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Scala example source code file (HashSet.scala)

This example Scala source code file (HashSet.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, annotation, array, boolean, collection, genset, hashset, hashset1, hashsetcollision1, hashtrieset, immutable, int, leafhashset, parallel

The HashSet.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package immutable

import generic._
import scala.collection.parallel.immutable.ParHashSet
import scala.collection.GenSet
import scala.annotation.tailrec

/** This class implements immutable sets using a hash trie.
 *  '''Note:''' The builder of this hash set may return specialized representations for small sets.
 *  @tparam A      the type of the elements contained in this hash set.
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @author  Tiark Rompf
 *  @version 2.8
 *  @since   2.3
 *  @define Coll `immutable.HashSet`
 *  @define coll immutable hash set
@deprecatedInheritance("The implementation details of immutable hash sets make inheriting from them unwise.", "2.11.0")
class HashSet[A] extends AbstractSet[A]
                    with Set[A]
                    with GenericSetTemplate[A, HashSet]
                    with SetLike[A, HashSet[A]]
                    with CustomParallelizable[A, ParHashSet[A]]
                    with Serializable
  import HashSet.{nullToEmpty, bufferSize, LeafHashSet}

  override def companion: GenericCompanion[HashSet] = HashSet

  //class HashSet[A] extends Set[A] with SetLike[A, HashSet[A]] {

  override def par = ParHashSet.fromTrie(this)

  override def size: Int = 0

  override def empty = HashSet.empty[A]

  def iterator: Iterator[A] = Iterator.empty

  override def foreach[U](f: A =>  U): Unit = { }

  def contains(e: A): Boolean = get0(e, computeHash(e), 0)

  override def subsetOf(that: GenSet[A]) = that match {
    case that:HashSet[A] =>
      // call the specialized implementation with a level of 0 since both this and that are top-level hash sets
      subsetOf0(that, 0)
    case _ =>
      // call the generic implementation

   * A specialized implementation of subsetOf for when both this and that are HashSet[A] and we can take advantage
   * of the tree structure of both operands and the precalculated hashcodes of the HashSet1 instances.
   * @param that the other set
   * @param level the level of this and that hashset
   *              The purpose of level is to keep track of how deep we are in the tree.
   *              We need this information for when we arrive at a leaf and have to call get0 on that
   *              The value of level is 0 for a top-level HashSet and grows in increments of 5
   * @return true if all elements of this set are contained in that set
  protected def subsetOf0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int) = {
    // The default implementation is for the empty set and returns true because the empty set is a subset of all sets

  override def + (e: A): HashSet[A] = updated0(e, computeHash(e), 0)

  override def + (elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): HashSet[A] =
    this + elem1 + elem2 ++ elems

  override def union(that: GenSet[A]): HashSet[A] = that match {
    case that: HashSet[A] =>
      val buffer = new Array[HashSet[A]](bufferSize(this.size + that.size))
      nullToEmpty(union0(that, 0, buffer, 0))
    case _ => super.union(that)

  override def intersect(that: GenSet[A]): HashSet[A] = that match {
    case that: HashSet[A] =>
      val buffer = new Array[HashSet[A]](bufferSize(this.size min that.size))
      nullToEmpty(intersect0(that, 0, buffer, 0))
    case _ => super.intersect(that)

  override def diff(that: GenSet[A]): HashSet[A] = that match {
    case that: HashSet[A] =>
      val buffer = new Array[HashSet[A]](bufferSize(this.size))
      nullToEmpty(diff0(that, 0, buffer, 0))
    case _ => super.diff(that)

   * Union with a leaf HashSet at a given level.
   * @param that a leaf HashSet
   * @param level the depth in the tree. We need this when we have to create a branch node on top of this and that
   * @return The union of this and that at the given level. Unless level is zero, the result is not a self-contained
   *         HashSet but needs to be stored at the correct depth
  private[immutable] def union0(that: LeafHashSet[A], level: Int): HashSet[A] = {
    // the default implementation is for the empty set, so we just return that

   * Union with a HashSet at a given level
   * @param that a HashSet
   * @param level the depth in the tree. We need to keep track of the level to know how deep we are in the tree
   * @param buffer a temporary buffer that is used for temporarily storing elements when creating new branch nodes
   * @param offset0 the first offset into the buffer in which we are allowed to write
   * @return The union of this and that at the given level. Unless level is zero, the result is not a self-contained
   *         HashSet but needs to be stored at the correct depth
  private[immutable] def union0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = {
    // the default implementation is for the empty set, so we just return that

