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Scala example source code file (TrieMap.scala)

This example Scala source code file (TrieMap.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, anyref, cnode, collection, gcas, immutable, inode, int, k, mainnode, mutable, parallel, snode, triemap, utilities, v

The TrieMap.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package concurrent

import java.util.concurrent.atomic._
import scala.collection.immutable.{ ListMap => ImmutableListMap }
import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParTrieMap
import scala.util.hashing.Hashing
import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
import generic._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.annotation.switch

private[collection] final class INode[K, V](bn: MainNode[K, V], g: Gen) extends INodeBase[K, V](g) {
  import INodeBase._


  def this(g: Gen) = this(null, g)

  def WRITE(nval: MainNode[K, V]) = INodeBase.updater.set(this, nval)

  def CAS(old: MainNode[K, V], n: MainNode[K, V]) = INodeBase.updater.compareAndSet(this, old, n)

  def gcasRead(ct: TrieMap[K, V]): MainNode[K, V] = GCAS_READ(ct)

  def GCAS_READ(ct: TrieMap[K, V]): MainNode[K, V] = {
    val m = /*READ*/mainnode
    val prevval = /*READ*/m.prev
    if (prevval eq null) m
    else GCAS_Complete(m, ct)

  @tailrec private def GCAS_Complete(m: MainNode[K, V], ct: TrieMap[K, V]): MainNode[K, V] = if (m eq null) null else {
    // complete the GCAS
    val prev = /*READ*/m.prev
    val ctr = ct.readRoot(abort = true)

    prev match {
      case null =>
      case fn: FailedNode[_, _] => // try to commit to previous value
        if (CAS(m, fn.prev)) fn.prev
        else GCAS_Complete(/*READ*/mainnode, ct)
      case vn: MainNode[_, _] =>
        // Assume that you've read the root from the generation G.
        // Assume that the snapshot algorithm is correct.
        // ==> you can only reach nodes in generations <= G.
        // ==> `gen` is <= G.
        // We know that `ctr.gen` is >= G.
        // ==> if `ctr.gen` = `gen` then they are both equal to G.
        // ==> otherwise, we know that either `ctr.gen` > G, `gen` < G,
        //     or both
        if ((ctr.gen eq gen) && ct.nonReadOnly) {
          // try to commit
          if (m.CAS_PREV(prev, null)) m
          else GCAS_Complete(m, ct)
        } else {
          // try to abort
          m.CAS_PREV(prev, new FailedNode(prev))
          GCAS_Complete(/*READ*/mainnode, ct)

  def GCAS(old: MainNode[K, V], n: MainNode[K, V], ct: TrieMap[K, V]): Boolean = {
    if (CAS(old, n)) {
      GCAS_Complete(n, ct)
      /*READ*/n.prev eq null
    } else false

  private def equal(k1: K, k2: K, ct: TrieMap[K, V]) = ct.equality.equiv(k1, k2)

  private def inode(cn: MainNode[K, V]) = {
    val nin = new INode[K, V](gen)

  def copyToGen(ngen: Gen, ct: TrieMap[K, V]) = {
    val nin = new INode[K, V](ngen)
    val main = GCAS_READ(ct)

  /** Inserts a key value pair, overwriting the old pair if the keys match.
   *  @return        true if successful, false otherwise
  @tailrec def rec_insert(k: K, v: V, hc: Int, lev: Int, parent: INode[K, V], startgen: Gen, ct: TrieMap[K, V]): Boolean = {
    val m = GCAS_READ(ct) // use -Yinline!

    m match {
      case cn: CNode[K, V] => // 1) a multiway node
        val idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f
        val flag = 1 << idx
        val bmp = cn.bitmap
        val mask = flag - 1
        val pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & mask)
        if ((bmp & flag) != 0) {
          // 1a) insert below
          cn.array(pos) match {
            case in: INode[K, V] =>
              if (startgen eq in.gen) in.rec_insert(k, v, hc, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct)
              else {
                if (GCAS(cn, cn.renewed(startgen, ct), ct)) rec_insert(k, v, hc, lev, parent, startgen, ct)
                else false
            case sn: SNode[K, V] =>
              if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct)) GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen), ct)
              else {
                val rn = if (cn.gen eq gen) cn else cn.renewed(gen, ct)
                val nn = rn.updatedAt(pos, inode(CNode.dual(sn, sn.hc, new SNode(k, v, hc), hc, lev + 5, gen)), gen)
                GCAS(cn, nn, ct)
        } else {
          val rn = if (cn.gen eq gen) cn else cn.renewed(gen, ct)
          val ncnode = rn.insertedAt(pos, flag, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen)
          GCAS(cn, ncnode, ct)
      case tn: TNode[K, V] =>
        clean(parent, ct, lev - 5)
      case ln: LNode[K, V] => // 3) an l-node
        val nn = ln.inserted(k, v)
        GCAS(ln, nn, ct)

