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Scala example source code file (FormatInterpolator.scala)

This example Scala source code file (FormatInterpolator.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, conversion, int, macro, match, mutable, none, option, position, reflection, runtime, some, specgroup, string, tree, utilities

The FormatInterpolator.scala Scala example source code


import scala.reflect.macros.runtime.Context
import scala.collection.mutable.{ ListBuffer, Stack }
import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position
import scala.PartialFunction.cond
import scala.util.matching.Regex.Match

import java.util.{ Formatter, Formattable, IllegalFormatException }

abstract class FormatInterpolator {
  val c: Context
  val global: c.universe.type = c.universe

  import c.universe.{ Match => _, _ }
  import definitions._
  import treeInfo.Applied

  @inline private def truly(body: => Unit): Boolean = { body ; true }
  @inline private def falsely(body: => Unit): Boolean = { body ; false }

  private def fail(msg: String) = c.abort(c.enclosingPosition, msg)
  private def bail(msg: String) = global.abort(msg)

  def interpolate: Tree = c.macroApplication match {
    //case q"$_(..$parts).f(..$args)" =>
    case Applied(Select(Apply(_, parts), _), _, argss) =>
      val args = argss.flatten
      def badlyInvoked = (parts.length != args.length + 1) && truly {
        def because(s: String) = s"too $s arguments for interpolated string"
        val (p, msg) =
          if (parts.length == 0) (c.prefix.tree.pos, "there are no parts")
          else if (args.length + 1 < parts.length)
            (if (args.isEmpty) c.enclosingPosition else args.last.pos, because("few"))
          else (args(parts.length-1).pos, because("many"))
        c.abort(p, msg)
      if (badlyInvoked) c.macroApplication else interpolated(parts, args)
    case other =>
      bail(s"Unexpected application ${showRaw(other)}")

  /** Every part except the first must begin with a conversion for
   *  the arg that preceded it. If the conversion is missing, "%s"
   *  is inserted.
   *  In any other position, the only permissible conversions are
   *  the literals (%% and %n) or an index reference (%1$ or %<).
   *  A conversion specifier has the form:
   *  [index$][flags][width][.precision]conversion
   *  1) "...${smth}" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%s"
   *  2) "...${smth}blahblah" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%sblahblah"
   *  3) "...${smth}%" => error
   *  4) "...${smth}%n" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%s%n"
   *  5) "...${smth}%%" => okay, equivalent to "...${smth}%s%%"
   *  6) "...${smth}[%legalJavaConversion]" => okay*
   *  7) "...${smth}[%illegalJavaConversion]" => error
   *  *Legal according to [[]]
  def interpolated(parts: List[Tree], args: List[Tree]) = {
    val fstring  = new StringBuilder
    val evals    = ListBuffer[ValDef]()
    val ids      = ListBuffer[Ident]()
    val argStack = Stack(args: _*)