   * Intersection with another hash set at a given level
   * @param level the depth in the tree. We need to keep track of the level to know how deep we are in the tree
   * @param buffer a temporary buffer that is used for temporarily storing elements when creating new branch nodes
   * @param offset0 the first offset into the buffer in which we are allowed to write
   * @return The intersection of this and that at the given level. Unless level is zero, the result is not a
   *         self-contained HashSet but needs to be stored at the correct depth
  private[immutable] def intersect0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = {
    // the default implementation is for the empty set, so we just return the empty set

   * Diff with another hash set at a given level
   * @param level the depth in the tree. We need to keep track of the level to know how deep we are in the tree
   * @param buffer a temporary buffer that is used for temporarily storing elements when creating new branch nodes
   * @param offset0 the first offset into the buffer in which we are allowed to write
   * @return The diff of this and that at the given level. Unless level is zero, the result is not a
   *         self-contained HashSet but needs to be stored at the correct depth
  private[immutable] def diff0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = {
    // the default implementation is for the empty set, so we just return the empty set

  def - (e: A): HashSet[A] =
    nullToEmpty(removed0(e, computeHash(e), 0))

  override def filter(p: A => Boolean) = {
    val buffer = new Array[HashSet[A]](bufferSize(size))
    nullToEmpty(filter0(p, false, 0, buffer, 0))

  override def filterNot(p: A => Boolean) = {
    val buffer = new Array[HashSet[A]](bufferSize(size))
    nullToEmpty(filter0(p, true, 0, buffer, 0))

  protected def filter0(p: A => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = null

  protected def elemHashCode(key: A) = key.##

  protected final def improve(hcode: Int) = {
    var h: Int = hcode + ~(hcode << 9)
    h = h ^ (h >>> 14)
    h = h + (h << 4)
    h ^ (h >>> 10)

  private[collection] def computeHash(key: A) = improve(elemHashCode(key))

  protected def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Boolean = false

  def updated0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] =
    new HashSet.HashSet1(key, hash)

  protected def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] = this

  protected def writeReplace(): AnyRef = new HashSet.SerializationProxy(this)


/** $factoryInfo
 *  @define Coll `immutable.HashSet`
 *  @define coll immutable hash set
 *  @author  Tiark Rompf
 *  @since   2.3
 *  @define Coll `immutable.HashSet`
 *  @define coll immutable hash set
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
object HashSet extends ImmutableSetFactory[HashSet] {

  /** $setCanBuildFromInfo */
  implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, HashSet[A]] = setCanBuildFrom[A]

  private object EmptyHashSet extends HashSet[Any] { }
  private[collection] def emptyInstance: HashSet[Any] = EmptyHashSet
  // utility method to create a HashTrieSet from two leaf HashSets (HashSet1 or HashSetCollision1) with non-colliding hash code)
  private def makeHashTrieSet[A](hash0:Int, elem0:HashSet[A], hash1:Int, elem1:HashSet[A], level:Int) : HashTrieSet[A] = {
    val index0 = (hash0 >>> level) & 0x1f
    val index1 = (hash1 >>> level) & 0x1f
    if(index0 != index1) {
      val bitmap = (1 << index0) | (1 << index1)
      val elems = new Array[HashSet[A]](2)
      if(index0 < index1) {
        elems(0) = elem0
        elems(1) = elem1
      } else {
        elems(0) = elem1
        elems(1) = elem0
      new HashTrieSet[A](bitmap, elems, elem0.size + elem1.size)
    } else {
      val elems = new Array[HashSet[A]](1)
      val bitmap = (1 << index0)
      val child = makeHashTrieSet(hash0, elem0, hash1, elem1, level + 5)
      elems(0) = child
      new HashTrieSet[A](bitmap, elems, child.size)

