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Scala example source code file (ClassManifestDeprecatedApis.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ClassManifestDeprecatedApis.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

array, boolean, classmanifest, classtypemanifest, collection, int, list, mutable, nomanifest, optmanifest, set, use

The ClassManifestDeprecatedApis.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2007-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package reflect

import scala.collection.mutable.{ WrappedArray, ArrayBuilder }
import java.lang.{ Class => jClass }

@deprecated("Use scala.reflect.ClassTag instead", "2.10.0")
trait ClassManifestDeprecatedApis[T] extends OptManifest[T] {
  self: ClassManifest[T] =>

  // Still in use in target test.junit.comp.
  @deprecated("Use runtimeClass instead", "2.10.0")
  def erasure: jClass[_] = runtimeClass

  private def subtype(sub: jClass[_], sup: jClass[_]): Boolean = {
    def loop(left: Set[jClass[_]], seen: Set[jClass[_]]): Boolean = {
      left.nonEmpty && {
        val next = left.head
        val supers = next.getInterfaces.toSet ++ Option(next.getSuperclass)
        supers(sup) || {
          val xs = left ++ supers filterNot seen
          loop(xs - next, seen + next)
    loop(Set(sub), Set())

  private def subargs(args1: List[OptManifest[_]], args2: List[OptManifest[_]]) = (args1 corresponds args2) {
    // !!! [Martin] this is wrong, need to take variance into account
    case (x: ClassManifest[_], y: ClassManifest[_]) => x <:< y
    case (x, y)                                     => (x eq NoManifest) && (y eq NoManifest)

  /** Tests whether the type represented by this manifest is a subtype
    * of the type represented by `that` manifest, subject to the limitations
    * described in the header.
  @deprecated("Use scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag for subtype checking instead", "2.10.0")
  def <:<(that: ClassManifest[_]): Boolean = {
    // All types which could conform to these types will override <:<.
    def cannotMatch = {
      import Manifest._
      that.isInstanceOf[AnyValManifest[_]] || (that eq AnyVal) || (that eq Nothing) || (that eq Null)

    // This is wrong, and I don't know how it can be made right
    // without more development of Manifests, due to arity-defying
    // relationships like:
    //   List[String] <: AnyRef
    //   Map[Int, Int] <: Iterable[(Int, Int)]
    // Given the manifest for Map[A, B] how do I determine that a
    // supertype has single type argument (A, B) ? I don't see how we
    // can say whether X <:< Y when type arguments are involved except
    // when the erasure is the same, even before considering variance.
    !cannotMatch && {
      // this part is wrong for not considering variance
      if (this.runtimeClass == that.runtimeClass)
        subargs(this.typeArguments, that.typeArguments)
      // this part is wrong for punting unless the rhs has no type
      // arguments, but it's better than a blindfolded pinata swing.
        that.typeArguments.isEmpty && subtype(this.runtimeClass, that.runtimeClass)

  /** Tests whether the type represented by this manifest is a supertype
    * of the type represented by `that` manifest, subject to the limitations
    * described in the header.
  @deprecated("Use scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag for subtype checking instead", "2.10.0")
  def >:>(that: ClassManifest[_]): Boolean =
    that <:< this

  override def canEqual(other: Any) = other match {
    case _: ClassManifest[_] => true
    case _                   => false

  protected def arrayClass[T](tp: jClass[_]): jClass[Array[T]] =
    java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(tp, 0).getClass.asInstanceOf[jClass[Array[T]]]

  @deprecated("Use wrap instead", "2.10.0")
  def arrayManifest: ClassManifest[Array[T]] =
    ClassManifest.classType[Array[T]](arrayClass[T](runtimeClass), this)

  override def newArray(len: Int): Array[T] =
    java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(runtimeClass, len).asInstanceOf[Array[T]]

  @deprecated("Use wrap.newArray instead", "2.10.0")
  def newArray2(len: Int): Array[Array[T]] =
    java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(arrayClass[T](runtimeClass), len)

  @deprecated("Use wrap.wrap.newArray instead", "2.10.0")
  def newArray3(len: Int): Array[Array[Array[T]]] =
    java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(arrayClass[Array[T]](arrayClass[T](runtimeClass)), len)

  @deprecated("Use wrap.wrap.wrap.newArray instead", "2.10.0")
  def newArray4(len: Int): Array[Array[Array[Array[T]]]] =
    java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(arrayClass[Array[Array[T]]](arrayClass[Array[T]](arrayClass[T](runtimeClass))), len)

  @deprecated("Use wrap.wrap.wrap.wrap.newArray instead", "2.10.0")
  def newArray5(len: Int): Array[Array[Array[Array[Array[T]]]]] =
    java.lang.reflect.Array.newInstance(arrayClass[Array[Array[Array[T]]]](arrayClass[Array[Array[T]]](arrayClass[Array[T]](arrayClass[T](runtimeClass)))), len)

  @deprecated("Create WrappedArray directly instead", "2.10.0")
  def newWrappedArray(len: Int): WrappedArray[T] =
    // it's safe to assume T <: AnyRef here because the method is overridden for all value type manifests
    new WrappedArray.ofRef[T with AnyRef](newArray(len).asInstanceOf[Array[T with AnyRef]]).asInstanceOf[WrappedArray[T]]

  @deprecated("Use ArrayBuilder.make(this) instead", "2.10.0")
  def newArrayBuilder(): ArrayBuilder[T] =
    // it's safe to assume T <: AnyRef here because the method is overridden for all value type manifests
    new ArrayBuilder.ofRef[T with AnyRef]()(this.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T with AnyRef]]).asInstanceOf[ArrayBuilder[T]]