    // create a tmp val and add it to the ids passed to format
    def defval(value: Tree, tpe: Type): Unit = {
      val freshName = TermName(c.freshName("arg$"))
      evals += ValDef(Modifiers(), freshName, TypeTree(tpe) setPos value.pos.focus, value) setPos value.pos
      ids += Ident(freshName)
    // Append the nth part to the string builder, possibly prepending an omitted %s first.
    // Sanity-check the % fields in this part.
    def copyPart(part: Tree, n: Int): Unit = {
      import SpecifierGroups.{ Spec, Index }
      val s0 = part match {
        case Literal(Constant(x: String)) => x
        case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("internal error: argument parts must be a list of string literals")
      def escapeHatch: PartialFunction[Throwable, String] = {
        // trailing backslash, octal escape, or other
        case e: StringContext.InvalidEscapeException =>
          def errPoint = part.pos withPoint (part.pos.point + e.index)
          def octalOf(c: Char) = Character.digit(c, 8)
          def alt = {
            def altOf(i: Int) = i match {
              case '\b' => "\\b"
              case '\t' => "\\t"
              case '\n' => "\\n"
              case '\f' => "\\f"
              case '\r' => "\\r"
              case '\"' => "${'\"'}" /* avoid lint warn */ +
                " or a triple-quoted literal \"\"\"with embedded \" or \\u0022\"\"\""  // $" in future
              case '\'' => "'"
              case '\\' => """\\"""
              case x    => "\\u%04x" format x
            val suggest = {
              val r = "([0-7]{1,3}).*".r
              (s0 drop e.index + 1) match {
                case r(n) => altOf { (0 /: n) { case (a, o) => (8 * a) + (o - '0') } }
                case _    => ""
            val txt =
              if ("" == suggest) ""
              else s", use $suggest instead"
          def badOctal = {
            def msg(what: String) = s"Octal escape literals are $what$alt."
            if (settings.future) {
              c.error(errPoint, msg("unsupported"))
            } else {
              c.enclosingUnit.deprecationWarning(errPoint, msg("deprecated"))
              try StringContext.treatEscapes(s0) catch escapeHatch
          if (e.index == s0.length - 1) {
            c.error(errPoint, """Trailing '\' escapes nothing.""")
          } else if (octalOf(s0(e.index + 1)) >= 0) {
          } else {
            c.error(errPoint, e.getMessage)
      val s  = try StringContext.processEscapes(s0) catch escapeHatch
      val ms = fpat findAllMatchIn s

      def errorLeading(op: Conversion) = op.errorAt(Spec, s"conversions must follow a splice; ${Conversion.literalHelp}")

      def first = n == 0
      // a conversion for the arg is required
      if (!first) {
        val arg = argStack.pop()
        def s_%() = {
          fstring append "%s"
          defval(arg, AnyTpe)
        def accept(op: Conversion) = {
          if (!op.isLeading) errorLeading(op)
          op.accepts(arg) match {
            case Some(tpe) => defval(arg, tpe)
            case None      =>
        if (ms.hasNext) {
          Conversion(, part.pos, args.size) match {
            case Some(op) if op.isLiteral => s_%()
            case Some(op) if op.indexed =>
              if (op.index map (_ == n) getOrElse true) accept(op)
              else {
                // either some other arg num, or '<'
                c.warning(op.groupPos(Index), "Index is not this arg")
            case Some(op) => accept(op)
            case None     =>
        } else s_%()
      // any remaining conversions must be either literals or indexed
      while (ms.hasNext) {
        Conversion(, part.pos, args.size) match {
          case Some(op) if first && op.hasFlag('<')   => op.badFlag('<', "No last arg")
          case Some(op) if op.isLiteral || op.indexed => // OK
          case Some(op) => errorLeading(op)
          case None     =>
      fstring append s

    parts.zipWithIndex foreach {
      case (part, n) => copyPart(part, n)

    //q"{..$evals; ${fstring.toString}.format(..$ids)}"
    locally {
      val expr =
      val p = c.macroApplication.pos
      Block(evals.toList, atPos(p.focus)(expr)) setPos p.makeTransparent

  val fpat = """%(?:(\d+)\$)?([-#+ 0,(\<]+)?(\d+)?(\.\d+)?([tT]?[%a-zA-Z])?""".r
  object SpecifierGroups extends Enumeration { val Spec, Index, Flags, Width, Precision, CC = Value }

  val stdContextTags = new { val tc: c.type = c } with StdContextTags
  import stdContextTags._
  val tagOfFormattable = typeTag[Formattable]

