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Scala example source code file (Reifiers.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Reifiers.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

apply, can't, dotdot, emptytree, hole, list, nil, placeholder, reflection, reify, select, tree

The Reifiers.scala Scala example source code

package quasiquotes

import java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
import scala.reflect.reify.{Reifier => ReflectReifier}
import scala.reflect.internal.Flags._

trait Reifiers { self: Quasiquotes =>
  import global._
  import global.treeInfo._
  import global.definitions._
  import Rank._
  import universeTypes._

  abstract class Reifier(val isReifyingExpressions: Boolean) extends {
    val global: =
    val universe = self.universe
    val reifee = EmptyTree
    val mirror = EmptyTree
    val concrete = false
  } with ReflectReifier {
    lazy val typer = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

    def isReifyingPatterns: Boolean = !isReifyingExpressions
    def action = if (isReifyingExpressions) "unquote" else "extract"
    def holesHaveTypes = isReifyingExpressions

    /** Map that stores freshly generated names linked to the corresponding names in the reified tree.
     *  This information is used to reify names created by calls to freshTermName and freshTypeName.
    val nameMap = collection.mutable.HashMap.empty[Name, Set[TermName]].withDefault { _ => Set() }

    /** Wraps expressions into:
     *    a block which starts with a sequence of vals that correspond
     *    to fresh names that has to be created at evaluation of the quasiquote
     *    and ends with reified tree:
     *      {
     *        val name$1: universe.TermName =
     *        ...
     *        val name$N: universe.TermName =
     *        tree
     *      }
     *  Wraps patterns into:
     *    a call into anonymous class' unapply method required by unapply macro expansion:
     *      new {
     *        def unapply(tree) = tree match {
     *          case pattern if guard => Some(result)
     *          case _ => None
     *        }
     *      }.unapply(<unapply-selector>)
     *    where pattern corresponds to reified tree and guard represents conjunction of equalities
     *    which check that pairs of names in nameMap.values are equal between each other.
    def wrap(tree: Tree) =
      if (isReifyingExpressions) {
        val freshdefs = {
          case (origname, names) =>
            assert(names.size == 1)
            val FreshName(prefix) = origname
            val nameTypeName = if (origname.isTermName) tpnme.TermName else tpnme.TypeName
            val freshName = if (origname.isTermName) nme.freshTermName else nme.freshTypeName
            // q"val ${names.head}: $u.$nameTypeName = $u.internal.reificationSupport.$freshName($prefix)"
            ValDef(NoMods, names.head, Select(u, nameTypeName),
              Apply(Select(Select(Select(u, nme.internal), nme.reificationSupport), freshName), Literal(Constant(prefix)) :: Nil))
        // q"..$freshdefs; $tree"
        SyntacticBlock(freshdefs :+ tree)
      } else {
        val freevars =
        val isVarPattern = tree match { case Bind(name, Ident(nme.WILDCARD)) => true case _ => false }
        val cases =
          if(isVarPattern) {
            val Ident(name) :: Nil = freevars
            // cq"$name: $treeType => $SomeModule($name)" :: Nil
            CaseDef(Bind(name, Typed(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), TypeTree(treeType))),
              EmptyTree, Apply(Ident(SomeModule), List(Ident(name)))) :: Nil
          } else {
            val (succ, fail) = freevars match {
              case Nil =>
                // (q"true", q"false")
                (Literal(Constant(true)), Literal(Constant(false)))
              case head :: Nil =>
                // (q"$SomeModule($head)", q"$NoneModule")
                (Apply(Ident(SomeModule), List(head)), Ident(NoneModule))
              case vars =>
                // (q"$SomeModule((..$vars))", q"$NoneModule")
                (Apply(Ident(SomeModule), List(SyntacticTuple(vars))), Ident(NoneModule))
            val guard =
              nameMap.collect { case (_, nameset) if nameset.size >= 2 =>
                nameset.toList.sliding(2).map { case List(n1, n2) =>
                  // q"$n1 == $n2"
                  Apply(Select(Ident(n1), nme.EQ), List(Ident(n2)))
              }.flatten.reduceOption[Tree] { (l, r) =>
                // q"$l && $r"
                Apply(Select(l, nme.ZAND), List(r))
              }.getOrElse { EmptyTree }
            // cq"$tree if $guard => $succ" :: cq"_ => $fail" :: Nil
            CaseDef(tree, guard, succ) :: CaseDef(Ident(nme.WILDCARD), EmptyTree, fail) :: Nil
        // q"new { def unapply(tree: $AnyClass) = { ..${unlifters.preamble()}; tree match { case ..$cases } } }.unapply(..$args)"
            SyntacticNew(Nil, Nil, noSelfType, List(
              DefDef(NoMods, nme.unapply, Nil, List(List(ValDef(NoMods, nme.tree, TypeTree(AnyClass.toType), EmptyTree))), TypeTree(),
                SyntacticBlock(unlifters.preamble() :+ Match(Ident(nme.tree), cases))))),

