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Scala example source code file (

This example Scala source code file ( is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

boolean, char, double, float, int, long, math, nosuchmethodexception, object, other, runtime, scalanumber

The Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2006-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala.runtime;

import scala.math.ScalaNumber;

/** An object (static class) that defines methods used for creating,
  * reverting, and calculating with, boxed values. There are four classes
  * of methods in this object:
  *   - Convenience boxing methods which call the static valueOf method
  *     on the boxed class, thus utilizing the JVM boxing cache.
  *   - Convenience unboxing methods returning default value on null.
  *   - The generalised comparison method to be used when an object may
  *     be a boxed value.
  *   - Standard value operators for boxed number and quasi-number values.
  * @author  Gilles Dubochet
  * @author  Martin Odersky
  * @contributor Stepan Koltsov
  * @version 2.0 */
public final class BoxesRunTime
    private static final int CHAR = 0, BYTE = 1, SHORT = 2, INT = 3, LONG = 4, FLOAT = 5, DOUBLE = 6, OTHER = 7;

    /** We don't need to return BYTE and SHORT, as everything which might
     *  care widens to INT.
    private static int typeCode(Object a) {
        if (a instanceof java.lang.Integer) return INT;
        if (a instanceof java.lang.Double) return DOUBLE;
        if (a instanceof java.lang.Long) return LONG;
        if (a instanceof java.lang.Character) return CHAR;
        if (a instanceof java.lang.Float) return FLOAT;
        if ((a instanceof java.lang.Byte) || (a instanceof java.lang.Short)) return INT;
        return OTHER;

    private static String boxDescription(Object a) {
      return "" + a.getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + a + ")";


    public static java.lang.Boolean boxToBoolean(boolean b) {
        return java.lang.Boolean.valueOf(b);

    public static java.lang.Character boxToCharacter(char c) {
        return java.lang.Character.valueOf(c);

    public static java.lang.Byte boxToByte(byte b) {
        return java.lang.Byte.valueOf(b);

    public static java.lang.Short boxToShort(short s) {
        return java.lang.Short.valueOf(s);

    public static java.lang.Integer boxToInteger(int i) {
        return java.lang.Integer.valueOf(i);

    public static java.lang.Long boxToLong(long l) {
        return java.lang.Long.valueOf(l);

    public static java.lang.Float boxToFloat(float f) {
        return java.lang.Float.valueOf(f);

    public static java.lang.Double boxToDouble(double d) {
        // System.out.println("box " + d);
        // (new Throwable()).printStackTrace();
        return java.lang.Double.valueOf(d);


    public static boolean unboxToBoolean(Object b) {
        return b == null ? false : ((java.lang.Boolean)b).booleanValue();

    public static char unboxToChar(Object c) {
        return c == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Character)c).charValue();

    public static byte unboxToByte(Object b) {
        return b == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Byte)b).byteValue();

    public static short unboxToShort(Object s) {
        return s == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Short)s).shortValue();

    public static int unboxToInt(Object i) {
        return i == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Integer)i).intValue();

    public static long unboxToLong(Object l) {
        return l == null ? 0 : ((java.lang.Long)l).longValue();

    public static float unboxToFloat(Object f) {
        return f == null ? 0.0f : ((java.lang.Float)f).floatValue();

    public static double unboxToDouble(Object d) {
        //        System.out.println("unbox " + d);
        return d == null ? 0.0d : ((java.lang.Double)d).doubleValue();


    public static boolean equals(Object x, Object y) {
        if (x == y) return true;
        return equals2(x, y);

    /** Since all applicable logic has to be present in the equals method of a ScalaNumber
     *  in any case, we dispatch to it as soon as we spot one on either side.
    public static boolean equals2(Object x, Object y) {
        if (x instanceof java.lang.Number)
            return equalsNumObject((java.lang.Number)x, y);
        if (x instanceof java.lang.Character)
            return equalsCharObject((java.lang.Character)x, y);
        if (x == null)
            return y == null;

        return x.equals(y);

    public static boolean equalsNumObject(java.lang.Number xn, Object y) {
        if (y instanceof java.lang.Number)
            return equalsNumNum(xn, (java.lang.Number)y);
        if (y instanceof java.lang.Character)
            return equalsNumChar(xn, (java.lang.Character)y);
        if (xn == null)
            return y == null;

        return xn.equals(y);