  /** Inserts a new key value pair, given that a specific condition is met.
   *  @param cond        null - don't care if the key was there; KEY_ABSENT - key wasn't there; KEY_PRESENT - key was there; other value `v` - key must be bound to `v`
   *  @return            null if unsuccessful, Option[V] otherwise (indicating previous value bound to the key)
  @tailrec def rec_insertif(k: K, v: V, hc: Int, cond: AnyRef, lev: Int, parent: INode[K, V], startgen: Gen, ct: TrieMap[K, V]): Option[V] = {
    val m = GCAS_READ(ct)  // use -Yinline!

    m match {
      case cn: CNode[K, V] => // 1) a multiway node
        val idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f
        val flag = 1 << idx
        val bmp = cn.bitmap
        val mask = flag - 1
        val pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & mask)
        if ((bmp & flag) != 0) {
          // 1a) insert below
          cn.array(pos) match {
            case in: INode[K, V] =>
              if (startgen eq in.gen) in.rec_insertif(k, v, hc, cond, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct)
              else {
                if (GCAS(cn, cn.renewed(startgen, ct), ct)) rec_insertif(k, v, hc, cond, lev, parent, startgen, ct)
                else null
            case sn: SNode[K, V] => cond match {
              case null =>
                if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct)) {
                  if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen), ct)) Some(sn.v) else null
                } else {
                  val rn = if (cn.gen eq gen) cn else cn.renewed(gen, ct)
                  val nn = rn.updatedAt(pos, inode(CNode.dual(sn, sn.hc, new SNode(k, v, hc), hc, lev + 5, gen)), gen)
                  if (GCAS(cn, nn, ct)) None
                  else null
              case INode.KEY_ABSENT =>
                if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct)) Some(sn.v)
                else {
                  val rn = if (cn.gen eq gen) cn else cn.renewed(gen, ct)
                  val nn = rn.updatedAt(pos, inode(CNode.dual(sn, sn.hc, new SNode(k, v, hc), hc, lev + 5, gen)), gen)
                  if (GCAS(cn, nn, ct)) None
                  else null
              case INode.KEY_PRESENT =>
                if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct)) {
                  if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen), ct)) Some(sn.v) else null
                } else None
              case otherv =>
                if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct) && sn.v == otherv) {
                  if (GCAS(cn, cn.updatedAt(pos, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen), ct)) Some(sn.v) else null
                } else None
        } else cond match {
          case null | INode.KEY_ABSENT =>
            val rn = if (cn.gen eq gen) cn else cn.renewed(gen, ct)
            val ncnode = rn.insertedAt(pos, flag, new SNode(k, v, hc), gen)
            if (GCAS(cn, ncnode, ct)) None else null
          case INode.KEY_PRESENT => None
          case otherv => None
      case sn: TNode[K, V] =>
        clean(parent, ct, lev - 5)
      case ln: LNode[K, V] => // 3) an l-node
        def insertln() = {
          val nn = ln.inserted(k, v)
          GCAS(ln, nn, ct)
        cond match {
          case null =>
            val optv = ln.get(k)
            if (insertln()) optv else null
          case INode.KEY_ABSENT =>
            ln.get(k) match {
              case None => if (insertln()) None else null
              case optv => optv
          case INode.KEY_PRESENT =>
            ln.get(k) match {
              case Some(v0) => if (insertln()) Some(v0) else null
              case None => None
          case otherv =>
            ln.get(k) match {
              case Some(v0) if v0 == otherv => if (insertln()) Some(otherv.asInstanceOf[V]) else null
              case _ => None

  /** Looks up the value associated with the key.
   *  @return          null if no value has been found, RESTART if the operation wasn't successful, or any other value otherwise
  @tailrec def rec_lookup(k: K, hc: Int, lev: Int, parent: INode[K, V], startgen: Gen, ct: TrieMap[K, V]): AnyRef = {
    val m = GCAS_READ(ct) // use -Yinline!

