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Scala example source code file (StringLike.scala)

This example Scala source code file (StringLike.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

any, array, boolean, char, int, iterator, lf, math, reflection, regex, repr, string, utilities

The StringLike.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package immutable

import mutable.Builder
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.math.ScalaNumber
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

/** A companion object for the `StringLike` containing some constants.
 *  @since 2.8
object StringLike {
  // just statics for companion class.
  private final val LF = 0x0A
  private final val FF = 0x0C
  private final val CR = 0x0D
  private final val SU = 0x1A

import StringLike._

/** A trait describing stringlike collections.
 *  @tparam Repr   The type of the actual collection inheriting `StringLike`.
 *  @since 2.8
 *  @define Coll `String`
 *  @define coll string
 *  @define orderDependent
 *  @define orderDependentFold
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
trait StringLike[+Repr] extends Any with scala.collection.IndexedSeqOptimized[Char, Repr] with Ordered[String] {
self =>

  /** Creates a string builder buffer as builder for this class */
  protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[Char, Repr]

  /** Return element at index `n`
   *  @throws   IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not valid
  def apply(n: Int): Char = toString charAt n

  def length: Int = toString.length

  override def mkString = toString

  override def slice(from: Int, until: Int): Repr = {
    val start = from max 0
    val end   = until min length

    if (start >= end) newBuilder.result()
    else (newBuilder ++= toString.substring(start, end)).result()

  /** Return the current string concatenated `n` times.
  def * (n: Int): String = {
    val buf = new StringBuilder
    for (i <- 0 until n) buf append toString

  override def compare(other: String) = toString compareTo other

  private def isLineBreak(c: Char) = c == LF || c == FF

   *  Strip trailing line end character from this string if it has one.
   *  A line end character is one of
   *  - `LF` - line feed   (`0x0A` hex)
   *  - `FF` - form feed   (`0x0C` hex)
   *  If a line feed character `LF` is preceded by a carriage return `CR`
   *  (`0x0D` hex), the `CR` character is also stripped (Windows convention).
  def stripLineEnd: String = {
    val len = toString.length
    if (len == 0) toString
    else {
      val last = apply(len - 1)
      if (isLineBreak(last))
        toString.substring(0, if (last == LF && len >= 2 && apply(len - 2) == CR) len - 2 else len - 1)

  /** Return all lines in this string in an iterator, including trailing
   *  line end characters.
   *  The number of strings returned is one greater than the number of line
   *  end characters in this string. For an empty string, a single empty
   *  line is returned. A line end character is one of
   *  - `LF` - line feed   (`0x0A` hex)
   *  - `FF` - form feed   (`0x0C` hex)
  def linesWithSeparators: Iterator[String] = new AbstractIterator[String] {
    val str = self.toString
    private val len = str.length
    private var index = 0
    def hasNext: Boolean = index < len
    def next(): String = {
      if (index >= len) throw new NoSuchElementException("next on empty iterator")
      val start = index
      while (index < len && !isLineBreak(apply(index))) index += 1
      index += 1
      str.substring(start, index min len)

  /** Return all lines in this string in an iterator, excluding trailing line
   *  end characters, i.e. apply `.stripLineEnd` to all lines
   *  returned by `linesWithSeparators`.
  def lines: Iterator[String] =
    linesWithSeparators map (line => new WrappedString(line).stripLineEnd)

  /** Return all lines in this string in an iterator, excluding trailing line
   *  end characters, i.e. apply `.stripLineEnd` to all lines
   *  returned by `linesWithSeparators`.
  @deprecated("Use `lines` instead.","2.11.0")
  def linesIterator: Iterator[String] =
    linesWithSeparators map (line => new WrappedString(line).stripLineEnd)

  /** Returns this string with first character converted to upper case */
  def capitalize: String =
    if (toString == null) null
    else if (toString.length == 0) ""
    else {
      val chars = toString.toCharArray
      chars(0) = chars(0).toUpper
      new String(chars)

  /** Returns this string with the given `prefix` stripped. */
  def stripPrefix(prefix: String) =
    if (toString.startsWith(prefix)) toString.substring(prefix.length)
    else toString

  /** Returns this string with the given `suffix` stripped. If this string does not
    * end with `suffix`, it is returned unchanged. */
  def stripSuffix(suffix: String) =
    if (toString.endsWith(suffix)) toString.substring(0, toString.length() - suffix.length)
    else toString

  /** Replace all literal occurrences of `literal` with the string `replacement`.
   *  This is equivalent to [[java.lang.String#replaceAll]] except that both arguments
   *  are appropriately quoted to avoid being interpreted as metacharacters.
   *  @param    literal     the string which should be replaced everywhere it occurs
   *  @param    replacement the replacement string
   *  @return               the resulting string
  def replaceAllLiterally(literal: String, replacement: String): String = {
    val arg1 = Regex.quote(literal)
    val arg2 = Regex.quoteReplacement(replacement)

    toString.replaceAll(arg1, arg2)

