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Scala example source code file (UnrolledBuffer.scala)

This example Scala source code file (UnrolledBuffer.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, array, canbuildfrom, classtag, collection, generics, int, reflection, serializable, t, u, unit, unrolled, unrolledbuffer

The UnrolledBuffer.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection.mutable

import scala.collection.AbstractIterator
import scala.collection.Iterator
import scala.collection.generic._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

/** A buffer that stores elements in an unrolled linked list.
 *  Unrolled linked lists store elements in linked fixed size
 *  arrays.
 *  Unrolled buffers retain locality and low memory overhead
 *  properties of array buffers, but offer much more efficient
 *  element addition, since they never reallocate and copy the
 *  internal array.
 *  However, they provide `O(n/m)` complexity random access,
 *  where `n` is the number of elements, and `m` the size of
 *  internal array chunks.
 *  Ideal to use when:
 *  - elements are added to the buffer and then all of the
 *    elements are traversed sequentially
 *  - two unrolled buffers need to be concatenated (see `concat`)
 *  Better than singly linked lists for random access, but
 *  should still be avoided for such a purpose.
 *  @define coll unrolled buffer
 *  @define Coll `UnrolledBuffer`
 *  @author Aleksandar Prokopec
@deprecatedInheritance("UnrolledBuffer is not designed to enable meaningful subclassing.", "2.11.0")
class UnrolledBuffer[T](implicit val tag: ClassTag[T])
extends scala.collection.mutable.AbstractBuffer[T]
   with scala.collection.mutable.Buffer[T]
   with scala.collection.mutable.BufferLike[T, UnrolledBuffer[T]]
   with GenericClassTagTraversableTemplate[T, UnrolledBuffer]
   with scala.collection.mutable.Builder[T, UnrolledBuffer[T]]
   with Serializable
  import UnrolledBuffer.Unrolled

  @transient private var headptr = newUnrolled
  @transient private var lastptr = headptr
  @transient private var sz = 0

  private[collection] def headPtr = headptr
  private[collection] def headPtr_=(head: Unrolled[T]) = headptr = head
  private[collection] def lastPtr = lastptr
  private[collection] def lastPtr_=(last: Unrolled[T]) = lastptr = last
  private[collection] def size_=(s: Int) = sz = s

  protected[this] override def newBuilder = new UnrolledBuffer[T]

  protected def newUnrolled = new Unrolled[T](this)

  // The below would allow more flexible behavior without requiring inheritance
  // that is risky because all the important internals are private.
  // private var myLengthPolicy: Int => Int = x => x
  // /** Specifies how the array lengths should vary.
  //   * 
  //   *  By default,  `UnrolledBuffer` uses arrays of a fixed size.  A length
  //   *  policy can be given that changes this scheme to, for instance, an
  //   *  exponential growth.
  //   * 
  //   *  @param nextLength   computes the length of the next array from the length of the latest one
  //   */
  // def setLengthPolicy(nextLength: Int => Int): Unit = { myLengthPolicy = nextLength }
  private[collection] def calcNextLength(sz: Int) = sz // myLengthPolicy(sz)

  def classTagCompanion = UnrolledBuffer

  /** Concatenates the targer unrolled buffer to this unrolled buffer.
   *  The specified buffer `that` is cleared after this operation. This is
   *  an O(1) operation.
   *  @param that    the unrolled buffer whose elements are added to this buffer
  def concat(that: UnrolledBuffer[T]) = {
    // bind the two together
    if (!lastptr.bind(that.headptr)) lastptr = that.lastPtr

    // update size
    sz +=

    // `that` is no longer usable, so clear it
    // here we rely on the fact that `clear` allocates
    // new nodes instead of modifying the previous ones

    // return a reference to this

  def +=(elem: T) = {
    lastptr = lastptr.append(elem)
    sz += 1

  def clear() {
    headptr = newUnrolled
    lastptr = headptr
    sz = 0

  def iterator: Iterator[T] = new AbstractIterator[T] {
    var pos: Int = -1
    var node: Unrolled[T] = headptr

    private def scan() {
      pos += 1
      while (pos >= node.size) {
        pos = 0
        node =
        if (node eq null) return
    def hasNext = node ne null
    def next = if (hasNext) {
      val r = node.array(pos)
    } else

  // this should be faster than the iterator
  override def foreach[U](f: T => U) = headptr.foreach(f)

  def result = this

  def length = sz

  def apply(idx: Int) =
    if (idx >= 0 && idx < sz) headptr(idx)
    else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)

  def update(idx: Int, newelem: T) =
    if (idx >= 0 && idx < sz) headptr(idx) = newelem
    else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)

  def remove(idx: Int) =
    if (idx >= 0 && idx < sz) {
      sz -= 1
      headptr.remove(idx, this)
    } else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)

  def +=:(elem: T) = {
    headptr = headptr prepend elem
    sz += 1

  def insertAll(idx: Int, elems: scala.collection.Traversable[T]) =
    if (idx >= 0 && idx <= sz) {
      headptr.insertAll(idx, elems, this)
      sz += elems.size
    } else throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)

  private def writeObject(out: {
    out writeInt sz
    for (elem <- this) out writeObject elem