    m match {
      case cn: CNode[K, V] => // 1) a multinode
        val idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f
        val flag = 1 << idx
        val bmp = cn.bitmap
        if ((bmp & flag) == 0) null // 1a) bitmap shows no binding
        else { // 1b) bitmap contains a value - descend
          val pos = if (bmp == 0xffffffff) idx else Integer.bitCount(bmp & (flag - 1))
          val sub = cn.array(pos)
          sub match {
            case in: INode[K, V] =>
              if (ct.isReadOnly || (startgen eq in.gen)) in.rec_lookup(k, hc, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct)
              else {
                if (GCAS(cn, cn.renewed(startgen, ct), ct)) rec_lookup(k, hc, lev, parent, startgen, ct)
                else RESTART // used to be throw RestartException
            case sn: SNode[K, V] => // 2) singleton node
              if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct)) sn.v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
              else null
      case tn: TNode[K, V] => // 3) non-live node
        def cleanReadOnly(tn: TNode[K, V]) = if (ct.nonReadOnly) {
          clean(parent, ct, lev - 5)
          RESTART // used to be throw RestartException
        } else {
          if (tn.hc == hc && tn.k == k) tn.v.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
          else null
      case ln: LNode[K, V] => // 5) an l-node

  /** Removes the key associated with the given value.
   *  @param v         if null, will remove the key irregardless of the value; otherwise removes only if binding contains that exact key and value
   *  @return          null if not successful, an Option[V] indicating the previous value otherwise
  def rec_remove(k: K, v: V, hc: Int, lev: Int, parent: INode[K, V], startgen: Gen, ct: TrieMap[K, V]): Option[V] = {
    val m = GCAS_READ(ct) // use -Yinline!

    m match {
      case cn: CNode[K, V] =>
        val idx = (hc >>> lev) & 0x1f
        val bmp = cn.bitmap
        val flag = 1 << idx
        if ((bmp & flag) == 0) None
        else {
          val pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & (flag - 1))
          val sub = cn.array(pos)
          val res = sub match {
            case in: INode[K, V] =>
              if (startgen eq in.gen) in.rec_remove(k, v, hc, lev + 5, this, startgen, ct)
              else {
                if (GCAS(cn, cn.renewed(startgen, ct), ct)) rec_remove(k, v, hc, lev, parent, startgen, ct)
                else null
            case sn: SNode[K, V] =>
              if (sn.hc == hc && equal(sn.k, k, ct) && (v == null || sn.v == v)) {
                val ncn = cn.removedAt(pos, flag, gen).toContracted(lev)
                if (GCAS(cn, ncn, ct)) Some(sn.v) else null
              } else None

          if (res == None || (res eq null)) res
          else {
            @tailrec def cleanParent(nonlive: AnyRef) {
              val pm = parent.GCAS_READ(ct)
              pm match {
                case cn: CNode[K, V] =>
                  val idx = (hc >>> (lev - 5)) & 0x1f
                  val bmp = cn.bitmap
                  val flag = 1 << idx
                  if ((bmp & flag) == 0) {} // somebody already removed this i-node, we're done
                  else {
                    val pos = Integer.bitCount(bmp & (flag - 1))
                    val sub = cn.array(pos)
                    if (sub eq this) nonlive match {
                      case tn: TNode[K, V] =>
                        val ncn = cn.updatedAt(pos, tn.copyUntombed, gen).toContracted(lev - 5)
                        if (!parent.GCAS(cn, ncn, ct))
                          if (ct.readRoot().gen == startgen) cleanParent(nonlive)
                case _ => // parent is no longer a cnode, we're done

            if (parent ne null) { // never tomb at root
              val n = GCAS_READ(ct)
              if (n.isInstanceOf[TNode[_, _]])

      case tn: TNode[K, V] =>
        clean(parent, ct, lev - 5)
      case ln: LNode[K, V] =>
        if (v == null) {
          val optv = ln.get(k)
          val nn = ln.removed(k, ct)
          if (GCAS(ln, nn, ct)) optv else null
        } else ln.get(k) match {
          case optv @ Some(v0) if v0 == v =>
            val nn = ln.removed(k, ct)
            if (GCAS(ln, nn, ct)) optv else null
          case _ => None

  private def clean(nd: INode[K, V], ct: TrieMap[K, V], lev: Int) {
    val m = nd.GCAS_READ(ct)
    m match {
      case cn: CNode[K, V] => nd.GCAS(cn, cn.toCompressed(ct, lev, gen), ct)
      case _ =>

  def isNullInode(ct: TrieMap[K, V]) = GCAS_READ(ct) eq null

  def cachedSize(ct: TrieMap[K, V]): Int = {
    val m = GCAS_READ(ct)