   * Common superclass of HashSet1 and HashSetCollision1, which are the two possible leaves of the Trie
  private[HashSet] sealed abstract class LeafHashSet[A] extends HashSet[A] {
    private[HashSet] def hash:Int

  class HashSet1[A](private[HashSet] val key: A, private[HashSet] val hash: Int) extends LeafHashSet[A] {
    override def size = 1

    override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Boolean =
      (hash == this.hash && key == this.key)

    override def subsetOf0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int) = {
      // check if that contains this.key
      // we use get0 with our key and hash at the correct level instead of calling contains,
      // which would not work since that might not be a top-level HashSet
      // and in any case would be inefficient because it would require recalculating the hash code
      that.get0(key, hash, level)

    override def updated0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] =
      if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key) this
      else {
        if (hash != this.hash) {
          makeHashTrieSet(this.hash, this, hash, new HashSet1(key, hash), level)
        } else {
          // 32-bit hash collision (rare, but not impossible)
          new HashSetCollision1(hash, ListSet.empty + this.key + key)

    override private[immutable] def union0(that: LeafHashSet[A], level: Int): HashSet[A] = that match {
      case that if that.hash != this.hash =>
        // different hash code, so there is no need to investigate further.
        // Just create a branch node containing the two.
        makeHashTrieSet(this.hash, this, that.hash, that, level)
      case that: HashSet1[A] =>
        if (this.key == that.key) {
        } else {
          // 32-bit hash collision (rare, but not impossible)
          new HashSetCollision1[A](hash, ListSet.empty + this.key + that.key)
      case that: HashSetCollision1[A] =>
        val ks1 = that.ks + key
        // Could use eq check (faster) if ListSet was guaranteed to return itself
        if (ks1.size == that.ks.size) {
        } else {
          new HashSetCollision1[A](hash, ks1)

    override private[immutable] def union0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int) = {
      // switch to the Leaf version of union
      // we can exchange the arguments because union is symmetrical
      that.union0(this, level)

    override private[immutable] def intersect0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] =
      if (that.get0(key, hash, level)) this else null

    override private[immutable] def diff0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] =
      if (that.get0(key, hash, level)) null else this

    override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] =
      if (hash == this.hash && key == this.key) null else this

    override protected def filter0(p: A => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] =
      if (negate ^ p(key)) this else null

    override def iterator: Iterator[A] = Iterator(key)
    override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = f(key)

  private[immutable] class HashSetCollision1[A](private[HashSet] val hash: Int, val ks: ListSet[A]) extends LeafHashSet[A] {

    override def size = ks.size

    override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Boolean =
      if (hash == this.hash) ks.contains(key) else false

    override def subsetOf0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int) = {
      // we have to check each element
      // we use get0 with our hash at the correct level instead of calling contains,
      // which would not work since that might not be a top-level HashSet
      // and in any case would be inefficient because it would require recalculating the hash code
      ks.forall(key => that.get0(key, hash, level))

    override def updated0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] =
      if (hash == this.hash) new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks + key)
      else makeHashTrieSet(this.hash, this, hash, new HashSet1(key, hash), level)

    override def union0(that: LeafHashSet[A], level: Int): HashSet[A] = that match {
      case that if that.hash != this.hash =>
        // different hash code, so there is no need to investigate further.
        // Just create a branch node containing the two.
        makeHashTrieSet(this.hash, this, that.hash, that, level)
      case that: HashSet1[A] =>
        val ks1 = ks + that.key
        // Could use eq check (faster) if ListSet was guaranteed to return itself
        if (ks1.size == ks.size) {
        } else {
          // create a new HashSetCollision with the existing hash
          // we don't have to check for size=1 because union is never going to remove elements
          new HashSetCollision1[A](hash, ks1)
      case that: HashSetCollision1[A] =>
        val ks1 = this.ks ++ that.ks
        ks1.size match {
          case size if size == this.ks.size =>
            // could this check be made faster by doing an eq check?
            // I am not sure we can rely on ListSet returning itself when all elements are already in the set,
            // so it seems unwise to rely on it.
          case size if size == that.ks.size =>
            // we have to check this as well, since we don't want to create a new instance if this is a subset of that
          case _ =>
            // create a new HashSetCollision with the existing hash
            // we don't have to check for size=1 because union is never going to remove elements
            new HashSetCollision1[A](hash, ks1)

    override def union0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = that match {
      case that: LeafHashSet[A] =>
        // switch to the simpler Tree/Leaf implementation
        this.union0(that, level)
      case that: HashTrieSet[A] =>
        // switch to the simpler Tree/Leaf implementation
        // we can swap this and that because union is symmetrical
        that.union0(this, level)
      case _ => this