  private def readObject(in: {

    val num = in.readInt

    headPtr = newUnrolled
    lastPtr = headPtr
    sz = 0
    var i = 0
    while (i < num) {
      this += in.readObject.asInstanceOf[T]
      i += 1

  override def clone(): UnrolledBuffer[T] = new UnrolledBuffer[T] ++= this

  override def stringPrefix = "UnrolledBuffer"

object UnrolledBuffer extends ClassTagTraversableFactory[UnrolledBuffer] {
  /** $genericCanBuildFromInfo */
  implicit def canBuildFrom[T](implicit t: ClassTag[T]): CanBuildFrom[Coll, T, UnrolledBuffer[T]] =
    new GenericCanBuildFrom[T]
  def newBuilder[T](implicit t: ClassTag[T]): Builder[T, UnrolledBuffer[T]] = new UnrolledBuffer[T]

  val waterline = 50
  val waterlineDelim = 100
  private[collection] val unrolledlength = 32

  /** Unrolled buffer node.
  class Unrolled[T: ClassTag] private[collection] (var size: Int, var array: Array[T], var next: Unrolled[T], val buff: UnrolledBuffer[T] = null) {
    private[collection] def this() = this(0, new Array[T](unrolledlength), null, null)
    private[collection] def this(b: UnrolledBuffer[T]) = this(0, new Array[T](unrolledlength), null, b)

    private def nextlength = if (buff eq null) unrolledlength else buff.calcNextLength(array.length)

    // adds and returns itself or the new unrolled if full
    @tailrec final def append(elem: T): Unrolled[T] = if (size < array.length) {
      array(size) = elem
      size += 1
    } else {
      next = new Unrolled[T](0, new Array[T](nextlength), null, buff)
      next append elem
    def foreach[U](f: T => U) {
      var unrolled = this
      var i = 0
      while (unrolled ne null) {
        val chunkarr = unrolled.array
        val chunksz = unrolled.size
        while (i < chunksz) {
          val elem = chunkarr(i)
          i += 1
        i = 0
        unrolled =
    @tailrec final def apply(idx: Int): T =
      if (idx < size) array(idx) else next.apply(idx - size)
    @tailrec final def update(idx: Int, newelem: T): Unit =
      if (idx < size) array(idx) = newelem else next.update(idx - size, newelem)
    @tailrec final def locate(idx: Int): Unrolled[T] =
      if (idx < size) this else next.locate(idx - size)
    def prepend(elem: T) = if (size < array.length) {
      // shift the elements of the array right
      // then insert the element
      array(0) = elem
      size += 1
    } else {
      // allocate a new node and store element
      // then make it point to this
      val newhead = new Unrolled[T](buff)
      newhead append elem = this
    // shifts right assuming enough space
    private def shiftright() {
      var i = size - 1
      while (i >= 0) {
        array(i + 1) = array(i)
        i -= 1
    // returns pointer to new last if changed
    @tailrec final def remove(idx: Int, buffer: UnrolledBuffer[T]): T =
      if (idx < size) {
        // remove the element
        // then try to merge with the next bucket
        val r = array(idx)
        size -= 1
        if (tryMergeWithNext()) buffer.lastPtr = this
      } else next.remove(idx - size, buffer)
    // shifts left elements after `leftb` (overwrites `leftb`)
    private def shiftleft(leftb: Int) {
      var i = leftb
      while (i < (size - 1)) {
        array(i) = array(i + 1)
        i += 1
      nullout(i, i + 1)
    protected def tryMergeWithNext() = if (next != null && (size + next.size) < (array.length * waterline / waterlineDelim)) {
      // copy the next array, then discard the next node
      Array.copy(next.array, 0, array, size, next.size)
      size = size + next.size
      next =
      if (next eq null) true else false // checks if last node was thrown out
    } else false

    @tailrec final def insertAll(idx: Int, t: scala.collection.Traversable[T], buffer: UnrolledBuffer[T]): Unit = if (idx < size) {
      // divide this node at the appropriate position and insert all into head
      // update new next
      val newnextnode = new Unrolled[T](0, new Array(array.length), null, buff)
      Array.copy(array, idx, newnextnode.array, 0, size - idx)
      newnextnode.size = size - idx = next

      // update this
      nullout(idx, size)
      size = idx
      next = null

      // insert everything from iterable to this
      var curr = this
      for (elem <- t) curr = curr append elem = newnextnode

      // try to merge the last node of this with the newnextnode
      if (curr.tryMergeWithNext()) buffer.lastPtr = curr
    } else insertAll(idx - size, t, buffer)
    private def nullout(from: Int, until: Int) {
      var idx = from
      while (idx < until) {
        array(idx) = null.asInstanceOf[T] // TODO find a way to assign a default here!!
        idx += 1

    // assumes this is the last node
    // `thathead` and `thatlast` are head and last node
    // of the other unrolled list, respectively
    def bind(thathead: Unrolled[T]) = {
      assert(next eq null)
      next = thathead

    override def toString = array.take(size).mkString("Unrolled[" + array.length + "](", ", ", ")") + " -> " + (if (next ne null) next.toString else "")


Other Scala source code examples

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