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Scala example source code file (ArrayStack.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ArrayStack.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, array, arraystack, builder, canbuildfrom, cloneable, int, reflection, serializable, t, unit

The ArrayStack.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package mutable

import generic._
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

/** Factory object for the `ArrayStack` class.
 *  $factoryInfo
 *  @define coll array stack
 *  @define Coll `ArrayStack`
object ArrayStack extends SeqFactory[ArrayStack] {
  implicit def canBuildFrom[A]: CanBuildFrom[Coll, A, ArrayStack[A]] = ReusableCBF.asInstanceOf[GenericCanBuildFrom[A]]
  def newBuilder[A]: Builder[A, ArrayStack[A]] = new ArrayStack[A]
  def empty: ArrayStack[Nothing] = new ArrayStack()
  def apply[A: ClassTag](elems: A*): ArrayStack[A] = {
    val els: Array[AnyRef] = elems.reverseMap(_.asInstanceOf[AnyRef])(breakOut)
    if (els.length == 0) new ArrayStack()
    else new ArrayStack[A](els, els.length)

  private[mutable] def growArray(x: Array[AnyRef]) = {
    val y = new Array[AnyRef](math.max(x.length * 2, 1))
    Array.copy(x, 0, y, 0, x.length)

  private[mutable] def clone(x: Array[AnyRef]) = {
    val y = new Array[AnyRef](x.length)
    Array.copy(x, 0, y, 0, x.length)

/** Simple stack class backed by an array. Should be significantly faster
 *  than the standard mutable stack.
 *  @author David MacIver
 *  @since  2.7
 *  @see [[ "Scala's Collection Library overview"]]
 *  section on `Array Stacks` for more information.
 *  @tparam T    type of the elements contained in this array stack.
 *  @define Coll `ArrayStack`
 *  @define coll array stack
 *  @define orderDependent
 *  @define orderDependentFold
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
class ArrayStack[T] private(private var table : Array[AnyRef],
                            private var index : Int)
extends AbstractSeq[T]
   with Seq[T]
   with SeqLike[T, ArrayStack[T]]
   with GenericTraversableTemplate[T, ArrayStack]
   with Cloneable[ArrayStack[T]]
   with Builder[T, ArrayStack[T]]
   with Serializable
  def this() = this(new Array[AnyRef](1), 0)

  /** Retrieve n'th element from stack, where top of stack has index 0.
   *  This is a constant time operation.
   *  @param n     the index of the element to return
   *  @return      the element at the specified index
   *  @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds
  def apply(n: Int): T =
    table(index - 1 - n).asInstanceOf[T]

  /** The number of elements in the stack */
  def length = index

  override def companion = ArrayStack

  /** Replace element at index `n` with the new element `newelem`.
   *  This is a constant time operation.
   *  @param n       the index of the element to replace.
   *  @param newelem the new element.
   *  @throws   IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is not valid
  def update(n: Int, newelem: T) =
    table(index - 1 - n) = newelem.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]

  /** Push an element onto the stack.
   *  @param x The element to push
  def push(x: T) {
    if (index == table.length) table = ArrayStack.growArray(table)
    table(index) = x.asInstanceOf[AnyRef]
    index += 1

  /** Pop the top element off the stack.
   *  @return the element on top of the stack
  def pop(): T = {
    if (index == 0) sys.error("Stack empty")
    index -= 1
    val x = table(index).asInstanceOf[T]
    table(index) = null

  /** View the top element of the stack.
   *  Does not remove the element on the top. If the stack is empty,
   *  an exception is thrown.
   *  @return the element on top of the stack.
  def top: T = table(index - 1).asInstanceOf[T]

  /** Duplicate the top element of the stack.
   *  After calling this method, the stack will have an additional element at
   *  the top equal to the element that was previously at the top.
   *  If the stack is empty, an exception is thrown.
  def dup() = push(top)

  /** Empties the stack. */
  def clear() {
    index = 0
    table = new Array(1)

  /** Empties the stack, passing all elements on it in LIFO order to the
   *  provided function.
   *  @param f The function to drain to.
  def drain(f: T => Unit) = while (!isEmpty) f(pop())

  /** Pushes all the provided elements in the traversable object onto the stack.
   *  @param xs The source of elements to push.
   *  @return   A reference to this stack.
  override def ++=(xs: TraversableOnce[T]): this.type = { xs foreach += ; this }

  /** Does the same as `push`, but returns the updated stack.
   *  @param x  The element to push.
   *  @return   A reference to this stack.
  def +=(x: T): this.type = { push(x); this }

  def result = {

  private def reverseTable() {
    var i = 0
    val until = index / 2
    while (i < until) {
      val revi = index - i - 1
      val tmp = table(i)
      table(i) = table(revi)
      table(revi) = tmp
      i += 1

  /** Pop the top two elements off the stack, apply `f` to them and push the result
   *  back on to the stack.
   *  This function will throw an exception if stack contains fewer than 2 elements.
   *  @param f   The function to apply to the top two elements.
  def combine(f: (T, T) => T): Unit = push(f(pop(), pop()))

  /** Repeatedly combine the top elements of the stack until the stack contains only
   *  one element.
   *  @param f   The function to apply repeatedly to topmost elements.
  def reduceWith(f: (T, T) => T): Unit = while(size > 1) combine(f)

  override def size = index

  /** Evaluates the expression, preserving the contents of the stack so that
   *  any changes the evaluation makes to the stack contents will be undone after
   *  it completes.
   *  @param action The action to run.
  def preserving[T](action: => T) = {
    val oldIndex = index
    val oldTable = ArrayStack.clone(table)

    try {
    } finally {
      index = oldIndex
      table = oldTable

  override def isEmpty: Boolean = index == 0

  /** Creates and iterator over the stack in LIFO order.
   *  @return an iterator over the elements of the stack.
  def iterator: Iterator[T] = new AbstractIterator[T] {
    var currentIndex = index
    def hasNext = currentIndex > 0
    def next() = {
      currentIndex -= 1

  override def foreach[U](f: T =>  U) {
    var currentIndex = index
    while (currentIndex > 0) {
      currentIndex -= 1

  override def clone() = new ArrayStack[T](ArrayStack.clone(table), index)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ArrayStack.scala source code file:

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