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Scala example source code file (AnyRefMap.scala)

This example Scala source code file (AnyRefMap.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, anyref, anyrefmap, anyrefmapbuilder, array, indexmask, int, k, u, v

The AnyRefMap.scala Scala example source code

package scala
package collection
package mutable

import generic.CanBuildFrom

/** This class implements mutable maps with `AnyRef` keys based on a hash table with open addressing.
 *  Basic map operations on single entries, including `contains` and `get`, 
 *  are typically significantly faster with `AnyRefMap` than [[HashMap]].
 *  Note that numbers and characters are not handled specially in AnyRefMap;
 *  only plain `equals` and `hashCode` are used in comparisons.
 *  Methods that traverse or regenerate the map, including `foreach` and `map`,
 *  are not in general faster than with `HashMap`.  The methods `foreachKey`,
 *  `foreachValue`, `mapValuesNow`, and `transformValues` are, however, faster
 *  than alternative ways to achieve the same functionality.
 *  Maps with open addressing may become less efficient at lookup after
 *  repeated addition/removal of elements.  Although `AnyRefMap` makes a
 *  decent attempt to remain efficient regardless,  calling `repack`
 *  on a map that will no longer have elements removed but will be
 *  used heavily may save both time and storage space.
 *  This map is not intended to contain more than 2^29^ entries (approximately
 *  500 million).  The maximum capacity is 2^30^, but performance will degrade
 *  rapidly as 2^30^ is approached.
final class AnyRefMap[K <: AnyRef, V] private[collection] (defaultEntry: K => V, initialBufferSize: Int, initBlank: Boolean)
extends AbstractMap[K, V]
   with Map[K, V]
   with MapLike[K, V, AnyRefMap[K, V]]
  import AnyRefMap._
  def this() = this(AnyRefMap.exceptionDefault, 16, true)
  /** Creates a new `AnyRefMap` that returns default values according to a supplied key-value mapping. */
  def this(defaultEntry: K => V) = this(defaultEntry, 16, true)

