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Scala example source code file (ParHashMap.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ParHashMap.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, defaultentry, entry, fillblocks, generics, int, k, mutable, option, parallel, parhashmap, parhashmapcombiner, parhashmapiterator, v

The ParHashMap.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection.parallel
package mutable

import scala.collection.generic._
import scala.collection.mutable.DefaultEntry
import scala.collection.mutable.HashEntry
import scala.collection.mutable.HashTable
import scala.collection.mutable.UnrolledBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.Task

/** A parallel hash map.
 *  `ParHashMap` is a parallel map which internally keeps elements within a hash table.
 *  It uses chaining to resolve collisions.
 *  @tparam K        type of the keys in the parallel hash map
 *  @tparam V        type of the values in the parallel hash map
 *  @define Coll `ParHashMap`
 *  @define coll parallel hash map
 *  @author Aleksandar Prokopec
 *  @see  [[ Scala's Parallel Collections Library overview]]
 *  section on Parallel Hash Tables for more information.
class ParHashMap[K, V] private[collection] (contents: HashTable.Contents[K, DefaultEntry[K, V]])
extends ParMap[K, V]
   with GenericParMapTemplate[K, V, ParHashMap]
   with ParMapLike[K, V, ParHashMap[K, V], scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V]]
   with ParHashTable[K, DefaultEntry[K, V]]
   with Serializable
self =>

  type Entry = scala.collection.mutable.DefaultEntry[K, V]

  def this() = this(null)

  override def mapCompanion: GenericParMapCompanion[ParHashMap] = ParHashMap

  override def empty: ParHashMap[K, V] = new ParHashMap[K, V]

  protected[this] override def newCombiner = ParHashMapCombiner[K, V]

  override def seq = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[K, V](hashTableContents)

  def splitter = new ParHashMapIterator(1, table.length, size, table(0).asInstanceOf[DefaultEntry[K, V]])

  override def size = tableSize

  override def clear() = clearTable()

  def get(key: K): Option[V] = {
    val e = findEntry(key)
    if (e eq null) None
    else Some(e.value)

  def put(key: K, value: V): Option[V] = {
    val e = findOrAddEntry(key, value)
    if (e eq null) None
    else { val v = e.value; e.value = value; Some(v) }

  def update(key: K, value: V): Unit = put(key, value)

  def remove(key: K): Option[V] = {
    val e = removeEntry(key)
    if (e ne null) Some(e.value)
    else None

  def += (kv: (K, V)): this.type = {
    val e = findOrAddEntry(kv._1, kv._2)
    if (e ne null) e.value = kv._2

  def -=(key: K): this.type = { removeEntry(key); this }

  override def stringPrefix = "ParHashMap"

  class ParHashMapIterator(start: Int, untilIdx: Int, totalSize: Int, e: DefaultEntry[K, V])
  extends EntryIterator[(K, V), ParHashMapIterator](start, untilIdx, totalSize, e) {
    def entry2item(entry: DefaultEntry[K, V]) = (entry.key, entry.value)

    def newIterator(idxFrom: Int, idxUntil: Int, totalSz: Int, es: DefaultEntry[K, V]) =
      new ParHashMapIterator(idxFrom, idxUntil, totalSz, es)

  protected def createNewEntry[V1](key: K, value: V1): Entry = {
    new Entry(key, value.asInstanceOf[V])

  private def writeObject(out: {
    serializeTo(out, { entry =>

  private def readObject(in: {
    init(in, createNewEntry(in.readObject().asInstanceOf[K], in.readObject()))

  private[parallel] override def brokenInvariants = {
    // bucket by bucket, count elements
    val buckets = for (i <- 0 until (table.length / sizeMapBucketSize)) yield checkBucket(i)

    // check if each element is in the position corresponding to its key
    val elems = for (i <- 0 until table.length) yield checkEntry(i)

    buckets.flatMap(x => x) ++ elems.flatMap(x => x)

  private def checkBucket(i: Int) = {
    def count(e: HashEntry[K, DefaultEntry[K, V]]): Int = if (e eq null) 0 else 1 + count(
    val expected = sizemap(i)
    val found = ((i * sizeMapBucketSize) until ((i + 1) * sizeMapBucketSize)).foldLeft(0) {
      (acc, c) => acc + count(table(c))
    if (found != expected) List("Found " + found + " elements, while sizemap showed " + expected)
    else Nil

  private def checkEntry(i: Int) = {
    def check(e: HashEntry[K, DefaultEntry[K, V]]): List[String] = if (e eq null) Nil else
      if (index(elemHashCode(e.key)) == i) check(
      else ("Element " + e.key + " at " + i + " with " + elemHashCode(e.key) + " maps to " + index(elemHashCode(e.key))) :: check(

