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Scala example source code file (OpenHashMap.scala)

This example Scala source code file (OpenHashMap.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

array, entry, int, key, none, openentry, openhashmap, option, v, value

The OpenHashMap.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package mutable

 *  @define Coll `OpenHashMap`
 *  @define coll open hash map
 *  @since 2.7
object OpenHashMap {

  def apply[K, V](elems : (K, V)*) = new OpenHashMap[K, V] ++= elems
  def empty[K, V] = new OpenHashMap[K, V]

  final private class OpenEntry[Key, Value](val key: Key,
                                            val hash: Int,
                                            var value: Option[Value])
                extends HashEntry[Key, OpenEntry[Key, Value]]

  private[mutable] def nextPositivePowerOfTwo(i : Int) = 1 << (32 - Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(i - 1))

/** A mutable hash map based on an open hashing scheme. The precise scheme is
 *  undefined, but it should make a reasonable effort to ensure that an insert
 *  with consecutive hash codes is not unneccessarily penalised. In particular,
 *  mappings of consecutive integer keys should work without significant
 *  performance loss.
 *  @tparam Key          type of the keys in this map.
 *  @tparam Value        type of the values in this map.
 *  @param initialSize   the initial size of the internal hash table.
 *  @author David MacIver
 *  @since  2.7
 *  @define Coll `OpenHashMap`
 *  @define coll open hash map
 *  @define mayNotTerminateInf
 *  @define willNotTerminateInf
class OpenHashMap[Key, Value](initialSize : Int)
extends AbstractMap[Key, Value]
   with Map[Key, Value]
   with MapLike[Key, Value, OpenHashMap[Key, Value]] {

  import OpenHashMap.OpenEntry
  private type Entry = OpenEntry[Key, Value]

  /** A default constructor creates a hashmap with initial size `8`.
  def this() = this(8)

  override def empty: OpenHashMap[Key, Value] = OpenHashMap.empty[Key, Value]

  private[this] val actualInitialSize = OpenHashMap.nextPositivePowerOfTwo(initialSize)

  private var mask = actualInitialSize - 1
  private var table : Array[Entry] = new Array[Entry](actualInitialSize)
  private var _size = 0
  private var deleted = 0

  // Used for tracking inserts so that iterators can determine in concurrent modification has occurred.
  private[this] var modCount = 0

  override def size = _size
  private[this] def size_=(s : Int) { _size = s }

  /** Returns a mangled hash code of the provided key. */
  protected def hashOf(key: Key) = {
    var h = key.##
    h ^= ((h >>> 20) ^ (h >>> 12))
    h ^ (h >>> 7) ^ (h >>> 4)

  private[this] def growTable() = {
    val oldSize = mask + 1
    val newSize = 4 * oldSize
    val oldTable = table
    table = new Array[Entry](newSize)
    mask = newSize - 1
    oldTable.foreach( entry =>
      if (entry != null && entry.value != None) addEntry(entry))
    deleted = 0

  private[this] def findIndex(key: Key) : Int = findIndex(key, hashOf(key))

  private[this] def findIndex(key: Key, hash: Int): Int = {
    var j = hash

    var index = hash & mask
    var perturb = index
    while(table(index) != null &&
          !(table(index).hash == hash &&
            table(index).key == key)){
      j = 5 * j + 1 + perturb
      perturb >>= 5
      index = j & mask

  private[this] def addEntry(entry: Entry) =
    if (entry != null) table(findIndex(entry.key, entry.hash)) = entry

  override def update(key: Key, value: Value) {
    put(key, hashOf(key), value)

  @deprecatedOverriding("+= should not be overridden in order to maintain consistency with put.", "2.11.0")
  def += (kv: (Key, Value)): this.type = { put(kv._1, kv._2); this }
  @deprecatedOverriding("-= should not be overridden in order to maintain consistency with remove.", "2.11.0")
  def -= (key: Key): this.type = { remove(key); this }

  override def put(key: Key, value: Value): Option[Value] =
    put(key, hashOf(key), value)

  private def put(key: Key, hash: Int, value: Value): Option[Value] = {
    if (2 * (size + deleted) > mask) growTable()
    val index = findIndex(key, hash)
    val entry = table(index)
    if (entry == null) {
      table(index) = new OpenEntry(key, hash, Some(value))
      modCount += 1
      size += 1
    } else {
      val res = entry.value
      if (entry.value == None) { size += 1; modCount += 1 }
      entry.value = Some(value)

  override def remove(key : Key): Option[Value] = {
    val index = findIndex(key)
    if (table(index) != null && table(index).value != None){
      val res = table(index).value
      table(index).value = None
      size -= 1
      deleted += 1
    } else None

  def get(key : Key) : Option[Value] = {
    val hash = hashOf(key)

    var j = hash
    var index = hash & mask
    var perturb = index
    var entry = table(index)
    while(entry != null){
      if (entry.hash == hash &&
          entry.key == key){
        return entry.value

      j = 5 * j + 1 + perturb
      perturb >>= 5
      index = j & mask
      entry = table(index)

  /** An iterator over the elements of this map. Use of this iterator follows
   *  the same contract for concurrent modification as the foreach method.
   *  @return   the iterator
  def iterator: Iterator[(Key, Value)] = new AbstractIterator[(Key, Value)] {
    var index = 0
    val initialModCount = modCount

    private[this] def advance() {
      if (initialModCount != modCount) sys.error("Concurrent modification")
      while((index <= mask) && (table(index) == null || table(index).value == None)) index+=1

    def hasNext = {advance(); index <= mask }

    def next = {
      val result = table(index)
      index += 1
      (result.key, result.value.get)

  override def clone() = {
    val it = new OpenHashMap[Key, Value]
    foreachUndeletedEntry(entry => it.put(entry.key, entry.hash, entry.value.get))

  /** Loop over the key, value mappings of this map.
   *  The behaviour of modifying the map during an iteration is as follows:
   *  - Deleting a mapping is always permitted.
   *  - Changing the value of mapping which is already present is permitted.
   *  - Anything else is not permitted. It will usually, but not always, throw an exception.
   *  @tparam U  The return type of the specified function `f`, return result of which is ignored.
   *  @param f   The function to apply to each key, value mapping.
  override def foreach[U](f : ((Key, Value)) => U) {
    val startModCount = modCount
    foreachUndeletedEntry(entry => {
      if (modCount != startModCount) sys.error("Concurrent Modification")
      f((entry.key, entry.value.get))}

  private[this] def foreachUndeletedEntry(f : Entry => Unit){
    table.foreach(entry => if (entry != null && entry.value != None) f(entry))

  override def transform(f : (Key, Value) => Value) = {
    foreachUndeletedEntry(entry => entry.value = Some(f(entry.key, entry.value.get)))

  override def retain(f : (Key, Value) => Boolean) = {
    foreachUndeletedEntry(entry => if (!f(entry.key, entry.value.get)) {entry.value = None; size -= 1; deleted += 1} )

  override def stringPrefix = "OpenHashMap"

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala OpenHashMap.scala source code file:

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