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Scala example source code file (HashMap.scala)

This example Scala source code file (HashMap.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, a1, annotation, array, b, b1, boolean, hashmap, hashtriemap, int, merger

The HashMap.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package immutable

import generic._
import scala.annotation.unchecked.{ uncheckedVariance=> uV }
import parallel.immutable.ParHashMap

/** This class implements immutable maps using a hash trie.
 *  '''Note:''' The builder of this hash map may return specialized representations for small maps.
 *  @tparam A      the type of the keys contained in this hash map.
 *  @tparam B      the type of the values associated with the keys.
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @author  Tiark Rompf
 *  @version 2.8
 *  @since   2.3
 *  @see [[ "Scala's Collection Library overview"]]
 *  section on `Hash Tries` for more information.
 *  @define Coll `immutable.HashMap`
 *  @define coll immutable hash map
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
@deprecatedInheritance("The implementation details of immutable hash maps make inheriting from them unwise.", "2.11.0")
class HashMap[A, +B] extends AbstractMap[A, B]
                        with Map[A, B]
                        with MapLike[A, B, HashMap[A, B]]
                        with Serializable
                        with CustomParallelizable[(A, B), ParHashMap[A, B]]
  import HashMap.{nullToEmpty, bufferSize}

  override def size: Int = 0

  override def empty = HashMap.empty[A, B]

  def iterator: Iterator[(A,B)] = Iterator.empty

  override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) =>  U): Unit = { }

  def get(key: A): Option[B] =
    get0(key, computeHash(key), 0)

  override def updated [B1 >: B] (key: A, value: B1): HashMap[A, B1] =
    updated0(key, computeHash(key), 0, value, null, null)

  override def + [B1 >: B] (kv: (A, B1)): HashMap[A, B1] =
    updated0(kv._1, computeHash(kv._1), 0, kv._2, kv, null)

  override def + [B1 >: B] (elem1: (A, B1), elem2: (A, B1), elems: (A, B1) *): HashMap[A, B1] =
    this + elem1 + elem2 ++ elems

  def - (key: A): HashMap[A, B] =
    removed0(key, computeHash(key), 0)

  override def filter(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean) = {
    val buffer = new Array[HashMap[A, B]](bufferSize(size))
    nullToEmpty(filter0(p, false, 0, buffer, 0))

  override def filterNot(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean) = {
    val buffer = new Array[HashMap[A, B]](bufferSize(size))
    nullToEmpty(filter0(p, true, 0, buffer, 0))

  protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] = null

  protected def elemHashCode(key: A) = key.##

  protected final def improve(hcode: Int) = {
    var h: Int = hcode + ~(hcode << 9)
    h = h ^ (h >>> 14)
    h = h + (h << 4)
    h ^ (h >>> 10)

  private[collection] def computeHash(key: A) = improve(elemHashCode(key))

  import HashMap.{Merger, MergeFunction, liftMerger}

  private[collection] def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] = None

  private[collection] def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] =
    new HashMap.HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)

  protected def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] = this

  protected def writeReplace(): AnyRef = new HashMap.SerializationProxy(this)

  def split: Seq[HashMap[A, B]] = Seq(this)

  /** Creates a new map which is the merge of this and the argument hash map.
   *  Uses the specified collision resolution function if two keys are the same.
   *  The collision resolution function will always take the first argument from
   *  `this` hash map and the second from `that`.
   *  The `merged` method is on average more performant than doing a traversal and reconstructing a
   *  new immutable hash map from scratch, or `++`.
   *  @tparam B1      the value type of the other hash map
   *  @param that     the other hash map
   *  @param mergef   the merge function or null if the first key-value pair is to be picked
  def merged[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1])(mergef: MergeFunction[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = merge0(that, 0, liftMerger(mergef))

  protected def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = that

  override def par = ParHashMap.fromTrie(this)