    public static boolean equalsNumNum(java.lang.Number xn, java.lang.Number yn) {
        int xcode = typeCode(xn);
        int ycode = typeCode(yn);
        switch (ycode > xcode ? ycode : xcode) {
        case INT:
            return xn.intValue() == yn.intValue();
        case LONG:
            return xn.longValue() == yn.longValue();
        case FLOAT:
            return xn.floatValue() == yn.floatValue();
        case DOUBLE:
            return xn.doubleValue() == yn.doubleValue();
            if ((yn instanceof ScalaNumber) && !(xn instanceof ScalaNumber))
                return yn.equals(xn);
        if (xn == null)
            return yn == null;

        return xn.equals(yn);

    public static boolean equalsCharObject(java.lang.Character xc, Object y) {
        if (y instanceof java.lang.Character)
            return xc.charValue() == ((java.lang.Character)y).charValue();
        if (y instanceof java.lang.Number)
            return equalsNumChar((java.lang.Number)y, xc);
        if (xc == null)
            return y == null;

        return xc.equals(y);

    private static boolean equalsNumChar(java.lang.Number xn, java.lang.Character yc) {
        if (yc == null)
            return xn == null;

        char ch = yc.charValue();
        switch (typeCode(xn)) {
        case INT:
            return xn.intValue() == ch;
        case LONG:
            return xn.longValue() == ch;
        case FLOAT:
            return xn.floatValue() == ch;
        case DOUBLE:
            return xn.doubleValue() == ch;
            return xn.equals(yc);

    /** Hashcode algorithm is driven by the requirements imposed
     *  by primitive equality semantics, namely that equal objects
     *  have equal hashCodes.  The first priority are the integral/char
     *  types, which already have the same hashCodes for the same
     *  values except for Long.  So Long's hashCode is altered to
     *  conform to Int's for all values in Int's range.
     *  Float is problematic because it's far too small to hold
     *  all the Ints, so for instance Int.MaxValue.toFloat claims
     *  to be == to each of the largest 64 Ints.  There is no way
     *  to preserve equals/hashCode alignment without compromising
     *  the hashCode distribution, so Floats are only guaranteed
     *  to have the same hashCode for whole Floats in the range
     *  Short.MinValue to Short.MaxValue (2^16 total.)
     *  Double has its hashCode altered to match the entire Int range,
     *  but is not guaranteed beyond that.  (But could/should it be?
     *  The hashCode is only 32 bits so this is a more tractable
     *  issue than Float's, but it might be better simply to exclude it.)
     *  Note: BigInt and BigDecimal, being arbitrary precision, could
     *  be made consistent with all other types for the Int range, but
     *  as yet have not.
     *  Note: Among primitives, Float.NaN != Float.NaN, but the boxed
     *  versions are equal.  This still needs reconciliation.
    public static int hashFromLong(java.lang.Long n) {
        int iv = n.intValue();
        if (iv == n.longValue()) return iv;
        else return n.hashCode();
    public static int hashFromDouble(java.lang.Double n) {
        int iv = n.intValue();
        double dv = n.doubleValue();
        if (iv == dv) return iv;

        long lv = n.longValue();
        if (lv == dv) return java.lang.Long.valueOf(lv).hashCode();

        float fv = n.floatValue();
        if (fv == dv) return java.lang.Float.valueOf(fv).hashCode();
        else return n.hashCode();
    public static int hashFromFloat(java.lang.Float n) {
        int iv = n.intValue();
        float fv = n.floatValue();
        if (iv == fv) return iv;

        long lv = n.longValue();
        if (lv == fv) return java.lang.Long.valueOf(lv).hashCode();
        else return n.hashCode();
    public static int hashFromNumber(java.lang.Number n) {
      if (n instanceof java.lang.Long) return hashFromLong((java.lang.Long)n);
      else if (n instanceof java.lang.Double) return hashFromDouble((java.lang.Double)n);
      else if (n instanceof java.lang.Float) return hashFromFloat((java.lang.Float)n);
      else return n.hashCode();
    public static int hashFromObject(Object a) {
      if (a instanceof Number) return hashFromNumber((Number)a);
      else return a.hashCode();

    private static int unboxCharOrInt(Object arg1, int code) {
      if (code == CHAR)
        return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
        return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).intValue();
    private static long unboxCharOrLong(Object arg1, int code) {
      if (code == CHAR)
        return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
        return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).longValue();
    private static float unboxCharOrFloat(Object arg1, int code) {
      if (code == CHAR)
        return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
        return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).floatValue();
    private static double unboxCharOrDouble(Object arg1, int code) {
      if (code == CHAR)
        return ((java.lang.Character) arg1).charValue();
        return ((java.lang.Number) arg1).doubleValue();


