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Scala example source code file (Properties.scala)

This example Scala source code file (Properties.scala) is included in my "Source Code Warehouse" project. The intent of this project is to help you more easily find Scala source code examples by using tags.

All credit for the original source code belongs to; I'm just trying to make examples easier to find. (For my Scala work, see my Scala examples and tutorials.)

Scala tags/keywords

ioexception, jdk_home, lamp/epfl, not, option, propertiestrait, snapshot, string, unit, utf-8

The Properties.scala Scala example source code

/*                     __                                               *\
**     ________ ___   / /  ___     Scala API                            **
**    / __/ __// _ | / /  / _ |    (c) 2006-2013, LAMP/EPFL             **
**  __\ \/ /__/ __ |/ /__/ __ |               **
** /____/\___/_/ |_/____/_/ | |                                         **
**                          |/                                          **
\*                                                                      */

package scala
package util

import{ IOException, PrintWriter }
import java.util.jar.Attributes.{ Name => AttributeName }

/** Loads `` from the jar. */
object Properties extends PropertiesTrait {
  protected def propCategory    = "library"
  protected def pickJarBasedOn  = classOf[Option[_]]

  /** Scala manifest attributes.
  val ScalaCompilerVersion = new AttributeName("Scala-Compiler-Version")

private[scala] trait PropertiesTrait {
  protected def propCategory: String      // specializes the remainder of the values
  protected def pickJarBasedOn: Class[_]  // props file comes from jar containing this

  /** The name of the properties file */
  protected val propFilename = "/" + propCategory + ".properties"

  /** The loaded properties */
  protected lazy val scalaProps: java.util.Properties = {
    val props = new java.util.Properties
    val stream = pickJarBasedOn getResourceAsStream propFilename
    if (stream ne null)
      quietlyDispose(props load stream, stream.close)


  private def quietlyDispose(action: => Unit, disposal: => Unit) =
    try     { action }
    finally {
        try     { disposal }
        catch   { case _: IOException => }

  def propIsSet(name: String)                   = System.getProperty(name) != null
  def propIsSetTo(name: String, value: String)  = propOrNull(name) == value
  def propOrElse(name: String, alt: String)     = System.getProperty(name, alt)
  def propOrEmpty(name: String)                 = propOrElse(name, "")
  def propOrNull(name: String)                  = propOrElse(name, null)
  def propOrNone(name: String)                  = Option(propOrNull(name))
  def propOrFalse(name: String)                 = propOrNone(name) exists (x => List("yes", "on", "true") contains x.toLowerCase)
  def setProp(name: String, value: String)      = System.setProperty(name, value)
  def clearProp(name: String)                   = System.clearProperty(name)

  def envOrElse(name: String, alt: String)      = Option(System getenv name) getOrElse alt
  def envOrNone(name: String)                   = Option(System getenv name)

  def envOrSome(name: String, alt: Option[String])       = envOrNone(name) orElse alt

  // for values based on propFilename
  def scalaPropOrElse(name: String, alt: String): String = scalaProps.getProperty(name, alt)
  def scalaPropOrEmpty(name: String): String             = scalaPropOrElse(name, "")
  def scalaPropOrNone(name: String): Option[String]      = Option(scalaProps.getProperty(name))

  /** The numeric portion of the runtime Scala version, if this is a final
   *  release.  If for instance the versionString says "version",
   *  this would return Some("2.9.0").
   *  @return Some(version) if this is a final release build, None if
   *  it is an RC, Beta, etc. or was built from source, or if the version
   *  cannot be read.
  val releaseVersion =
    for {
      v <- scalaPropOrNone("maven.version.number")
      if !(v endsWith "-SNAPSHOT")
    } yield v

  /** The development Scala version, if this is not a final release.
   *  The precise contents are not guaranteed, but it aims to provide a
   *  unique repository identifier (currently the svn revision) in the
   *  fourth dotted segment if the running version was built from source.
   *  @return Some(version) if this is a non-final version, None if this
   *  is a final release or the version cannot be read.
  val developmentVersion =
    for {
      v <- scalaPropOrNone("maven.version.number")
      if v endsWith "-SNAPSHOT"
      ov <- scalaPropOrNone("version.number")
    } yield ov

