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Scala example source code file (GenSeqLike.scala)

This example Scala source code file (GenSeqLike.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, any, b, boolean, canbuildfrom, geniterablelike, genseq, int, repr, that

The GenSeqLike.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection

import generic._

/** A template trait for all sequences which may be traversed
 *  in parallel.
 *  @define Coll GenSeq
 *  @define coll general sequence
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *    Note: may not terminate for infinite-sized collections.
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
 *    Note: will not terminate for infinite-sized collections.
 *  @author Martin Odersky
 *  @author Aleksandar Prokopec
 *  @since 2.9
 *  @define seqInfo
 *  Sequences are special cases of iterable collections of class `Iterable`.
 *  Unlike iterables, sequences always have a defined order of elements.
trait GenSeqLike[+A, +Repr] extends Any with GenIterableLike[A, Repr] with Equals with Parallelizable[A, parallel.ParSeq[A]] {
  def seq: Seq[A]

  /** Selects an element by its index in the $coll.
   * Example:
   * {{{
   *    scala> val x = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
   *    x: List[Int] = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
   *    scala> x(3)
   *    res1: Int = 4
   * }}}
   *  @param  idx  The index to select.
   *  @return the element of this $coll at index `idx`, where `0` indicates the first element.
   *  @throws `IndexOutOfBoundsException` if `idx` does not satisfy `0 <= idx < length`.
  def apply(idx: Int): A

  /** The length of the $coll.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  Note: `xs.length` and `xs.size` yield the same result.
   *  @return     the number of elements in this $coll.
  def length: Int

  /** Tests whether this $coll contains given index.
   *  The implementations of methods `apply` and `isDefinedAt` turn a `Seq[A]` into
   *  a `PartialFunction[Int, A]`.
   * @param    idx     the index to test
   * @return   `true` if this $coll contains an element at position `idx`, `false` otherwise.
  def isDefinedAt(idx: Int): Boolean = (idx >= 0) && (idx < length)

  /** Computes length of longest segment whose elements all satisfy some predicate.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @param   from  the index where the search starts.
   *  @return  the length of the longest segment of this $coll starting from index `from`
   *           such that every element of the segment satisfies the predicate `p`.
  def segmentLength(p: A => Boolean, from: Int): Int

  /** Returns the length of the longest prefix whose elements all satisfy some predicate.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return  the length of the longest prefix of this $coll
   *           such that every element of the segment satisfies the predicate `p`.
  def prefixLength(p: A => Boolean): Int = segmentLength(p, 0)

  /** Finds index of the first element satisfying some predicate after or at some start index.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @param   from   the start index
   *  @return  the index `>= from` of the first element of this $coll that satisfies the predicate `p`,
   *           or `-1`, if none exists.
  def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean, from: Int): Int

  /** Finds index of first element satisfying some predicate.
   *  $mayNotTerminateInf
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return  the index of the first element of this $coll that satisfies the predicate `p`,
   *           or `-1`, if none exists.
  def indexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Int = indexWhere(p, 0)

  /** Finds index of first occurrence of some value in this $coll.
   *  @param   elem   the element value to search for.
   *  @tparam  B      the type of the element `elem`.
   *  @return  the index of the first element of this $coll that is equal (as determined by `==`)
   *           to `elem`, or `-1`, if none exists.
   *  @usecase def indexOf(elem: A): Int
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    $mayNotTerminateInf
  def indexOf[B >: A](elem: B): Int = indexOf(elem, 0)

  /** Finds index of first occurrence of some value in this $coll after or at some start index.
   *  @param   elem   the element value to search for.
   *  @tparam  B      the type of the element `elem`.
   *  @param   from   the start index
   *  @return  the index `>= from` of the first element of this $coll that is equal (as determined by `==`)
   *           to `elem`, or `-1`, if none exists.
   *  @usecase def indexOf(elem: A, from: Int): Int
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    $mayNotTerminateInf
  def indexOf[B >: A](elem: B, from: Int): Int = indexWhere(elem == _, from)

  /** Finds index of last occurrence of some value in this $coll.
   *  @param   elem   the element value to search for.
   *  @tparam  B      the type of the element `elem`.
   *  @return  the index of the last element of this $coll that is equal (as determined by `==`)
   *           to `elem`, or `-1`, if none exists.
   *  @usecase def lastIndexOf(elem: A): Int
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    $willNotTerminateInf
  def lastIndexOf[B >: A](elem: B): Int = lastIndexWhere(elem == _)

  /** Finds index of last occurrence of some value in this $coll before or at a given end index.
   *  @param   elem   the element value to search for.
   *  @param   end    the end index.
   *  @tparam  B      the type of the element `elem`.
   *  @return  the index `<= end` of the last element of this $coll that is equal (as determined by `==`)
   *           to `elem`, or `-1`, if none exists.
   *  @usecase def lastIndexOf(elem: A, end: Int): Int
   *    @inheritdoc
  def lastIndexOf[B >: A](elem: B, end: Int): Int = lastIndexWhere(elem == _, end)

