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Scala example source code file (package.scala)

This example Scala source code file (package.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

annotation, boolean, collection, combiner, compositethrowable, elem, generics, int, mutable, newto, otherwise, parallel, r, throwable, to

The package.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package collection

import scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom
import scala.collection.generic.CanCombineFrom
import scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray
import scala.collection.mutable.UnrolledBuffer
import scala.annotation.unchecked.uncheckedVariance
import scala.language.implicitConversions

/** Package object for parallel collections.
package object parallel {
  /* constants */
  val MIN_FOR_COPY = 512
  val CHECK_RATE = 512
  val SQRT2 = math.sqrt(2)
  val availableProcessors = java.lang.Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors

  /* functions */

  /** Computes threshold from the size of the collection and the parallelism level.
  def thresholdFromSize(sz: Int, parallelismLevel: Int) = {
    val p = parallelismLevel
    if (p > 1) 1 + sz / (8 * p)
    else sz

  private[parallel] def unsupported = throw new UnsupportedOperationException

  private[parallel] def unsupportedop(msg: String) = throw new UnsupportedOperationException(msg)

  private[parallel] def outofbounds(idx: Int) = throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(idx.toString)

  private[parallel] def getTaskSupport: TaskSupport = new ExecutionContextTaskSupport

  val defaultTaskSupport: TaskSupport = getTaskSupport

  def setTaskSupport[Coll](c: Coll, t: TaskSupport): Coll = {
    c match {
      case pc: ParIterableLike[_, _, _] => pc.tasksupport = t
      case _ => // do nothing

  /** Adds toParArray method to collection classes. */
  implicit class CollectionsHaveToParArray[C, T](c: C)(implicit asGto: C => scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[T]) {
    def toParArray = {
      val t = asGto(c)
      if (t.isInstanceOf[ParArray[_]]) t.asInstanceOf[ParArray[T]]
      else {
        val it = t.toIterator
        val cb = mutable.ParArrayCombiner[T]()
        while (it.hasNext) cb +=

package parallel {
  /** Implicit conversions used in the implementation of parallel collections. */
  private[collection] object ParallelCollectionImplicits {
    implicit def factory2ops[From, Elem, To](bf: CanBuildFrom[From, Elem, To]) = new FactoryOps[From, Elem, To] {
      def isParallel = bf.isInstanceOf[Parallel]
      def asParallel = bf.asInstanceOf[CanCombineFrom[From, Elem, To]]
      def ifParallel[R](isbody: CanCombineFrom[From, Elem, To] => R) = new Otherwise[R] {
        def otherwise(notbody: => R) = if (isParallel) isbody(asParallel) else notbody
    implicit def traversable2ops[T](t: scala.collection.GenTraversableOnce[T]) = new TraversableOps[T] {
      def isParallel = t.isInstanceOf[Parallel]
      def isParIterable = t.isInstanceOf[ParIterable[_]]
      def asParIterable = t.asInstanceOf[ParIterable[T]]
      def isParSeq = t.isInstanceOf[ParSeq[_]]
      def asParSeq = t.asInstanceOf[ParSeq[T]]
      def ifParSeq[R](isbody: ParSeq[T] => R) = new Otherwise[R] {
        def otherwise(notbody: => R) = if (isParallel) isbody(asParSeq) else notbody
    implicit def throwable2ops(self: Throwable) = new ThrowableOps {
      def alongWith(that: Throwable) = (self, that) match {
        case (self: CompositeThrowable, that: CompositeThrowable) => new CompositeThrowable(self.throwables ++ that.throwables)
        case (self: CompositeThrowable, _) => new CompositeThrowable(self.throwables + that)
        case (_, that: CompositeThrowable) => new CompositeThrowable(that.throwables + self)
        case _ => new CompositeThrowable(Set(self, that))
  trait FactoryOps[From, Elem, To] {
    trait Otherwise[R] {
      def otherwise(notbody: => R): R

    def isParallel: Boolean
    def asParallel: CanCombineFrom[From, Elem, To]
    def ifParallel[R](isbody: CanCombineFrom[From, Elem, To] => R): Otherwise[R]

  trait TraversableOps[T] {
    trait Otherwise[R] {
      def otherwise(notbody: => R): R

    def isParallel: Boolean
    def isParIterable: Boolean
    def asParIterable: ParIterable[T]
    def isParSeq: Boolean
    def asParSeq: ParSeq[T]
    def ifParSeq[R](isbody: ParSeq[T] => R): Otherwise[R]

  @deprecated("This trait will be removed.", "2.11.0")
  trait ThrowableOps {
    @deprecated("This method will be removed.", "2.11.0")
    def alongWith(that: Throwable): Throwable