/** $factoryInfo
 *  @define Coll `immutable.HashMap`
 *  @define coll immutable hash map
 *  @author  Tiark Rompf
 *  @since   2.3
object HashMap extends ImmutableMapFactory[HashMap] with BitOperations.Int {

  private[collection] abstract class Merger[A, B] {
    def apply(kv1: (A, B), kv2: (A, B)): (A, B)
    def invert: Merger[A, B]

  private type MergeFunction[A1, B1] = ((A1, B1), (A1, B1)) => (A1, B1)

  private def liftMerger[A1, B1](mergef: MergeFunction[A1, B1]): Merger[A1, B1] =
    if (mergef == null) defaultMerger.asInstanceOf[Merger[A1, B1]] else liftMerger0(mergef)

  private[this] val defaultMerger : Merger[Any, Any] = liftMerger0((a,b) => a)

  private[this] def liftMerger0[A1, B1](mergef: MergeFunction[A1, B1]): Merger[A1, B1] = new Merger[A1, B1] {
    self =>
    def apply(kv1: (A1, B1), kv2: (A1, B1)): (A1, B1) = mergef(kv1, kv2)
    val invert: Merger[A1, B1] = new Merger[A1, B1] {
      def apply(kv1: (A1, B1), kv2: (A1, B1)): (A1, B1) = mergef(kv2, kv1)
      def invert: Merger[A1, B1] = self

  /** $mapCanBuildFromInfo */
  implicit def canBuildFrom[A, B]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, (A, B), HashMap[A, B]] = new MapCanBuildFrom[A, B]
  def empty[A, B]: HashMap[A, B] = EmptyHashMap.asInstanceOf[HashMap[A, B]]

  private object EmptyHashMap extends HashMap[Any, Nothing] { }

  // utility method to create a HashTrieMap from two leaf HashMaps (HashMap1 or HashMapCollision1) with non-colliding hash code)
  private def makeHashTrieMap[A, B](hash0:Int, elem0:HashMap[A, B], hash1:Int, elem1:HashMap[A, B], level:Int, size:Int) : HashTrieMap[A, B] = {
    val index0 = (hash0 >>> level) & 0x1f
    val index1 = (hash1 >>> level) & 0x1f
    if(index0 != index1) {
      val bitmap = (1 << index0) | (1 << index1)
      val elems = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](2)
      if(index0 < index1) {
        elems(0) = elem0
        elems(1) = elem1
      } else {
        elems(0) = elem1
        elems(1) = elem0
      new HashTrieMap[A, B](bitmap, elems, size)
    } else {
      val elems = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](1)
      val bitmap = (1 << index0)
      elems(0) = makeHashTrieMap(hash0, elem0, hash1, elem1, level + 5, size)
      new HashTrieMap[A, B](bitmap, elems, size)

  class HashMap1[A,+B](private[collection] val key: A, private[collection] val hash: Int, private[collection] val value: (B @uV), private[collection] var kv: (A,B @uV)) extends HashMap[A,B] {
    override def size = 1

    private[collection] def getKey = key
    private[collection] def getHash = hash
    private[collection] def computeHashFor(k: A) = computeHash(k)

    override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] =
      if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key) Some(value) else None

    private[collection] override def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] =
      if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key ) {
        if (merger eq null) {
          if (this.value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef] eq value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]) this
          else new HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)
        } else {
          val nkv = merger(this.kv, kv)
          new HashMap1(nkv._1, hash, nkv._2, nkv)
      } else {
        if (hash != this.hash) {
          // they have different hashes, but may collide at this level - find a level at which they don't
          val that = new HashMap1[A, B1](key, hash, value, kv)
          makeHashTrieMap[A,B1](this.hash, this, hash, that, level, 2)
        } else {
          // 32-bit hash collision (rare, but not impossible)
          new HashMapCollision1(hash, ListMap.empty.updated(this.key,this.value).updated(key,value))

