Scala example source code file (FastTrack.scala)
The FastTrack.scala Scala example source codepackage scala.tools package reflect import scala.reflect.reify.Taggers import scala.tools.nsc.typechecker.{ Analyzer, Macros } import scala.reflect.runtime.Macros.currentMirror import scala.reflect.api.Universe import scala.tools.reflect.quasiquotes.{ Quasiquotes => QuasiquoteImpls } /** Optimizes system macro expansions by hardwiring them directly to their implementations * bypassing standard reflective load and invoke to avoid the overhead of Java/Scala reflection. */ class FastTrack[MacrosAndAnalyzer <: Macros with Analyzer](val macros: MacrosAndAnalyzer) { import macros._ import global._ import definitions._ import scala.language.implicitConversions import treeInfo.Applied def contains(symbol: Symbol): Boolean = fastTrackCache().contains(symbol) def apply(symbol: Symbol): FastTrackEntry = fastTrackCache().apply(symbol) def get(symbol: Symbol): Option[FastTrackEntry] = fastTrackCache().get(symbol) private implicit def context2taggers(c0: MacroContext): Taggers { val c: c0.type } = new { val c: c0.type = c0 } with Taggers private implicit def context2macroimplementations(c0: MacroContext): FormatInterpolator { val c: c0.type } = new { val c: c0.type = c0 } with FormatInterpolator private implicit def context2quasiquote(c0: MacroContext): QuasiquoteImpls { val c: c0.type } = new { val c: c0.type = c0 } with QuasiquoteImpls private def makeBlackbox(sym: Symbol)(pf: PartialFunction[Applied, MacroContext => Tree]) = sym -> new FastTrackEntry(pf, isBlackbox = true) private def makeWhitebox(sym: Symbol)(pf: PartialFunction[Applied, MacroContext => Tree]) = sym -> new FastTrackEntry(pf, isBlackbox = false) final class FastTrackEntry(pf: PartialFunction[Applied, MacroContext => Tree], val isBlackbox: Boolean) extends (MacroArgs => Any) { def validate(tree: Tree) = pf isDefinedAt Applied(tree) def apply(margs: MacroArgs): margs.c.Expr[Nothing] = { val MacroArgs(c, _) = margs // Macros validated that the pf is defined here - and there's not much we could do if it weren't. c.Expr[Nothing](pf(Applied(c.expandee))(c))(c.WeakTypeTag.Nothing) } } /** A map from a set of pre-established macro symbols to their implementations. */ private val fastTrackCache = perRunCaches.newGeneric[Map[Symbol, FastTrackEntry]] { val runDefinitions = currentRun.runDefinitions import runDefinitions._ Map[Symbol, FastTrackEntry]( makeBlackbox( materializeClassTag) { case Applied(_, ttag :: Nil, _) => _.materializeClassTag(ttag.tpe) }, makeBlackbox( materializeWeakTypeTag) { case Applied(_, ttag :: Nil, (u :: _) :: _) => _.materializeTypeTag(u, EmptyTree, ttag.tpe, concrete = false) }, makeBlackbox( materializeTypeTag) { case Applied(_, ttag :: Nil, (u :: _) :: _) => _.materializeTypeTag(u, EmptyTree, ttag.tpe, concrete = true) }, makeBlackbox( ApiUniverseReify) { case Applied(_, ttag :: Nil, (expr :: _) :: _) => c => c.materializeExpr(c.prefix.tree, EmptyTree, expr) }, makeBlackbox( StringContext_f) { case _ => _.interpolate }, makeBlackbox(ReflectRuntimeCurrentMirror) { case _ => c => currentMirror(c).tree }, makeWhitebox( QuasiquoteClass_api_apply) { case _ => _.expandQuasiquote }, makeWhitebox(QuasiquoteClass_api_unapply) { case _ => _.expandQuasiquote } ) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala FastTrack.scala source code file: |
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