    /** arg1 + arg2 */
    public static Object add(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
        if (maxcode <= INT) {
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG) {
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
            return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
            return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) + unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 - arg2 */
    public static Object subtract(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
        if (maxcode <= INT) {
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG) {
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
            return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
            return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) - unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 * arg2 */
    public static Object multiply(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
        if (maxcode <= INT) {
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG) {
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
            return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
            return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) * unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 / arg2 */
    public static Object divide(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;

        if (maxcode <= INT)
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG)
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT)
            return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE)
            return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) / unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));

        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 % arg2 */
    public static Object takeModulo(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;

        if (maxcode <= INT)
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG)
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT)
            return boxToFloat(unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE)
            return boxToDouble(unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1) % unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2));

        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 >> arg2 */
    public static Object shiftSignedRight(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        if (code1 <= INT) {
            int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
            if (code2 <= INT) {
                int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
                return boxToInteger(val1 >> val2);
            if (code2 <= LONG) {
                long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
                return boxToInteger(val1 >> val2);
        if (code1 <= LONG) {
            long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
            if (code2 <= INT) {
                int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
                return boxToLong(val1 >> val2);
            if (code2 <= LONG) {
                long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
                return boxToLong(val1 >> val2);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 << arg2 */
    public static Object shiftSignedLeft(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        if (code1 <= INT) {
            int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
            if (code2 <= INT) {
                int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
                return boxToInteger(val1 << val2);
            if (code2 <= LONG) {
                long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
                return boxToInteger(val1 << val2);
        if (code1 <= LONG) {
            long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
            if (code2 <= INT) {
                int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
                return boxToLong(val1 << val2);
            if (code2 <= LONG) {
                long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
                return boxToLong(val1 << val2);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 >>> arg2 */
    public static Object shiftLogicalRight(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        if (code1 <= INT) {
            int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
            if (code2 <= INT) {
                int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
                return boxToInteger(val1 >>> val2);
            if (code2 <= LONG) {
                long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
                return boxToInteger(val1 >>> val2);
        if (code1 <= LONG) {
            long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
            if (code2 <= INT) {
                int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
                return boxToLong(val1 >>> val2);
            if (code2 <= LONG) {
                long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
                return boxToLong(val1 >>> val2);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** -arg */
    public static Object negate(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code = typeCode(arg);
        if (code <= INT) {
            int val = unboxCharOrInt(arg, code);
            return boxToInteger(-val);
        if (code <= LONG) {
            long val = unboxCharOrLong(arg, code);
            return boxToLong(-val);
        if (code <= FLOAT) {
            float val = unboxCharOrFloat(arg, code);
            return boxToFloat(-val);
        if (code <= DOUBLE) {
            double val = unboxCharOrDouble(arg, code);
            return boxToDouble(-val);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** +arg */
    public static Object positive(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code = typeCode(arg);
        if (code <= INT) {
            return boxToInteger(+unboxCharOrInt(arg, code));
        if (code <= LONG) {
            return boxToLong(+unboxCharOrLong(arg, code));
        if (code <= FLOAT) {
            return boxToFloat(+unboxCharOrFloat(arg, code));
        if (code <= DOUBLE) {
            return boxToDouble(+unboxCharOrDouble(arg, code));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 & arg2 */
    public static Object takeAnd(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) || (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
            if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean))
                return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() & ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
                throw new NoSuchMethodException();
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;

        if (maxcode <= INT)
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) & unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG)
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) & unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));

        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 | arg2 */
    public static Object takeOr(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) || (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
            if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean))
                return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() | ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
                throw new NoSuchMethodException();
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;

        if (maxcode <= INT)
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) | unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG)
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) | unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));

        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 ^ arg2 */
    public static Object takeXor(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) || (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
            if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean))
                return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() ^ ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
                throw new NoSuchMethodException();
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;

        if (maxcode <= INT)
            return boxToInteger(unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1) ^ unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2));
        if (maxcode <= LONG)
            return boxToLong(unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1) ^ unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2));