  @deprecated("Use scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag to capture type structure instead", "2.10.0")
  def typeArguments: List[OptManifest[_]] = List()

  protected def argString =
    if (typeArguments.nonEmpty) typeArguments.mkString("[", ", ", "]")
    else if (runtimeClass.isArray) "["+ClassManifest.fromClass(runtimeClass.getComponentType)+"]"
    else ""

/** `ClassManifestFactory` defines factory methods for manifests.
 *  It is intended for use by the compiler and should not be used in client code.
 *  Unlike `ClassManifest`, this factory isn't annotated with a deprecation warning.
 *  This is done to prevent avalanches of deprecation warnings in the code that calls methods with manifests.
 *  In a perfect world, we would just remove the @deprecated annotation from `ClassManifest` the object
 *  and then delete it in 2.11. After all, that object is explicitly marked as internal, so noone should use it.
 *  However a lot of existing libraries disregarded the scaladoc that comes with `ClassManifest`,
 *  so we need to somehow nudge them into migrating prior to removing stuff out of the blue.
 *  Hence we've introduced this design decision as the lesser of two evils.
object ClassManifestFactory {
  val Byte    = ManifestFactory.Byte
  val Short   = ManifestFactory.Short
  val Char    = ManifestFactory.Char
  val Int     = ManifestFactory.Int
  val Long    = ManifestFactory.Long
  val Float   = ManifestFactory.Float
  val Double  = ManifestFactory.Double
  val Boolean = ManifestFactory.Boolean
  val Unit    = ManifestFactory.Unit
  val Any     = ManifestFactory.Any
  val Object  = ManifestFactory.Object
  val AnyVal  = ManifestFactory.AnyVal
  val Nothing = ManifestFactory.Nothing
  val Null    = ManifestFactory.Null

  def fromClass[T](clazz: jClass[T]): ClassManifest[T] = clazz match {
    case java.lang.Byte.TYPE      => Byte.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Short.TYPE     => Short.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Character.TYPE => Char.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Integer.TYPE   => Int.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Long.TYPE      => Long.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Float.TYPE     => Float.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Double.TYPE    => Double.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Boolean.TYPE   => Boolean.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case java.lang.Void.TYPE      => Unit.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]
    case _                        => classType[T with AnyRef](clazz).asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]]

  def singleType[T <: AnyRef](value: AnyRef): Manifest[T] = Manifest.singleType(value)

  /** ClassManifest for the class type `clazz`, where `clazz` is
    * a top-level or static class.
    * @note This no-prefix, no-arguments case is separate because we
    *       it's called from ScalaRunTime.boxArray itself. If we
    *       pass varargs as arrays into this, we get an infinitely recursive call
    *       to boxArray. (Besides, having a separate case is more efficient)
  def classType[T](clazz: jClass[_]): ClassManifest[T] =
    new ClassTypeManifest[T](None, clazz, Nil)

  /** ClassManifest for the class type `clazz[args]`, where `clazz` is
    * a top-level or static class and `args` are its type arguments */
  def classType[T](clazz: jClass[_], arg1: OptManifest[_], args: OptManifest[_]*): ClassManifest[T] =
    new ClassTypeManifest[T](None, clazz, arg1 :: args.toList)

  /** ClassManifest for the class type `clazz[args]`, where `clazz` is
    * a class with non-package prefix type `prefix` and type arguments `args`.
  def classType[T](prefix: OptManifest[_], clazz: jClass[_], args: OptManifest[_]*): ClassManifest[T] =
    new ClassTypeManifest[T](Some(prefix), clazz, args.toList)

  def arrayType[T](arg: OptManifest[_]): ClassManifest[Array[T]] = arg match {
    case NoManifest          => Object.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[Array[T]]]
    case m: ClassManifest[_] => m.asInstanceOf[ClassManifest[T]].arrayManifest

  /** ClassManifest for the abstract type `prefix # name`. `upperBound` is not
    * strictly necessary as it could be obtained by reflection. It was
    * added so that erasure can be calculated without reflection. */
  def abstractType[T](prefix: OptManifest[_], name: String, clazz: jClass[_], args: OptManifest[_]*): ClassManifest[T] =
    new ClassManifest[T] {
      override def runtimeClass = clazz
      override val typeArguments = args.toList
      override def toString = prefix.toString+"#"+name+argString

  /** ClassManifest for the abstract type `prefix # name`. `upperBound` is not
    * strictly necessary as it could be obtained by reflection. It was
    * added so that erasure can be calculated without reflection.
    * todo: remove after next boostrap
  def abstractType[T](prefix: OptManifest[_], name: String, upperbound: ClassManifest[_], args: OptManifest[_]*): ClassManifest[T] =
    new ClassManifest[T] {
      override def runtimeClass = upperbound.runtimeClass
      override val typeArguments = args.toList
      override def toString = prefix.toString+"#"+name+argString

/** Manifest for the class type `clazz[args]`, where `clazz` is
  * a top-level or static class */
private class ClassTypeManifest[T](
  prefix: Option[OptManifest[_]],
  val runtimeClass: jClass[_],
  override val typeArguments: List[OptManifest[_]]) extends ClassManifest[T]
  override def toString =
    (if (prefix.isEmpty) "" else prefix.get.toString+"#") +
    (if (runtimeClass.isArray) "Array" else runtimeClass.getName) +

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ClassManifestDeprecatedApis.scala source code file:

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