): Boolean = other match { case other@ListExample(_) => this == other || ((elems.length == other.elems.length) && (elems zip other.elems).forall{case (a, b) => a coveredBy b}) case _ => super.coveredBy(other) } override def toString = elems.mkString("List(", ", ", ")") } case class TupleExample(ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample { override def toString = ctorArgs.mkString("(", ", ", ")") override def coveredBy(other: CounterExample): Boolean = other match { case TupleExample(otherArgs) => this == other || ((ctorArgs.length == otherArgs.length) && (ctorArgs zip otherArgs).forall{case (a, b) => a coveredBy b}) case _ => super.coveredBy(other) } } case class ConstructorExample(cls: Symbol, ctorArgs: List[CounterExample]) extends CounterExample { override def toString = cls.decodedName + (if (cls.isModuleClass) "" else ctorArgs.mkString("(", ", ", ")")) } case object WildcardExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "_" } case object NoExample extends CounterExample { override def toString = "??" } def modelToVarAssignment(model: Model): Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])] = model.toSeq.groupBy{f => f match {case (sym, value) => sym.variable} }.mapValues{ xs => val (trues, falses) = xs.partition(_._2) (trues map (_._1.const), falses map (_._1.const)) // should never be more than one value in trues... } def varAssignmentString(varAssignment: Map[Var, (Seq[Const], Seq[Const])]) = varAssignment.toSeq.sortBy(_._1.toString).map { case (v, (trues, falses)) => val assignment = "== "+ (trues mkString("(", ", ", ")")) +" != ("+ (falses mkString(", ")) +")" v +"(="+ v.path +": "+ v.staticTpCheckable +") "+ assignment }.mkString("\n") // return constructor call when the model is a true counter example // (the variables don't take into account type information derived from other variables, // so, naively, you might try to construct a counter example like _ :: Nil(_ :: _, _ :: _), // since we didn't realize the tail of the outer cons was a Nil) def modelToCounterExample(scrutVar: Var)(model: Model): CounterExample = { // x1 = ... // x1.hd = ... // x1.tl = ... // x1.hd.hd = ... // ... val varAssignment = modelToVarAssignment(model) debug.patmat("var assignment for model "+ model +":\n"+ varAssignmentString(varAssignment)) // chop a path into a list of symbols def chop(path: Tree): List[Symbol] = path match { case Ident(_) => List(path.symbol) case Select(pre, name) => chop(pre) :+ path.symbol case _ => // debug.patmat("don't know how to chop "+ path) Nil } // turn the variable assignments into a tree // the root is the scrutinee (x1), edges are labelled by the fields that are assigned // a node is a variable example (which is later turned into a counter example) object VariableAssignment { private def findVar(path: List[Symbol]) = path match { case List(root) if root == scrutVar.path.symbol => Some(scrutVar) case _ => varAssignment.find{case (v, a) => chop(v.path) == path}.map(_._1) } private val uniques = new mutable.HashMap[Var, VariableAssignment] private def unique(variable: Var): VariableAssignment = uniques.getOrElseUpdate(variable, { val (eqTo, neqTo) = varAssignment.getOrElse(variable, (Nil, Nil)) // TODO VariableAssignment(variable, eqTo.toList, neqTo.toList) }) def apply(variable: Var): VariableAssignment = { val path = chop(variable.path) val pre = path.init val field = path.last val newCtor = unique(variable) if (pre.isEmpty) newCtor else { findVar(pre) foreach { preVar => val outerCtor = this(preVar) outerCtor.addField(field, newCtor) } newCtor } } } // node in the tree that describes how to construct a counter-example case class VariableAssignment(variable: Var, equalTo: List[Const], notEqualTo: List[Const]) { private val fields: mutable.Map[Symbol, VariableAssignment] = mutable.HashMap.empty // need to prune since the model now incorporates all super types of a constant (needed for reachability) private lazy val uniqueEqualTo = equalTo filterNot (subsumed => equalTo.exists(better => (better ne subsumed) && instanceOfTpImplies(better.tp, subsumed.tp))) private lazy val prunedEqualTo = uniqueEqualTo filterNot (subsumed => variable.staticTpCheckable <:< subsumed.tp) private lazy val ctor = (prunedEqualTo match { case List(TypeConst(tp)) => tp case _ => variable.staticTpCheckable }).typeSymbol.primaryConstructor private lazy val ctorParams = if (ctor.paramss.isEmpty) Nil else ctor.paramss.head private lazy val cls = ctor.safeOwner private lazy val caseFieldAccs = cls.caseFieldAccessors def addField(symbol: Symbol, assign: VariableAssignment) { // SI-7669 Only register this field if if this class contains it. val shouldConstrainField = !symbol.isCaseAccessor || caseFieldAccs.contains(symbol) if (shouldConstrainField) fields(symbol) = assign } def allFieldAssignmentsLegal: Boolean = (fields.keySet subsetOf caseFieldAccs.toSet) && fields.values.forall(_.allFieldAssignmentsLegal) private lazy val nonTrivialNonEqualTo = notEqualTo.filterNot{c => c.isAny } // NoExample if the constructor call is ill-typed // (thus statically impossible -- can we incorporate this into the formula?) // beBrief is used to suppress negative information nested in tuples -- it tends to get too noisy def toCounterExample(beBrief: Boolean = false): CounterExample = if (!allFieldAssignmentsLegal) NoExample else { debug.patmat("describing "+ ((variable, equalTo, notEqualTo, fields, cls, allFieldAssignmentsLegal))) val res = prunedEqualTo match { // a definite assignment to a value case List(eq: ValueConst) if fields.isEmpty => ValueExample(eq) // constructor call // or we did not gather any information about equality but we have information about the fields // --> typical example is when the scrutinee is a tuple and all the cases first unwrap that tuple and only then test something interesting case _ if cls != NoSymbol && !isPrimitiveValueClass(cls) && ( uniqueEqualTo.nonEmpty || (fields.nonEmpty && prunedEqualTo.isEmpty && notEqualTo.isEmpty)) => def args(brevity: Boolean = beBrief) = { // figure out the constructor arguments from the field assignment val argLen = (caseFieldAccs.length min ctorParams.length) (0 until argLen).map(i => fields.get(caseFieldAccs(i)).map(_.toCounterExample(brevity)) getOrElse WildcardExample).toList } cls match { case ConsClass => ListExample(args()) case _ if isTupleSymbol(cls) => TupleExample(args(brevity = true)) case _ => ConstructorExample(cls, args()) } // a definite assignment to a type case List(eq) if fields.isEmpty => TypeExample(eq) // negative information case Nil if nonTrivialNonEqualTo.nonEmpty => // negation tends to get pretty verbose if (beBrief) WildcardExample else { val eqTo = equalTo.headOption getOrElse TypeConst(variable.staticTpCheckable) NegativeExample(eqTo, nonTrivialNonEqualTo) } // not a valid counter-example, possibly since we have a definite type but there was a field mismatch // TODO: improve reasoning -- in the mean time, a false negative is better than an annoying false positive case _ => NoExample } debug.patmatResult("described as")(res) } override def toString = toCounterExample().toString } // slurp in information from other variables varAssignment.keys.foreach{ v => if (v != scrutVar) VariableAssignment(v) } // this is the variable we want a counter example for VariableAssignment(scrutVar).toCounterExample() } def analyzeCases(prevBinder: Symbol, cases: List[List[TreeMaker]], pt: Type, suppression: Suppression): Unit = { if (!suppression.unreachable) { unreachableCase(prevBinder, cases, pt) foreach { caseIndex => reportUnreachable(cases(caseIndex).last.pos) } } if (!suppression.exhaustive) { val counterExamples = exhaustive(prevBinder, cases, pt) if (counterExamples.nonEmpty) reportMissingCases(prevBinder.pos, counterExamples) } } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala MatchAnalysis.scala source code file: |
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