    override private[immutable] def intersect0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = {
      // filter the keys, taking advantage of the fact that we know their hash code
      val ks1 = ks.filter(that.get0(_, hash, level))
      ks1.size match {
        case 0 =>
          // the empty set
        case size if size == this.size =>
          // unchanged
          // We do this check first since even if the result is of size 1 since
          // it is preferable to return the existing set for better structural sharing
        case size if size == that.size =>
          // the other set
          // We do this check first since even if the result is of size 1 since
          // it is preferable to return the existing set for better structural sharing
        case 1 =>
          // create a new HashSet1 with the hash we already know
          new HashSet1(ks1.head, hash)
        case _ =>
          // create a new HashSetCollison with the hash we already know and the new keys
          new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks1)

    override private[immutable] def diff0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = {
      val ks1 = ks.filterNot(that.get0(_, hash, level))
      ks1.size match {
        case 0 =>
          // the empty set
        case size if size == this.size =>
          // unchanged
          // We do this check first since even if the result is of size 1 since
          // it is preferable to return the existing set for better structural sharing
        case 1 =>
          // create a new HashSet1 with the hash we already know
          new HashSet1(ks1.head, hash)
        case _ =>
          // create a new HashSetCollison with the hash we already know and the new keys
          new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks1)

    override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] =
      if (hash == this.hash) {
        val ks1 = ks - key
        ks1.size match {
          case 0 =>
            // the empty set
          case 1 =>
            // create a new HashSet1 with the hash we already know
            new HashSet1(ks1.head, hash)
          case size if size == ks.size =>
            // Should only have HSC1 if size > 1
          case _ =>
            // create a new HashSetCollison with the hash we already know and the new keys
            new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks1)
      } else this

    override protected def filter0(p: A => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = {
      val ks1 = if(negate) ks.filterNot(p) else ks.filter(p)
      ks1.size match {
        case 0 =>
        case 1 =>
          new HashSet1(ks1.head, hash)
        case x if x == ks.size =>
        case _ =>
          new HashSetCollision1(hash, ks1)

    override def iterator: Iterator[A] = ks.iterator
    override def foreach[U](f: A => U): Unit = ks.foreach(f)

    private def writeObject(out: {
      // this cannot work - reading things in might produce different
      // hash codes and remove the collision. however this is never called
      // because no references to this class are ever handed out to client code
      // and HashTrieSet serialization takes care of the situation
      sys.error("cannot serialize an immutable.HashSet where all items have the same 32-bit hash code")

    private def readObject(in: {
      sys.error("cannot deserialize an immutable.HashSet where all items have the same 32-bit hash code")
      //kvs = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[ListSet[A]]
      //hash = computeHash(kvs.)


   * A branch node of the HashTrieSet with at least one and up to 32 children.
   * @param bitmap encodes which element corresponds to which child
   * @param elems the up to 32 children of this node.
   *              the number of children must be identical to the number of 1 bits in bitmap
   * @param size0 the total number of elements. This is stored just for performance reasons.
   * @tparam A      the type of the elements contained in this hash set.
   * How levels work:
   * When looking up or adding elements, the part of the hashcode that is used to address the children array depends
   * on how deep we are in the tree. This is accomplished by having a level parameter in all internal methods
   * that starts at 0 and increases by 5 (32 = 2^5) every time we go deeper into the tree.
   * hashcode (binary): 00000000000000000000000000000000
   * level=0 (depth=0)                             ^^^^^
   * level=5 (depth=1)                        ^^^^^
   * level=10 (depth=2)                  ^^^^^
   * ...
   * Be careful: a non-toplevel HashTrieSet is not a self-contained set, so e.g. calling contains on it will not work!
   * It relies on its depth in the Trie for which part of a hash to use to address the children, but this information
   * (the level) is not stored due to storage efficiency reasons but has to be passed explicitly!
   * How bitmap and elems correspond:
   * A naive implementation of a HashTrieSet would always have an array of size 32 for children and leave the unused
   * children empty (null). But that would be very wasteful regarding memory. Instead, only non-empty children are
   * stored in elems, and the bitmap is used to encode which elem corresponds to which child bucket. The lowest 1 bit
   * corresponds to the first element, the second-lowest to the second, etc.
   * bitmap (binary): 00010000000000000000100000000000
   * elems: [a,b]
   * children:        ---b----------------a-----------
  class HashTrieSet[A](private val bitmap: Int, private[collection] val elems: Array[HashSet[A]], private val size0: Int)
        extends HashSet[A] {
    assert(Integer.bitCount(bitmap) == elems.length)
    // assertion has to remain disabled until SI-6197 is solved
    // assert(elems.length > 1 || (elems.length == 1 && elems(0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieSet[_]]))

