Scala example source code file (README)
The README Scala example source codeUse the latest IntelliJ IDEA release and install the Scala plugin from within the IDE. Compilation withing IDEA is performed in "-Dlocker.skip=1" mode: the sources are built directly using the STARR compiler. The following steps are required to use IntelliJ IDEA on Scala trunk - Run "ant init". This will download some JARs from to ./build/deps, which are included in IntelliJ's classpath. - Run src/intellij/setup.sh - Open ./src/intellij/scala-lang.ipr in IntelliJ - File, Project Settings, Project, SDK. Create an SDK entry named "1.6" containing the java 1.6 SDK Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala README source code file: |
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