    def reifyFillingHoles(tree: Tree): Tree = {
      val reified = reifyTree(tree)
      holeMap.unused.foreach { hole =>
        c.abort(holeMap(hole).pos, s"Don't know how to $action here")

    override def reifyTree(tree: Tree): Tree =
      reifyTreePlaceholder(tree) orElse

    def reifyTreePlaceholder(tree: Tree): Tree = tree match {
      case Placeholder(hole: ApplyHole) if hole.tpe <:< treeType => hole.tree
      case Placeholder(Hole(tree, NoDot)) if isReifyingPatterns => tree
      case Placeholder(hole @ Hole(_, rank @ Dot())) => c.abort(hole.pos, s"Can't $action with $rank here")
      case TuplePlaceholder(args) => reifyTuple(args)
      // Due to greediness of syntactic applied we need to pre-emptively peek inside.
      // `rest` will always be non-empty due to the rule on top of this one.
      case SyntacticApplied(id @ Ident(nme.QUASIQUOTE_TUPLE), first :: rest) =>
        mirrorBuildCall(nme.SyntacticApplied, reifyTreePlaceholder(Apply(id, first)), reify(rest))
      case TupleTypePlaceholder(args) => reifyTupleType(args)
      case FunctionTypePlaceholder(argtpes, restpe) => reifyFunctionType(argtpes, restpe)
      case CasePlaceholder(hole) => hole.tree
      case RefineStatPlaceholder(hole) => reifyRefineStat(hole)
      case EarlyDefPlaceholder(hole) => reifyEarlyDef(hole)
      case PackageStatPlaceholder(hole) => reifyPackageStat(hole)
      case ParamPlaceholder(hole) => hole.tree
      // for enumerators are checked not during splicing but during
      // desugaring of the for loop in SyntacticFor & SyntacticForYield
      case ForEnumPlaceholder(hole) => hole.tree
      case _ => EmptyTree