  /* classes */

  trait CombinerFactory[U, Repr] {
    /** Provides a combiner used to construct a collection. */
    def apply(): Combiner[U, Repr]
    /** The call to the `apply` method can create a new combiner each time.
     *  If it does, this method returns `false`.
     *  The same combiner factory may be used each time (typically, this is
     *  the case for concurrent collections, which are thread safe).
     *  If so, the method returns `true`.
    def doesShareCombiners: Boolean

  /** Composite throwable - thrown when multiple exceptions are thrown at the same time. */
  @deprecated("This class will be removed.", "2.11.0")
  final case class CompositeThrowable(throwables: Set[Throwable]) extends Exception(
    "Multiple exceptions thrown during a parallel computation: " + => t + "\n" + t.getStackTrace.take(10).++("...").mkString("\n")).mkString("\n\n")

  /** A helper iterator for iterating very small array buffers.
   *  Automatically forwards the signal delegate when splitting.
  private[parallel] class BufferSplitter[T]
  (private val buffer: scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[T], private var index: Int, private val until: Int, _sigdel: scala.collection.generic.Signalling)
  extends IterableSplitter[T] {
    signalDelegate = _sigdel
    def hasNext = index < until
    def next = {
      val r = buffer(index)
      index += 1
    def remaining = until - index
    def dup = new BufferSplitter(buffer, index, until, signalDelegate)
    def split: Seq[IterableSplitter[T]] = if (remaining > 1) {
      val divsz = (until - index) / 2
        new BufferSplitter(buffer, index, index + divsz, signalDelegate),
        new BufferSplitter(buffer, index + divsz, until, signalDelegate)
    } else Seq(this)
    private[parallel] override def debugInformation = {
      buildString {
        append =>
        append("Buffer iterator")
        append("buffer: " + buffer)
        append("index: " + index)
        append("until: " + until)

  /** A helper combiner which contains an array of buckets. Buckets themselves
   *  are unrolled linked lists. Some parallel collections are constructed by
   *  sorting their result set according to some criteria.
   *  A reference `buckets` to buckets is maintained. Total size of all buckets
   *  is kept in `sz` and maintained whenever 2 bucket combiners are combined.
   *  Clients decide how to maintain these by implementing `+=` and `result`.
   *  Populating and using the buckets is up to the client. While populating them,
   *  the client should update `sz` accordingly. Note that a bucket is by default
   *  set to `null` to save space - the client should initialize it.
   *  Note that in general the type of the elements contained in the buckets `Buck`
   *  doesn't have to correspond to combiner element type `Elem`.
   *  This class simply gives an efficient `combine` for free - it chains
   *  the buckets together. Since the `combine` contract states that the receiver (`this`)
   *  becomes invalidated, `combine` reuses the receiver and returns it.
   *  Methods `beforeCombine` and `afterCombine` are called before and after
   *  combining the buckets, respectively, given that the argument to `combine`
   *  is not `this` (as required by the `combine` contract).
   *  They can be overriden in subclasses to provide custom behaviour by modifying
   *  the receiver (which will be the return value).
  private[parallel] abstract class BucketCombiner[-Elem, +To, Buck, +CombinerType <: BucketCombiner[Elem, To, Buck, CombinerType]]
  (private val bucketnumber: Int)
  extends Combiner[Elem, To] {
  //self: EnvironmentPassingCombiner[Elem, To] =>
    protected var buckets: Array[UnrolledBuffer[Buck]] @uncheckedVariance = new Array[UnrolledBuffer[Buck]](bucketnumber)
    protected var sz: Int = 0

    def size = sz

    def clear() = {
      buckets = new Array[UnrolledBuffer[Buck]](bucketnumber)
      sz = 0

    def beforeCombine[N <: Elem, NewTo >: To](other: Combiner[N, NewTo]) {}

    def afterCombine[N <: Elem, NewTo >: To](other: Combiner[N, NewTo]) {}

    def combine[N <: Elem, NewTo >: To](other: Combiner[N, NewTo]): Combiner[N, NewTo] = {
      if (this eq other) this
      else other match {
        case _: BucketCombiner[_, _, _, _] =>
          val that = other.asInstanceOf[BucketCombiner[Elem, To, Buck, CombinerType]]

          var i = 0
          while (i < bucketnumber) {
            if (buckets(i) eq null)
              buckets(i) = that.buckets(i)
            else if (that.buckets(i) ne null)
              buckets(i) concat that.buckets(i)

            i += 1
          sz = sz + that.size
        case _ =>
          sys.error("Unexpected combiner type.")

Other Scala source code examples

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