    override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] =
      if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key) HashMap.empty[A,B] else this

    override protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] =
      if (negate ^ p(ensurePair)) this else null

    override def iterator: Iterator[(A,B)] = Iterator(ensurePair)
    override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = f(ensurePair)
    // this method may be called multiple times in a multithreaded environment, but that's ok
    private[HashMap] def ensurePair: (A,B) = if (kv ne null) kv else { kv = (key, value); kv }
    protected override def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = {
      that.updated0(key, hash, level, value, kv, merger.invert)

  private[collection] class HashMapCollision1[A, +B](private[collection] val hash: Int, val kvs: ListMap[A, B @uV])
          extends HashMap[A, B @uV] {
    // assert(kvs.size > 1)

    override def size = kvs.size

    override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] =
      if (hash == this.hash) kvs.get(key) else None

    private[collection] override def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] =
      if (hash == this.hash) {
        if ((merger eq null) || !kvs.contains(key)) new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs.updated(key, value))
        else new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs + merger((key, kvs(key)), kv))
      } else {
        val that = new HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)
        makeHashTrieMap(this.hash, this, hash, that, level, size + 1)

    override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] =
      if (hash == this.hash) {
        val kvs1 = kvs - key
        kvs1.size match {
          case 0 =>
          case 1 =>
            val kv = kvs1.head
            new HashMap1(kv._1,hash,kv._2,kv)
          case x if x == kvs.size =>
          case _ =>
            new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs1)
      } else this

    override protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] = {
      val kvs1 = if(negate) kvs.filterNot(p) else kvs.filter(p)
      kvs1.size match {
        case 0 =>
        case 1 =>
          val kv@(k,v) = kvs1.head
          new HashMap1(k, hash, v, kv)
        case x if x == kvs.size =>
        case _ =>
          new HashMapCollision1(hash, kvs1)

    override def iterator: Iterator[(A,B)] = kvs.iterator
    override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) => U): Unit = kvs.foreach(f)
    override def split: Seq[HashMap[A, B]] = {
      val (x, y) = kvs.splitAt(kvs.size / 2)
      def newhm(lm: ListMap[A, B @uV]) = new HashMapCollision1(hash, lm)
      List(newhm(x), newhm(y))
    protected override def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = {
      // this can be made more efficient by passing the entire ListMap at once
      var m = that
      for (p <- kvs) m = m.updated0(p._1, this.hash, level, p._2, p, merger)

  class HashTrieMap[A, +B](
    private[collection] val bitmap: Int,
    private[collection] val elems: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]],
    private[collection] val size0: Int
  ) extends HashMap[A, B @uV] {

    // assert(Integer.bitCount(bitmap) == elems.length)
    // assert(elems.length > 1 || (elems.length == 1 && elems(0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[_,_]]))

    override def size = size0

    override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Option[B] = {
      val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
      val mask = (1 << index)
      if (bitmap == - 1) {
        elems(index & 0x1f).get0(key, hash, level + 5)
      } else if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
        val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
        elems(offset).get0(key, hash, level + 5)
      } else

    private[collection] override def updated0[B1 >: B](key: A, hash: Int, level: Int, value: B1, kv: (A, B1), merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = {
      val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
      val mask = (1 << index)
      val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
      if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
        val sub = elems(offset)
        val subNew = sub.updated0(key, hash, level + 5, value, kv, merger)
        if(subNew eq sub) this else {
          val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B1]](elems.length)
          Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, elems.length)
          elemsNew(offset) = subNew
          new HashTrieMap(bitmap, elemsNew, size + (subNew.size - sub.size))
      } else {
        val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B1]](elems.length + 1)
        Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, offset)
        elemsNew(offset) = new HashMap1(key, hash, value, kv)
        Array.copy(elems, offset, elemsNew, offset + 1, elems.length - offset)
        new HashTrieMap(bitmap | mask, elemsNew, size + 1)

