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Scala example source code file (ToolBox.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ToolBox.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

any, boolean, frontend, string, termmode, throwable, typecheckmode, typemode, u, use

The ToolBox.scala Scala example source code

package reflect

trait ToolBox[U <: scala.reflect.api.Universe] {

  /** Underlying universe of a ToolBox
  val u: U

  /** Underlying mirror of a ToolBox
  val mirror: u.Mirror

  /** Front end of the toolbox.
   *  Accumulates and displays warnings and errors, can drop to interactive mode (if supported).
   *  The latter can be useful to study the typechecker or to debug complex macros.
   *  [[]] provides two predefined front ends that can be created using
   *  [[]] and [[]].
  def frontEnd: FrontEnd

  /** Represents mode of operations of the typechecker underlying `c.typecheck` calls.
   *  Is necessary since the shape of the typechecked tree alone is not enough to guess how it should be typechecked.
   *  Can be EXPRmode (typecheck as a term), TYPEmode (typecheck as a type) or PATTERNmode (typecheck as a pattern).
  type TypecheckMode

  /** Indicates that an argument to `c.typecheck` should be typechecked as a term.
   *  This is the default typechecking mode in Scala 2.11 and the only one supported in Scala 2.10.
  val TERMmode: TypecheckMode

  /** Indicates that an argument to `c.typecheck` should be typechecked as a type.
  val TYPEmode: TypecheckMode

  /** Indicates that an argument to `c.typecheck` should be typechecked as a pattern.
  val PATTERNmode: TypecheckMode

  /** @see `Typers.typecheck`
  @deprecated("Use `tb.typecheck` instead", "2.11.0")
  def typeCheck(tree: u.Tree, pt: u.Type = u.WildcardType, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): u.Tree =
    typecheck(tree, TERMmode, pt, silent, withImplicitViewsDisabled, withMacrosDisabled)

  /** Typechecks a tree against the expected type `pt`
   *  under typechecking mode specified in `mode` with [[EXPRmode]] being default.
   *  This populates symbols and types of the tree and possibly transforms it to reflect certain desugarings.
   *  If the tree has unresolved type variables (represented as instances of `FreeTypeSymbol` symbols),
   *  then they all have to be resolved first using `Tree.substituteTypes`, or an error occurs.
   *  If `silent` is false, `ToolBoxError` will be thrown in case of a typecheck error.
   *  If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs.
   *  Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Ydebug.
   *  Typechecking can be steered with the following optional parameters:
   *    `withImplicitViewsDisabled` recursively prohibits implicit views (though, implicit vals will still be looked up and filled in), default value is false
   *    `withMacrosDisabled` recursively prohibits macro expansions and macro-based implicits, default value is false
  def typecheck(tree: u.Tree, mode: TypecheckMode = TERMmode, pt: u.Type = u.WildcardType, silent: Boolean = false, withImplicitViewsDisabled: Boolean = false, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false): u.Tree

  /** Infers an implicit value of the expected type `pt` in top-level context.
   *  Optional `pos` parameter provides a position that will be associated with the implicit search.
   *  As mentioned in!topic/scala-internals/ta-vbUT6JE8
   *  this API won't take into account the lexical context of the callsite, because
   *  currently it's impossible to reify it.
   *  If `silent` is false, `ToolBoxError` will be thrown in case of an inference error.
   *  If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs.
   *  Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Xlog-implicits.
   *  Unlike in `typecheck`, `silent` is true by default.
  def inferImplicitValue(pt: u.Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false, pos: u.Position = u.NoPosition): u.Tree

  /** Infers an implicit view from the provided tree `tree` from the type `from` to the type `to` in the toplevel context.
   *  Optional `pos` parameter provides a position that will be associated with the implicit search.
   *  As mentioned in!topic/scala-internals/ta-vbUT6JE8
   *  this API won't take into account the lexical context of the callsite, because
   *  currently it's impossible to reify it.
   *  If `silent` is false, `ToolBoxError` will be thrown in case of an inference error.
   *  If `silent` is true, the typecheck is silent and will return `EmptyTree` if an error occurs.
   *  Such errors don't vanish and can be inspected by turning on -Xlog-implicits.
   *  Unlike in `typecheck`, `silent` is true by default.
  def inferImplicitView(tree: u.Tree, from: u.Type, to: u.Type, silent: Boolean = true, withMacrosDisabled: Boolean = false, pos: u.Position = u.NoPosition): u.Tree

  /** Recursively resets locally defined symbols and types in a given tree.
   *  WARNING: Don't use this API, go for [[untypecheck]] instead.
  @deprecated("Use `tb.untypecheck` instead", "2.11.0")
  def resetLocalAttrs(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree

   *  @see [[scala.reflect.macros.Typers.untypecheck]]
  def untypecheck(tree: u.Tree): u.Tree

  /** .. */
  def parse(code: String): u.Tree

  /** Compiles a tree using this ToolBox.
   *  If the tree has unresolved type variables (represented as instances of `FreeTypeSymbol` symbols),
   *  then they all have to be resolved first using `Tree.substituteTypes`, or an error occurs.
   *  This spawns the compiler at the Namer phase, and pipelines the tree through that compiler.
   *  Currently `compile` does not accept trees that already typechecked, because typechecking isn't idempotent.
   *  For more info, take a look at
  def compile(tree: u.Tree): () => Any

  /** Defines a top-level class, trait or module in this ToolBox,
   *  putting it into a uniquely-named package and returning a symbol that references the defined entity.
   *  For a ClassDef, a ClassSymbol is returned, and for a ModuleDef, a ModuleSymbol is returned (not a module class, but a module itself).
   *  This method can be used to generate definitions that will later be re-used by subsequent calls to
   *  `compile`, `define` or `eval`. To refer to the generated definition in a tree, use q"$sym".
  def define(tree: u.ImplDef): u.Symbol

  /** Compiles and runs a tree using this ToolBox.
   *  Is equivalent to `compile(tree)()`.
  def eval(tree: u.Tree): Any

/** Represents an error during toolboxing
case class ToolBoxError(message: String, cause: Throwable = null) extends Throwable(message, cause)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ToolBox.scala source code file:

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