  /** A conversion specifier matched by `m` in the string part at `pos`,
   *  with `argc` arguments to interpolate.
  sealed trait Conversion {
    def m: Match
    def pos: Position
    def argc: Int

    import SpecifierGroups.{ Value => SpecGroup, _ }
    private def maybeStr(g: SpecGroup) = Option(m group
    private def maybeInt(g: SpecGroup) = maybeStr(g) map (_.toInt)
    val index: Option[Int]     = maybeInt(Index)
    val flags: Option[String]  = maybeStr(Flags)
    val width: Option[Int]     = maybeInt(Width)
    val precision: Option[Int] = maybeStr(Precision) map (_.drop(1).toInt)
    val op: String             = maybeStr(CC) getOrElse ""

    def cc: Char = if ("tT" contains op(0)) op(1) else op(0)

    def indexed:   Boolean = index.nonEmpty || hasFlag('<')
    def isLiteral: Boolean = false
    def isLeading: Boolean = m.start(0) == 0
    def verify:    Boolean = goodFlags && goodIndex
    def accepts(arg: Tree): Option[Type]

    val allFlags = "-#+ 0,(<"
    def hasFlag(f: Char) = (flags getOrElse "") contains f
    def hasAnyFlag(fs: String) = fs exists (hasFlag)

    def badFlag(f: Char, msg: String) = {
      val i = flags map (_.indexOf(f)) filter (_ >= 0) getOrElse 0
      errorAtOffset(Flags, i, msg)
    def groupPos(g: SpecGroup) = groupPosAt(g, 0)
    def groupPosAt(g: SpecGroup, i: Int) = pos withPoint (pos.point + m.start( + i)
    def errorAt(g: SpecGroup, msg: String) = c.error(groupPos(g), msg)
    def errorAtOffset(g: SpecGroup, i: Int, msg: String) = c.error(groupPosAt(g, i), msg)