    override def reifyTreeSyntactically(tree: Tree) = tree match {
      case RefTree(qual, SymbolPlaceholder(Hole(tree, _))) if isReifyingExpressions =>
        mirrorBuildCall(nme.mkRefTree, reify(qual), tree)
      case This(SymbolPlaceholder(Hole(tree, _))) if isReifyingExpressions =>
        mirrorCall(nme.This, tree)
      case SyntacticTraitDef(mods, name, tparams, earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTraitDef, mods, name, tparams, earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body)
      case SyntacticClassDef(mods, name, tparams, constrmods, vparamss,
                             earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body) =>
        mirrorBuildCall(nme.SyntacticClassDef, reify(mods), reify(name), reify(tparams), reify(constrmods),
                                               reifyVparamss(vparamss), reify(earlyDefs), reify(parents),
                                               reify(selfdef), reify(body))
      case SyntacticPackageObjectDef(name, earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticPackageObjectDef, name, earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body)
      case SyntacticObjectDef(mods, name, earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticObjectDef, mods, name, earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body)
      case SyntacticNew(earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticNew, earlyDefs, parents, selfdef, body)
      case SyntacticDefDef(mods, name, tparams, vparamss, tpt, rhs) =>
        mirrorBuildCall(nme.SyntacticDefDef, reify(mods), reify(name), reify(tparams),
                                             reifyVparamss(vparamss), reify(tpt), reify(rhs))
      case SyntacticValDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) if tree != noSelfType =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticValDef, mods, name, tpt, rhs)
      case SyntacticVarDef(mods, name, tpt, rhs) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticVarDef, mods, name, tpt, rhs)
      case SyntacticValFrom(pat, rhs) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticValFrom, pat, rhs)
      case SyntacticValEq(pat, rhs) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticValEq, pat, rhs)
      case SyntacticFilter(cond) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticFilter, cond)
      case SyntacticFor(enums, body) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticFor, enums, body)
      case SyntacticForYield(enums, body) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticForYield, enums, body)
      case SyntacticAssign(lhs, rhs) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticAssign, lhs, rhs)
      case SyntacticApplied(fun, argss) if argss.nonEmpty =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticApplied, fun, argss)
      case SyntacticTypeApplied(fun, targs) if targs.nonEmpty =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTypeApplied, fun, targs)
      case SyntacticAppliedType(tpt, targs) if targs.nonEmpty =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticAppliedType, tpt, targs)
      case SyntacticFunction(args, body) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticFunction, args, body)
      case SyntacticEmptyTypeTree() =>
      case SyntacticImport(expr, selectors) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticImport, expr, selectors)
      case SyntacticPartialFunction(cases) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticPartialFunction, cases)
      case SyntacticMatch(scrutinee, cases) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticMatch, scrutinee, cases)
      case SyntacticTermIdent(name, isBackquoted) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTermIdent, name, isBackquoted)
      case SyntacticTypeIdent(name) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTypeIdent, name)
      case SyntacticCompoundType(parents, defns) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticCompoundType, parents, defns)
      case SyntacticSingletonType(ref) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticSingletonType, ref)
      case SyntacticTypeProjection(qual, name) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTypeProjection, qual, name)
      case SyntacticAnnotatedType(tpt, annot) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticAnnotatedType, tpt, annot)
      case SyntacticExistentialType(tpt, where) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticExistentialType, tpt, where)
      case Q(tree) if fillListHole.isDefinedAt(tree) =>
        mirrorBuildCall(nme.SyntacticBlock, fillListHole(tree))
      case Q(other) =>
      // Syntactic block always matches so we have to be careful
      // not to cause infinite recursion.
      case block @ SyntacticBlock(stats) if block.isInstanceOf[Block] =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticBlock, stats)
      case SyntheticUnit() =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticBlock, Nil)
      case Try(block, catches, finalizer) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTry, block, catches, finalizer)
      case CaseDef(pat, guard, body) if fillListHole.isDefinedAt(body) =>
        mirrorCall(nme.CaseDef, reify(pat), reify(guard), mirrorBuildCall(nme.SyntacticBlock, fillListHole(body)))
      // parser emits trees with scala package symbol to ensure
      // that some names hygienically point to various scala package
      // members; we need to preserve this symbol to preserve
      // correctness of the trees produced by quasiquotes
      case Select(id @ Ident(nme.scala_), name) if id.symbol == ScalaPackage =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.ScalaDot, name)
      case Select(qual, name) =>
        val ctor = if (name.isTypeName) nme.SyntacticSelectType else nme.SyntacticSelectTerm
        reifyBuildCall(ctor, qual, name)
      case _ =>