  /** Either the development or release version if known, otherwise
   *  the empty string.
  def versionNumberString = scalaPropOrEmpty("version.number")

  /** The version number of the jar this was loaded from plus "version " prefix,
   *  or "version (unknown)" if it cannot be determined.
  val versionString         = "version " + scalaPropOrElse("version.number", "(unknown)")
  val copyrightString       = scalaPropOrElse("copyright.string", "Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL")

  /** This is the encoding to use reading in source files, overridden with -encoding
   *  Note that it uses "prop" i.e. looks in the scala jar, not the system properties.
  def sourceEncoding        = scalaPropOrElse("file.encoding", "UTF-8")
  def sourceReader          = scalaPropOrElse("source.reader", "")

  /** This is the default text encoding, overridden (unreliably) with
   *  `JAVA_OPTS="-Dfile.encoding=Foo"`
  def encodingString        = propOrElse("file.encoding", "UTF-8")

  /** The default end of line character.
  def lineSeparator         = propOrElse("line.separator", "\n")

  /* Various well-known properties. */
  def javaClassPath         = propOrEmpty("java.class.path")
  def javaHome              = propOrEmpty("java.home")
  def javaVendor            = propOrEmpty("java.vendor")
  def javaVersion           = propOrEmpty("java.version")
  def javaVmInfo            = propOrEmpty("")
  def javaVmName            = propOrEmpty("")
  def javaVmVendor          = propOrEmpty("java.vm.vendor")
  def javaVmVersion         = propOrEmpty("java.vm.version")
  def javaSpecVersion       = propOrEmpty("java.specification.version")
  def javaSpecVendor        = propOrEmpty("java.specification.vendor")
  def javaSpecName          = propOrEmpty("")
  def osName                = propOrEmpty("")
  def scalaHome             = propOrEmpty("scala.home")
  def tmpDir                = propOrEmpty("")
  def userDir               = propOrEmpty("user.dir")
  def userHome              = propOrEmpty("user.home")
  def userName              = propOrEmpty("")

  /* Some derived values. */
  /** Returns `true` iff the underlying operating system is a version of Microsoft Windows. */
  def isWin                 = osName startsWith "Windows"
  // See for
  // the reason why we don't follow
  /** Returns `true` iff the underlying operating system is a version of Apple Mac OSX.  */
  def isMac                 = osName startsWith "Mac OS X"

  /* Some runtime values. */
  private[scala] def isAvian = javaVmName contains "Avian"

  // This is looking for javac, tools.jar, etc.
  // Tries JDK_HOME first, then the more common but likely jre JAVA_HOME,
  // and finally the system property based javaHome.
  def jdkHome              = envOrElse("JDK_HOME", envOrElse("JAVA_HOME", javaHome))

  def versionMsg            = "Scala %s %s -- %s".format(propCategory, versionString, copyrightString)
  def scalaCmd              = if (isWin) "scala.bat" else "scala"
  def scalacCmd             = if (isWin) "scalac.bat" else "scalac"

  /** Compares the given specification version to the specification version of the platform.
   * @param version a specification version of the form "major.minor"
   * @return `true` iff the specification version of the current runtime
   * is equal to or higher than the version denoted by the given string.
   * @throws NumberFormatException if the given string is not a version string
   * @example {{{
   * // In this example, the runtime's Java specification is assumed to be at version 1.7.
   * isJavaAtLeast("1.6")            // true
   * isJavaAtLeast("1.7")            // true
   * isJavaAtLeast("1.8")            // false
   * }}}
  def isJavaAtLeast(version: String): Boolean = {
    def parts(x: String) = {
      val i = x.indexOf('.')
      if (i < 0) throw new NumberFormatException("Not a version: " + x)
      (x.substring(0, i), x.substring(i+1, x.length))
    val (v, _v) = parts(version)
    val (s, _s) = parts(javaSpecVersion)
    s.toInt >= v.toInt && _s.toInt >= _v.toInt

  // provide a main method so version info can be obtained by running this
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val writer = new PrintWriter(Console.err, true)
    writer println versionMsg

Other Scala source code examples

Here is a short list of links related to this Scala Properties.scala source code file:

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