    override def size = size0

    override def get0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): Boolean = {
      val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
      val mask = (1 << index)
      if (bitmap == - 1) {
        elems(index & 0x1f).get0(key, hash, level + 5)
      } else if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
        val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
        elems(offset).get0(key, hash, level + 5)
      } else

    override def updated0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] = {
      val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
      val mask = (1 << index)
      val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
      if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
        val sub = elems(offset)
        val subNew = sub.updated0(key, hash, level + 5)
        if (sub eq subNew) this
        else {
          val elemsNew = new Array[HashSet[A]](elems.length)
          Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, elems.length)
          elemsNew(offset) = subNew
          new HashTrieSet(bitmap, elemsNew, size + (subNew.size - sub.size))
      } else {
        val elemsNew = new Array[HashSet[A]](elems.length + 1)
        Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, offset)
        elemsNew(offset) = new HashSet1(key, hash)
        Array.copy(elems, offset, elemsNew, offset + 1, elems.length - offset)
        val bitmapNew = bitmap | mask
        new HashTrieSet(bitmapNew, elemsNew, size + 1)

    override private[immutable] def union0(that: LeafHashSet[A], level: Int): HashSet[A] = {
      val index = (that.hash >>> level) & 0x1f
      val mask = (1 << index)
      val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask - 1))
      if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
        val sub = elems(offset)
        val sub1 = sub.union0(that, level + 5)
        if (sub eq sub1) this
        else {
          val elems1 = new Array[HashSet[A]](elems.length)
          Array.copy(elems, 0, elems1, 0, elems.length)
          elems1(offset) = sub1
          new HashTrieSet(bitmap, elems1, size + (sub1.size - sub.size))
      } else {
        val elems1 = new Array[HashSet[A]](elems.length + 1)
        Array.copy(elems, 0, elems1, 0, offset)
        elems1(offset) = that
        Array.copy(elems, offset, elems1, offset + 1, elems.length - offset)
        val bitmap1 = bitmap | mask
        new HashTrieSet(bitmap1, elems1, size + that.size)

    override private[immutable] def union0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = that match {
      case that if that eq this =>
        // shortcut for when that is this
        // this happens often for nodes deeper in the tree, especially when that and this share a common "heritage"
        // e.g. you have a large set A and do some small operations (adding and removing elements) to it to create B
        // then A and B will have the vast majority of nodes in common, and this eq check will allow not even looking
        // at these nodes.
      case that: LeafHashSet[A] =>
        // when that is a leaf, we can switch to the simpler Tree/Leaf implementation
        this.union0(that, level)
      case that: HashTrieSet[A] =>
        val a = this.elems
        var abm = this.bitmap
        var ai = 0

        val b = that.elems
        var bbm = that.bitmap
        var bi = 0

        // fetch a new temporary array that is guaranteed to be big enough (32 elements)
        var offset = offset0
        var rs = 0

        // loop as long as there are bits left in either abm or bbm
        while ((abm | bbm) != 0) {
          // lowest remaining bit in abm
          val alsb = abm ^ (abm & (abm - 1))
          // lowest remaining bit in bbm
          val blsb = bbm ^ (bbm & (bbm - 1))
          if (alsb == blsb) {
            val sub1 = a(ai).union0(b(bi), level + 5, buffer, offset)
            rs += sub1.size
            buffer(offset) = sub1
            offset += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm and increase the a index
            abm &= ~alsb
            ai += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in bbm and increase the b index
            bbm &= ~blsb
            bi += 1
          } else if (unsignedCompare(alsb - 1, blsb - 1)) {
            // alsb is smaller than blsb, or alsb is set and blsb is 0
            // in any case, alsb is guaranteed to be set here!
            val sub1 = a(ai)
            rs += sub1.size
            buffer(offset) = sub1
            offset += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm and increase the a index
            abm &= ~alsb
            ai += 1
          } else {
            // blsb is smaller than alsb, or blsb is set and alsb is 0
            // in any case, blsb is guaranteed to be set here!
            val sub1 = b(bi)
            rs += sub1.size
            buffer(offset) = sub1
            offset += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in bbm and increase the b index
            bbm &= ~blsb
            bi += 1
        if (rs == this.size) {
          // if the result would be identical to this, we might as well return this
        } else if (rs == that.size) {
          // if the result would be identical to that, we might as well return that
        } else {
          // we don't have to check whether the result is a leaf, since union will only make the set larger
          // and this is not a leaf to begin with.
          val length = offset - offset0
          val elems = new Array[HashSet[A]](length)
          System.arraycopy(buffer, offset0, elems, 0, length)
          new HashTrieSet(this.bitmap | that.bitmap, elems, rs)
      case _ => this