  /** For every line in this string:
   *  Strip a leading prefix consisting of blanks or control characters
   *  followed by `marginChar` from the line.
  def stripMargin(marginChar: Char): String = {
    val buf = new StringBuilder
    for (line <- linesWithSeparators) {
      val len = line.length
      var index = 0
      while (index < len && line.charAt(index) <= ' ') index += 1
      buf append
        (if (index < len && line.charAt(index) == marginChar) line.substring(index + 1) else line)

  /** For every line in this string:
   *  Strip a leading prefix consisting of blanks or control characters
   *  followed by `|` from the line.
  def stripMargin: String = stripMargin('|')

  private def escape(ch: Char): String = "\\Q" + ch + "\\E"

  def split(separator: Char): Array[String] = toString.split(escape(separator))

  def split(separators: Array[Char]): Array[String] = {
    val re = separators.foldLeft("[")(_+escape(_)) + "]"

  /** You can follow a string with `.r`, turning it into a `Regex`. E.g.
   *  `"""A\w*""".r`   is the regular expression for identifiers starting with `A`.
  def r: Regex = r()

  /** You can follow a string with `.r(g1, ... , gn)`, turning it into a `Regex`,
   *  with group names g1 through gn.
   *  `"""(\d\d)-(\d\d)-(\d\d\d\d)""".r("month", "day", "year")` matches dates
   *  and provides its subcomponents through groups named "month", "day" and
   *  "year".
   *  @param groupNames The names of the groups in the pattern, in the order they appear.
  def r(groupNames: String*): Regex = new Regex(toString, groupNames: _*)

   * @throws `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException` - If the string does not contain a parsable boolean.
  def toBoolean: Boolean = parseBoolean(toString)
   * @throws `java.lang.NumberFormatException` - If the string does not contain a parsable byte.
  def toByte: Byte       = java.lang.Byte.parseByte(toString)
   * @throws `java.lang.NumberFormatException` - If the string does not contain a parsable short.
  def toShort: Short     = java.lang.Short.parseShort(toString)
   * @throws `java.lang.NumberFormatException`  - If the string does not contain a parsable int.
  def toInt: Int         = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(toString)
   * @throws `java.lang.NumberFormatException`  - If the string does not contain a parsable long.
  def toLong: Long       = java.lang.Long.parseLong(toString)
   * @throws `java.lang.NumberFormatException` - If the string does not contain a parsable float.
  def toFloat: Float     = java.lang.Float.parseFloat(toString)
   * @throws `java.lang.NumberFormatException` - If the string does not contain a parsable double.
  def toDouble: Double   = java.lang.Double.parseDouble(toString)

  private def parseBoolean(s: String): Boolean =
    if (s != null) s.toLowerCase match {
      case "true" => true
      case "false" => false
      case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("For input string: \""+s+"\"")
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("For input string: \"null\"")

  override def toArray[B >: Char : ClassTag]: Array[B] =

  private def unwrapArg(arg: Any): AnyRef = arg match {
    case x: ScalaNumber => x.underlying
    case x              => x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]

  /** Uses the underlying string as a pattern (in a fashion similar to
   *  printf in C), and uses the supplied arguments to fill in the
   *  holes.
   *    The interpretation of the formatting patterns is described in
   *    <a href="" target="contentFrame" class="java/util/Formatter">
   *    `java.util.Formatter`</a>, with the addition that
   *    classes deriving from `ScalaNumber` (such as [[scala.BigInt]] and
   *    [[scala.BigDecimal]]) are unwrapped to pass a type which `Formatter`
   *    understands.
   *  @param args the arguments used to instantiating the pattern.
   *  @throws `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException`
  def format(args : Any*): String =
    java.lang.String.format(toString, args map unwrapArg: _*)

  /** Like `format(args*)` but takes an initial `Locale` parameter
   *  which influences formatting as in `java.lang.String`'s format.
   *    The interpretation of the formatting patterns is described in
   *    <a href="" target="contentFrame" class="java/util/Formatter">
   *    `java.util.Formatter`</a>, with the addition that
   *    classes deriving from `ScalaNumber` (such as `scala.BigInt` and
   *    `scala.BigDecimal`) are unwrapped to pass a type which `Formatter`
   *    understands.
   *  @param l    an instance of `java.util.Locale`
   *  @param args the arguments used to instantiating the pattern.
   *  @throws `java.lang.IllegalArgumentException`
  def formatLocal(l: java.util.Locale, args: Any*): String =
    java.lang.String.format(l, toString, args map unwrapArg: _*)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala StringLike.scala source code file:

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