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Scala example source code file (ProcessImpl.scala)

This example Scala source code file (ProcessImpl.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

basicio, boolean, none, processbuilder, processio, sequentialprocess, some, syncvar, thread, unit

The ProcessImpl.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2003-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package sys
package process

import processInternal._
import{ PipedInputStream, PipedOutputStream }

private[process] trait ProcessImpl {
  self: Process.type =>

  /** Runs provided code in a new Thread and returns the Thread instance. */
  private[process] object Spawn {
    def apply(f: => Unit): Thread = apply(f, daemon = false)
    def apply(f: => Unit, daemon: Boolean): Thread = {
      val thread = new Thread() { override def run() = { f } }
  private[process] object Future {
    def apply[T](f: => T): () => T = {
      val result = new SyncVar[Either[Throwable, T]]
      def run(): Unit =
        try result set Right(f)
        catch { case e: Exception => result set Left(e) }


      () => result.get match {
        case Right(value)    => value
        case Left(exception) => throw exception

  private[process] class AndProcess(
    a: ProcessBuilder,
    b: ProcessBuilder,
    io: ProcessIO
  ) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ == 0)

  private[process] class OrProcess(
    a: ProcessBuilder,
    b: ProcessBuilder,
    io: ProcessIO
  ) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ != 0)

  private[process] class ProcessSequence(
    a: ProcessBuilder,
    b: ProcessBuilder,
    io: ProcessIO
  ) extends SequentialProcess(a, b, io, _ => true)

  private[process] class SequentialProcess(
    a: ProcessBuilder,
    b: ProcessBuilder,
    io: ProcessIO,
    evaluateSecondProcess: Int => Boolean
  ) extends CompoundProcess {

    protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() = {
      val first =
      runInterruptible(first.exitValue())(first.destroy()) flatMap { codeA =>
        if (evaluateSecondProcess(codeA)) {
          val second =
        else Some(codeA)

  private[process] abstract class BasicProcess extends Process {
    def start(): Unit

  private[process] abstract class CompoundProcess extends BasicProcess {
    def destroy()   = destroyer()
    def exitValue() = getExitValue() getOrElse scala.sys.error("No exit code: process destroyed.")
    def start()     = getExitValue

    protected lazy val (getExitValue, destroyer) = {
      val code = new SyncVar[Option[Int]]()
      code set None
      val thread = Spawn(code set runAndExitValue())

        Future { thread.join(); code.get },
        () => thread.interrupt()

    /** Start and block until the exit value is available and then return it in Some.  Return None if destroyed (use 'run')*/
    protected[this] def runAndExitValue(): Option[Int]

    protected[this] def runInterruptible[T](action: => T)(destroyImpl: => Unit): Option[T] = {
      try   Some(action)
      catch onInterrupt { destroyImpl; None }

  private[process] class PipedProcesses(a: ProcessBuilder, b: ProcessBuilder, defaultIO: ProcessIO, toError: Boolean) extends CompoundProcess {
    protected[this] override def runAndExitValue() = {
      val currentSource = new SyncVar[Option[InputStream]]
      val pipeOut       = new PipedOutputStream
      val source        = new PipeSource(currentSource, pipeOut, a.toString)

      val pipeIn      = new PipedInputStream(pipeOut)
      val currentSink = new SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]]
      val sink        = new PipeSink(pipeIn, currentSink, b.toString)

      def handleOutOrError(fromOutput: InputStream) = currentSource put Some(fromOutput)

      val firstIO =
        if (toError)
      val secondIO = defaultIO.withInput(toInput => currentSink put Some(toInput))

      val second =
      val first =
      try {
        runInterruptible {
          val exit1 = first.exitValue()
          currentSource put None
          currentSink put None
          val exit2 = second.exitValue()
          // Since file redirection (e.g. #>) is implemented as a piped process,
          // we ignore its exit value so cmd #> file doesn't always return 0.
          if (b.hasExitValue) exit2 else exit1
        } {
      finally {
        BasicIO close pipeIn
        BasicIO close pipeOut

  private[process] abstract class PipeThread(isSink: Boolean, labelFn: () => String) extends Thread {
    def run(): Unit

    private[process] def runloop(src: InputStream, dst: OutputStream): Unit = {
      try     BasicIO.transferFully(src, dst)
      catch   ioFailure(ioHandler)
      finally BasicIO close {
        if (isSink) dst else src
    private def ioHandler(e: IOException) {
      println("I/O error " + e.getMessage + " for process: " + labelFn())

  private[process] class PipeSource(
    currentSource: SyncVar[Option[InputStream]],
    pipe: PipedOutputStream,
    label: => String
  ) extends PipeThread(false, () => label) {

    final override def run(): Unit = currentSource.get match {
      case Some(source) =>
        try runloop(source, pipe)
        finally currentSource.unset()

      case None =>
        BasicIO close pipe
  private[process] class PipeSink(
    pipe: PipedInputStream,
    currentSink: SyncVar[Option[OutputStream]],
    label: => String
  ) extends PipeThread(true, () => label) {

    final override def run(): Unit = currentSink.get match {
      case Some(sink) =>
        try runloop(pipe, sink)
        finally currentSink.unset()

      case None =>

  /** A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process.  `ioThreads` are the Threads created to do I/O.
  * The implementation of `exitValue` waits until these threads die before returning. */
  private[process] class DummyProcess(action: => Int) extends Process {
    private[this] val exitCode = Future(action)
    override def exitValue() = exitCode()
    override def destroy() { }
  /** A thin wrapper around a java.lang.Process.  `outputThreads` are the Threads created to read from the
  * output and error streams of the process.  `inputThread` is the Thread created to write to the input stream of
  * the process.
  * The implementation of `exitValue` interrupts `inputThread` and then waits until all I/O threads die before
  * returning. */
  private[process] class SimpleProcess(p: JProcess, inputThread: Thread, outputThreads: List[Thread]) extends Process {
    override def exitValue() = {
      try p.waitFor()                   // wait for the process to terminate
      finally inputThread.interrupt()   // we interrupt the input thread to notify it that it can terminate
      outputThreads foreach (_.join())  // this ensures that all output is complete before returning (waitFor does not ensure this)

    override def destroy() = {
      try {
        outputThreads foreach (_.interrupt()) // on destroy, don't bother consuming any more output
      finally inputThread.interrupt()
  private[process] final class ThreadProcess(thread: Thread, success: SyncVar[Boolean]) extends Process {
    override def exitValue() = {
      if (success.get) 0 else 1
    override def destroy() { thread.interrupt() }

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala ProcessImpl.scala source code file:

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