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Scala example source code file (SetLike.scala)

This example Scala source code file (SetLike.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

a, annotation, boolean, builder, gentraversableonce, scripting, setlike, si-7269, this, unit, use

The SetLike.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection
package mutable

import generic._
import script._
import scala.annotation.migration
import parallel.mutable.ParSet

/** A template trait for mutable sets of type `mutable.Set[A]`.
 *  @tparam A    the type of the elements of the set
 *  @tparam This the type of the set itself.
 *  $setnote
 *  @author  Martin Odersky
 *  @version 2.8
 *  @since 2.8
 *  @define setnote
 *  @note
 *    This trait provides most of the operations of a `mutable.Set` independently of its representation.
 *    It is typically inherited by concrete implementations of sets.
 *    To implement a concrete mutable set, you need to provide implementations
 *    of the following methods:
 *    {{{
 *       def contains(elem: A): Boolean
 *       def iterator: Iterator[A]
 *       def += (elem: A): this.type
 *       def -= (elem: A): this.type</pre>
 *    }}}
 *    If you wish that methods like `take`,
 *    `drop`, `filter` return the same kind of set,
 *    you should also override:
 *    {{{
 *       def empty: This</pre>
 *    }}}
 *    It is also good idea to override methods `foreach` and
 *    `size` for efficiency.
 *  @define addDuplicates
 *    Note that duplicates (elements for which `equals` yields true) will be
 *    removed, but it is not specified whether it will be an element of this
 *    set or a newly added element.
 *  @define coll mutable set
 *  @define Coll mutable.Set
trait SetLike[A, +This <: SetLike[A, This] with Set[A]]
  extends scala.collection.SetLike[A, This]
     with Scriptable[A]
     with Builder[A, This]
     with Growable[A]
     with Shrinkable[A]
     with Cloneable[mutable.Set[A]]
     with Parallelizable[A, ParSet[A]]
{ self =>

  /** A common implementation of `newBuilder` for all mutable sets
   *  in terms of `empty`. Overrides the implementation in `collection.SetLike`
   *  for better efficiency.
  override protected[this] def newBuilder: Builder[A, This] = empty

  protected[this] override def parCombiner = ParSet.newCombiner[A]

  /** Adds an element to this $coll.
   *  @param elem the element to be added
   *  @return `true` if the element was not yet present in the set, `false` otherwise.
  def add(elem: A): Boolean = {
    val r = contains(elem)
    this += elem

  /** Removes an element from this set.
   *  @param elem  The element to be removed.
   *  @return  `true` if the element was previously present in the set, `false` otherwise.
  def remove(elem: A): Boolean = {
    val r = contains(elem)
    this -= elem

  /** Updates the presence of a single element in this set.
   * This method allows one to add or remove an element `elem`
   *  from this set depending on the value of parameter `included`.
   *  Typically, one would use the following syntax:
   *  {{{
   *     set(elem) = true  // adds element
   *     set(elem) = false // removes element
   *  }}}
   *  @param elem     the element to be added or removed
   *  @param included a flag indicating whether element should be included or excluded.
  def update(elem: A, included: Boolean) {
    if (included) this += elem else this -= elem

  // abstract methods from Growable/Shrinkable

  /** Adds a single element to the set. */
  def +=(elem: A): this.type
  def -=(elem: A): this.type

  /** Removes all elements from the set for which do not satisfy a predicate.
   *  @param  p  the predicate used to test elements. Only elements for
   *             which `p` returns `true` are retained in the set; all others
   *             are removed.
  def retain(p: A => Boolean): Unit =
    for (elem <- this.toList) // SI-7269 toList avoids ConcurrentModificationException
      if (!p(elem)) this -= elem

  /** Removes all elements from the set. After this operation is completed,
   *  the set will be empty.
  def clear() { foreach(-=) }

  override def clone(): This = empty ++= repr.seq

  /** The result when this set is used as a builder
   *  @return  the set representation itself.
  def result: This = repr

  /** Creates a new set consisting of all the elements of this set and `elem`.
   *  $addDuplicates
   *  @param elem  the element to add.
   *  @return      a new set consisting of elements of this set and `elem`.
  @migration("`+` creates a new set. Use `+=` to add an element to this set and return that set itself.", "2.8.0")
  override def + (elem: A): This = clone() += elem

  /** Creates a new set consisting of all the elements of this set and two or more
   *  specified elements.
   *  $addDuplicates
   *  @param elem1 the first element to add.
   *  @param elem2 the second element to add.
   *  @param elems the remaining elements to add.
   *  @return      a new set consisting of all the elements of this set, `elem1`,
   *               `elem2` and those in `elems`.
  @migration("`+` creates a new set. Use `+=` to add an element to this set and return that set itself.", "2.8.0")
  override def + (elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): This =
    clone() += elem1 += elem2 ++= elems

  /** Creates a new set consisting of all the elements of this set and those
   *  provided by the specified traversable object.
   *  $addDuplicates
   *  @param xs        the traversable object.
   *  @return          a new set consisting of elements of this set and those in `xs`.
  @migration("`++` creates a new set. Use `++=` to add elements to this set and return that set itself.", "2.8.0")
  override def ++(xs: GenTraversableOnce[A]): This = clone() ++= xs.seq

  /** Creates a new set consisting of all the elements of this set except `elem`.
   *  @param elem  the element to remove.
   *  @return      a new set consisting of all the elements of this set except `elem`.
  @migration("`-` creates a new set. Use `-=` to remove an element from this set and return that set itself.", "2.8.0")
  override def -(elem: A): This = clone() -= elem

  /** Creates a new set consisting of all the elements of this set except the two
   *  or more specified elements.
   *  @param elem1 the first element to remove.
   *  @param elem2 the second element to remove.
   *  @param elems the remaining elements to remove.
   *  @return      a new set consisting of all the elements of this set except
   *               `elem1`, `elem2` and `elems`.
  @migration("`-` creates a new set. Use `-=` to remove an element from this set and return that set itself.", "2.8.0")
  override def -(elem1: A, elem2: A, elems: A*): This =
    clone() -= elem1 -= elem2 --= elems

  /** Creates a new set consisting of all the elements of this set except those
   *  provided by the specified traversable object.
   *  @param xs       the traversable object.
   *  @return         a new set consisting of all the elements of this set except
   *                  elements from `xs`.
  @migration("`--` creates a new set. Use `--=` to remove elements from this set and return that set itself.", "2.8.0")
  override def --(xs: GenTraversableOnce[A]): This = clone() --= xs.seq

  /** Send a message to this scriptable object.
   *  @param cmd  the message to send.
   *  @throws `Predef.UnsupportedOperationException`
   *  if the message was not understood.
  @deprecated("Scripting is deprecated.", "2.11.0")
  def <<(cmd: Message[A]): Unit = cmd match {
    case Include(_, x)     => this += x
    case Remove(_, x)      => this -= x
    case Reset()           => clear()
    case s: Script[_]      => s.iterator foreach <<
    case _                 => throw new UnsupportedOperationException("message " + cmd + " not understood")

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala SetLike.scala source code file:

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