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Scala example source code file (Tasks.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Tasks.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

adaptiveworkstealingtasks, annotation, concurrent, forkjoin, forkjoinpool, forkjointasks, future, futuretasks, r, task, tasks, tp, wrappedtask

The Tasks.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection.parallel

import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor
import scala.concurrent.forkjoin._
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.util.control.Breaks._
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance

trait Task[R, +Tp] {
  type Result = R

  def repr = this.asInstanceOf[Tp]

  /** Body of the task - non-divisible unit of work done by this task.
   *  Optionally is provided with the result from the previous completed task
   *  or `None` if there was no previous task (or the previous task is uncompleted or unknown).
  def leaf(result: Option[R])

  /** A result that can be accessed once the task is completed. */
  var result: R

  /** Decides whether or not this task should be split further. */
  def shouldSplitFurther: Boolean

  /** Splits this task into a list of smaller tasks. */
  private[parallel] def split: Seq[Task[R, Tp]]

  /** Read of results of `that` task and merge them into results of this one. */
  private[parallel] def merge(that: Tp @uncheckedVariance) {}

  // exception handling mechanism
  @volatile var throwable: Throwable = null
  def forwardThrowable() = if (throwable != null) throw throwable

  // tries to do the leaf computation, storing the possible exception
  private[parallel] def tryLeaf(lastres: Option[R]) {
    try {
      tryBreakable {
        result = result // ensure that effects of `leaf` are visible to readers of `result`
      } catchBreak {
    } catch {
      case thr: Throwable =>
        result = result // ensure that effects of `leaf` are visible
      throwable = thr

  private[parallel] def tryMerge(t: Tp @uncheckedVariance) {
    val that = t.asInstanceOf[Task[R, Tp]]
    if (this.throwable == null && that.throwable == null) merge(t)

  private[parallel] def mergeThrowables(that: Task[_, _]) {
    // TODO: As soon as we target Java >= 7, use Throwable#addSuppressed
    // to pass additional Throwables to the caller, e. g.
    // if (this.throwable != null && that.throwable != null)
    //   this.throwable.addSuppressed(that.throwable)
    // For now, we just use whatever Throwable comes across “first”.
    if (this.throwable == null && that.throwable != null)
      this.throwable = that.throwable

  // override in concrete task implementations to signal abort to other tasks
  private[parallel] def signalAbort() {}

/** A trait that declares task execution capabilities used
 *  by parallel collections.
trait Tasks {

  private[parallel] val debugMessages = scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[String]()

  private[parallel] def debuglog(s: String) = synchronized {
    debugMessages += s

  trait WrappedTask[R, +Tp] {
    /** the body of this task - what it executes, how it gets split and how results are merged. */
    val body: Task[R, Tp]

    def split: Seq[WrappedTask[R, Tp]]
    /** Code that gets called after the task gets started - it may spawn other tasks instead of calling `leaf`. */
    def compute()
    /** Start task. */
    def start()
    /** Wait for task to finish. */
    def sync()
    /** Try to cancel the task.
     *  @return     `true` if cancellation is successful.
    def tryCancel(): Boolean
    /** If the task has been cancelled successfully, those syncing on it may
     *  automatically be notified, depending on the implementation. If they
     *  aren't, this release method should be called after processing the
     *  cancelled task.
     *  This method may be overridden.
    def release() {}

  /* task control */

  /** The type of the environment is more specific in the implementations. */
  val environment: AnyRef

  /** Executes a task and returns a future. Forwards an exception if some task threw it. */
  def execute[R, Tp](fjtask: Task[R, Tp]): () => R

  /** Executes a result task, waits for it to finish, then returns its result. Forwards an exception if some task threw it. */
  def executeAndWaitResult[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): R

  /** Retrieves the parallelism level of the task execution environment. */
  def parallelismLevel: Int


/** This trait implements scheduling by employing
 *  an adaptive work stealing technique.
trait AdaptiveWorkStealingTasks extends Tasks {

  trait WrappedTask[R, Tp] extends super.WrappedTask[R, Tp] {
    @volatile var next: WrappedTask[R, Tp] = null
    @volatile var shouldWaitFor = true

    def split: Seq[WrappedTask[R, Tp]]

    def compute() = if (body.shouldSplitFurther) {
    } else {

    def internal() = {
      var last = spawnSubtasks()

      body.result = last.body.result
      body.throwable = last.body.throwable

      while ( != null) {
        // val lastresult = Option(last.body.result)
        last =
        if (last.tryCancel()) {
          // println("Done with " + beforelast.body + ", next direct is " + last.body)
        } else {
          // println("Done with " + beforelast.body + ", next sync is " + last.body)
        // println("Merging " + body + " with " + last.body)

    def spawnSubtasks() = {
      var last: WrappedTask[R, Tp] = null
      var head: WrappedTask[R, Tp] = this
      do {
        val subtasks = head.split
        head = subtasks.head
        for (t <- subtasks.tail.reverse) {
 = last
          last = t
      } while (head.body.shouldSplitFurther) = last

    def printChain() = {
      var curr = this
      var chain = "chain: "
      while (curr != null) {
        chain += curr + " ---> "
        curr =