  /* this is a quiescent method! */
  def string(lev: Int) = "%sINode -> %s".format("  " * lev, mainnode match {
    case null => "<null>"
    case tn: TNode[_, _] => "TNode(%s, %s, %d, !)".format(tn.k, tn.v, tn.hc)
    case cn: CNode[_, _] => cn.string(lev)
    case ln: LNode[_, _] => ln.string(lev)
    case x => "<elem: %s>".format(x)


private[concurrent] object INode {
  val KEY_PRESENT = new AnyRef
  val KEY_ABSENT = new AnyRef

  def newRootNode[K, V] = {
    val gen = new Gen
    val cn = new CNode[K, V](0, new Array(0), gen)
    new INode[K, V](cn, gen)

private[concurrent] final class FailedNode[K, V](p: MainNode[K, V]) extends MainNode[K, V] {

  def string(lev: Int) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

  def cachedSize(ct: AnyRef): Int = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

  override def toString = "FailedNode(%s)".format(p)

private[concurrent] trait KVNode[K, V] {
  def kvPair: (K, V)

private[collection] final class SNode[K, V](final val k: K, final val v: V, final val hc: Int)
extends BasicNode with KVNode[K, V] {
  final def copy = new SNode(k, v, hc)
  final def copyTombed = new TNode(k, v, hc)
  final def copyUntombed = new SNode(k, v, hc)
  final def kvPair = (k, v)
  final def string(lev: Int) = ("  " * lev) + "SNode(%s, %s, %x)".format(k, v, hc)

private[collection] final class TNode[K, V](final val k: K, final val v: V, final val hc: Int)
extends MainNode[K, V] with KVNode[K, V] {
  final def copy = new TNode(k, v, hc)
  final def copyTombed = new TNode(k, v, hc)
  final def copyUntombed = new SNode(k, v, hc)
  final def kvPair = (k, v)
  final def cachedSize(ct: AnyRef): Int = 1
  final def string(lev: Int) = ("  " * lev) + "TNode(%s, %s, %x, !)".format(k, v, hc)

private[collection] final class LNode[K, V](final val listmap: immutable.ListMap[K, V])
extends MainNode[K, V] {
  def this(k: K, v: V) = this(immutable.ListMap(k -> v))
  def this(k1: K, v1: V, k2: K, v2: V) = this(immutable.ListMap(k1 -> v1, k2 -> v2))
  def inserted(k: K, v: V) = new LNode(listmap + ((k, v)))
  def removed(k: K, ct: TrieMap[K, V]): MainNode[K, V] = {
    val updmap = listmap - k
    if (updmap.size > 1) new LNode(updmap)
    else {
      val (k, v) =
      new TNode(k, v, ct.computeHash(k)) // create it tombed so that it gets compressed on subsequent accesses
  def get(k: K) = listmap.get(k)
  def cachedSize(ct: AnyRef): Int = listmap.size
  def string(lev: Int) = (" " * lev) + "LNode(%s)".format(listmap.mkString(", "))

private[collection] final class CNode[K, V](val bitmap: Int, val array: Array[BasicNode], val gen: Gen) extends CNodeBase[K, V] {
  // this should only be called from within read-only snapshots
  def cachedSize(ct: AnyRef) = {
    val currsz = READ_SIZE()
    if (currsz != -1) currsz
    else {
      val sz = computeSize(ct.asInstanceOf[TrieMap[K, V]])
      while (READ_SIZE() == -1) CAS_SIZE(-1, sz)

  // lends itself towards being parallelizable by choosing
  // a random starting offset in the array
  // => if there are concurrent size computations, they start
  //    at different positions, so they are more likely to
  //    to be independent
  private def computeSize(ct: TrieMap[K, V]): Int = {
    var i = 0
    var sz = 0
    val offset =
      if (array.length > 0)
        //util.Random.nextInt(array.length) /* <-- benchmarks show that this causes observable contention */
        scala.concurrent.forkjoin.ThreadLocalRandom.current.nextInt(0, array.length)
      else 0
    while (i < array.length) {
      val pos = (i + offset) % array.length
      array(pos) match {
        case sn: SNode[_, _] => sz += 1
        case in: INode[K, V] => sz += in.cachedSize(ct)
      i += 1

  def updatedAt(pos: Int, nn: BasicNode, gen: Gen) = {
    val len = array.length
    val narr = new Array[BasicNode](len)
    Array.copy(array, 0, narr, 0, len)
    narr(pos) = nn
    new CNode[K, V](bitmap, narr, gen)

