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Scala example source code file (PagedSeq.scala)

This example Scala source code file (PagedSeq.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

array, classtag, file, int, iterable, iterator, page, pagedseq, pagesize, reflection, undeterminedend, utilities

The PagedSeq.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2006-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package immutable

import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

/** The `PagedSeq` object defines a lazy implementations of
 *  a random access sequence.
 * Provides utility methods that return instances of `PagedSeq[Char]`.
 * `fromIterator` and `fromIterable` provide generalised instances of `PagedSeq`
 *  @since 2.7
object PagedSeq {
  final val UndeterminedEnd = Int.MaxValue

  /** Constructs a paged sequence from an iterator */
  def fromIterator[T: ClassTag](source: Iterator[T]): PagedSeq[T] =
    new PagedSeq[T]((data: Array[T], start: Int, len: Int) => {
      var i = 0
      while (i < len && source.hasNext) {
        data(start + i) =
        i += 1
      if (i == 0) -1 else i

  /** Constructs a paged sequence from an iterable */
  def fromIterable[T: ClassTag](source: Iterable[T]): PagedSeq[T] =

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from a string iterator */
  def fromStrings(source: Iterator[String]): PagedSeq[Char] = {
    var current: String = ""
    def more(data: Array[Char], start: Int, len: Int): Int =
      if (current.length != 0) {
        val cnt = current.length min len
        current.getChars(0, cnt, data, start)
        current = current.substring(cnt)
        if (cnt == len) cnt
        else (more(data, start + cnt, len - cnt) max 0) + cnt
      } else if (source.hasNext) {
        current =
        more(data, start, len)
      } else -1
    new PagedSeq(more(_: Array[Char], _: Int, _: Int))

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from a string iterable */
  def fromStrings(source: Iterable[String]): PagedSeq[Char] =

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from a line iterator
   *  Lines do not contain trailing `\n` characters; The method inserts
   *  a line separator `\n` between any two lines in the sequence.
  def fromLines(source: Iterator[String]): PagedSeq[Char] = {
    var isFirst = true
    fromStrings(source map { line =>
      if (isFirst) {
        isFirst = false
      } else "\n"+line

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from a line iterable
   *  Lines do not contain trailing `\n` characters; The method inserts
   *  a line separator `\n` between any two lines in the sequence.
  def fromLines(source: Iterable[String]): PagedSeq[Char] =

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from an input reader
  def fromReader(source: Reader): PagedSeq[Char] =
    new PagedSeq( Array[Char], _: Int, _: Int))

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from an input file
  def fromFile(source: File): PagedSeq[Char] =
    fromReader(new FileReader(source))

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from a file with given name
  def fromFile(source: String): PagedSeq[Char] =
    fromFile(new File(source))

  /** Constructs a paged character sequence from a value
  def fromSource(source: =

import PagedSeq._

/** An implementation of lazily computed sequences, where elements are stored
 *  in "pages", i.e. arrays of fixed size.
 *  A paged sequence is constructed from a function that produces more elements when asked.
 *  The producer function - `more`, is similar to the read method in
 *  The `more` function takes three parameters: an array of elements, a start index, and an end index.
 *  It should try to fill the array between start and end indices (excluding end index).
 *  It returns the number of elements produced, or -1 if end of logical input stream was reached
 *  before reading any element.
 *  @tparam T     the type of the elements contained in this paged sequence, with an `ClassTag` context bound.
 *  @author Martin Odersky
 *  @since  2.7
 *  @define Coll `PagedSeq`
 *  @define coll paged sequence
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
@deprecatedInheritance("The implementation details of paged sequences make inheriting from them unwise.", "2.11.0")
class PagedSeq[T: ClassTag] protected(
  more: (Array[T], Int, Int) => Int,
  first1: Page[T],
  start: Int,
  end: Int)
extends scala.collection.AbstractSeq[T]
   with scala.collection.IndexedSeq[T]
  def this(more: (Array[T], Int, Int) => Int) = this(more, new Page[T](0), 0, UndeterminedEnd)

  private var current: Page[T] = first1

  private def latest = first1.latest

  private def addMore() = latest.addMore(more)

  private def page(absindex: Int) = {
    if (absindex < current.start)
      current = first1
    while (absindex >= current.end && != null)
      current =
    while (absindex >= current.end && !current.isLast) {
      current = addMore()

  /** The length of the paged sequence
   *  @note Calling this method will force the entire sequence to be read.
  def length: Int = {
    while (!latest.isLast) addMore()
    (latest.end min end) - start

  /** The element at position `index`.
  def apply(index: Int) =
    if (isDefinedAt(index)) page(index + start)(index + start)
    else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index.toString)

  /** Predicate method to check if an element is defined
   *  at position `index` of the current sequence.
   *  Unlike `length` this operation does not force reading
   *  a lazy sequence to the end.
  override def isDefinedAt(index: Int) =
    index >= 0 && index < end - start && {
      val p = page(index + start); index + start < p.end

   /** The subsequence from index `start` up to `end -1` if `end`
   *   is lesser than the length of the current sequence and up to
   *   length of the sequence otherwise. This is limited up to the length
   *   of the current sequence if `end` is larger than its length.
  override def slice(_start: Int, _end: Int): PagedSeq[T] = {
    val s = start + _start
    val e = if (_end == UndeterminedEnd) _end else start + _end
    var f = first1
    while (f.end <= s && !f.isLast) {
      if ( eq null) f.addMore(more)
      f =
    new PagedSeq(more, f, s, e)

  /** The subsequence from index `start` up to
   *  the length of the current sequence.
  def slice(start: Int): PagedSeq[T] = slice(start, UndeterminedEnd)

  /** Convert sequence to string */
  override def toString = {
    val buf = new StringBuilder
    for (ch <- PagedSeq.this.iterator) buf append ch

/** Page containing up to PageSize characters of the input sequence.
private class Page[T: ClassTag](val num: Int) {

  private final val PageSize = 4096

  /** The next page in the sequence */
  var next  : Page[T] = null

  /** A later page in the sequence, serves a cache for pointing to last page */
  var later : Page[T] = this

  /** The number of elements read into this page */
  var filled: Int = 0

  /** Set true if the current page is the last in the sequence or if
  *   the `more` function returned -1 signalling end of input. */
  var isLast: Boolean = false

  /** The element array */
  final val data = new Array[T](PageSize)

  /** The index of the first element in this page relative to the whole sequence */
  final def start = num * PageSize

  /** The index of the element following the last element in this page relative
   *  to the whole sequence */
  final def end = start + filled

  /** The last page as currently present in the sequence; This can change as more
   *  elements get appended to the sequence.  */
  final def latest: Page[T] = {
    if ( != null) later =

  /** The element at the given sequence index.
   *  That index is relative to the whole sequence, not the page. */
  def apply(index: Int) = {
    if (index < start || index - start >= filled) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(index.toString)
    data(index - start)

  /** Produces more elements by calling `more` and adds them on the current page,
   *  or fills a subsequent page if current page is full.
   *  @note If current page is full, it is the last one in the sequence.  */
  final def addMore(more: (Array[T], Int, Int) => Int): Page[T] =
    if (filled == PageSize) {
      next = new Page[T](num + 1)
    } else {
      val count = more(data, filled, PageSize - filled)
      if (count < 0) isLast = true
      else filled += count

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala PagedSeq.scala source code file:

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