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Scala example source code file (ProcessBuilderImpl.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ProcessBuilderImpl.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

abstractbuilder, boolean, file, process, processbuilder, processio, processlogger, sequentialbuilder, stream, string

The ProcessBuilderImpl.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package sys
package process

import processInternal._
import Process._
import{ FileInputStream, FileOutputStream }
import BasicIO.{ Uncloseable, Streamed }
import Uncloseable.protect

private[process] trait ProcessBuilderImpl {
  self: ProcessBuilder.type =>

  private[process] class DaemonBuilder(underlying: ProcessBuilder) extends AbstractBuilder {
    final def run(io: ProcessIO): Process =

  private[process] class Dummy(override val toString: String, exitValue: => Int) extends AbstractBuilder {
    override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = new DummyProcess(exitValue)
    override def canPipeTo = true

  private[process] class URLInput(url: URL) extends IStreamBuilder(url.openStream, url.toString)
  private[process] class FileInput(file: File) extends IStreamBuilder(new FileInputStream(file), file.getAbsolutePath)
  private[process] class FileOutput(file: File, append: Boolean) extends OStreamBuilder(new FileOutputStream(file, append), file.getAbsolutePath)

  private[process] class OStreamBuilder(
    stream: => OutputStream,
    label: String
  ) extends ThreadBuilder(label, _ writeInput protect(stream)) {
    override def hasExitValue = false

  private[process] class IStreamBuilder(
    stream: => InputStream,
    label: String
  ) extends ThreadBuilder(label, _ processOutput protect(stream)) {
    override def hasExitValue = false

  private[process] abstract class ThreadBuilder(
    override val toString: String,
    runImpl: ProcessIO => Unit
  ) extends AbstractBuilder {

    override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = {
      val success = new SyncVar[Boolean]
      success put false
      val t = Spawn({
        success set true
      }, io.daemonizeThreads)

      new ThreadProcess(t, success)

  /** Represents a simple command without any redirection or combination. */
  private[process] class Simple(p: JProcessBuilder) extends AbstractBuilder {
    override def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = {
      val process = p.start() // start the external process
      import io._

      // spawn threads that process the input, output, and error streams using the functions defined in `io`
      val inThread  = Spawn(writeInput(process.getOutputStream), daemon = true)
      val outThread = Spawn(processOutput(process.getInputStream), daemonizeThreads)
      val errorThread =
        if (p.redirectErrorStream) Nil
        else List(Spawn(processError(process.getErrorStream), daemonizeThreads))

      new SimpleProcess(process, inThread, outThread :: errorThread)
    override def toString = p.command.toString
    override def canPipeTo = true

  private[scala] abstract class AbstractBuilder extends ProcessBuilder with Sink with Source {
    protected def toSource = this
    protected def toSink = this

    def #|(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder  = {
      require(other.canPipeTo, "Piping to multiple processes is not supported.")
      new PipedBuilder(this, other, false)
    def #||(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new OrBuilder(this, other)
    def #&&(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new AndBuilder(this, other)
    def ###(other: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new SequenceBuilder(this, other)

    def run(): Process                                          = run(connectInput = false)
    def run(connectInput: Boolean): Process                     = run(BasicIO.standard(connectInput))
    def run(log: ProcessLogger): Process                        = run(log, connectInput = false)
    def run(log: ProcessLogger, connectInput: Boolean): Process = run(BasicIO(connectInput, log))

    def !!                      = slurp(None, withIn = false)
    def !!(log: ProcessLogger)  = slurp(Some(log), withIn = false)
    def !!<                     = slurp(None, withIn = true)
    def !!<(log: ProcessLogger) = slurp(Some(log), withIn = true)

    def lineStream: Stream[String]                       = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, None)
    def lineStream(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String]   = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = true, Some(log))
    def lineStream_! : Stream[String]                    = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, None)
    def lineStream_!(log: ProcessLogger): Stream[String] = lineStream(withInput = false, nonZeroException = false, Some(log))

    def !                      = run(connectInput = false).exitValue()
    def !(io: ProcessIO)       = run(io).exitValue()
    def !(log: ProcessLogger)  = runBuffered(log, connectInput = false)
    def !<                     = run(connectInput = true).exitValue()
    def !<(log: ProcessLogger) = runBuffered(log, connectInput = true)

    /** Constructs a new builder which runs this command with all input/output threads marked
     *  as daemon threads.  This allows the creation of a long running process while still
     *  allowing the JVM to exit normally.
     *  Note: not in the public API because it's not fully baked, but I need the capability
     *  for fsc.
    def daemonized(): ProcessBuilder = new DaemonBuilder(this)

    private[this] def slurp(log: Option[ProcessLogger], withIn: Boolean): String = {
      val buffer = new StringBuffer
      val code   = this ! BasicIO(withIn, buffer, log)

      if (code == 0) buffer.toString
      else scala.sys.error("Nonzero exit value: " + code)

    private[this] def lineStream(
      withInput: Boolean,
      nonZeroException: Boolean,
      log: Option[ProcessLogger]
    ): Stream[String] = {
      val streamed = Streamed[String](nonZeroException)
      val process  = run(BasicIO(withInput, streamed.process, log))

      Spawn(streamed done process.exitValue())

    private[this] def runBuffered(log: ProcessLogger, connectInput: Boolean) =
      log buffer run(log, connectInput).exitValue()

    def canPipeTo = false
    def hasExitValue = true

  private[process] class URLImpl(url: URL) extends URLBuilder with Source {
    protected def toSource = new URLInput(url)
  private[process] class FileImpl(base: File) extends FileBuilder with Sink with Source {
    protected def toSource = new FileInput(base)
    protected def toSink   = new FileOutput(base, false)

    def #<<(f: File): ProcessBuilder           = #<<(new FileInput(f))
    def #<<(u: URL): ProcessBuilder            = #<<(new URLInput(u))
    def #<<(s: => InputStream): ProcessBuilder = #<<(new IStreamBuilder(s, "<input stream>"))
    def #<<(b: ProcessBuilder): ProcessBuilder = new PipedBuilder(b, new FileOutput(base, true), false)

  private[process] abstract class BasicBuilder extends AbstractBuilder {
    protected[this] def checkNotThis(a: ProcessBuilder) = require(a != this, "Compound process '" + a + "' cannot contain itself.")
    final def run(io: ProcessIO): Process = {
      val p = createProcess(io)
    protected[this] def createProcess(io: ProcessIO): BasicProcess

  private[process] abstract class SequentialBuilder(
    a: ProcessBuilder,
    b: ProcessBuilder,
    operatorString: String
  ) extends BasicBuilder {

    override def toString = " ( " + a + " " + operatorString + " " + b + " ) "

  private[process] class PipedBuilder(
    first: ProcessBuilder,
    second: ProcessBuilder,
    toError: Boolean
  ) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, if (toError) "#|!" else "#|") {

    override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new PipedProcesses(first, second, io, toError)

  private[process] class AndBuilder(
    first: ProcessBuilder,
    second: ProcessBuilder
  ) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, "#&&") {
    override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new AndProcess(first, second, io)

  private[process] class OrBuilder(
    first: ProcessBuilder,
    second: ProcessBuilder
  ) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, "#||") {
    override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new OrProcess(first, second, io)

  private[process] class SequenceBuilder(
    first: ProcessBuilder,
    second: ProcessBuilder
  ) extends SequentialBuilder(first, second, "###") {
    override def createProcess(io: ProcessIO) = new ProcessSequence(first, second, io)

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ProcessBuilderImpl.scala source code file:

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