  def removedAt(pos: Int, flag: Int, gen: Gen) = {
    val arr = array
    val len = arr.length
    val narr = new Array[BasicNode](len - 1)
    Array.copy(arr, 0, narr, 0, pos)
    Array.copy(arr, pos + 1, narr, pos, len - pos - 1)
    new CNode[K, V](bitmap ^ flag, narr, gen)

  def insertedAt(pos: Int, flag: Int, nn: BasicNode, gen: Gen) = {
    val len = array.length
    val bmp = bitmap
    val narr = new Array[BasicNode](len + 1)
    Array.copy(array, 0, narr, 0, pos)
    narr(pos) = nn
    Array.copy(array, pos, narr, pos + 1, len - pos)
    new CNode[K, V](bmp | flag, narr, gen)

  /** Returns a copy of this cnode such that all the i-nodes below it are copied
   *  to the specified generation `ngen`.
  def renewed(ngen: Gen, ct: TrieMap[K, V]) = {
    var i = 0
    val arr = array
    val len = arr.length
    val narr = new Array[BasicNode](len)
    while (i < len) {
      arr(i) match {
        case in: INode[K, V] => narr(i) = in.copyToGen(ngen, ct)
        case bn: BasicNode => narr(i) = bn
      i += 1
    new CNode[K, V](bitmap, narr, ngen)

  private def resurrect(inode: INode[K, V], inodemain: AnyRef): BasicNode = inodemain match {
    case tn: TNode[_, _] => tn.copyUntombed
    case _ => inode

  def toContracted(lev: Int): MainNode[K, V] = if (array.length == 1 && lev > 0) array(0) match {
    case sn: SNode[K, V] => sn.copyTombed
    case _ => this
  } else this

  // - if the branching factor is 1 for this CNode, and the child
  //   is a tombed SNode, returns its tombed version
  // - otherwise, if there is at least one non-null node below,
  //   returns the version of this node with at least some null-inodes
  //   removed (those existing when the op began)
  // - if there are only null-i-nodes below, returns null
  def toCompressed(ct: TrieMap[K, V], lev: Int, gen: Gen) = {
    val bmp = bitmap
    var i = 0
    val arr = array
    val tmparray = new Array[BasicNode](arr.length)
    while (i < arr.length) { // construct new bitmap
      val sub = arr(i)
      sub match {
        case in: INode[K, V] =>
          val inodemain = in.gcasRead(ct)
          assert(inodemain ne null)
          tmparray(i) = resurrect(in, inodemain)
        case sn: SNode[K, V] =>
          tmparray(i) = sn
      i += 1

    new CNode[K, V](bmp, tmparray, gen).toContracted(lev)

  private[concurrent] def string(lev: Int): String = "CNode %x\n%s".format(bitmap, + 1)).mkString("\n"))

  /* quiescently consistent - don't call concurrently to anything involving a GCAS!! */
  private def collectElems: Seq[(K, V)] = array flatMap {
    case sn: SNode[K, V] => Some(sn.kvPair)
    case in: INode[K, V] => in.mainnode match {
      case tn: TNode[K, V] => Some(tn.kvPair)
      case ln: LNode[K, V] => ln.listmap.toList
      case cn: CNode[K, V] => cn.collectElems

  private def collectLocalElems: Seq[String] = array flatMap {
    case sn: SNode[K, V] => Some(sn.kvPair._2.toString)
    case in: INode[K, V] => Some(in.toString.drop(14) + "(" + in.gen + ")")

  override def toString = {
    val elems = collectLocalElems
    "CNode(sz: %d; %s)".format(elems.size, elems.sorted.mkString(", "))

private[concurrent] object CNode {

  def dual[K, V](x: SNode[K, V], xhc: Int, y: SNode[K, V], yhc: Int, lev: Int, gen: Gen): MainNode[K, V] = if (lev < 35) {
    val xidx = (xhc >>> lev) & 0x1f
    val yidx = (yhc >>> lev) & 0x1f
    val bmp = (1 << xidx) | (1 << yidx)
    if (xidx == yidx) {
      val subinode = new INode[K, V](gen)//(TrieMap.inodeupdater)
      subinode.mainnode = dual(x, xhc, y, yhc, lev + 5, gen)
      new CNode(bmp, Array(subinode), gen)
    } else {
      if (xidx < yidx) new CNode(bmp, Array(x, y), gen)
      else new CNode(bmp, Array(y, x), gen)
  } else {
    new LNode(x.k, x.v, y.k, y.v)


private[concurrent] case class RDCSS_Descriptor[K, V](old: INode[K, V], expectedmain: MainNode[K, V], nv: INode[K, V]) {
  @volatile var committed = false