  /** Creates a new `AnyRefMap` with an initial buffer of specified size.
   *  An `AnyRefMap` can typically contain half as many elements as its buffer size
   *  before it requires resizing.
  def this(initialBufferSize: Int) = this(AnyRefMap.exceptionDefault, initialBufferSize, true)
  /** Creates a new `AnyRefMap` with specified default values and initial buffer size. */
  def this(defaultEntry: K => V, initialBufferSize: Int) = this(defaultEntry, initialBufferSize, true)
  private[this] var mask = 0
  private[this] var _size = 0
  private[this] var _vacant = 0
  private[this] var _hashes: Array[Int] = null
  private[this] var _keys: Array[AnyRef] = null
  private[this] var _values: Array[AnyRef] = null
  if (initBlank) defaultInitialize(initialBufferSize)
  private[this] def defaultInitialize(n: Int) {
    mask = 
      if (n<0) 0x7
      else (((1 << (32 - java.lang.Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(n-1))) - 1) & 0x3FFFFFFF) | 0x7
    _hashes = new Array[Int](mask+1)
    _keys = new Array[AnyRef](mask+1)
    _values = new Array[AnyRef](mask+1)
  private[collection] def initializeTo(
    m: Int, sz: Int, vc: Int, hz: Array[Int], kz: Array[AnyRef], vz: Array[AnyRef]
  ) {
    mask = m; _size = sz; _vacant = vc; _hashes = hz; _keys = kz; _values = vz
  override def size: Int = _size
  override def empty: AnyRefMap[K,V] = new AnyRefMap(defaultEntry)
  private def imbalanced: Boolean = 
    (_size + _vacant) > 0.5*mask || _vacant > _size
  private def hashOf(key: K): Int = {
    if (key eq null) 0x41081989
    else {
      val h = key.hashCode
      // Part of the MurmurHash3 32 bit finalizer
      val i = (h ^ (h >>> 16)) * 0x85EBCA6B
      val j = (i ^ (i >>> 13))
      if (j==0) 0x41081989 else j & 0x7FFFFFFF
  private def seekEntry(h: Int, k: AnyRef): Int = {
    var e = h & mask
    var x = 0
    var g = 0
    while ({ g = _hashes(e); g != 0}) {
      if (g == h && { val q = _keys(e); (q eq k) || ((q ne null) && (q equals k)) }) return e
      x += 1
      e = (e + 2*(x+1)*x - 3) & mask
    e | MissingBit
  private def seekEntryOrOpen(h: Int, k: AnyRef): Int = {
    var e = h & mask
    var x = 0
    var g = 0
    var o = -1
    while ({ g = _hashes(e); g != 0}) {
      if (g == h && { val q = _keys(e); (q eq k) || ((q ne null) && (q equals k)) }) return e
      else if (o == -1 && g+g == 0) o = e
      x += 1
      e = (e + 2*(x+1)*x - 3) & mask
    if (o >= 0) o | MissVacant else e | MissingBit
  override def contains(key: K): Boolean = seekEntry(hashOf(key), key) >= 0
  override def get(key: K): Option[V] = {
    val i = seekEntry(hashOf(key), key)
    if (i < 0) None else Some(_values(i).asInstanceOf[V])
  override def getOrElse[V1 >: V](key: K, default: => V1): V1 = {
    val i = seekEntry(hashOf(key), key)
    if (i < 0) default else _values(i).asInstanceOf[V]
  override def getOrElseUpdate(key: K, defaultValue: => V): V = {
    val h = hashOf(key)
    var i = seekEntryOrOpen(h, key)
    if (i < 0) {
      // It is possible that the default value computation was side-effecting
      // Our hash table may have resized or even contain what we want now
      // (but if it does, we'll replace it)
      val value = {
        val oh = _hashes
        val ans = defaultValue
        if (oh ne _hashes) {
          i = seekEntryOrOpen(h, key)
          if (i >= 0) _size -= 1
      _size += 1
      val j = i & IndexMask
      _hashes(j) = h
      _keys(j) = key.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      _values(j) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      if ((i & VacantBit) != 0) _vacant -= 1
      else if (imbalanced) repack()
    else _values(i).asInstanceOf[V]
  /** Retrieves the value associated with a key, or the default for that type if none exists
   *  (null for AnyRef, 0 for floats and integers).
   *  Note: this is the fastest way to retrieve a value that may or
   *  may not exist, if the default null/zero is acceptable.  For key/value
   *  pairs that do exist, `apply` (i.e. `map(key)`) is equally fast.
  def getOrNull(key: K): V = {
    val i = seekEntry(hashOf(key), key)
    (if (i < 0) null else _values(i)).asInstanceOf[V]
  /** Retrieves the value associated with a key. 
   *  If the key does not exist in the map, the `defaultEntry` for that key
   *  will be returned instead; an exception will be thrown if no 
   *  `defaultEntry` was supplied.
  override def apply(key: K): V = {
    val i = seekEntry(hashOf(key), key)
    if (i < 0) defaultEntry(key) else _values(i).asInstanceOf[V]
  /** Defers to defaultEntry to find a default value for the key.  Throws an
   *  exception if no other default behavior was specified.
  override def default(key: K) = defaultEntry(key)
  private def repack(newMask: Int) {
    val oh = _hashes
    val ok = _keys
    val ov = _values
    mask = newMask
    _hashes = new Array[Int](mask+1)
    _keys = new Array[AnyRef](mask+1)
    _values = new Array[AnyRef](mask+1)
    _vacant = 0
    var i = 0
    while (i < oh.length) {
      val h = oh(i)
      if (h+h != 0) {
        var e = h & mask
        var x = 0
        while (_hashes(e) != 0) { x += 1; e = (e + 2*(x+1)*x - 3) & mask }
        _hashes(e) = h
        _keys(e) = ok(i)
        _values(e) = ov(i)
      i += 1
  /** Repacks the contents of this `AnyRefMap` for maximum efficiency of lookup.
   *  For maps that undergo a complex creation process with both addition and
   *  removal of keys, and then are used heavily with no further removal of
   *  elements, calling `repack` after the end of the creation can result in
   *  improved performance.  Repacking takes time proportional to the number
   *  of entries in the map.
  def repack() {
    var m = mask
    if (_size + _vacant >= 0.5*mask && !(_vacant > 0.2*mask)) m = ((m << 1) + 1) & IndexMask
    while (m > 8 && 8*_size < m) m = m >>> 1
  override def put(key: K, value: V): Option[V] = {
    val h = hashOf(key)
    val k = key
    var i = seekEntryOrOpen(h, k)
    if (i < 0) {
      val j = i & IndexMask
      _hashes(j) = h
      _keys(j) = k
      _values(j) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      _size += 1
      if ((i & VacantBit) != 0) _vacant -= 1
      else if (imbalanced) repack()
    else {
      val ans = Some(_values(i).asInstanceOf[V])
      _hashes(i) = h
      _keys(i) = k
      _values(i) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
  /** Updates the map to include a new key-value pair.
   *  This is the fastest way to add an entry to an `AnyRefMap`.
  override def update(key: K, value: V): Unit = {
    val h = hashOf(key)
    val k = key
    var i = seekEntryOrOpen(h, k)
    if (i < 0) {
      val j = i & IndexMask
      _hashes(j) = h
      _keys(j) = k
      _values(j) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      _size += 1
      if ((i & VacantBit) != 0) _vacant -= 1
      else if (imbalanced) repack()
    else {
      _hashes(i) = h
      _keys(i) = k
      _values(i) = value.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
  /** Adds a new key/value pair to this map and returns the map. */
  def +=(key: K, value: V): this.type = { update(key, value); this }