    override private[immutable] def intersect0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = that match {
      case that if that eq this =>
        // shortcut for when that is this
        // this happens often for nodes deeper in the tree, especially when that and this share a common "heritage"
        // e.g. you have a large set A and do some small operations (adding and removing elements) to it to create B
        // then A and B will have the vast majority of nodes in common, and this eq check will allow not even looking
        // at these nodes!
      case that: LeafHashSet[A] =>
        // when that is a leaf, we can switch to the simpler Tree/Leaf implementation
        // it is OK to swap the arguments because intersect is symmetric
        // (we can't do this in case of diff, which is not symmetric)
        that.intersect0(this, level, buffer, offset0)
      case that: HashTrieSet[A] =>
        val a = this.elems
        var abm = this.bitmap
        var ai = 0

        val b = that.elems
        var bbm = that.bitmap
        var bi = 0

        // if the bitmasks do not overlap, the result is definitely empty so we can abort here
        if ((abm & bbm) == 0)
          return null

        // fetch a new temporary array that is guaranteed to be big enough (32 elements)
        var offset = offset0
        var rs = 0
        var rbm = 0

        // loop as long as there are bits left that are set in both abm and bbm
        while ((abm & bbm) != 0) {
          // highest remaining bit in abm
          val alsb = abm ^ (abm & (abm - 1))
          // highest remaining bit in bbm
          val blsb = bbm ^ (bbm & (bbm - 1))
          if (alsb == blsb) {
            val sub1 = a(ai).intersect0(b(bi), level + 5, buffer, offset)
            if (sub1 ne null) {
              rs += sub1.size
              rbm |= alsb
              buffer(offset) = sub1
              offset += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm and increase the a index
            abm &= ~alsb;
            ai += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in bbm and increase the b index
            bbm &= ~blsb;
            bi += 1
          } else if (unsignedCompare(alsb - 1, blsb - 1)) {
            // alsb is smaller than blsb, or alsb is set and blsb is 0
            // in any case, alsb is guaranteed to be set here!
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm and increase the a index
            abm &= ~alsb;
            ai += 1
          } else {
            // blsb is smaller than alsb, or blsb is set and alsb is 0
            // in any case, blsb is guaranteed to be set here!
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in bbm and increase the b index
            bbm &= ~blsb;
            bi += 1

        if (rbm == 0) {
          // if the result bitmap is empty, the result is the empty set
        } else if (rs == size0) {
          // if the result has the same number of elements as this, it must be identical to this,
          // so we might as well return this
        } else if (rs == that.size0) {
          // if the result has the same number of elements as that, it must be identical to that,
          // so we might as well return that
        } else {
          val length = offset - offset0
          if (length == 1 && !buffer(offset0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieSet[A]])
          else {
            val elems = new Array[HashSet[A]](length)
            System.arraycopy(buffer, offset0, elems, 0, length)
            new HashTrieSet[A](rbm, elems, rs)
      case _ => null

    override private[immutable] def diff0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = that match {
      case that if that eq this =>
        // shortcut for when that is this
        // this happens often for nodes deeper in the tree, especially when that and this share a common "heritage"
        // e.g. you have a large set A and do some small operations (adding and removing elements) to it to create B
        // then A and B will have the vast majority of nodes in common, and this eq check will allow not even looking
        // at these nodes!
      case that: HashSet1[A] =>
        removed0(that.key, that.hash, level)
      case that: HashTrieSet[A] =>
        val a = this.elems
        var abm = this.bitmap
        var ai = 0

        val b = that.elems
        var bbm = that.bitmap
        var bi = 0

        // fetch a new temporary array that is guaranteed to be big enough (32 elements)
        var offset = offset0
        var rs = 0
        var rbm = 0