  // specialize ctor
  protected def newWrappedTask[R, Tp](b: Task[R, Tp]): WrappedTask[R, Tp]


/** An implementation of tasks objects based on the Java thread pooling API. */
@deprecated("Use `ForkJoinTasks` instead.", "2.11.0")
trait ThreadPoolTasks extends Tasks {
  import java.util.concurrent._

  trait WrappedTask[R, +Tp] extends Runnable with super.WrappedTask[R, Tp] {
    // initially, this is null
    // once the task is started, this future is set and used for `sync`
    // utb: var future: Future[_] = null
    @volatile var owned = false
    @volatile var completed = false

    def start() = synchronized {
      // debuglog("Starting " + body)
      // utb: future = executor.submit(this)
      executor.synchronized {
    def sync() = synchronized {
      // debuglog("Syncing on " + body)
      // utb: future.get()
      executor.synchronized {
        val coresize = executor.getCorePoolSize
        if (coresize < totaltasks) {
          executor.setCorePoolSize(coresize + 1)
          //assert(executor.getCorePoolSize == (coresize + 1))
      while (!completed) this.wait
    def tryCancel() = synchronized {
      // utb: future.cancel(false)
      if (!owned) {
        // debuglog("Cancelling " + body)
        owned = true
      } else false
    def run() = {
      // utb: compute
      var isOkToRun = false
      synchronized {
        if (!owned) {
          owned = true
          isOkToRun = true
      if (isOkToRun) {
        // debuglog("Running body of " + body)
      } else {
        // just skip
        // debuglog("skipping body of " + body)
    override def release() = synchronized {
      //println("releasing: " + this + ", body: " + this.body)
      completed = true
      executor.synchronized {

  protected def newWrappedTask[R, Tp](b: Task[R, Tp]): WrappedTask[R, Tp]

  val environment: ThreadPoolExecutor
  def executor = environment.asInstanceOf[ThreadPoolExecutor]
  def queue = executor.getQueue.asInstanceOf[LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable]]
  @volatile var totaltasks = 0

  private def incrTasks() = synchronized {
    totaltasks += 1

  private def decrTasks() = synchronized {
    totaltasks -= 1

  def execute[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): () => R = {
    val t = newWrappedTask(task)

    // debuglog("-----------> Executing without wait: " + task)

    () => {

  def executeAndWaitResult[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): R = {
    val t = newWrappedTask(task)

    // debuglog("-----------> Executing with wait: " + task)


  def parallelismLevel = ThreadPoolTasks.numCores


@deprecated("Use `ForkJoinTasks` instead.", "2.11.0")
object ThreadPoolTasks {
  import java.util.concurrent._

  val numCores = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors

  val tcount = new atomic.AtomicLong(0L)

  val defaultThreadPool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(
    60L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
    new LinkedBlockingQueue[Runnable],
    new ThreadFactory {
      def newThread(r: Runnable) = {
        val t = new Thread(r)
        t.setName("pc-thread-" + tcount.incrementAndGet)
    new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy

object FutureThreadPoolTasks {
  import java.util.concurrent._

  val numCores = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors

  val tcount = new atomic.AtomicLong(0L)

  val defaultThreadPool = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()

 * A trait describing objects that provide a fork/join pool.
trait HavingForkJoinPool {
  def forkJoinPool: ForkJoinPool

/** An implementation trait for parallel tasks based on the fork/join framework.
 *  @define fjdispatch
 *  If the current thread is a fork/join worker thread, the task's `fork` method will
 *  be invoked. Otherwise, the task will be executed on the fork/join pool.
trait ForkJoinTasks extends Tasks with HavingForkJoinPool {

  trait WrappedTask[R, +Tp] extends RecursiveAction with super.WrappedTask[R, Tp] {
    def start() = fork
    def sync() = join
    def tryCancel = tryUnfork

  // specialize ctor
  protected def newWrappedTask[R, Tp](b: Task[R, Tp]): WrappedTask[R, Tp]

  /** The fork/join pool of this collection.
  def forkJoinPool: ForkJoinPool = environment.asInstanceOf[ForkJoinPool]
  val environment: ForkJoinPool