  /** Finds index of last element satisfying some predicate.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return  the index of the last element of this $coll that satisfies the predicate `p`,
   *           or `-1`, if none exists.
  def lastIndexWhere(p: A => Boolean): Int = lastIndexWhere(p, length - 1)

  /** Finds index of last element satisfying some predicate before or at given end index.
   *  @param   p     the predicate used to test elements.
   *  @return  the index `<= end` of the last element of this $coll that satisfies the predicate `p`,
   *           or `-1`, if none exists.
  def lastIndexWhere(p: A => Boolean, end: Int): Int

  /** Returns new $coll with elements in reversed order.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return A new $coll with all elements of this $coll in reversed order.
  def reverse: Repr

   *  Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this $coll and
   *  collecting the results in reversed order.
   *  @param f      the function to apply to each element.
   *  @tparam B     the element type of the returned collection.
   *  @tparam That  $thatinfo
   *  @param bf     $bfinfo
   *  @return       a new collection of type `That` resulting from applying the given function
   *                `f` to each element of this $coll and collecting the results in reversed order.
   *  @usecase def reverseMap[B](f: A => B): $Coll[B]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    $willNotTerminateInf
   *    Note: `xs.reverseMap(f)` is the same as `` but might be more efficient.
   *    @return       a new $coll resulting from applying the given function
   *                  `f` to each element of this $coll and collecting the results in reversed order.
  def reverseMap[B, That](f: A => B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

  /** Tests whether this $coll starts with the given sequence.
   * @param  that    the sequence to test
   * @return `true` if this collection has `that` as a prefix, `false` otherwise.
  def startsWith[B](that: GenSeq[B]): Boolean = startsWith(that, 0)

  /** Tests whether this $coll contains the given sequence at a given index.
   * '''Note''': If the both the receiver object `this` and the argument
   * `that` are infinite sequences this method may not terminate.
   * @param  that    the sequence to test
   * @param  offset  the index where the sequence is searched.
   * @return `true` if the sequence `that` is contained in this $coll at
   *         index `offset`, otherwise `false`.
  def startsWith[B](that: GenSeq[B], offset: Int): Boolean

  /** Tests whether this $coll ends with the given sequence.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @param  that    the sequence to test
   *  @return `true` if this $coll has `that` as a suffix, `false` otherwise.
  def endsWith[B](that: GenSeq[B]): Boolean

  /** Produces a new $coll where a slice of elements in this $coll is replaced by another sequence.
   *  @param  from     the index of the first replaced element
   *  @param  patch    the replacement sequence
   *  @param  replaced the number of elements to drop in the original $coll
   *  @tparam B        the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @tparam That     $thatinfo
   *  @param bf        $bfinfo
   *  @return          a new $coll consisting of all elements of this $coll
   *                   except that `replaced` elements starting from `from` are replaced
   *                   by `patch`.
   *  @usecase def patch(from: Int, that: GenSeq[A], replaced: Int): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    @return          a new $coll consisting of all elements of this $coll
   *                     except that `replaced` elements starting from `from` are replaced
   *                     by `patch`.
  def patch[B >: A, That](from: Int, patch: GenSeq[B], replaced: Int)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

  /** A copy of this $coll with one single replaced element.
   *  @param  index  the position of the replacement
   *  @param  elem   the replacing element
   *  @tparam B        the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @tparam That     $thatinfo
   *  @param bf        $bfinfo
   *  @return a new $coll` which is a copy of this $coll with the element at position `index` replaced by `elem`.
   *  @usecase def updated(index: Int, elem: A): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    @return a copy of this $coll with the element at position `index` replaced by `elem`.
  def updated[B >: A, That](index: Int, elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

  /** A copy of the $coll with an element prepended.
   *  @param  elem   the prepended element
   *  @tparam B      the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @tparam That   $thatinfo
   *  @param bf      $bfinfo
   *  @return a new collection of type `That` consisting of `elem` followed
   *          by all elements of this $coll.
   *  @usecase def +:(elem: A): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    Note that :-ending operators are right associative (see example).
   *    A mnemonic for `+:` vs. `:+` is: the COLon goes on the COLlection side.
   *    Also, the original $coll is not modified, so you will want to capture the result.
   *    Example:
   *    {{{
   *      scala> val x = List(1)
   *      x: List[Int] = List(1)
   *      scala> val y = 2 +: x
   *      y: List[Int] = List(2, 1)
   *      scala> println(x)
   *      List(1)
   *    }}}
   *    @return a new $coll consisting of `elem` followed
   *            by all elements of this $coll.
  def +:[B >: A, That](elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

  /** A copy of this $coll with an element appended.
   *  A mnemonic for `+:` vs. `:+` is: the COLon goes on the COLlection side.
   *  @param  elem   the appended element
   *  @tparam B      the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @tparam That   $thatinfo
   *  @param bf      $bfinfo
   *  @return a new collection of type `That` consisting of
   *          all elements of this $coll followed by `elem`.
   *  @usecase def :+(elem: A): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    $willNotTerminateInf
   *    Example:
   *    {{{
   *       scala> val a = List(1)
   *       a: List[Int] = List(1)
   *       scala> val b = a :+ 2
   *       b: List[Int] = List(1, 2)
   *       scala> println(a)
   *       List(1)
   *    }}}
   *    @return a new $coll consisting of
   *            all elements of this $coll followed by `elem`.
  def :+[B >: A, That](elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