        // loop until there are no more bits in abm
        while(abm!=0) {
          // highest remaining bit in abm
          val alsb = abm ^ (abm & (abm - 1))
          // highest remaining bit in bbm
          val blsb = bbm ^ (bbm & (bbm - 1))
          if (alsb == blsb) {
            val sub1 = a(ai).diff0(b(bi), level + 5, buffer, offset)
            if (sub1 ne null) {
              rs += sub1.size
              rbm |= alsb
              buffer(offset) = sub1
              offset += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm and increase the a index
            abm &= ~alsb; ai += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in bbm and increase the b index
            bbm &= ~blsb; bi += 1
          } else if (unsignedCompare(alsb - 1, blsb - 1)) {
            // alsb is smaller than blsb, or alsb is set and blsb is 0
            // in any case, alsb is guaranteed to be set here!
            val sub1 = a(ai)
            rs += sub1.size
            rbm |= alsb
            buffer(offset) = sub1; offset += 1
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm and increase the a index
            abm &= ~alsb; ai += 1
          } else {
            // blsb is smaller than alsb, or blsb is set and alsb is 0
            // in any case, blsb is guaranteed to be set here!
            // clear lowest remaining one bit in bbm and increase the b index
            bbm &= ~blsb; bi += 1
        if (rbm == 0) {
        } else if (rs == this.size0) {
          // if the result has the same number of elements as this, it must be identical to this,
          // so we might as well return this
        } else {
          val length = offset - offset0
          if (length == 1 && !buffer(offset0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieSet[A]])
          else {
            val elems = new Array[HashSet[A]](length)
            System.arraycopy(buffer, offset0, elems, 0, length)
            new HashTrieSet[A](rbm, elems, rs)
      case that: HashSetCollision1[A] =>
        // we remove the elements using removed0 so we can use the fact that we know the hash of all elements
        // to be removed
        @tailrec def removeAll(s:HashSet[A], r:ListSet[A]) : HashSet[A] =
          if(r.isEmpty || (s eq null)) s
          else removeAll(s.removed0(r.head, that.hash, level), r.tail)
        removeAll(this, that.ks)
      case _ => this

    override def removed0(key: A, hash: Int, level: Int): HashSet[A] = {
      val index = (hash >>> level) & 0x1f
      val mask = (1 << index)
      val offset = Integer.bitCount(bitmap & (mask-1))
      if ((bitmap & mask) != 0) {
        val sub = elems(offset)
        val subNew = sub.removed0(key, hash, level + 5)
        if (sub eq subNew) this
        else if (subNew eq null) {
          val bitmapNew = bitmap ^ mask
          if (bitmapNew != 0) {
            val elemsNew = new Array[HashSet[A]](elems.length - 1)
            Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, offset)
            Array.copy(elems, offset + 1, elemsNew, offset, elems.length - offset - 1)
            val sizeNew = size - sub.size
            // if we have only one child, which is not a HashTrieSet but a self-contained set like
            // HashSet1 or HashSetCollision1, return the child instead
            if (elemsNew.length == 1 && !elemsNew(0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieSet[_]])
              new HashTrieSet(bitmapNew, elemsNew, sizeNew)
          } else
        } else if(elems.length == 1 && !subNew.isInstanceOf[HashTrieSet[_]]) {
        } else {
          val elemsNew = new Array[HashSet[A]](elems.length)
          Array.copy(elems, 0, elemsNew, 0, elems.length)
          elemsNew(offset) = subNew
          val sizeNew = size + (subNew.size - sub.size)
          new HashTrieSet(bitmap, elemsNew, sizeNew)
      } else {

    override def subsetOf0(that: HashSet[A], level: Int): Boolean = if (that eq this) true else that match {
      case that: HashTrieSet[A] if this.size0 <= that.size0 =>
        // create local mutable copies of members
        var abm = this.bitmap
        val a = this.elems
        var ai = 0
        val b = that.elems
        var bbm = that.bitmap
        var bi = 0
        if ((abm & bbm) == abm) {
          // I tried rewriting this using tail recursion, but the generated java byte code was less than optimal
          while(abm!=0) {
            // highest remaining bit in abm
            val alsb = abm ^ (abm & (abm - 1))
            // highest remaining bit in bbm
            val blsb = bbm ^ (bbm & (bbm - 1))
            // if both trees have a bit set at the same position, we need to check the subtrees
            if (alsb == blsb) {
              // we are doing a comparison of a child of this with a child of that,
              // so we have to increase the level by 5 to keep track of how deep we are in the tree
              if (!a(ai).subsetOf0(b(bi), level + 5))
                return false
              // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm and increase the a index
              abm &= ~alsb; ai += 1
            // clear lowermost remaining one bit in bbm and increase the b index
            // we must do this in any case
            bbm &= ~blsb; bi += 1
        } else {
          // the bitmap of this contains more one bits than the bitmap of that,
          // so this can not possibly be a subset of that
      case _ =>
        // if the other set is a HashTrieSet but has less elements than this, it can not be a subset
        // if the other set is a HashSet1, we can not be a subset of it because we are a HashTrieSet with at least two children (see assertion)
        // if the other set is a HashSetCollision1, we can not be a subset of it because we are a HashTrieSet with at least two different hash codes
        // if the other set is the empty set, we are not a subset of it because we are not empty