  /** Executes a task and does not wait for it to finish - instead returns a future.
   *  $fjdispatch
  def execute[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): () => R = {
    val fjtask = newWrappedTask(task)

    if (Thread.currentThread.isInstanceOf[ForkJoinWorkerThread]) {
    } else {

    () => {

  /** Executes a task on a fork/join pool and waits for it to finish.
   *  Returns its result when it does.
   *  $fjdispatch
   *  @return    the result of the task
  def executeAndWaitResult[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): R = {
    val fjtask = newWrappedTask(task)

    if (Thread.currentThread.isInstanceOf[ForkJoinWorkerThread]) {
    } else {

    // if (fjtask.body.throwable != null) println("throwing: " + fjtask.body.throwable + " at " + fjtask.body)

  def parallelismLevel = forkJoinPool.getParallelism

object ForkJoinTasks {
  lazy val defaultForkJoinPool: ForkJoinPool = new ForkJoinPool()

/* Some boilerplate due to no deep mixin composition. Not sure if it can be done differently without them.
trait AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks extends ForkJoinTasks with AdaptiveWorkStealingTasks {

  class WrappedTask[R, Tp](val body: Task[R, Tp])
  extends super[ForkJoinTasks].WrappedTask[R, Tp] with super[AdaptiveWorkStealingTasks].WrappedTask[R, Tp] {
    def split = => newWrappedTask(b))

  def newWrappedTask[R, Tp](b: Task[R, Tp]) = new WrappedTask[R, Tp](b)

@deprecated("Use `AdaptiveWorkStealingForkJoinTasks` instead.", "2.11.0")
trait AdaptiveWorkStealingThreadPoolTasks extends ThreadPoolTasks with AdaptiveWorkStealingTasks {

  class WrappedTask[R, Tp](val body: Task[R, Tp])
  extends super[ThreadPoolTasks].WrappedTask[R, Tp] with super[AdaptiveWorkStealingTasks].WrappedTask[R, Tp] {
    def split = => newWrappedTask(b))

  def newWrappedTask[R, Tp](b: Task[R, Tp]) = new WrappedTask[R, Tp](b)

/** An implementation of the `Tasks` that uses Scala `Future`s to compute
 *  the work encapsulated in each task.
private[parallel] final class FutureTasks(executor: ExecutionContext) extends Tasks {
  import scala.concurrent._
  import scala.util._

  private val maxdepth = (math.log(parallelismLevel) / math.log(2) + 1).toInt

  val environment: ExecutionContext = executor

  /** Divides this task into a lot of small tasks and executes them asynchronously
   *  using futures.
   *  Folds the futures and merges them asynchronously.
  private def exec[R, Tp](topLevelTask: Task[R, Tp]): Future[R] = {
    implicit val ec = environment

    /** Constructs a tree of futures where tasks can be reasonably split.
    def compute(task: Task[R, Tp], depth: Int): Future[Task[R, Tp]] = {
      if (task.shouldSplitFurther && depth < maxdepth) {
        val subtasks = task.split
        val subfutures = for (subtask <- subtasks.iterator) yield compute(subtask, depth + 1)
        subfutures.reduceLeft { (firstFuture, nextFuture) =>
          for {
            firstTask <- firstFuture
            nextTask <- nextFuture
          } yield {
            firstTask tryMerge nextTask.repr
        } andThen {
          case Success(firstTask) =>
            task.throwable = firstTask.throwable
            task.result = firstTask.result
          case Failure(exception) =>
            task.throwable = exception
      } else Future {

    compute(topLevelTask, 0) map { t =>

  def execute[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): () => R = {
    val future = exec(task)
    val callback = () => {
      Await.result(future, scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.Inf)

  def executeAndWaitResult[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): R = {

  def parallelismLevel = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors

/** This tasks implementation uses execution contexts to spawn a parallel computation.
 *  As an optimization, it internally checks whether the execution context is the
 *  standard implementation based on fork/join pools, and if it is, creates a
 *  `ForkJoinTaskSupport` that shares the same pool to forward its request to it.
 *  Otherwise, it uses an execution context exclusive `Tasks` implementation to
 *  divide the tasks into smaller chunks and execute operations on it.
trait ExecutionContextTasks extends Tasks {
  def executionContext = environment

  val environment: ExecutionContext

  /** A driver serves as a target for this proxy `Tasks` object.
   *  If the execution context has the standard implementation and uses fork/join pools,
   *  the driver is `ForkJoinTaskSupport` with the same pool, as an optimization.
   *  Otherwise, the driver will be a Scala `Future`-based implementation.
  private val driver: Tasks = executionContext match {
    case eci: scala.concurrent.impl.ExecutionContextImpl => eci.executor match {
      case fjp: ForkJoinPool => new ForkJoinTaskSupport(fjp)
      case _ => new FutureTasks(environment)
    case _ => new FutureTasks(environment)

  def execute[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): () => R = driver execute task

  def executeAndWaitResult[R, Tp](task: Task[R, Tp]): R = driver executeAndWaitResult task

  def parallelismLevel = driver.parallelismLevel

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Tasks.scala source code file:

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