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Scala example source code file (ParHashSet.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ParHashSet.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

addingflathashtable, anyref, collection, fillblocks, generics, int, mutable, parallel, parhashset, parhashsetcombiner, parhashsetiterator, t, table, unrolledbuffer

The ParHashSet.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection.parallel.mutable

import scala.collection.generic._
import scala.collection.mutable.FlatHashTable
import scala.collection.parallel.Combiner
import scala.collection.mutable.UnrolledBuffer
import scala.collection.parallel.Task

/** A parallel hash set.
 *  `ParHashSet` is a parallel set which internally keeps elements within a hash table.
 *  It uses linear probing to resolve collisions.
 *  @tparam T        type of the elements in the $coll.
 *  @define Coll `ParHashSet`
 *  @define coll parallel hash set
 *  @author Aleksandar Prokopec
 *  @see  [[ Scala's Parallel Collections Library overview]]
 *  section on Parallel Hash Tables for more information.
class ParHashSet[T] private[collection] (contents: FlatHashTable.Contents[T])
extends ParSet[T]
   with GenericParTemplate[T, ParHashSet]
   with ParSetLike[T, ParHashSet[T], scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[T]]
   with ParFlatHashTable[T]
   with Serializable
  // println("----> new par hash set!")
  // java.lang.Thread.dumpStack
  // println(debugInformation)

  def this() = this(null)

  override def companion = ParHashSet

  override def empty = new ParHashSet

  override def iterator = splitter

  override def size = tableSize

  def clear() = clearTable()

  override def seq = new scala.collection.mutable.HashSet(hashTableContents)

  def +=(elem: T) = {

  def -=(elem: T) = {

  override def stringPrefix = "ParHashSet"

  def contains(elem: T) = containsElem(elem)

  def splitter = new ParHashSetIterator(0, table.length, size)

  class ParHashSetIterator(start: Int, iteratesUntil: Int, totalElements: Int)
  extends ParFlatHashTableIterator(start, iteratesUntil, totalElements) {
    def newIterator(start: Int, until: Int, total: Int) = new ParHashSetIterator(start, until, total)

  private def writeObject(s: {

  private def readObject(in: {
    init(in, x => ())

  import scala.collection.DebugUtils._
  override def debugInformation = buildString {
    append =>
    append("Parallel flat hash table set")
    append("No. elems: " + tableSize)
    append("Table length: " + table.length)
    append("Table: ")
    append(arrayString(table, 0, table.length))
    append("Sizemap: ")
    append(arrayString(sizemap, 0, sizemap.length))


/** $factoryInfo
 *  @define Coll `mutable.ParHashSet`
 *  @define coll parallel hash set
object ParHashSet extends ParSetFactory[ParHashSet] {
  implicit def canBuildFrom[T]: CanCombineFrom[Coll, T, ParHashSet[T]] = new GenericCanCombineFrom[T]

  override def newBuilder[T]: Combiner[T, ParHashSet[T]] = newCombiner

  override def newCombiner[T]: Combiner[T, ParHashSet[T]] = ParHashSetCombiner.apply[T]

private[mutable] abstract class ParHashSetCombiner[T](private val tableLoadFactor: Int)
extends scala.collection.parallel.BucketCombiner[T, ParHashSet[T], AnyRef, ParHashSetCombiner[T]](ParHashSetCombiner.numblocks)
with scala.collection.mutable.FlatHashTable.HashUtils[T] {
//self: EnvironmentPassingCombiner[T, ParHashSet[T]] =>
  private val nonmasklen = ParHashSetCombiner.nonmasklength
  private val seedvalue = 27

  def +=(elem: T) = {
    val entry = elemToEntry(elem)
    sz += 1
    val hc = improve(entry.hashCode, seedvalue)
    val pos = hc >>> nonmasklen
    if (buckets(pos) eq null) {
      // initialize bucket
      buckets(pos) = new UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]
    // add to bucket
    buckets(pos) += entry

  def result: ParHashSet[T] = {
    val contents = if (size >= ParHashSetCombiner.numblocks * sizeMapBucketSize) parPopulate else seqPopulate
    new ParHashSet(contents)

  private def parPopulate: FlatHashTable.Contents[T] = {
    // construct it in parallel
    val table = new AddingFlatHashTable(size, tableLoadFactor, seedvalue)
    val (inserted, leftovers) = combinerTaskSupport.executeAndWaitResult(new FillBlocks(buckets, table, 0, buckets.length))
    var leftinserts = 0
    for (entry <- leftovers) leftinserts += table.insertEntry(0, table.tableLength, entry)
    table.setSize(leftinserts + inserted)

  private def seqPopulate: FlatHashTable.Contents[T] = {
    // construct it sequentially
    // TODO parallelize by keeping separate size maps and merging them
    val tbl = new FlatHashTable[T] {
      seedvalue = ParHashSetCombiner.this.seedvalue
      for {
        buffer <- buckets
        if buffer ne null
        entry <- buffer
      } addEntry(entry)