    override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashMap[A, B] = {
      val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
      val mask = (1 << index)
      val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
      if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
        val sub = elems(offset)
        val subNew = sub.removed0(key, hash, level + 5)
        if (subNew eq sub) this
        else if (subNew.isEmpty) {
          val bitmapNew = bitmap ^ mask
          if (bitmapNew != 0) {
            val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](elems.length - 1)
            Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, offset)
            Array.copy(elems, offset + 1, elemsNew, offset, elems.length - offset - 1)
            val sizeNew = size - sub.size
            // if we have only one child, which is not a HashTrieSet but a self-contained set like
            // HashSet1 or HashSetCollision1, return the child instead
            if (elemsNew.length == 1 && !elemsNew(0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[_,_]])
              new HashTrieMap(bitmapNew, elemsNew, sizeNew)
          } else
        } else if(elems.length == 1 && !subNew.isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[_,_]]) {
        } else {
          val elemsNew = new Array[HashMap[A,B]](elems.length)
          Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, elems.length)
          elemsNew(offset) = subNew
          val sizeNew = size + (subNew.size - sub.size)
          new HashTrieMap(bitmap, elemsNew, sizeNew)
      } else {

    override protected def filter0(p: ((A, B)) => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashMap[A, B @uV]], offset0: Int): HashMap[A, B] = {
      // current offset
      var offset = offset0
      // result size
      var rs = 0
      // bitmap for kept elems
      var kept = 0
      // loop over all elements
      var i = 0
      while (i < elems.length) {
        val result = elems(i).filter0(p, negate, level + 5, buffer, offset)
        if (result ne null) {
          buffer(offset) = result
          offset += 1
          // add the result size
          rs += result.size
          // mark the bit i as kept
          kept |= (1 << i)
        i += 1
      if (offset == offset0) {
        // empty
      } else if (rs == size0) {
        // unchanged
      } else if (offset == offset0 + 1 && !buffer(offset0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[A, B]]) {
        // leaf
      } else {
        // we have to return a HashTrieMap
        val length = offset - offset0
        val elems1 = new Array[HashMap[A, B]](length)
        System.arraycopy(buffer, offset0, elems1, 0, length)
        val bitmap1 = if (length == elems.length) {
          // we can reuse the original bitmap
        } else {
          // calculate new bitmap by keeping just bits in the kept bitmask
          keepBits(bitmap, kept)
        new HashTrieMap(bitmap1, elems1, rs)

    override def iterator: Iterator[(A, B)] = new TrieIterator[(A, B)](elems.asInstanceOf[Array[Iterable[(A, B)]]]) {
      final override def getElem(cc: AnyRef): (A, B) = cc.asInstanceOf[HashMap1[A, B]].ensurePair

    override def foreach[U](f: ((A, B)) =>  U): Unit = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < elems.length) {
        i += 1

    private def posOf(n: Int, bm: Int) = {
      var left = n
      var i = -1
      var b = bm
      while (left >= 0) {
        i += 1
        if ((b & 1) != 0) left -= 1
        b = b >>> 1

    override def split: Seq[HashMap[A, B]] = if (size == 1) Seq(this) else {
      val nodesize = Integer.bitCount(bitmap)
      if (nodesize > 1) {
        val splitpoint = nodesize / 2
        val bitsplitpoint = posOf(nodesize / 2, bitmap)
        val bm1 = bitmap & (-1 << bitsplitpoint)
        val bm2 = bitmap & (-1 >>> (32 - bitsplitpoint))

        val (e1, e2) = elems.splitAt(splitpoint)
        val hm1 = new HashTrieMap(bm1, e1, e1.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size))
        val hm2 = new HashTrieMap(bm2, e2, e2.foldLeft(0)(_ + _.size))

