Scala example source code file (package.scala)
The package.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Paul Phillips */ package scala.tools import scala.reflect.api.JavaUniverse import scala.reflect.internal.util.Position import scala.language.implicitConversions import scala.tools.nsc.reporters._ import scala.tools.nsc.Settings package object reflect { // [todo: can we generalize this? import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru} implicit def ToolBox(mirror0: ru.Mirror): ToolBoxFactory[ru.type] = new ToolBoxFactory[ru.type](mirror0.universe) { lazy val mirror = mirror0 } // todo. replace this with an implicit class, once the pesky warning is gone // we don't provide `Eval` for trees, because it's unclear where to get an evaluation mirror from implicit def Eval[T](expr: JavaUniverse # Expr[T]): Eval[T] = new Eval[T](expr) /** Creates a UI-less reporter that simply accumulates all the messages */ def mkSilentFrontEnd(): FrontEnd = new FrontEnd { def display(info: Info) {} def interactive() {} } /** Creates a reporter that prints messages to the console according to the settings. * * `minSeverity` determines minimum severity of the messages to be printed. * 0 stands for INFO, 1 stands for WARNING and 2 stands for ERROR. */ // todo. untangle warningsAsErrors from Reporters. I don't feel like moving this flag here! def mkConsoleFrontEnd(minSeverity: Int = 1): FrontEnd = { val settings = new Settings() if (minSeverity <= 0) settings.verbose.value = true if (minSeverity > 1) settings.nowarn.value = true reporterToFrontEnd(new ConsoleReporter(settings)) } private[reflect] def reporterToFrontEnd(reporter: Reporter): FrontEnd = new FrontEnd { val API_INFO = INFO val API_WARNING = WARNING val API_ERROR = ERROR override def hasErrors = reporter.hasErrors override def hasWarnings = reporter.hasWarnings def display(info: Info): Unit = info.severity match { case API_INFO => reporter.info(info.pos, info.msg, force = false) case API_WARNING => reporter.warning(info.pos, info.msg) case API_ERROR => reporter.error(info.pos, info.msg) } def interactive(): Unit = reporter match { case reporter: AbstractReporter => reporter.displayPrompt() case _ => // do nothing } override def flush(): Unit = { super.flush() reporter.flush() } override def reset(): Unit = { super.reset() reporter.reset() } } private[reflect] def frontEndToReporter(frontEnd: FrontEnd, settings0: Settings): Reporter = new AbstractReporter { val settings = settings0 val API_INFO = frontEnd.INFO val API_WARNING = frontEnd.WARNING val API_ERROR = frontEnd.ERROR type NscSeverity = Severity val NSC_INFO = INFO val NSC_WARNING = WARNING val NSC_ERROR = ERROR def display(pos: Position, msg: String, nscSeverity: NscSeverity): Unit = frontEnd.log(pos, msg, nscSeverity match { case NSC_INFO => API_INFO case NSC_WARNING => API_WARNING case NSC_ERROR => API_ERROR }) def displayPrompt(): Unit = frontEnd.interactive() override def flush(): Unit = { super.flush() frontEnd.flush() } override def reset(): Unit = { super.reset() frontEnd.reset() } } } package reflect { class Eval[T](expr: JavaUniverse # Expr[T]) { def eval: T = { val factory = new ToolBoxFactory[JavaUniverse](expr.mirror.universe) { val mirror = expr.mirror.asInstanceOf[this.u.Mirror] } val toolBox = factory.mkToolBox() toolBox.eval(expr.tree.asInstanceOf[toolBox.u.Tree]).asInstanceOf[T] } } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala package.scala source code file: |
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