/** $factoryInfo
 *  @define Coll `mutable.ParHashMap`
 *  @define coll parallel hash map
object ParHashMap extends ParMapFactory[ParHashMap] {
  var iters = 0

  def empty[K, V]: ParHashMap[K, V] = new ParHashMap[K, V]

  def newCombiner[K, V]: Combiner[(K, V), ParHashMap[K, V]] = ParHashMapCombiner.apply[K, V]

  implicit def canBuildFrom[K, V]: CanCombineFrom[Coll, (K, V), ParHashMap[K, V]] = new CanCombineFromMap[K, V]

private[mutable] abstract class ParHashMapCombiner[K, V](private val tableLoadFactor: Int)
extends scala.collection.parallel.BucketCombiner[(K, V), ParHashMap[K, V], DefaultEntry[K, V], ParHashMapCombiner[K, V]](ParHashMapCombiner.numblocks)
   with scala.collection.mutable.HashTable.HashUtils[K]
  private val nonmasklen = ParHashMapCombiner.nonmasklength
  private val seedvalue = 27

  def +=(elem: (K, V)) = {
    sz += 1
    val hc = improve(elemHashCode(elem._1), seedvalue)
    val pos = (hc >>> nonmasklen)
    if (buckets(pos) eq null) {
      // initialize bucket
      buckets(pos) = new UnrolledBuffer[DefaultEntry[K, V]]()
    // add to bucket
    buckets(pos) += new DefaultEntry(elem._1, elem._2)

  def result: ParHashMap[K, V] = if (size >= (ParHashMapCombiner.numblocks * sizeMapBucketSize)) { // 1024
    // construct table
    val table = new AddingHashTable(size, tableLoadFactor, seedvalue)
    val bucks = => if (b ne null) b.headPtr else null)
    val insertcount = combinerTaskSupport.executeAndWaitResult(new FillBlocks(bucks, table, 0, bucks.length))
    // TODO compare insertcount and size to see if compression is needed
    val c = table.hashTableContents
    new ParHashMap(c)
  } else {
    // construct a normal table and fill it sequentially
    // TODO parallelize by keeping separate sizemaps and merging them
    object table extends HashTable[K, DefaultEntry[K, V]] {
      type Entry = DefaultEntry[K, V]
      def insertEntry(e: Entry) { super.findOrAddEntry(e.key, e) }
      def createNewEntry[E](key: K, entry: E): Entry = entry.asInstanceOf[Entry]
    var i = 0
    while (i < ParHashMapCombiner.numblocks) {
      if (buckets(i) ne null) {
        for (elem <- buckets(i)) table.insertEntry(elem)
      i += 1
    new ParHashMap(table.hashTableContents)

  /* classes */

  /** A hash table which will never resize itself. Knowing the number of elements in advance,
   *  it allocates the table of the required size when created.
   *  Entries are added using the `insertEntry` method. This method checks whether the element
   *  exists and updates the size map. It returns false if the key was already in the table,
   *  and true if the key was successfully inserted. It does not update the number of elements
   *  in the table.
  private[ParHashMapCombiner] class AddingHashTable(numelems: Int, lf: Int, _seedvalue: Int) extends HashTable[K, DefaultEntry[K, V]] {
    import HashTable._
    _loadFactor = lf
    table = new Array[HashEntry[K, DefaultEntry[K, V]]](capacity(sizeForThreshold(_loadFactor, numelems)))
    tableSize = 0
    seedvalue = _seedvalue
    threshold = newThreshold(_loadFactor, table.length)
    def setSize(sz: Int) = tableSize = sz
    def insertEntry(/*block: Int, */e: DefaultEntry[K, V]) = {
      var h = index(elemHashCode(e.key))
      val olde = table(h).asInstanceOf[DefaultEntry[K, V]]

      // check if key already exists
      var ce = olde
      while (ce ne null) {
        if (ce.key == e.key) {
          h = -1
          ce = null
        } else ce =

      // if key does not already exist
      if (h != -1) { = olde
        table(h) = e
      } else false
    protected def createNewEntry[X](key: K, x: X) = ???

  /* tasks */

  import UnrolledBuffer.Unrolled

  class FillBlocks(buckets: Array[Unrolled[DefaultEntry[K, V]]], table: AddingHashTable, offset: Int, howmany: Int)
  extends Task[Int, FillBlocks] {
    var result = Int.MinValue
    def leaf(prev: Option[Int]) = {
      var i = offset
      val until = offset + howmany
      result = 0
      while (i < until) {
        result += fillBlock(i, buckets(i))
        i += 1
    private def fillBlock(block: Int, elems: Unrolled[DefaultEntry[K, V]]) = {
      var insertcount = 0
      var unrolled = elems
      var i = 0
      val t = table
      while (unrolled ne null) {
        val chunkarr = unrolled.array
        val chunksz = unrolled.size
        while (i < chunksz) {
          val elem = chunkarr(i)
          if (t.insertEntry(elem)) insertcount += 1
          i += 1
        i = 0
        unrolled =
    def split = {
      val fp = howmany / 2
      List(new FillBlocks(buckets, table, offset, fp), new FillBlocks(buckets, table, offset + fp, howmany - fp))
    override def merge(that: FillBlocks) {
      this.result += that.result
    def shouldSplitFurther = howmany > scala.collection.parallel.thresholdFromSize(ParHashMapCombiner.numblocks, combinerTaskSupport.parallelismLevel)

private[parallel] object ParHashMapCombiner {
  private[mutable] val discriminantbits = 5
  private[mutable] val numblocks = 1 << discriminantbits
  private[mutable] val discriminantmask = ((1 << discriminantbits) - 1)
  private[mutable] val nonmasklength = 32 - discriminantbits

  def apply[K, V] = new ParHashMapCombiner[K, V](HashTable.defaultLoadFactor) {} // was: with EnvironmentPassingCombiner[(K, V), ParHashMap[K, V]]

Other Scala source code examples

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