  /** A copy of this $coll with an element value appended until a given target length is reached.
   *  @param   len   the target length
   *  @param   elem  the padding value
   *  @tparam B      the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @tparam That   $thatinfo
   *  @param bf      $bfinfo
   *  @return a new collection of type `That` consisting of
   *          all elements of this $coll followed by the minimal number of occurrences of `elem` so
   *          that the resulting collection has a length of at least `len`.
   *  @usecase def padTo(len: Int, elem: A): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    @return a new $coll consisting of
   *            all elements of this $coll followed by the minimal number of occurrences of `elem` so
   *            that the resulting $coll has a length of at least `len`.
  def padTo[B >: A, That](len: Int, elem: B)(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That

  /** Tests whether every element of this $coll relates to the
   *  corresponding element of another sequence by satisfying a test predicate.
   *  @param   that  the other sequence
   *  @param   p     the test predicate, which relates elements from both sequences
   *  @tparam  B     the type of the elements of `that`
   *  @return  `true` if both sequences have the same length and
   *                  `p(x, y)` is `true` for all corresponding elements `x` of this $coll
   *                  and `y` of `that`, otherwise `false`.
  def corresponds[B](that: GenSeq[B])(p: (A, B) => Boolean): Boolean

  def toSeq: GenSeq[A]

  /** Produces a new sequence which contains all elements of this $coll and also all elements of
   *  a given sequence. `xs union ys`  is equivalent to `xs ++ ys`.
   *  @param that   the sequence to add.
   *  @tparam B     the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @tparam That  $thatinfo
   *  @param bf     $bfinfo
   *  @return       a new collection of type `That` which contains all elements of this $coll
   *                followed by all elements of `that`.
   *  @usecase def union(that: GenSeq[A]): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    Another way to express this
   *    is that `xs union ys` computes the order-presevring multi-set union of `xs` and `ys`.
   *    `union` is hence a counter-part of `diff` and `intersect` which also work on multi-sets.
   *    $willNotTerminateInf
   *    @return       a new $coll which contains all elements of this $coll
   *                  followed by all elements of `that`.
  def union[B >: A, That](that: GenSeq[B])(implicit bf: CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]): That = this ++ that

  /** Computes the multiset difference between this $coll and another sequence.
   *  @param that   the sequence of elements to remove
   *  @tparam B     the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @return       a new collection of type `That` which contains all elements of this $coll
   *                except some of occurrences of elements that also appear in `that`.
   *                If an element value `x` appears
   *                ''n'' times in `that`, then the first ''n'' occurrences of `x` will not form
   *                part of the result, but any following occurrences will.
   *  @usecase def diff(that: GenSeq[A]): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    $willNotTerminateInf
   *    @return       a new $coll which contains all elements of this $coll
   *                  except some of occurrences of elements that also appear in `that`.
   *                  If an element value `x` appears
   *                  ''n'' times in `that`, then the first ''n'' occurrences of `x` will not form
   *                  part of the result, but any following occurrences will.
  def diff[B >: A](that: GenSeq[B]): Repr

  /** Computes the multiset intersection between this $coll and another sequence.
   *  @param that   the sequence of elements to intersect with.
   *  @tparam B     the element type of the returned $coll.
   *  @return       a new collection of type `That` which contains all elements of this $coll
   *                which also appear in `that`.
   *                If an element value `x` appears
   *                ''n'' times in `that`, then the first ''n'' occurrences of `x` will be retained
   *                in the result, but any following occurrences will be omitted.
   *  @usecase def intersect(that: GenSeq[A]): $Coll[A]
   *    @inheritdoc
   *    $mayNotTerminateInf
   *    @return       a new $coll which contains all elements of this $coll
   *                  which also appear in `that`.
   *                  If an element value `x` appears
   *                  ''n'' times in `that`, then the first ''n'' occurrences of `x` will be retained
   *                  in the result, but any following occurrences will be omitted.
  def intersect[B >: A](that: GenSeq[B]): Repr

  /** Builds a new $coll from this $coll without any duplicate elements.
   *  $willNotTerminateInf
   *  @return  A new $coll which contains the first occurrence of every element of this $coll.
  def distinct: Repr

  /** Hashcodes for $Coll produce a value from the hashcodes of all the
   *  elements of the $coll.
  override def hashCode()= scala.util.hashing.MurmurHash3.seqHash(seq)

  /** The equals method for arbitrary sequences. Compares this sequence to
   *  some other object.
   *  @param    that  The object to compare the sequence to
   *  @return   `true` if `that` is a sequence that has the same elements as
   *            this sequence in the same order, `false` otherwise
  override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = that match {
    case that: GenSeq[_] => (that canEqual this) && (this sameElements that)
    case _               => false


Other Scala source code examples

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