    override def reifyName(name: Name): Tree = name match {
      case Placeholder(hole: ApplyHole) =>
        if (!(hole.tpe <:< nameType)) c.abort(hole.pos, s"$nameType expected but ${hole.tpe} found")
      case Placeholder(hole: UnapplyHole) => hole.treeNoUnlift
      case FreshName(prefix) if prefix != nme.QUASIQUOTE_NAME_PREFIX =>
        def fresh() = c.freshName[TermName](nme.QUASIQUOTE_NAME_PREFIX)
        def introduceName() = { val n = fresh(); nameMap(name) += n; n}
        def result(n: Name) = if (isReifyingExpressions) Ident(n) else Bind(n, Ident(nme.WILDCARD))
        if (isReifyingPatterns) result(introduceName())
        else result(nameMap.get(name).map { _.head }.getOrElse { introduceName() })
      case _ =>

    def reifyTuple(args: List[Tree]) = args match {
      case Nil => reify(Literal(Constant(())))
      case List(hole @ Placeholder(Hole(_, NoDot))) => reify(hole)
      case List(Placeholder(_)) => reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTuple, args)
      // in a case we only have one element tuple without
      // any rank annotations this means that this is
      // just an expression wrapped in parentheses
      case List(other) => reify(other)
      case _ => reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTuple, args)

    def reifyTupleType(args: List[Tree]) = args match {
      case Nil => reify(Select(Ident(nme.scala_), tpnme.Unit))
      case List(hole @ Placeholder(Hole(_, NoDot))) => reify(hole)
      case List(Placeholder(_)) => reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTupleType, args)
      case List(other) => reify(other)
      case _ => reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticTupleType, args)

    def reifyFunctionType(argtpes: List[Tree], restpe: Tree) =
      reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticFunctionType, argtpes, restpe)

    def reifyConstructionCheck(name: TermName, hole: Hole) = hole match {
      case _: UnapplyHole => hole.tree
      case _: ApplyHole => mirrorBuildCall(name, hole.tree)

    def reifyRefineStat(hole: Hole) = reifyConstructionCheck(nme.mkRefineStat, hole)

    def reifyEarlyDef(hole: Hole) = reifyConstructionCheck(nme.mkEarlyDef, hole)

    def reifyAnnotation(hole: Hole) = reifyConstructionCheck(nme.mkAnnotation, hole)

    def reifyPackageStat(hole: Hole) = reifyConstructionCheck(nme.mkPackageStat, hole)

    def reifyVparamss(vparamss: List[List[ValDef]]) = {
      val build.ImplicitParams(paramss, implparams) = vparamss
      if (implparams.isEmpty) reify(paramss)
      else reifyBuildCall(nme.ImplicitParams, paramss, implparams)

    /** Splits list into a list of groups where subsequent elements are considered
     *  similar by the corresponding function.
     *  Example:
     *    > group(List(1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0)) { _ == _ }
     *    List(List(1, 1), List(0, 0), List(1), List(0))
    def group[T](lst: List[T])(similar: (T, T) => Boolean) = lst.foldLeft[List[List[T]]](List()) {
      case (Nil, el) => List(List(el))
      case (ll :+ (last @ (lastinit :+ lastel)), el) if similar(lastel, el) => ll :+ (last :+ el)
      case (ll, el) => ll :+ List(el)

    /** Reifies list filling all the valid holeMap.
     *  Reification of non-trivial list is done in two steps:
     *  1. split the list into groups where every placeholder is always
     *     put in a group of it's own and all subsquent non-holeMap are
     *     grouped together; element is considered to be a placeholder if it's
     *     in the domain of the fill function;
     *  2. fold the groups into a sequence of lists added together with ++ using
     *     fill reification for holeMapĀ and fallback reification for non-holeMap.
     *  Example:
     *    reifyHighRankList(lst) {
     *      // first we define patterns that extract high-rank holeMap (currently ..)
     *      case Placeholder(IterableType(_, _)) => tree
     *    } {
     *      // in the end we define how single elements are reified, typically with default reify call
     *      reify(_)
     *    }
     *  Sample execution of previous concrete list reifier:
     *    > val lst = List(foo, bar, qq$f3948f9s$1)
     *    > reifyHighRankList(lst) { ... } { ... }
     *    q"List($foo, $bar) ++ ${holeMap(qq$f3948f9s$1).tree}"
    def reifyHighRankList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree

    val fillListHole: PartialFunction[Any, Tree] = {
      case Placeholder(Hole(tree, DotDot)) => tree
      case CasePlaceholder(Hole(tree, DotDot)) => tree
      case RefineStatPlaceholder(h @ Hole(_, DotDot)) => reifyRefineStat(h)
      case EarlyDefPlaceholder(h @ Hole(_, DotDot)) => reifyEarlyDef(h)
      case PackageStatPlaceholder(h @ Hole(_, DotDot)) => reifyPackageStat(h)
      case ForEnumPlaceholder(Hole(tree, DotDot)) => tree
      case ParamPlaceholder(Hole(tree, DotDot)) => tree
      case SyntacticPatDef(mods, pat, tpt, rhs) =>
        reifyBuildCall(nme.SyntacticPatDef, mods, pat, tpt, rhs)
      case SyntacticValDef(mods, p @ Placeholder(h: ApplyHole), tpt, rhs) if h.tpe <:< treeType =>
        mirrorBuildCall(nme.SyntacticPatDef, reify(mods), h.tree, reify(tpt), reify(rhs))

    val fillListOfListsHole: PartialFunction[Any, Tree] = {
      case List(ParamPlaceholder(Hole(tree, DotDotDot))) => tree
      case List(Placeholder(Hole(tree, DotDotDot))) => tree

    /** Reifies arbitrary list filling ..$x and ...$y holeMap when they are put
     *  in the correct position. Fallbacks to regular reification for zero rank
     *  elements.
    override def reifyList(xs: List[Any]): Tree = reifyHighRankList(xs)(fillListHole.orElse(fillListOfListsHole))(reify)

    def reifyAnnotList(annots: List[Tree]): Tree = reifyHighRankList(annots) {
      case AnnotPlaceholder(h @ Hole(_, DotDot)) => reifyAnnotation(h)
    } {
      case AnnotPlaceholder(h: ApplyHole) if h.tpe <:< treeType => reifyAnnotation(h)
      case AnnotPlaceholder(h: UnapplyHole) if h.rank == NoDot => reifyAnnotation(h)
      case other => reify(other)

    // These are explicit flags except those that are used
    // to overload the same tree for two different concepts:
    // - MUTABLE that is used to override ValDef for vars
    // - TRAIT that is used to override ClassDef for traits
    val nonOverloadedExplicitFlags = ExplicitFlags & ~MUTABLE & ~TRAIT

    def ensureNoExplicitFlags(m: Modifiers, pos: Position) = {
      // Traits automatically have ABSTRACT flag assigned to
      // them so in that case it's not an explicit flag
      val flags = if (m.isTrait) m.flags & ~ABSTRACT else m.flags
      if ((flags & nonOverloadedExplicitFlags) != 0L)
        c.abort(pos, s"Can't $action modifiers together with flags, consider merging flags into modifiers")

    override def mirrorSelect(name: String): Tree =
      Select(universe, TermName(name))

    override def mirrorCall(name: TermName, args: Tree*): Tree =
      Apply(Select(universe, name), args.toList)

    override def mirrorBuildCall(name: TermName, args: Tree*): Tree =
      Apply(Select(Select(Select(universe, nme.internal), nme.reificationSupport), name), args.toList)

    override def scalaFactoryCall(name: String, args: Tree*): Tree =
      call("scala." + name, args: _*)

  class ApplyReifier extends Reifier(isReifyingExpressions = true) {
    def reifyHighRankList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree =
      if (xs.isEmpty) mkList(Nil)
      else {
        def reifyGroup(group: List[Any]): Tree = group match {
          case List(elem) if fill.isDefinedAt(elem) => fill(elem)
          case elems => mkList(
        val head :: tail = group(xs) { (a, b) => !fill.isDefinedAt(a) && !fill.isDefinedAt(b) }
        tail.foldLeft[Tree](reifyGroup(head)) { (tree, lst) => Apply(Select(tree, nme.PLUSPLUS), List(reifyGroup(lst))) }

