Scala example source code file (ManPage.scala)
The ManPage.scala Scala example source code/* NSC -- new Scala compiler * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL * @author Stephane Micheloud * Adapted from Lex Spoon's sbaz manual */ package scala.tools.docutil import scala.language.implicitConversions object ManPage { abstract class AbstractText { def &(more: AbstractText) = SeqText(this, more) } case class SeqText(components: AbstractText*) extends AbstractText case class SeqPara(components: AbstractText*) extends AbstractText case class Text(text: String) extends AbstractText case object BSlash extends AbstractText case object MDash extends AbstractText case object NDash extends AbstractText case class Bold(contents: AbstractText) extends AbstractText case class Italic(contents: AbstractText) extends AbstractText case class Emph(contents: AbstractText) extends AbstractText case class Mono(contents: AbstractText) extends AbstractText case class Quote(contents: AbstractText) extends AbstractText implicit def str2text(str: String) = Text(str) case class Definition(term: AbstractText, description: AbstractText) case class DefinitionList(definitions: Definition*) extends AbstractText case class Link(label: AbstractText, url: String) extends AbstractText case class DefnItem(header: String, text: AbstractText) abstract class Paragraph case class TextParagraph(text: AbstractText) extends Paragraph case class CodeSample(text: String) extends Paragraph case class BlockQuote(text: AbstractText) extends Paragraph implicit def text2para(text: AbstractText): Paragraph = TextParagraph(text) implicit def str2para(str: String) = text2para(str2text(str)) case class BulletList(items: AbstractText*) extends Paragraph case class NumberedList(items: AbstractText*) extends Paragraph case class TitledPara(title: String, text: AbstractText) extends Paragraph case class EmbeddedSection(section: Section) extends Paragraph implicit def section2Para(section: Section) = EmbeddedSection(section) case class Section(title: String, paragraphs: Paragraph*) object Category extends Enumeration { val USER_COMMANDS = Value(1, "USER COMMANDS") val SYSTEM_CALLS = Value(2, "SYSTEM CALLS") val SUBROUTINES = Value(3, "SUBROUTINES") val DEVICES = Value(4, "DEVICES") val FILE_FORMATS = Value(5, "FILE FORMAT DESCRIPTIONS") val GAMES = Value(6, "GAMES") val MISCELLANEOUS = Value(7, "MISCELLANEOUS") } abstract class Document { import Category._ var title: String = "" var author: String = "" var date: String = "" var version: String = "" var category: Value = USER_COMMANDS var encoding: String = "iso-8859-1" var sections: List[Section] = Nil } } Other Scala source code examplesHere is a short list of links related to this Scala ManPage.scala source code file: |
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