/** A concurrent hash-trie or TrieMap is a concurrent thread-safe lock-free
 *  implementation of a hash array mapped trie. It is used to implement the
 *  concurrent map abstraction. It has particularly scalable concurrent insert
 *  and remove operations and is memory-efficient. It supports O(1), atomic,
 *  lock-free snapshots which are used to implement linearizable lock-free size,
 *  iterator and clear operations. The cost of evaluating the (lazy) snapshot is
 *  distributed across subsequent updates, thus making snapshot evaluation horizontally scalable.
 *  For details, see:
 *  @author Aleksandar Prokopec
 *  @since 2.10
@SerialVersionUID(0L - 6402774413839597105L)
final class TrieMap[K, V] private (r: AnyRef, rtupd: AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater[TrieMap[K, V], AnyRef], hashf: Hashing[K], ef: Equiv[K])
extends scala.collection.concurrent.Map[K, V]
   with scala.collection.mutable.MapLike[K, V, TrieMap[K, V]]
   with CustomParallelizable[(K, V), ParTrieMap[K, V]]
   with Serializable
  private var hashingobj = if (hashf.isInstanceOf[Hashing.Default[_]]) new TrieMap.MangledHashing[K] else hashf
  private var equalityobj = ef
  private var rootupdater = rtupd
  def hashing = hashingobj
  def equality = equalityobj
  @volatile var root = r

  def this(hashf: Hashing[K], ef: Equiv[K]) = this(
    AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(classOf[TrieMap[K, V]], classOf[AnyRef], "root"),

  def this() = this(Hashing.default, Equiv.universal)

  /* internal methods */

  private def writeObject(out: {

    val it = iterator
    while (it.hasNext) {
      val (k, v) =

  private def readObject(in: {
    root = INode.newRootNode
    rootupdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(classOf[TrieMap[K, V]], classOf[AnyRef], "root")

    hashingobj = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[Hashing[K]]
    equalityobj = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[Equiv[K]]

    var obj: AnyRef = null
    do {
      obj = in.readObject()
      if (obj != TrieMapSerializationEnd) {
        val k = obj.asInstanceOf[K]
        val v = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[V]
        update(k, v)
    } while (obj != TrieMapSerializationEnd)

  def CAS_ROOT(ov: AnyRef, nv: AnyRef) = rootupdater.compareAndSet(this, ov, nv)

  def readRoot(abort: Boolean = false): INode[K, V] = RDCSS_READ_ROOT(abort)

  def RDCSS_READ_ROOT(abort: Boolean = false): INode[K, V] = {
    val r = /*READ*/root
    r match {
      case in: INode[K, V] => in
      case desc: RDCSS_Descriptor[K, V] => RDCSS_Complete(abort)

  @tailrec private def RDCSS_Complete(abort: Boolean): INode[K, V] = {
    val v = /*READ*/root
    v match {
      case in: INode[K, V] => in
      case desc: RDCSS_Descriptor[K, V] =>
        val RDCSS_Descriptor(ov, exp, nv) = desc
        if (abort) {
          if (CAS_ROOT(desc, ov)) ov
          else RDCSS_Complete(abort)
        } else {
          val oldmain = ov.gcasRead(this)
          if (oldmain eq exp) {
            if (CAS_ROOT(desc, nv)) {
              desc.committed = true
            } else RDCSS_Complete(abort)
          } else {
            if (CAS_ROOT(desc, ov)) ov
            else RDCSS_Complete(abort)

  private def RDCSS_ROOT(ov: INode[K, V], expectedmain: MainNode[K, V], nv: INode[K, V]): Boolean = {
    val desc = RDCSS_Descriptor(ov, expectedmain, nv)
    if (CAS_ROOT(ov, desc)) {
      RDCSS_Complete(abort = false)
    } else false

  @tailrec private def inserthc(k: K, hc: Int, v: V) {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()
    if (!r.rec_insert(k, v, hc, 0, null, r.gen, this)) inserthc(k, hc, v)

  @tailrec private def insertifhc(k: K, hc: Int, v: V, cond: AnyRef): Option[V] = {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()

    val ret = r.rec_insertif(k, v, hc, cond, 0, null, r.gen, this)
    if (ret eq null) insertifhc(k, hc, v, cond)
    else ret