    override def reifyModifiers(m: Modifiers) =
      if (m == NoMods) super.reifyModifiers(m)
      else {
        val (modsPlaceholders, annots) = m.annotations.partition {
          case ModsPlaceholder(_) => true
          case _ => false
        val (mods, flags) = {
          case ModsPlaceholder(hole: ApplyHole) => hole
        }.partition { hole =>
          if (hole.tpe <:< modsType) true
          else if (hole.tpe <:< flagsType) false
          else c.abort(hole.pos, s"$flagsType or $modsType expected but ${hole.tpe} found")
        mods match {
          case hole :: Nil =>
            if (flags.nonEmpty) c.abort(flags(0).pos, "Can't unquote flags together with modifiers, consider merging flags into modifiers")
            if (annots.nonEmpty) c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't unquote modifiers together with annotations, consider merging annotations into modifiers")
            ensureNoExplicitFlags(m, hole.pos)
          case _ :: hole :: Nil =>
            c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't unquote multiple modifiers, consider merging them into a single modifiers instance")
          case _ =>
            val baseFlags = reifyFlags(m.flags)
            val reifiedFlags = flags.foldLeft[Tree](baseFlags) { case (flag, hole) => Apply(Select(flag, nme.OR), List(hole.tree)) }
            mirrorFactoryCall(nme.Modifiers, reifiedFlags, reify(m.privateWithin), reifyAnnotList(annots))

  class UnapplyReifier extends Reifier(isReifyingExpressions = false) {
    private def collection = ScalaDot(nme.collection)
    private def collectionColonPlus = Select(collection, nme.COLONPLUS)
    private def collectionCons = Select(Select(collection, nme.immutable), nme.CONS)
    private def collectionNil = Select(Select(collection, nme.immutable), nme.Nil)
    // pq"$lhs :+ $rhs"
    private def append(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) = Apply(collectionColonPlus, lhs :: rhs :: Nil)
    // pq"$lhs :: $rhs"
    private def cons(lhs: Tree, rhs: Tree) = Apply(collectionCons, lhs :: rhs :: Nil)

    def reifyHighRankList(xs: List[Any])(fill: PartialFunction[Any, Tree])(fallback: Any => Tree): Tree = {
      val grouped = group(xs) { (a, b) => !fill.isDefinedAt(a) && !fill.isDefinedAt(b) }
      def appended(lst: List[Any], init: Tree)  = lst.foldLeft(init)  { (l, r) => append(l, fallback(r)) }
      def prepended(lst: List[Any], init: Tree) = lst.foldRight(init) { (l, r) => cons(fallback(l), r)   }
      grouped match {
        case init :: List(hole) :: last :: Nil if fill.isDefinedAt(hole) => appended(last, prepended(init, fill(hole)))
        case init :: List(hole) :: Nil         if fill.isDefinedAt(hole) => prepended(init, fill(hole))
        case         List(hole) :: last :: Nil if fill.isDefinedAt(hole) => appended(last, fill(hole))
        case         List(hole) :: Nil         if fill.isDefinedAt(hole) => fill(hole)
        case _                                                           => prepended(xs, collectionNil)

    override def reifyModifiers(m: Modifiers) =
      if (m == NoMods) super.reifyModifiers(m)
      else {
        val mods = m.annotations.collect { case ModsPlaceholder(hole: UnapplyHole) => hole }
        mods match {
          case hole :: Nil =>
            if (m.annotations.length != 1) c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't extract modifiers together with annotations, consider extracting just modifiers")
            ensureNoExplicitFlags(m, hole.pos)
          case _ :: hole :: _ =>
            c.abort(hole.pos, "Can't extract multiple modifiers together, consider extracting a single modifiers instance")
          case Nil =>
            mirrorFactoryCall(nme.Modifiers, reifyFlags(m.flags), reify(m.privateWithin), reifyAnnotList(m.annotations))

Other Scala source code examples

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