  def +=(kv: (K, V)): this.type = { update(kv._1, kv._2); this }
  def -=(key: K): this.type = {
    val i = seekEntry(hashOf(key), key)
    if (i >= 0) {
      _size -= 1
      _vacant += 1
      _hashes(i) = Int.MinValue
      _keys(i) = null
      _values(i) = null
  def iterator: Iterator[(K, V)] = new Iterator[(K, V)] {
    private[this] val hz = _hashes
    private[this] val kz = _keys
    private[this] val vz = _values
    private[this] var index = 0
    def hasNext: Boolean = index<hz.length && {
      var h = hz(index)
      while (h+h == 0) {
        index += 1
        if (index >= hz.length) return false
        h = hz(index)
    def next: (K, V) = {
      if (hasNext) {
        val ans = (kz(index).asInstanceOf[K], vz(index).asInstanceOf[V])
        index += 1
      else throw new NoSuchElementException("next")
  override def foreach[A](f: ((K,V)) => A) {
    var i = 0
    var e = _size
    while (e > 0) {
      while(i < _hashes.length && { val h = _hashes(i); h+h == 0 && i < _hashes.length}) i += 1
      if (i < _hashes.length) {
        f((_keys(i).asInstanceOf[K], _values(i).asInstanceOf[V]))
        i += 1
        e -= 1
      else return
  override def clone(): AnyRefMap[K, V] = {
    val hz = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_hashes, _hashes.length)
    val kz = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_keys, _keys.length)
    val vz = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_values,  _values.length)
    val arm = new AnyRefMap[K, V](defaultEntry, 1, false)
    arm.initializeTo(mask, _size, _vacant, hz, kz,  vz)
  private[this] def foreachElement[A,B](elems: Array[AnyRef], f: A => B) {
    var i,j = 0
    while (i < _hashes.length & j < _size) {
      val h = _hashes(i)
      if (h+h != 0) {
        j += 1
      i += 1
  /** Applies a function to all keys of this map. */
  def foreachKey[A](f: K => A) { foreachElement[K,A](_keys, f) }