  @tailrec private def lookuphc(k: K, hc: Int): AnyRef = {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()
    val res = r.rec_lookup(k, hc, 0, null, r.gen, this)
    if (res eq INodeBase.RESTART) lookuphc(k, hc)
    else res

  /* slower:
  private def lookuphc(k: K, hc: Int): AnyRef = {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()
    try {
      r.rec_lookup(k, hc, 0, null, r.gen, this)
    } catch {
      case RestartException =>
        lookuphc(k, hc)

  @tailrec private def removehc(k: K, v: V, hc: Int): Option[V] = {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()
    val res = r.rec_remove(k, v, hc, 0, null, r.gen, this)
    if (res ne null) res
    else removehc(k, v, hc)

  def string = RDCSS_READ_ROOT().string(0)

  /* public methods */

  override def seq = this

  override def par = new ParTrieMap(this)

  override def empty: TrieMap[K, V] = new TrieMap[K, V]

  def isReadOnly = rootupdater eq null

  def nonReadOnly = rootupdater ne null

  /** Returns a snapshot of this TrieMap.
   *  This operation is lock-free and linearizable.
   *  The snapshot is lazily updated - the first time some branch
   *  in the snapshot or this TrieMap are accessed, they are rewritten.
   *  This means that the work of rebuilding both the snapshot and this
   *  TrieMap is distributed across all the threads doing updates or accesses
   *  subsequent to the snapshot creation.
  @tailrec def snapshot(): TrieMap[K, V] = {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()
    val expmain = r.gcasRead(this)
    if (RDCSS_ROOT(r, expmain, r.copyToGen(new Gen, this))) new TrieMap(r.copyToGen(new Gen, this), rootupdater, hashing, equality)
    else snapshot()

  /** Returns a read-only snapshot of this TrieMap.
   *  This operation is lock-free and linearizable.
   *  The snapshot is lazily updated - the first time some branch
   *  of this TrieMap are accessed, it is rewritten. The work of creating
   *  the snapshot is thus distributed across subsequent updates
   *  and accesses on this TrieMap by all threads.
   *  Note that the snapshot itself is never rewritten unlike when calling
   *  the `snapshot` method, but the obtained snapshot cannot be modified.
   *  This method is used by other methods such as `size` and `iterator`.
  @tailrec def readOnlySnapshot(): scala.collection.Map[K, V] = {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()
    val expmain = r.gcasRead(this)
    if (RDCSS_ROOT(r, expmain, r.copyToGen(new Gen, this))) new TrieMap(r, null, hashing, equality)
    else readOnlySnapshot()

  @tailrec override def clear() {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()
    if (!RDCSS_ROOT(r, r.gcasRead(this), INode.newRootNode[K, V])) clear()

  def computeHash(k: K) = hashingobj.hash(k)

  def lookup(k: K): V = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    lookuphc(k, hc).asInstanceOf[V]

  override def apply(k: K): V = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    val res = lookuphc(k, hc)
    if (res eq null) throw new NoSuchElementException
    else res.asInstanceOf[V]

  def get(k: K): Option[V] = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    Option(lookuphc(k, hc)).asInstanceOf[Option[V]]

  override def put(key: K, value: V): Option[V] = {
    val hc = computeHash(key)
    insertifhc(key, hc, value, null)

  override def update(k: K, v: V) {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    inserthc(k, hc, v)

  def +=(kv: (K, V)) = {
    update(kv._1, kv._2)

  override def remove(k: K): Option[V] = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    removehc(k, null.asInstanceOf[V], hc)

  def -=(k: K) = {

  def putIfAbsent(k: K, v: V): Option[V] = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    insertifhc(k, hc, v, INode.KEY_ABSENT)

  def remove(k: K, v: V): Boolean = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    removehc(k, v, hc).nonEmpty

  def replace(k: K, oldvalue: V, newvalue: V): Boolean = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    insertifhc(k, hc, newvalue, oldvalue.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]).nonEmpty

  def replace(k: K, v: V): Option[V] = {
    val hc = computeHash(k)
    insertifhc(k, hc, v, INode.KEY_PRESENT)

  def iterator: Iterator[(K, V)] =
    if (nonReadOnly) readOnlySnapshot().iterator
    else new TrieMapIterator(0, this)

  private def cachedSize() = {
    val r = RDCSS_READ_ROOT()

  override def size: Int =
    if (nonReadOnly) readOnlySnapshot().size
    else cachedSize()

  override def stringPrefix = "TrieMap"


