Scala example source code file (fsc.scala)
The fsc.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Stephane Micheloud */ package scala.man1 /** * @author Lex Spoon * @version 1.0 */ object fsc extends Command { import _root_.scala.tools.docutil.ManPage._ protected def cn = new Error().getStackTrace()(0).getClassName() val name = Section("NAME", MBold(command) & " " & NDash & " Fast offline compiler for the " & Link("Scala 2", "http://scala-lang.org/") & " language") val synopsis = Section("SYNOPSIS", CmdLine(" [ " & Argument("options") & " ] " & Argument("source files"))) val parameters = scalac.parameters val description = Section("DESCRIPTION", "The "&MBold("fsc")&" tool submits Scala compilation jobs to " & "a compilation daemon. "& "The first time it is executed, the daemon is started automatically. "& "On subsequent "& "runs, the same daemon can be reused, thus resulting in a faster compilation. "& "The tool is especially effective when repeatedly compiling with the same "& "class paths, because the compilation daemon can reuse a compiler instance.", "The compilation daemon is smart enough to flush its cached compiler "& "when the class path changes. However, if the contents of the class path "& "change, for example due to upgrading a library, then the daemon "& "should be explicitly shut down with " & MBold("-shutdown") & ".", "Note that the " & Link(MBold("scala"), "scala.html") & " script runner " & "will also use " & "the offline compiler by default, with the same advantages and caveats.") val options = Section("OPTIONS", "The offline compiler supports " & Link("all options of " & MBold("scalac"), "scalac.html#options") & " plus the following:", DefinitionList( Definition( CmdOption("reset"), "Reset compile server caches."), Definition( CmdOption("shutdown"), "Shut down the compilation daemon. The daemon attempts to restart "& "itself as necessary, but sometimes an explicit shutdown is required. "& "A common example is if jars on the class path have changed."), Definition( CmdOption("server", Argument("hostname:portnumber")), "Specify compile server host at port number. Usually this option " & "is not needed. Note that the hostname must be for a host that shares " & "the same filesystem."), Definition( CmdOptionBound("J", Argument("flag")), "Pass " & Mono(Argument("flag")) & " directly to the Java VM for the compilation daemon.") )) val example = Section("EXAMPLE", "The following session shows a typical speed up due to using the "& "offline compiler.", CodeSample( """> fsc -verbose -d /tmp test.scala |\&... |[Port number: 32834] |[Starting new Scala compile server instance] |[Classpath = ...] |[loaded directory path ... in 692ms] |\&... |[parsing test.scala] |\&... |[total in 943ms] | |> fsc -verbose -d /tmp test.scala |\&... |[Port number: 32834] |[parsing test.scala] |\&... |[total in 60ms] | |> fsc -verbose -d /tmp test.scala |\&... |[Port number: 32834] |[parsing test.scala] |\&... |[total in 42ms] | |> fsc -verbose -shutdown |[Scala compile server exited] |""".stripMargin)) val environment = Section("ENVIRONMENT", DefinitionList( Definition( MBold("JAVACMD"), "Specify the " & MBold("java") & " command to be used " & "for running the Scala code. Arguments may be specified " & "as part of the environment variable; spaces, quotation marks, " & "etc., will be passed directly to the shell for expansion."), Definition( MBold("JAVA_HOME"), "Specify JDK/JRE home directory. This directory is used to locate " & "the " & MBold("java") & " command unless " & MBold("JAVACMD") & " variable set."), Definition( MBold("JAVA_OPTS"), SeqPara( "Specify the options to be passed to the " & MBold("java") & " command defined by " & MBold("JAVACMD") & ".", "With Java 1.5 (or newer) one may for example configure the " & "memory usage of the JVM as follows: " & Mono("JAVA_OPTS=\"-Xmx512M -Xms16M -Xss16M\""), "With " & Link("GNU Java", "http://gcc.gnu.org/java/") & " one " & "may configure the memory usage of the GIJ as follows: " & Mono("JAVA_OPTS=\"--mx512m --ms16m\"") )))) val exitStatus = Section("EXIT STATUS", MBold(command) & " returns a zero exit status if it succeeds to " & "compile the specified input files. Non zero is returned in case " & "of failure.") val seeAlso = Section("SEE ALSO", Link(Bold("scala") & "(1)", "scala.html") & ", " & Link(Bold("scalac") & "(1)", "scalac.html") & ", " & Link(Bold("scaladoc") & "(1)", "scaladoc.html") & ", " & Link(Bold("scalap") & "(1)", "scalap.html")) def manpage = new Document { title = command date = "March 2012" author = "Lex Spoon" version = "0.5" sections = List( name, synopsis, parameters, options, description, example, environment, exitStatus, authors, bugs, copyright, seeAlso) } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala fsc.scala source code file: |
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