        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 && arg2 */
    public static Object takeConditionalAnd(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
            return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() && ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg1 || arg2 */
    public static Object takeConditionalOr(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if ((arg1 instanceof Boolean) && (arg2 instanceof Boolean)) {
            return boxToBoolean(((java.lang.Boolean) arg1).booleanValue() || ((java.lang.Boolean) arg2).booleanValue());
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** ~arg */
    public static Object complement(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code = typeCode(arg);
        if (code <= INT) {
            return boxToInteger(~unboxCharOrInt(arg, code));
        if (code <= LONG) {
            return boxToLong(~unboxCharOrLong(arg, code));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** !arg */
    public static Object takeNot(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof Boolean) {
          return boxToBoolean(!((java.lang.Boolean) arg).booleanValue());
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    public static Object testEqual(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        return boxToBoolean(arg1 == arg2);

    public static Object testNotEqual(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        return boxToBoolean(arg1 != arg2);

    public static Object testLessThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
        if (maxcode <= INT) {
            int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
            int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
        if (maxcode <= LONG) {
            long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
            long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
            float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
            float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
            double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
            double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 < val2);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    public static Object testLessOrEqualThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
        if (maxcode <= INT) {
            int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
            int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
        if (maxcode <= LONG) {
            long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
            long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
            float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
            float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
            double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
            double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 <= val2);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    public static Object testGreaterOrEqualThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
        if (maxcode <= INT) {
            int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
            int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
        if (maxcode <= LONG) {
            long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
            long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
            float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
            float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
            double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
            double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 >= val2);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    public static Object testGreaterThan(Object arg1, Object arg2) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        int code1 = typeCode(arg1);
        int code2 = typeCode(arg2);
        int maxcode = (code1 < code2) ? code2 : code1;
        if (maxcode <= INT) {
            int val1 = unboxCharOrInt(arg1, code1);
            int val2 = unboxCharOrInt(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
        if (maxcode <= LONG) {
            long val1 = unboxCharOrLong(arg1, code1);
            long val2 = unboxCharOrLong(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
        if (maxcode <= FLOAT) {
            float val1 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg1, code1);
            float val2 = unboxCharOrFloat(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
        if (maxcode <= DOUBLE) {
            double val1 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg1, code1);
            double val2 = unboxCharOrDouble(arg2, code2);
            return boxToBoolean(val1 > val2);
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    public static boolean isBoxedNumberOrBoolean(Object arg) {
      return (arg instanceof java.lang.Boolean) || isBoxedNumber(arg);
    public static boolean isBoxedNumber(Object arg) {
      return  (
           (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer)
        || (arg instanceof java.lang.Long)
        || (arg instanceof java.lang.Double)
        || (arg instanceof java.lang.Float)
        || (arg instanceof java.lang.Short)
        || (arg instanceof java.lang.Character)
        || (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte)

    /** arg.toChar */
    public static java.lang.Character toCharacter(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToInt(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToShort(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return (java.lang.Character)arg;
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToLong(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToByte(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToFloat(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToCharacter((char)unboxToDouble(arg));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg.toByte */
    public static java.lang.Byte toByte(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToInt(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToChar(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return (java.lang.Byte)arg;
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToLong(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToShort(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToFloat(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToByte((byte)unboxToDouble(arg));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg.toShort */
    public static java.lang.Short toShort(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToShort((short)unboxToInt(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToShort((short)unboxToLong(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToShort((short)unboxToChar(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToShort((short)unboxToByte(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return (java.lang.Short)arg;
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToShort((short)unboxToFloat(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToShort((short)unboxToDouble(arg));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg.toInt */
    public static java.lang.Integer toInteger(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return (java.lang.Integer)arg;
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToLong(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToDouble(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToFloat(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToChar(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToByte(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToInteger((int)unboxToShort(arg));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg.toLong */
    public static java.lang.Long toLong(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToLong((long)unboxToInt(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToLong((long)unboxToDouble(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToLong((long)unboxToFloat(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return (java.lang.Long)arg;
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToLong((long)unboxToChar(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToLong((long)unboxToByte(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToLong((long)unboxToShort(arg));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg.toFloat */
    public static java.lang.Float toFloat(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToInt(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToLong(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return (java.lang.Float)arg;
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToDouble(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToChar(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToByte(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToFloat((float)unboxToShort(arg));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();

    /** arg.toDouble */
    public static java.lang.Double toDouble(Object arg) throws NoSuchMethodException {
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Integer) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToInt(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Float) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToFloat(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Double) return (java.lang.Double)arg;
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Long) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToLong(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Character) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToChar(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Byte) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToByte(arg));
        if (arg instanceof java.lang.Short) return boxToDouble((double)unboxToShort(arg));
        throw new NoSuchMethodException();


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