object TrieMap extends MutableMapFactory[TrieMap] {
  val inodeupdater = AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater.newUpdater(classOf[INodeBase[_, _]], classOf[MainNode[_, _]], "mainnode")

  implicit def canBuildFrom[K, V]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, (K, V), TrieMap[K, V]] = new MapCanBuildFrom[K, V]

  def empty[K, V]: TrieMap[K, V] = new TrieMap[K, V]

  class MangledHashing[K] extends Hashing[K] {
    def hash(k: K)= scala.util.hashing.byteswap32(k.##)


private[collection] class TrieMapIterator[K, V](var level: Int, private var ct: TrieMap[K, V], mustInit: Boolean = true) extends Iterator[(K, V)] {
  private val stack = new Array[Array[BasicNode]](7)
  private val stackpos = new Array[Int](7)
  private var depth = -1
  private var subiter: Iterator[(K, V)] = null
  private var current: KVNode[K, V] = null

  if (mustInit) initialize()

  def hasNext = (current ne null) || (subiter ne null)

  def next() = if (hasNext) {
    var r: (K, V) = null
    if (subiter ne null) {
      r =
    } else {
      r = current.kvPair
  } else

  private def readin(in: INode[K, V]) = in.gcasRead(ct) match {
    case cn: CNode[K, V] =>
      depth += 1
      stack(depth) = cn.array
      stackpos(depth) = -1
    case tn: TNode[K, V] =>
      current = tn
    case ln: LNode[K, V] =>
      subiter = ln.listmap.iterator
    case null =>
      current = null

  private def checkSubiter() = if (!subiter.hasNext) {
    subiter = null

  private def initialize() {

    val r = ct.RDCSS_READ_ROOT()

  def advance(): Unit = if (depth >= 0) {
    val npos = stackpos(depth) + 1
    if (npos < stack(depth).length) {
      stackpos(depth) = npos
      stack(depth)(npos) match {
        case sn: SNode[K, V] =>
          current = sn
        case in: INode[K, V] =>
    } else {
      depth -= 1
  } else current = null

  protected def newIterator(_lev: Int, _ct: TrieMap[K, V], _mustInit: Boolean) = new TrieMapIterator[K, V](_lev, _ct, _mustInit)

  protected def dupTo(it: TrieMapIterator[K, V]) = {
    it.level = this.level
    it.ct = this.ct
    it.depth = this.depth
    it.current = this.current

    // these need a deep copy
    Array.copy(this.stack, 0, it.stack, 0, 7)
    Array.copy(this.stackpos, 0, it.stackpos, 0, 7)

    // this one needs to be evaluated
    if (this.subiter == null) it.subiter = null
    else {
      val lst = this.subiter.toList
      this.subiter = lst.iterator
      it.subiter = lst.iterator

  /** Returns a sequence of iterators over subsets of this iterator.
   *  It's used to ease the implementation of splitters for a parallel version of the TrieMap.
  protected def subdivide(): Seq[Iterator[(K, V)]] = if (subiter ne null) {
    // the case where an LNode is being iterated
    val it = newIterator(level + 1, ct, _mustInit = false)
    it.depth = -1
    it.subiter = this.subiter
    it.current = null
    this.subiter = null
    this.level += 1
    Seq(it, this)
  } else if (depth == -1) {
    this.level += 1
  } else {
    var d = 0
    while (d <= depth) {
      val rem = stack(d).length - 1 - stackpos(d)
      if (rem > 0) {
        val (arr1, arr2) = stack(d).drop(stackpos(d) + 1).splitAt(rem / 2)
        stack(d) = arr1
        stackpos(d) = -1
        val it = newIterator(level + 1, ct, _mustInit = false)
        it.stack(0) = arr2
        it.stackpos(0) = -1
        it.depth = 0
        it.advance() // <-- fix it
        this.level += 1
        return Seq(this, it)
      d += 1
    this.level += 1

  def printDebug() {
    println("ctrie iterator")
    println("depth: " + depth)
    println("curr.: " + current)


private[concurrent] object RestartException extends ControlThrowable

/** Only used for ctrie serialization. */
@SerialVersionUID(0L - 7237891413820527142L)
private[concurrent] case object TrieMapSerializationEnd

private[concurrent] object Debug {
  import scala.collection._

  lazy val logbuffer = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue[AnyRef]

  def log(s: AnyRef) = logbuffer.add(s)

  def flush() {
    for (s <- JavaConversions.asScalaIterator(logbuffer.iterator())) Console.out.println(s.toString)

  def clear() {


Other Scala source code examples

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