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Scala example source code file (ParTrieMap.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ParTrieMap.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

collection, combiner, concurrent, generics, int, k, newto, option, parallel, partriemap, partriemapsplitter, size, triemap, v

The ParTrieMap.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection.parallel.mutable

import scala.collection.generic._
import scala.collection.parallel.Combiner
import scala.collection.parallel.IterableSplitter
import scala.collection.parallel.Task
import scala.collection.concurrent.BasicNode
import scala.collection.concurrent.TNode
import scala.collection.concurrent.LNode
import scala.collection.concurrent.CNode
import scala.collection.concurrent.SNode
import scala.collection.concurrent.INode
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap
import scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMapIterator

/** Parallel TrieMap collection.
 *  It has its bulk operations parallelized, but uses the snapshot operation
 *  to create the splitter. This means that parallel bulk operations can be
 *  called concurrently with the modifications.
 *  @author Aleksandar Prokopec
 *  @since 2.10
 *  @see  [[ Scala's Parallel Collections Library overview]]
 *  section on `ParTrieMap` for more information.
final class ParTrieMap[K, V] private[collection] (private val ctrie: TrieMap[K, V])
extends ParMap[K, V]
   with GenericParMapTemplate[K, V, ParTrieMap]
   with ParMapLike[K, V, ParTrieMap[K, V], TrieMap[K, V]]
   with ParTrieMapCombiner[K, V]
   with Serializable
  def this() = this(new TrieMap)

  override def mapCompanion: GenericParMapCompanion[ParTrieMap] = ParTrieMap

  override def empty: ParTrieMap[K, V] = ParTrieMap.empty

  protected[this] override def newCombiner = ParTrieMap.newCombiner

  override def seq = ctrie

  def splitter = new ParTrieMapSplitter(0, ctrie.readOnlySnapshot().asInstanceOf[TrieMap[K, V]], true)

  override def clear() = ctrie.clear()

  def result = this

  def get(key: K): Option[V] = ctrie.get(key)

  def put(key: K, value: V): Option[V] = ctrie.put(key, value)

  def update(key: K, value: V): Unit = ctrie.update(key, value)

  def remove(key: K): Option[V] = ctrie.remove(key)

  def +=(kv: (K, V)): this.type = {

  def -=(key: K): this.type = {

  override def size = {
    val in = ctrie.readRoot()
    val r = in.gcasRead(ctrie)
    r match {
      case tn: TNode[_, _] => tn.cachedSize(ctrie)
      case ln: LNode[_, _] => ln.cachedSize(ctrie)
      case cn: CNode[_, _] =>
        tasksupport.executeAndWaitResult(new Size(0, cn.array.length, cn.array))

  override def stringPrefix = "ParTrieMap"

  /* tasks */

  /** Computes TrieMap size in parallel. */
  class Size(offset: Int, howmany: Int, array: Array[BasicNode]) extends Task[Int, Size] {
    var result = -1
    def leaf(prev: Option[Int]) = {
      var sz = 0
      var i = offset
      val until = offset + howmany
      while (i < until) {
        array(i) match {
          case sn: SNode[_, _] => sz += 1
          case in: INode[K, V] => sz += in.cachedSize(ctrie)
        i += 1
      result = sz
    def split = {
      val fp = howmany / 2
      Seq(new Size(offset, fp, array), new Size(offset + fp, howmany - fp, array))
    def shouldSplitFurther = howmany > 1
    override def merge(that: Size) = result = result + that.result

private[collection] class ParTrieMapSplitter[K, V](lev: Int, ct: TrieMap[K, V], mustInit: Boolean)
extends TrieMapIterator[K, V](lev, ct, mustInit)
   with IterableSplitter[(K, V)]
  // only evaluated if `remaining` is invoked (which is not used by most tasks)
  lazy val totalsize = ct.par.size
  var iterated = 0

  protected override def newIterator(_lev: Int, _ct: TrieMap[K, V], _mustInit: Boolean) = new ParTrieMapSplitter[K, V](_lev, _ct, _mustInit)

  override def shouldSplitFurther[S](coll: scala.collection.parallel.ParIterable[S], parallelismLevel: Int) = {
    val maxsplits = 3 + Integer.highestOneBit(parallelismLevel)
    level < maxsplits

  def dup = {
    val it = newIterator(0, ct, _mustInit = false)
    it.iterated = this.iterated

  override def next() = {
    iterated += 1

  def split: Seq[IterableSplitter[(K, V)]] = subdivide().asInstanceOf[Seq[IterableSplitter[(K, V)]]]

  override def isRemainingCheap = false

  def remaining: Int = totalsize - iterated

/** Only used within the `ParTrieMap`. */
private[mutable] trait ParTrieMapCombiner[K, V] extends Combiner[(K, V), ParTrieMap[K, V]] {

  def combine[N <: (K, V), NewTo >: ParTrieMap[K, V]](other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo] = if (this eq other) this else {
    throw new UnsupportedOperationException("This shouldn't have been called in the first place.")

    val thiz = this.asInstanceOf[ParTrieMap[K, V]]
    val that = other.asInstanceOf[ParTrieMap[K, V]]
    val result = new ParTrieMap[K, V]

    result ++= thiz.iterator
    result ++= that.iterator


  override def canBeShared = true

object ParTrieMap extends ParMapFactory[ParTrieMap] {
  def empty[K, V]: ParTrieMap[K, V] = new ParTrieMap[K, V]
  def newCombiner[K, V]: Combiner[(K, V), ParTrieMap[K, V]] = new ParTrieMap[K, V]

  implicit def canBuildFrom[K, V]: CanCombineFrom[Coll, (K, V), ParTrieMap[K, V]] = new CanCombineFromMap[K, V]

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ParTrieMap.scala source code file:

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