  /* classes */

  /** A flat hash table which doesn't resize itself. It accepts the number of elements
   *  it has to take and allocates the underlying hash table in advance.
   *  Elements can only be added to it. The final size has to be adjusted manually.
   *  It is internal to `ParHashSet` combiners.
  class AddingFlatHashTable(numelems: Int, lf: Int, inseedvalue: Int) extends FlatHashTable[T] {
    _loadFactor = lf
    table = new Array[AnyRef](capacity(FlatHashTable.sizeForThreshold(numelems, _loadFactor)))
    tableSize = 0
    threshold = FlatHashTable.newThreshold(_loadFactor, table.length)
    seedvalue = inseedvalue

    override def toString = "AFHT(%s)".format(table.length)

    def tableLength = table.length

    def setSize(sz: Int) = tableSize = sz

     *  The elements are added using the `insertElem` method. This method accepts three
     *  arguments:
     *  @param insertAt      where to add the element (set to -1 to use its hashcode)
     *  @param comesBefore   the position before which the element should be added to
     *  @param newEntry      the element to be added
     *  If the element is to be inserted at the position corresponding to its hash code,
     *  the table will try to add the element in such a position if possible. Collisions are resolved
     *  using linear hashing, so the element may actually have to be added to a position
     *  that follows the specified one. In the case that the first unoccupied position
     *  comes after `comesBefore`, the element is not added and the method simply returns -1,
     *  indicating that it couldn't add the element in a position that comes before the
     *  specified one.
     *  If the element is already present in the hash table, it is not added, and this method
     *  returns 0. If the element is added, it returns 1.
    def insertEntry(insertAt: Int, comesBefore: Int, newEntry : AnyRef): Int = {
      var h = insertAt
      if (h == -1) h = index(newEntry.hashCode)
      var curEntry = table(h)
      while (null != curEntry) {
        if (curEntry == newEntry) return 0
        h = h + 1 // we *do not* do `(h + 1) % table.length` here, because we'll never overflow!!
        if (h >= comesBefore) return -1
        curEntry = table(h)
      table(h) = newEntry

      // this is incorrect since we set size afterwards anyway and a counter
      // like this would not even work:
      //   tableSize = tableSize + 1
      // furthermore, it completely bogs down the parallel
      // execution when there are multiple workers


  /* tasks */

  class FillBlocks(buckets: Array[UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]], table: AddingFlatHashTable, val offset: Int, val howmany: Int)
  extends Task[(Int, UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]), FillBlocks] {
    var result = (Int.MinValue, new UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef])

    def leaf(prev: Option[(Int, UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef])]) {
      var i = offset
      var totalinserts = 0
      var leftover = new UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]()
      while (i < (offset + howmany)) {
        val (inserted, intonextblock) = fillBlock(i, buckets(i), leftover)
        totalinserts += inserted
        leftover = intonextblock
        i += 1
      result = (totalinserts, leftover)
    private val blocksize = table.tableLength >> ParHashSetCombiner.discriminantbits
    private def blockStart(block: Int) = block * blocksize
    private def nextBlockStart(block: Int) = (block + 1) * blocksize
    private def fillBlock(block: Int, elems: UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef], leftovers: UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]): (Int, UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]) = {
      val beforePos = nextBlockStart(block)

      // store the elems
      val (elemsIn, elemsLeft) = if (elems != null) insertAll(-1, beforePos, elems) else (0, UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]())

      // store the leftovers
      val (leftoversIn, leftoversLeft) = insertAll(blockStart(block), beforePos, leftovers)

      // return the no. of stored elements tupled with leftovers
      (elemsIn + leftoversIn, elemsLeft concat leftoversLeft)
    private def insertAll(atPos: Int, beforePos: Int, elems: UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]): (Int, UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]) = {
      val leftovers = new UnrolledBuffer[AnyRef]
      var inserted = 0

      var unrolled = elems.headPtr
      var i = 0
      val t = table
      while (unrolled ne null) {
        val chunkarr = unrolled.array
        val chunksz = unrolled.size
        while (i < chunksz) {
          val entry = chunkarr(i)
          val res = t.insertEntry(atPos, beforePos, entry)
          if (res >= 0) inserted += res
          else leftovers += entry
          i += 1
        i = 0
        unrolled =

      // slower:
      // var it = elems.iterator
      // while (it.hasNext) {
      //   val elem =
      //   val res = table.insertEntry(atPos, beforePos, elem.asInstanceOf[T])
      //   if (res >= 0) inserted += res
      //   else leftovers += elem
      // }

      (inserted, leftovers)
    def split = {
      val fp = howmany / 2
      List(new FillBlocks(buckets, table, offset, fp), new FillBlocks(buckets, table, offset + fp, howmany - fp))
    override def merge(that: FillBlocks) {
      // take the leftovers from the left task, store them into the block of the right task
      val atPos = blockStart(that.offset)
      val beforePos = blockStart(that.offset + that.howmany)
      val (inserted, remainingLeftovers) = insertAll(atPos, beforePos, this.result._2)

      // anything left after trying the store the left leftovers is added to the right task leftovers
      // and a new leftovers set is produced in this way
      // the total number of successfully inserted elements is adjusted accordingly
      result = (this.result._1 + that.result._1 + inserted, remainingLeftovers concat that.result._2)
    def shouldSplitFurther = howmany > scala.collection.parallel.thresholdFromSize(ParHashMapCombiner.numblocks, combinerTaskSupport.parallelismLevel)


private[parallel] object ParHashSetCombiner {
  private[mutable] val discriminantbits = 5
  private[mutable] val numblocks = 1 << discriminantbits
  private[mutable] val discriminantmask = ((1 << discriminantbits) - 1)
  private[mutable] val nonmasklength = 32 - discriminantbits

  def apply[T] = new ParHashSetCombiner[T](FlatHashTable.defaultLoadFactor) {} //with EnvironmentPassingCombiner[T, ParHashSet[T]]

Other Scala source code examples

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