    override protected def filter0(p: A => Boolean, negate: Boolean, level: Int, buffer: Array[HashSet[A]], offset0: Int): HashSet[A] = {
      // current offset
      var offset = offset0
      // result size
      var rs = 0
      // bitmap for kept elems
      var kept = 0
      // loop over all elements
      var i = 0
      while (i < elems.length) {
        val result = elems(i).filter0(p, negate, level + 5, buffer, offset)
        if (result ne null) {
          buffer(offset) = result
          offset += 1
          // add the result size
          rs += result.size
          // mark the bit i as kept
          kept |= (1 << i)
        i += 1
      if (offset == offset0) {
        // empty
      } else if (rs == size0) {
        // unchanged
      } else if (offset == offset0 + 1 && !buffer(offset0).isInstanceOf[HashTrieSet[A]]) {
        // leaf
      } else {
        // we have to return a HashTrieSet
        val length = offset - offset0
        val elems1 = new Array[HashSet[A]](length)
        System.arraycopy(buffer, offset0, elems1, 0, length)
        val bitmap1 = if (length == elems.length) {
          // we can reuse the original bitmap
        } else {
          // calculate new bitmap by keeping just bits in the kept bitmask
          keepBits(bitmap, kept)
        new HashTrieSet(bitmap1, elems1, rs)

    override def iterator = new TrieIterator[A](elems.asInstanceOf[Array[Iterable[A]]]) {
      final override def getElem(cc: AnyRef): A = cc.asInstanceOf[HashSet1[A]].key

    override def foreach[U](f: A =>  U): Unit = {
      var i = 0
      while (i < elems.length) {
        i += 1

   * Calculates the maximum buffer size given the maximum possible total size of the trie-based collection
   * @param size the maximum size of the collection to be generated
   * @return the maximum buffer size
  @inline private def bufferSize(size: Int): Int = (size + 6) min (32 * 7)

   * In many internal operations the empty set is represented as null for performance reasons. This method converts
   * null to the empty set for use in public methods
  @inline private def nullToEmpty[A](s: HashSet[A]): HashSet[A] = if (s eq null) empty[A] else s

   * Utility method to keep a subset of all bits in a given bitmap
   * Example
   *    bitmap (binary): 00000001000000010000000100000001
   *    keep (binary):                               1010
   *    result (binary): 00000001000000000000000100000000
   * @param bitmap the bitmap
   * @param keep a bitmask containing which bits to keep
   * @return the original bitmap with all bits where keep is not 1 set to 0
  private def keepBits(bitmap: Int, keep: Int): Int = {
    var result = 0
    var current = bitmap
    var kept = keep
    while (kept != 0) {
      // lowest remaining bit in current
      val lsb = current ^ (current & (current - 1))
      if ((kept & 1) != 0) {
        // mark bit in result bitmap
        result |= lsb
      // clear lowest remaining one bit in abm
      current &= ~lsb
      // look at the next kept bit
      kept >>>= 1

  // unsigned comparison
  @inline private[this] def unsignedCompare(i: Int, j: Int) =
    (i < j) ^ (i < 0) ^ (j < 0)

  @SerialVersionUID(2L) private class SerializationProxy[A,B](@transient private var orig: HashSet[A]) extends Serializable {
    private def writeObject(out: {
      val s = orig.size
      for (e <- orig) {

    private def readObject(in: {
      orig = empty
      val s = in.readInt()
      for (i <- 0 until s) {
        val e = in.readObject().asInstanceOf[A]
        orig = orig + e

    private def readResolve(): AnyRef = orig


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