        List(hm1, hm2)
      } else elems(0).split

    protected override def merge0[B1 >: B](that: HashMap[A, B1], level: Int, merger: Merger[A, B1]): HashMap[A, B1] = that match {
      case hm: HashMap1[_, _] =>
        this.updated0(hm.key, hm.hash, level, hm.value.asInstanceOf[B1], hm.kv, merger)
      case hm: HashTrieMap[_, _] =>
        val that = hm.asInstanceOf[HashTrieMap[A, B1]]
        val thiselems = this.elems
        val thatelems = that.elems
        var thisbm = this.bitmap
        var thatbm = that.bitmap

        // determine the necessary size for the array
        val subcount = Integer.bitCount(thisbm | thatbm)

        // construct a new array of appropriate size
        val merged = new Array[HashMap[A, B1]](subcount)

        // run through both bitmaps and add elements to it
        var i = 0
        var thisi = 0
        var thati = 0
        var totalelems = 0
        while (i < subcount) {
          val thislsb = thisbm ^ (thisbm & (thisbm - 1))
          val thatlsb = thatbm ^ (thatbm & (thatbm - 1))

          // collision
          if (thislsb == thatlsb) {
            val m = thiselems(thisi).merge0(thatelems(thati), level + 5, merger)
            totalelems += m.size
            merged(i) = m
            thisbm = thisbm & ~thislsb
            thatbm = thatbm & ~thatlsb
            thati += 1
            thisi += 1
          } else {
            // condition below is due to 2 things:
            // 1) no unsigned int compare on JVM
            // 2) 0 (no lsb) should always be greater in comparison
            if (unsignedCompare(thislsb - 1, thatlsb - 1)) {
              val m = thiselems(thisi)
              totalelems += m.size
              merged(i) = m
              thisbm = thisbm & ~thislsb
              thisi += 1
            else {
              val m = thatelems(thati)
              totalelems += m.size
              merged(i) = m
              thatbm = thatbm & ~thatlsb
              thati += 1
          i += 1

        new HashTrieMap[A, B1](this.bitmap | that.bitmap, merged, totalelems)
      case hm: HashMapCollision1[_, _] => that.merge0(this, level, merger.invert)
      case hm: HashMap[_, _] => this
      case _ => sys.error("section supposed to be unreachable.")

   * Calculates the maximum buffer size given the maximum possible total size of the trie-based collection
   * @param size the maximum size of the collection to be generated
   * @return the maximum buffer size
  @inline private def bufferSize(size: Int): Int = (size + 6) min (32 * 7)

   * In many internal operations the empty map is represented as null for performance reasons. This method converts
   * null to the empty map for use in public methods
  @inline private def nullToEmpty[A, B](m: HashMap[A, B]): HashMap[A, B] = if (m eq null) empty[A, B] else m

   * Utility method to keep a subset of all bits in a given bitmap
   * Example
   *    bitmap (binary): 00000001000000010000000100000001
   *    keep (binary):                               1010
   *    result (binary): 00000001000000000000000100000000
   * @param bitmap the bitmap
   * @param keep a bitmask containing which bits to keep
   * @return the original bitmap with all bits where keep is not 1 set to 0
  private def keepBits(bitmap: Int, keep: Int): Int = {
    var result = 0
    var current = bitmap
    var kept = keep
    while (kept != 0) {
      // lowest remaining bit in current
      val lsb = current ^ (current & (current - 1))
      if ((kept & 1) != 0) {
        // mark bit in result bitmap
        result |= lsb
      // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm
      current &= ~lsb
      // look at the next kept bit
      kept >>>= 1

  private class SerializationProxy[A,B](@transient private var orig: HashMap[A, B]) extends Serializable {
    private def writeObject(out: {
      val s = orig.size
      for ((k,v) <- orig) {

    private def readObject(in: {
      orig = empty
      val s = in.readInt()
      for (i <- 0 until s) {
        val key = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[A]
        val value = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[B]
        orig = orig.updated(key, value)

    private def readResolve(): AnyRef = orig

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala HashMap.scala source code file:

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