    def noFlags = flags.isEmpty || falsely { errorAt(Flags, "flags not allowed") }
    def noWidth = width.isEmpty || falsely { errorAt(Width, "width not allowed") }
    def noPrecision = precision.isEmpty || falsely { errorAt(Precision, "precision not allowed") }
    def only_-(msg: String) = {
      val badFlags = (flags getOrElse "") filterNot { case '-' | '<' => true case _ => false }
      badFlags.isEmpty || falsely { badFlag(badFlags(0), s"Only '-' allowed for $msg") }
    protected def okFlags: String = allFlags
    def goodFlags = {
      val badFlags = flags map (_ filterNot (okFlags contains _))
      for (bf <- badFlags; f <- bf) badFlag(f, s"Illegal flag '$f'")
    def goodIndex = {
      if (index.nonEmpty && hasFlag('<'))
        c.warning(groupPos(Index), "Argument index ignored if '<' flag is present")
      val okRange = index map (i => i > 0 && i <= argc) getOrElse true
      okRange || hasFlag('<') || falsely { errorAt(Index, "Argument index out of range") }
    /** Pick the type of an arg to format from among the variants
     *  supported by a conversion.  This is the type of the temporary,
     *  so failure results in an erroneous assignment to the first variant.
     *  A more complete message would be nice.
    def pickAcceptable(arg: Tree, variants: Type*): Option[Type] =
      variants find (arg.tpe <:< _) orElse (
        variants find (c.inferImplicitView(arg, arg.tpe, _) != EmptyTree)
      ) orElse Some(variants(0))
  object Conversion {
    import SpecifierGroups.{ Spec, CC, Width }
    def apply(m: Match, p: Position, n: Int): Option[Conversion] = {
      def badCC(msg: String) = {
        val dk = new ErrorXn(m, p)
        val at = if (dk.op.isEmpty) Spec else CC
        dk.errorAt(at, msg)
      def cv(cc: Char) = cc match {
        case 'b' | 'B' | 'h' | 'H' | 's' | 'S' =>
          new GeneralXn(m, p, n)
        case 'c' | 'C' =>
          new CharacterXn(m, p, n)
        case 'd' | 'o' | 'x' | 'X' =>
          new IntegralXn(m, p, n)
        case 'e' | 'E' | 'f' | 'g' | 'G' | 'a' | 'A' =>
          new FloatingPointXn(m, p, n)
        case 't' | 'T' =>
          new DateTimeXn(m, p, n)
        case '%' | 'n' =>
          new LiteralXn(m, p, n)
        case _ =>
          badCC(s"illegal conversion character '$cc'")
      Option(m group map (cc => cv(cc(0))) match {
        case Some(x) => Option(x) filter (_.verify)
        case None    =>
          badCC(s"Missing conversion operator in '${m.matched}'; $literalHelp")
    val literalHelp = "use %% for literal %, %n for newline"
  class GeneralXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
    def accepts(arg: Tree) = cc match {
      case 's' | 'S' if hasFlag('#') => pickAcceptable(arg, tagOfFormattable.tpe)
      case 'b' | 'B' => if (arg.tpe <:< NullTpe) Some(NullTpe) else Some(BooleanTpe)
      case _         => Some(AnyTpe)
    override protected def okFlags = cc match {
      case 's' | 'S' => "-#<"
      case _         => "-<"
  class LiteralXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
    import SpecifierGroups.Width
    override val isLiteral = true
    override def verify = op match {
      case "%" => super.verify && noPrecision && truly(width foreach (_ => c.warning(groupPos(Width), "width ignored on literal")))
      case "n" => noFlags && noWidth && noPrecision
    override protected val okFlags = "-"
    def accepts(arg: Tree) = None
  class CharacterXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
    override def verify = super.verify && noPrecision && only_-("c conversion")
    def accepts(arg: Tree) = pickAcceptable(arg, CharTpe, ByteTpe, ShortTpe, IntTpe)
  class IntegralXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
    override def verify = {
      def d_# = (cc == 'd' && hasFlag('#') &&
        truly { badFlag('#', "# not allowed for d conversion") }
      def x_comma = (cc != 'd' && hasFlag(',') &&
        truly { badFlag(',', "',' only allowed for d conversion of integral types") }
      super.verify && noPrecision && !d_# && !x_comma
    override def accepts(arg: Tree) = {
      def isBigInt = arg.tpe <:< tagOfBigInt.tpe
      val maybeOK = "+ ("
      def bad_+ = cond(cc) {
        case 'o' | 'x' | 'X' if hasAnyFlag(maybeOK) && !isBigInt =>
          maybeOK filter hasFlag foreach (badf =>
            badFlag(badf, s"only use '$badf' for BigInt conversions to o, x, X"))
      if (bad_+) None else pickAcceptable(arg, IntTpe, LongTpe, ByteTpe, ShortTpe, tagOfBigInt.tpe)
  class FloatingPointXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
    override def verify = super.verify && (cc match {
      case 'a' | 'A' =>
        val badFlags = ",(" filter hasFlag
        noPrecision && badFlags.isEmpty || falsely {
          badFlags foreach (badf => badFlag(badf, s"'$badf' not allowed for a, A"))
      case _ => true
    def accepts(arg: Tree) = pickAcceptable(arg, DoubleTpe, FloatTpe, tagOfBigDecimal.tpe)
  class DateTimeXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position, val argc: Int) extends Conversion {
    import SpecifierGroups.CC
    def hasCC = (op.length == 2 ||
      falsely { errorAt(CC, "Date/time conversion must have two characters") })
    def goodCC = ("HIklMSLNpzZsQBbhAaCYyjmdeRTrDFc" contains cc) ||
      falsely { errorAtOffset(CC, 1, s"'$cc' doesn't seem to be a date or time conversion") }
    override def verify = super.verify && hasCC && goodCC && noPrecision && only_-("date/time conversions")
    def accepts(arg: Tree) = pickAcceptable(arg, LongTpe, tagOfCalendar.tpe, tagOfDate.tpe)
  class ErrorXn(val m: Match, val pos: Position) extends Conversion {
    val argc = 0
    override def verify = false
    def accepts(arg: Tree) = None

Other Scala source code examples

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