  /** Applies a function to all values of this map. */
  def foreachValue[A](f: V => A) { foreachElement[V,A](_values, f) }
  /** Creates a new `AnyRefMap` with different values.
   *  Unlike `mapValues`, this method generates a new
   *  collection immediately.
  def mapValuesNow[V1](f: V => V1): AnyRefMap[K, V1] = {
    val arm = new AnyRefMap[K,V1](AnyRefMap.exceptionDefault,  1,  false)
    val hz = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_hashes, _hashes.length)
    val kz = java.util.Arrays.copyOf(_keys, _keys.length)
    val vz = new Array[AnyRef](_values.length)
    var i,j = 0
    while (i < _hashes.length & j < _size) {
      val h = _hashes(i)
      if (h+h != 0) {
        j += 1
        vz(i) = f(_values(i).asInstanceOf[V]).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      i += 1
    arm.initializeTo(mask, _size, _vacant, hz, kz, vz)
  /** Applies a transformation function to all values stored in this map. 
   *  Note: the default, if any,  is not transformed.
  def transformValues(f: V => V): this.type = {
    var i,j = 0
    while (i < _hashes.length & j < _size) {
      val h = _hashes(i)
      if (h+h != 0) {
        j += 1
        _values(i) = f(_values(i).asInstanceOf[V]).asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
      i += 1


object AnyRefMap {
  private final val IndexMask  = 0x3FFFFFFF
  private final val MissingBit = 0x80000000
  private final val VacantBit  = 0x40000000
  private final val MissVacant = 0xC0000000
  private val exceptionDefault = (k: Any) => throw new NoSuchElementException(if (k == null) "(null)" else k.toString)
  implicit def canBuildFrom[K <: AnyRef, V, J <: AnyRef, U]: CanBuildFrom[AnyRefMap[K,V], (J, U), AnyRefMap[J,U]] =
    new CanBuildFrom[AnyRefMap[K,V], (J, U), AnyRefMap[J,U]] {
      def apply(from: AnyRefMap[K,V]): AnyRefMapBuilder[J, U] = apply()
      def apply(): AnyRefMapBuilder[J, U] = new AnyRefMapBuilder[J, U]
  final class AnyRefMapBuilder[K <: AnyRef, V] extends Builder[(K, V), AnyRefMap[K, V]] {
    private[collection] var elems: AnyRefMap[K, V] = new AnyRefMap[K, V]
    def +=(entry: (K, V)): this.type = {
      elems += entry
    def clear() { elems = new AnyRefMap[K, V] }
    def result(): AnyRefMap[K, V] = elems

  /** Creates a new `AnyRefMap` with zero or more key/value pairs. */
  def apply[K <: AnyRef, V](elems: (K, V)*): AnyRefMap[K, V] = {
    val sz = if (elems.hasDefiniteSize) elems.size else 4
    val arm = new AnyRefMap[K, V](sz * 2)
    elems.foreach{ case (k,v) => arm(k) = v }
    if (arm.size < (sz>>3)) arm.repack()
  /** Creates a new empty `AnyRefMap`. */
  def empty[K <: AnyRef, V]: AnyRefMap[K, V] = new AnyRefMap[K, V]
  /** Creates a new empty `AnyRefMap` with the supplied default */
  def withDefault[K <: AnyRef, V](default: K => V): AnyRefMap[K, V] = new AnyRefMap[K, V](default)
  /** Creates a new `AnyRefMap` from arrays of keys and values. 
   *  Equivalent to but more efficient than `AnyRefMap((keys zip values): _*)`.
  def fromZip[K <: AnyRef, V](keys: Array[K], values: Array[V]): AnyRefMap[K, V] = {
    val sz = math.min(keys.length, values.length)
    val arm = new AnyRefMap[K, V](sz * 2)
    var i = 0
    while (i < sz) { arm(keys(i)) = values(i); i += 1 }
    if (arm.size < (sz>>3)) arm.repack()
  /** Creates a new `AnyRefMap` from keys and values. 
   *  Equivalent to but more efficient than `AnyRefMap((keys zip values): _*)`.
  def fromZip[K <: AnyRef, V](keys: Iterable[K], values: Iterable[V]): AnyRefMap[K, V] = {
    val sz = math.min(keys.size, values.size)
    val arm = new AnyRefMap[K, V](sz * 2)
    val ki = keys.iterator
    val vi = values.iterator
    while (ki.hasNext && vi.hasNext) arm( =
    if (arm.size < (sz >> 3)) arm.repack()

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala AnyRefMap.scala source code file:

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